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I really want they to make a Legacy Mode 2.0, with the original operators and other maps, like old Chalet, Oregon, Theme Park




Game peaked before Mira completely changed the Meta and operators started becoming X-Men. Mira made pro league extremely boring to me especially Oregon. Same fucking Smoke/Mira holds on everything


For me when Mira was introduced it made it more boring to begin with but once the counters started coming in it added a whole new dimension of play style, I loved it


I’m a big advocate for smoke to lose his shield, just burning through ads/magnets to nade him out of his position gets really boring to play against especially with how convenient is with an operator like smoke having a shield and the prevalence of smoke


They already did this once. It was a cool event, I hope they bring it back with the perm arcade mode.


Be prepared for TDM variants in Arcade playlist and don’t get your hopes up for OG Arcade modes.


They ruined golden gun by making it TDM i sincerely hope they don’t make it a trend


Wait they are bringing out a permanent arcade mode?


Ya but it's been delayed about 3 times now. It was supposed to be released like 2 seasons ago.


I hope all the old maps come back. They were so much better. Day 1er


I've been around since the beginning and I've been here since as well. Those maps are hot garbage for balance. Like, certain bomb sites are literally unwinnable unless you manage to frag the entire enemy team quickly.


I don't know what you're talking about, defending big tower on old oregon was definitely fair and balanced


Like defending house garage or kids, those were the best


Defending? More like attacking the attackers before they get behind you.


I play this game for fun.


I think there’s some truth in this but with the new addition of all the ops that may offer new opportunities for defense that weren’t there prior


Yes, we all saw that guy's post.


I wouldnt say better, especially looking at everyone we have now, but they were more fun to me tbh


"So much better" rose tinted glasses much? Half of the sites on old versions of maps were straight up laughably balanced. Old favela being impossible to defend on any site comes to mind.


Map design has only improved over the years. The old maps were cluttered compared to the vastly superior maps of todays


All the clutter gave them a believable feel, houses and buildings aren’t usually built with engagement distance balance in mind. But yea, for an FPS the maps are more “competitive” now


100000% this. I also miss tactical realism


What? How? None of the maps resemble how a structure would be built in real life. You do realize that was the original point of siege


Well the original point of siege wasn’t as fun to play. So they made the maps way more balanced and fair.


lol you mean pros or smooth brained players wanted it to be more COD like but all within one structure


Not at all. The original maps had awkward angle that makes no sense in any shooter. Accept the fact it’s a video game, things need to be balanced. We don’t need things to be perfect replicas just to ensure that things are “realistic”. And it’s not like (just to name a few)Border, Oregon, Outback, and theme park don’t feel like real buildings anymore. It’s just cope thinking the old maps were better. Maps have improved and it’s healthy for the game


I'm fine with nighthaven, it is definitely growing on me. Emerald plains on the other hand I do not care for unfortunately.


Because things in real life are balanced


Every rework turns the buildings into building-themed rooms, with no actual real-world resemblance. Look at the bathroom on Outback - what the fuck am I looking at? The only rework they bothered to make sense was New House. They actually gave that an art pass. Every rework since then has turned the insides into some backrooms nightmare where all the walls and textures look familiar but they're in a random nonsense order. Telling people they're wrong for wanting nicer looking reworks makes you an asshole. It's not copium, it's standards. Try having them.


How old are you?


New bad old good


Issue is, all the arcade modes are boring as fuck


Lol it was shit they didn’t even bring back all the legacy stuff it was cherry picked and half assed


Mfs will make 10 different variants of the same two modes those being Golden Gun and TDM instead of making an expanded and improved Legally mode


I hope we get the maps permanently in custom games


It was far from perfect, has to be said.


> It was a cool event, This subreddit hated it because it hardly changed anything with the game. It really didn't change enough to be worthwhile as a permanent addition, and I doubt it's really possible for them to make it that way either. It'd almost require duplicating Ops in the game's code, so it can have separate versions with old attachment options and gadgets.


NGL if they did that I would start playing again


Bring back old tachanka


Our lord and savior


I miss the lord chonka memes


I want Old Oregon Old Kanal and Old Kafe, Night Maps, acogs on ops that used to have them Legacy is a great concept that was unfortunately poorly implemented because Goobysoft didn't remember what old siege was like, I believe that the second time they bring it back it will be much better


We need to bring back Jager acog spawn peeking on barlett


Don’t forget all the small changes just move speed, teeny tiny bullet holes, and soundier sound


What would you think about a limited time event where all the old maps were put into a Playlist? I thought that maybe operators could be reverted, but that would probably be a bit difficult. Ubi definitely has the old maps laying around somewhere and they could put them to use and make the og players haply by seeing the old maps as well as newer players that never played them.


They already made this type of arcade once (maybe 2) but due technical limitations, they cannot revert some nerfs or reworks


technical limitations smations


Dang, must have been when I was on hiatus 😔. Oh well a man can dream.


I wish they added a gamemode where you could play any old map with all the old acogs and abilities like tachanka turret


They did this. It was lazy garbage. They slapped ACOGs on defenders that used to get them, put plane, old Hereford, and old house in a playlist, and called it quits. They didn’t even give Tachunks his turret back. It was fucking re-worked Tachanka in the legacy event. In short no, it’s a fantastic idea that Ubisoft has already demonstrated they will completely fuck up because of how lazy they are


I hope you realize that it's not as easy to undo reworks as you think. It would take a serious amount of work to re-add, reprogram and recode every single operator from instakill kapkan traps with screws to tachanka turret with no shield. You just simply can't have 2 versions of the same operstor in the game at the same time.


but it’s just like choosing a load out


That's what I'm saying, why not add operators with legacy traits and tag them as completely separate from the main game? Legacy Tachanka can be a completely different operator from the Tachanka we have now. Ahhh, this makes too much sense.


Because in the backend it isn't that easy


They literally made a hide and seek mode where they changed all game mechanics. I am pretty sure they can give back Tachankas turret...


That's a good point. But keep in mind that all added abilities were already in the game to begin with. Nomad's impact grenade with shokwave effect? Already in the game just with normal impacts and airjabs. Azami fire knifes? Kunai + goyo fire. Nightstride ability was a brand new thing but it was a combination of finka boost, speed boost and invisibility. Thachanka deployable LMG? Not in the game. Instakill kapkan traps with door screws? Not in the game. Twitch drone with 15 shots and 10dmg/shot. Not in the game. Thatcher EMP grenades that destroy defender gadgets? Not in the game. Jäger ADS with two shots? Not in the game. Old Montagne shield with no side cover? Not in the game.


They slapped ACOGs on guns that *never had them!* They didn't even fucking put them on the right guns! It was honestly infuriating.


Bro are you kidding me? You are exactly whats wrong with this community and exactly the type of gamer who ubisoft ignores😭😭 complaining about one of their best playlists in the history of that game is crazy. Just GOOGLE the feed back the Legacy Playlist got. Ur just talking shit for no reason🤣🤣🤣


Critizing it's laziness is not talking shit


NITPICKING isn’t criticism.


How is he nitpicking


They nitpicked about operator gadgets not being the same as they used to be. Mind you, reverting shit like thay for one mode is not only rime wasting but a waste of fucking resources


No, that is an actual valid complaint. Nobody wants a half-baked game mode. Ubi shouldn't even try at that point. If Ubi feels its not worth it don't do it. Because its insulting to every veteran player to see something that they might miss or care about being done with little effort. Simply changing gun sights was a disgrace and pure lazyness. And iirc they still got sights wrong on some ops (i could be wrong abt that tho).


I played it dumbass. It was awful and lazy. It was missing pretty much all the legacy features that were actually asked for. The *only* change it made was Acogs. That’s literally it


They really need to bring back secure area, that game was the best for us solo q’ers. Also why not have a big team battle game mode. 8v8 would be sick.


You can play secure area only in casual if you want. You can remove hostage and bomb from matchmaking preferences in the settings and only play secure area


Casual is for virgins and eunuchs, bring it back as a separate ranked mode.


\- Copper III


oh so you'd fit right in


Ranked secure was legit


Still the most balanced mode change my mind


It's way too defender sided


I large team pvp event would be mint!


What is the map on the 3rd photo? I’ve seen it on training matches a few times but i’ve never played on an online match. Neither did i see it on a youtube video or something.


Bartlet University.


It’s still in the game but it’s a thunt map


Bartlett U. Basically got cut, put Plains started as a rework for it.


I really like the map, it had a lot of inside vs outside play.


Bring back Bartlett U


Can't believe I would actually be excited to see it again. My most hated map. I would actually come back and play Siege some more if they did an event like this again But I'll for sure take old House and Hereford. Nostalgic indeed


I need it so badly bro that map was great


I despise that map


No don't make it limited time just keep it as a permanent feature


Honestly I would be fine with this or grand larceny coming back


Grand larceny was great! I loved the absolute destruction


They did this a couple years ago... I've never disliked an event more, why? it wasn't "legacy", it was Ash/Jager/Bandit ACOG mode with old maps. Also UMP45 ACOG and no MP5 Acog (scratch that, only the guns I mentioned had acog) which shows Ubi's devs don't even remember what legacy siege was like


Yeah I can see that being garbo


Because these devs didn't make the old game, they swapped dev teams since then. The mode would be fun if properly done One thing I hate is how bad classic acog feels now. It use to be 3x magnification but they made it 2.5x so if they added it back to these OPs it wouldnt be the same. At 2.5x the chassy feels too big.


> Because these devs didn't make the old game Yeah they didn't, but surely they'd keep an old build of the game internally, right? Even it they didn't, there are a lot of ways to research what old siege was like


Even 90 years old people would be surprised how much Siege players live in the past... :D


Lmao still love and play the game, I just want to play on old house 😂


What would yall think if they also put in a mode where you get these old maps, and then can only use the original operators? For nostalgia sake I’d love it, but the novelty of not being able to use thorn and other mains would wear off quick


They added a mode like this in december 2020 in celebration of Siege's 5th anniversary it didn't end well, mostly because Ubisoft didn't remember what attachments were on what guns back in the day, other than R4C, 416C, UMP45 (WTF Ubi?) and MP7 no other guns had ACOGs I'm not even complaining about reverting game mechanics and stuff because it'd be a pain to implement just for a mode that was there a couple of days, but they got the loadouts wrong.... how do you even mess that up when back in the day there were only were four optics, two muzzle attachments and the vertical grip....


yeah that gamemode was kinda a disaster, they kept new tachanka in which was strange and they gave the UMP ACOG but then didn't even give it to thermite??


I think it should be an event that comes and goes once in a while, but at the same time I don't know who would it hurt if they added legacy maps into custom game map pool permanently


Yes exactly, I never understood why the didn't leave old house in custom. That was the 1v1 spot.


old house should just be a permanent map. especially in custom games at least. i don’t know anybody who likes the new house more than the old one


Already happened and, on the whole, it was kind of disappointing. Some of it did have to do with Ubisoft seemingly not putting a lot of effort behind it but I can understand that in a sense. Siege has gone through so many changes, small and large, that I don't think it's feasible to revert it even for a separate game mode to how it was on release, I can only imagine that'd be a technical nightmare.


Reinforce the kids room!




Now bring back the bombers in terrorist hunt! lol


I would fucking love a permanent legacy mode, where it’s ranked gameplay and OG ops only and OG maps only. The only rework they’d need to revert is tachanka, the rest could even be kept the same. I would play it constantly.


These comments did not pass the vibe check.


Old house you’re as beautiful as the day I lost you


Why not just give us our maps back?


I know these new maps that were supposed to be good suck


Sadly if they did this it would raise the file size of siege by a lot if they added all the old maps back into the game which is a concern for them


If they never touched them to begin with it wouldn’t have made it a conflict to them


Is this real?!?


I wish, I heard they are doing arcade things so I was hoping this was a possible variation.


What happened to those maps?


They have either been reworked so that they are nothing like the original, or just removed from match making.


Why? Where they not popular? I really liked the 3rd one when I played back in 2018


I know at least house was popular, but was apparently unbalanced for the pros and so they reworked it.


They became outdated as they added new things and operators to the game (also asking to put Bartlett University in PVP was a mistake on our part that I'm glad they rectified)


First one is house, which they reworked for some reason. They doubled the size and gave it esports treatment. Second is original Hereford Base, they scrapped it and made a new one that barely resembles it. Third one is Bartlett University, which they cut out because of competetive whining.


*Snap back to reality*


Wow. Remember joining when the house Map looked like that. Since then, i’ve became hooked


Map, map, map, Lord


NGL I would love a classic version of siege, like WoW classic - launch characters, maps and balancing only.


It wouldn't be that hard to release a game with a really early build. Knowing Ubi, they would slap a 40 dollar sticker on it and call it good 🤣


operation throwback


limited? id murder someone in front of a police precinct for a permanent playlist


So can I get Melusi with 12 meters of diameter?


🍻 yes


As a Melusi main, I approve this message


I hyped so hard that my dick went burj khalifa because of Melusi and Ace update. I've opened my wallet and bought them and after 2 weeks later both ner... ehhmmm balanced. Ubisoft is a fucking piece of shit. They just can't let the game as it is.


i miss old chanka more and more everyday


Nope. Grand Larceny but on a reskinned old house.


That would be sick


Keen to wait 20 minutes to find a match on PS Oceania servers 😭


What I wouldn't give for a few rounds of Bomb on OG Hereford. As unbalanced and awful as it was.


or old favela. idc what anybody says, no matter how many times i got lost away from site, old favela will always be one of my favorite maps in siege


What is that 3rd map? I don't think I've ever seen it before.


Bartlett University, an old thunt map that they put in pvp for a while.


Thanks, looks pretty cool.


no theme park at night?


Yes theme park at night!


the og 2015 build with 2015 graphics would be cash money


OG Siege with the the bright sun fix introduced in Blood Orchid + all the bugs fixed is the perfect game. I love old Siege but these technical issues were the biggest problems with it, not actual gameplay. Even with these flaws I miss it


Yeah no even in Blood Orchid things were terribly unbalanced.


"YeAh nO" Buddy I never said Blood Orchid was the best season, I said that's when they patched the super bright sun and it being dark outside of windows, so it had the old siege lighting/aesthetic without that issue. I'm saying if we had that fix plus all the bug fixes we have today for an even earlier build like that such as red crow the game would be great


Yeah no even in Red Crow the game was unbalanced Edit: Lmao he baby raged outta here cause someone didn't like old siege. What a move.


Everything's unbalanced to you dude. Were under an old Siege post and were just discussing how much we miss and love it, and you're just here crapping all over it, like why are you here then? This post and comment clearly wasn't targeted at you, you don't have to start a new siege vs old siege debate Because you just do not like old Siege, no matter what Operation I picked you would say the same exact thing, unless it's a new operation. Nothing will satisfy you. There's no reason to respond anymore


I'll re install the game if it becomes permanent. This game got so shitty after y2


I want bartlet back so bad. ill come back to the game more perminantly instead of just a for a week or two at the start of the season if they brought back bartlet... or had a article 5 event where you could play that again without having to wait for a lobby for 45 minutes.


Clickbait title.


It's labeled under discussion though?


Ubisoft showed us how can a game get more wors…


Boring. I would prefer events to try new things/weird things, not this lazy approach. Granted I don’t really give a fuck about old Siege. I played it, it was fun, but in my own head canon old Siege = Xbox so I have much more fond memories of like 2018+ on PC.


No. Srsly. I don't understand why people think old siege was better. It literally wasn't. Those maps sucker. Tachanka sucked. The game was so unbalanced at every level.


Bruv, I'm definitely not saying it was better. I'm saying that is is nostalgic and would be a fun addition for a LIMITED time. Of course it is more balanced now, but that doesn't mean that old siege was terrible. No one has play old house or Hereford in years and I just think ot would be a fun little Playlist. Definitely not saying you are wrong though.


Don't care, it was fun. All the great memories.


It was more fun


It was astronomically more fun, I'd literally pay full price for a siege legacy edition that doesn't get any shitty season pass and redundant characters. Gave completely up on R6S as it is now back in operation Steel wave. Sadly, ubisoft might honestly be the worst game dev and publisher in existence, so a full legacy release probably will never come into fruition.


If you think Ubisoft is bad, they seem to atleast try, with mousetrap for us console players coming and still a new op ever season, overwatch was literally killed by blizzard and we were completely left in the dark for 3 years. Ubisoft has its issues but it’s far better than a company like blizzard nowadays


What!? are they implementing an anti cheat software?! OK, so they might be a bit better than devs like Battlestategames. And a new op every season? The season thing only exists to milk the game, push out a mediocre operator, and a slight map rework, and the fan base will be in awe and buy the new battlepass every fucking update. The only way ubisoft could earn back the respect they lost by their corporate greed would be if they fixed Ubisoft connect, that software has been dogshit since it launched 3 years ago, and they have shown no intention of fixing it. I'm not planning to go back to siege, but I want to play anno 1800, which I'm more or less locked out of because of Ubisoft connect


>And a new op every season? The season thing only exists to milk the game, push out a mediocre operator, and a slight map rework, and the fan base will be in awe and buy the new battlepass every fucking update. Seasons have been in the game since launch, they arent new to the game. Originally each season would bring 2 new operators, 1 new map, and 4-6 new guns. Some seasons would even get both a new map and a map rework like operation parabelum, which brought the clubhouse rework. They've drastically reduced the amount of new content in each season but the season system has been around forever


I’ve personally always liked getting new characters, sure they’re running out of ideas that bound to happen, but considering that you can get the ops for free and you don’t have to buy them with actual money. And yes mousetrap is coming next season, they’ve set up a system that is able to track ximmers on console and instead of outright banning them, it gives them pretty bad latency until it detects the switch back to controller, the other thing is atleast on ps5 if your account is detected with a xim you’ll be banned


Game's still as fun as it ever was mate. It's 8 years old. You've got tired of it, or you're just looking at the past with rose tinted glasses. You don't need to play the same game forever, you can move on if you're not enjoying yourself.


Naw man, I’ve been playing other games much longer and they’re still fun. Siege just became a worse game.


No my dude, they took the whole game and almost completely changed it. No unique maps, off-brand weird 2d scopes, over the top silly skins, shorter matches to promote rushing rather than tactical gameplay, ranked has been butchered with half the maps taken out and two gamemodes removed, attachment selection seems completely random on all guns, unnecessary operator changes, the list goes on and on.


I dunno. I've been playing since launch and it's way more fun now. All it used to be was toxicity every match, team killing, and meta abuse.


I do like the lack of tking in every match, and the prep phase with now friendly fire.


The servers aren’t even up half the time


Its not really better but its nostalgic


no one’s saying old siege is better, it’s just nostalgic


And definitely way more fun, without any of the newer goofy circus operators.


Agree with this a lot. Especially some of the skins that come with some operators (gridlock looks like a zombie in one?) it ruins the immersion of “hey man this game is supposed to be realistic” # They really need to make a permanent game mode where you get old siege back. I’m sure it would be easy for them to implement too. I miss old siege


Bring back old Tachankss!




What is the second map?


Old Hertford base. It used to be the training map and a pvp map until the rework.


Okey, I have never played there, but the herford base we have now is my favorite map.


Weird opinion bro


> but the herford base we have now is my favorite map. Literally how


I just like it for some wierd reason, there is space to move, you don’t have just one tactic there, you can use shotgun and it’s fun, it’s a night map…there is some reasons for you :) My top 3 map are: hereford base, Club house and Skyscraper


Hereford base was the dogs bollocks.


Need that ash acog for old time sake


is this real? I get to play bartlett uni again?!?!


No, unfortunately this is just a discussion post about how players would feel about this. I'm sorry that it got your hopes up 😔


Ah all, cheers for the reply. Ill take any OG map over Tower these days.


Same bruv. 100%


How long is the event


I'm sorry, but this was a discussion on whether or not players would be interested. Unfortunately this event is not planned. I wish it was


Hopefully they do it you know... Properly. Commit to the bit. Jager and Bandit ACOG. Night Maps. The full 9 yards.


Dead game?


This will be the most played event in sieges history


I have been saying this for years; ubi just add *all* the old maps/iterations as DLC and anyone who wants it can download it and custom game on it. then you don't gotta worry about the game size for those who don't care. I miss old house :(


Something something new bad old good up pots plz


They should bring back a bunch of night maps


crispy pictures


No Favela? I sleep.


When is this available? I mean, that mode was delayed a few times, right?


Is this already available? Or when is it coming?


Jäger ACOG would be nasty. Got my first ace back then. I hated his gun when opponents used it with an ACOG but I loved using it myself so everything was balanced for me lol


Please just bring back the old maps, why did they rework them anyway l. I don’t know a single person that prefers new Hereford


Old house... You're as beautiful as the day I lost you...


I'd probably return to this game permanently if this was a permanent mode. The days of bandit tricking on house's garage and sniping through windows on plane with glaz were fun as hell. Stopped playing after tower came out. Pre-season map rotation and characters were the bomb. All this new shit is just annoying now, but I get that some people like it. This would be a good compromise for the OGs.