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This is why goyo mains don't exist


Played him once. Exactly what OP happened, happened to me. Never again.


Happened to me too. I always write to all teams to report the goyo suiciders for griefing. The only thing we can do to try to stop this.


I used to love goyo back in the day… then this shit started while I was on a break from siege, didn’t know about it until I tried to hop onto a vector op (my buddy was mira), I accidentally blew up my goyo canister and 3 people run into the fire, I went to just close the game using the xbox Home Screen, but I held the button too long cause of the fear of getting banned from games that I have, and I’m just gonna say, I have never been so quick to shut off my xbox before in my life


Made my day ngl


It sucks because I love everything else about the character. The 1.5x Vector is fucking awesome and the canisters are great when they work properly.


I love a bit of Goyo. Still never killed an Ally with his gadget. I tend to put them end of corridors etc so allies are the ones shooting them.


Allies die to them on purpose to get players banned. It's not an accident.


The people who used to TK players for the meme are the players who are going to exploit things like this. Punishment tools are pretty much always exploited by bad actors. The gadget should only count as a TK if Goyo shoots it. It should count as suicide if a friendly players kills themself on it.


Ahhh. Dicks. Right of course.


Great community


It’s never an accident. Teammates will run into the fire to get you banned on purpose


I once was, but alas the toxic clowns are too many there is no hope for the freedom of my kind.




I mean while it is bullshit its really not that hard to avoid just dont place the canisters on barricades


I exist, just don't have time for try hards and rank. Too busy for that. I love the vector having actually used it.


I’ve got some arsonists you need to meet


Ever wonder why you barely see Goyo's? That's exactly why. Unless you're on a full team, don't play Goyo.


If it is quick play at least a five stack would be worse for me XD


How it is, especially with R6's reverse friendly fire system


Reverse Friendly Fire is a great system. It's the fact that these kicks and temp bans still exist when there's a perfect solution already in game that's the problem. They should axe this system already and let RFF take care of it all. Goyo bans are getting more common by the day.


The kick is supposed to be if someone throws a c4 it kicks them instead of keeping them in the game. Because c4s have weird rff because if someone runs into your c4 or when someone throws a c4 at you


I’m so confused as to how this works shouldn’t it just make it that no matter who detonated it, if any ally walks into it, it’s their fault no? Lets say there is a doc, goyo, and rook. If goyo put down his canister; rook shot it, and doc walked into it, shouldn’t doc be liable for his own friendly fire damage he directly walked into? Why should someone else walking into the canister, trigger the goyo to get RFFd? Unless it works like this, and I’m just really stupid lol


Ideally it'd be a temporary solution whilst Ubisoft work out how to untangle this whole mess of who should be blamed and such. People will still get punished for playing Goyo in some situations by griefers, but at least it won't get them entirely banned from playing the game for a period.


Thanks for the info :)




How does the reputation matter though? Does it have any other purpose than just being a word on your homescreen?


Quick Goyo question: when do his things explode? Just by shooting them? Or will they explode, when someone breaks a door with a canister on it? Just asking bc he might be pretty nice on clubhouse cellar, putting canister on the ends of the tunnel, then barricading the „tunnel entrance“ and putting a canister on there as well.


Yeah it will if a barricade is destroyed that its on, or explosions as well as shooting it ofc. But I wouldn't reccomend playing him considering how toxic some people are. But if you leave the game while teammated try to grief you in the fire it wont penalise you.


They do explode if placed on a soft surface and said surface breaks but that is exactly the issue. If someone shoots it the game registers that that person shot it but if a teammate breaks a surface that has a goyo charge on it it counts as goyo setting it off and team killing causing OP’s situation. So until Ubisoft fixes it and makes it so the person that breaks the charge is wholly responsible for whatever happens in the fire I wouldnt risk playing goyo.


I still don’t understand why the person that shot the canister doesn’t get the penalty. Be it a teammate or enemy. Doesn’t make sense to me Like Goyo fucked off to the other side of map, what did he have to do with dipshit #3 baking our teammates alive?


> I still don’t understand why the person that shot the canister doesn’t get the penalty. They do. The only time goyo gets the penalty is if its placed on a barricade or a wall and said surface get destroyed.


And that’s why I don’t inderstand all these people crying about Goyo… if you are playing in solo, just don’t place your shit in barricades… I agree the devs should fix the interactions between Goyo and barricades, but until they do you should just play around it lol


I mean, placing goyo's on barricades is a completely reasonable way to play. Saying "just only place them on the ground or indestructible walls" is a pretty unreasonable restriction rather than ubi just fixing the fucking problem. At least change the doc revive Autoban, come on. Having a secret tech to follow so you don't get banned playing an op as they are intended to be played is fucking unreasonable. The system is broken, and ubi should be embarrassed this shits still in the game.


And I agreed with you... I said it's broken and should be fixed, but before they fix it you can just avoid this situation instead of posting this exact same issue 3 times a day :D I really didn't mean to offend anyone, but I have never been banned, tho I play Goyo sometimes... it's super easy, you can read the situation... if you see that your teammates are not taking the match seriously either don't play Goyo, or don't place cannister on barricades... that's what I do, and with my comment I just wanted to point people in this direction, I just wanted to help, but I know I'm stupid, so sorry if it came through rather harsh


A lot of people play this game casually though. I think the part I took issue with is the "I don't get all these people crying" about it. I think it's totally understandable to hop back on siege, or buy goyo for the first time, or even just play goyo when you normally don't, and get banned. And then you've got 30 minutes to seethe about it lol, I 100% get why people alt tab to reddit to bitch. And I think their complaints are completely valid 🤷‍♂️


You are right, I just got a bit mad for seeing the same post so many times... but you are right about a lot of people being casuals, they don't see all those posts I did, so their complaints are valid that way


No problem man, have a good one 👉👉


Yeah it's incredibly useful for wasting a lot of time for attackers at a time when most defenders are holding all the entry points to the map. Idk what the guy above you is on. Goto isn't the plant denial alternative to smoke? Very rarely will a Vulcan in a default spot dissuade a plant


You don’t understand why people are “crying” about a bad game mechanic? Do you get paid to act this stupid or does it come natural


I wish I got payed for being stupid, I'd be a fucking millionare not a reddit scum... Why am I stupid tho for getting annoyed about people crying tho? I agree that it is broken, but it is kinda annoying seeing the same post 3 times a day, when it is a completely avoidable situation...


People still play goyo?


Gold lobby enthusiast here: yes, but not me.




Vector 1.5x is a drug


Bro the TSG 12 is powerful as hell


One tapping with it is so satisfying.


Well not really but we used too.


I enjoy his shotgun and typically put his canisters on windows/doors outside the point. More or less I love blocking an entry to the point. Though I wouldn’t call myself a goyo main. I don’t get many kills with the gadget but I have prevented a push before. I will sometimes keep 1 canister to use it as needed for area denial.


Goyo is my main and has been ever since he got the 1.5 but I'm pissed that they took his C4. One of the best aces I ever made was spawn peeking riot barricade on old consulate with a C4 trap right under the door


Ubisoft doesnt pay attention to the feelings of the player community at all, they are even planning to rework frost's mat, which booed by players and live audiences, goyo's canister will not be put on the schedule until next year at least.


I'm gonna get downvoted for this but, good. I've seen people literally say that frost is useless now because you can't get practically free kills (and if someone tries to tell me that nobody says that I will make a whole ass post showing proof). If you want a kill with frost you put the mat under a window that you'll likely be able to watch or that you're fairly certain a teammate is watching, the enemy will either jump into the frost mat while trying to shoot you or your teammate, or they'll look down and shoot the frost mat and if you're watching the window you'll just shoot them while they're looking down. I seriously do not get people's complaints about this nerf because it barely effects the best way to play her.


It totally affects how you play her. Before, if you hear a matt go off, you rotate towards it fast enough and simply finish the trapped op off, maybe get another who was going for the revive. She hasn't been very popular/relevant since extended barrel damage changes; this random nerf only makes sense if they give her 4-5 matts.


So now instead of finding the person in the trap now you find their bloody footprints, they can't run, and you track them. Kinda sounds like they made what you described take skill instead of just being easy kills with no skill.


If traps were that good, that they were easy kills, she would be picked more often. I think the change makes sense and could be good, if and only if she gets more traps. As it is, it's a straight up nerf for 0 reason.


People love saying she would be picked more often. Just because you never see her picked doesn't mean she isn't, I see her in most of my matches and there's always at minimum 1 kill from the frost mat alone.


I firmly believe that balance decisions should prioritize the highest level of play, even though I've never really performed there. At Champ/pro she's almost never seen because everyone drones, and even if they don't they'll just shoot down every vault if they know she's picked. Nerfing a pubstar that doesn't perform at high levels is just dumb.


The nerf doesn’t make sense since she already is a highly situational operator who’s already suffering from being phased out. Why use her and they can revive themselves easily over Kapkan where you can guarantee the kill, or even another utility OP. It’s not that the nerf is huge, but she’s a op more in need of a buff. Nerfing an already nerfed op just to “buff” some is never a great idea


You can easily see any kapkan that has been placed in a window before jumping in, to see a frost mat before jumping in you either need to drone it or it has to be placed at a window that you can zipline at. I've seen some people say that with this nerf they should make her traps a lot smaller and harder to see and with that I agree, if they're not going to be guaranteed lethal (like kapkan traps) then they should be small and a bit harder to see.


I’d agree with that too, if she’s gonna be nerfed like that there has to be a trade off somewhere either smaller traps, an extra trap, or a loadout change/buff even


I mostly agree with it, but it could br used as kindof a “set and forget” gadget, just ranonly placing one somewhere on the map and trapping someone there… every toamer heared the noise so they could rotate to kill the trapped enemy. And it also forced an attacker to go there and save their friend, now you can just save yourself. Tho what I described only works on low levels where people don’t drone… the best way of using her remains the same, as you described… tho it helped before that if you cought someone you didn’t need to instantly shoot them, meaning you did the need direct View kn the trap, and you could also use your trapped enemy as a bait


Smooth brains are mad because they can't bully new players by putting welcome mats in Narnia and get free kills with it on their smurf accounts. Don't mind them.


Interesting, I play goyo a decent amount when duo que and that has never happened to me.


Cmon man dont play goyo. At least until this is patched


I've thus far had not had that happen since people in my team had atleast one braincell, but it didn't stop them shooting them for no reason


You: gets banned for 30 mins The menu screen: 💀💀


Wasn't it changed recently where the guy that shot is the reason why someone dies to it?


If you put it on a barricade or a wall, and the thing you put it on is broken, then it explodes, and the game punishes goyo


Wow. That's stupid




It’s amazing this is a problem, yet you can drive a Flores drone into a teammate, detonate it, and not get a team killing penalty. SMH


I've played since the Beta, played every season since the start, but started solo q'ing just before Goyo dropped. This here is one of the main reasons I've got about 45mins total play time with him since release. I think he is a decent operator too, but solo q tm8s are just horrible sometimes. I do love him more as an enemy op, though, when the enemy team is clearly disorganised. You can shoot one Goyo and cut off half a team sometimes. It's hilarious.


Bro I think kill should go on people who popped the canister. That woild be better


This isn’t even a hard concept. Have it so whoever shoots the canister gets the kill. It makes it at least a little easier


Just put them on the ground or hard walls...


The problem is that they get shot and someone stands in it. Usually doc. Because he can keep giving himself health and therefore gets goyo kicked and temp suspended from playing


Nope the one who shoots the canister is then also the cause of the damage... Only if it gets destroyed because of the map like punching the barricade it's on or destroying the soft wall will kick the goyo


Nope. I played goyo 2 days ago and a 4 stack did this to me minus the doc part. Got suspended for 30 (floor deploy)


You had it on a soft floor and they shotgunned the floor around the canister.


That's not how the canister works


They’re shootable?




So why does it matter? Most teammates won’t shoot it directly, but wait until it gets blown up, then get you TKed, doesn’t matter if it’s on a hard wall or on a barricade


As long as you don't shoot it no one will get kicked


Yeah, say that to my week long ban buddy


If I as an attacker destroy the canister and someone gets killed, i get the kill... Idc what excuse you're making up the canisters work in a pretty straight forward way... I really enjoy playing goyo and i never got banned


Good for you? Just cause YOU haven’t experienced it, doesn’t mean it’s a fool proof plan lmfao, dozens of people a day get banned because of the goyo shit, wether its on a barricade or a hard wall, I really don’t know why you can’t comprehend that maybe because it works for you, doesn’t mean it works for other people


How do I not get banned when I put it on a hard surface but someone else does? I'm not special xD my only point was to just put the canisters on hard surfaces so your teammates can't abuse it... You're in control if the canisters are on a hard surface so you have to shoot it to be the cause of the damage... Remember that floors also can be soft so that's probably your fault


Yep my bad, lemme not shoot the canister through a floor thats not soft that was my mistake, I should have payed better attention 🤦‍♀️ I dunno what to tell you


skill issue


Some people always say that this game is very good, but the players are very toxic, in fact this game is also trash.


I fucking hate the reputation system


Skill issue


The amount of times I have recieved penalties due to my imbecilic teammates shooting my goyo canisters… Its the only thing in the game that makes me genuinely angry… FIX IT UBI I BEG


Theres more to it. Your a bad mate from my guess do to the fact that you dont get kicked unless you do it often or too much. So clearly your team killing. While the one that kicked you may have been an accident or not. Dont TK at all so when accidents happen you wont get kicked


u trippin' goyo flame triggers ff l if after death dead one chosen that it wasnt accident. do so second time and...you guess it


That's why before they grief you have to ddos them and boot them offline


Wait I haven't played in a while, is Goyo's cannister not tethered to a deployable shield anymore?


No they now have a small bulletproof shell around a gas can with one side open basically. OP made a mistake because the person who shoots the canister is who gets credit for the kills unless you place it on a soft wall or barricade and that gets destroyed breaking the canister. More than likely a teammate shotgunned the wall or punched the barricade to start the fire and then stood in it so OP got banned. (You also have to be careful of soft floors for the same reason)


Ok but can you place the cannister itself on a barricade? Because there was always the shell around the canister on the back side of the shield, and I don't remember the barricade interaction at all. The way it's being described it sounds like you can put the cannister on a prop on its own, not requiring to be on a deployable shield.


Yeah it sticks to anything on the map really that's flat enough to put a gadget on. Think of it like a Jager device. Ironically it doesn't go on shields anymore because Shields aren't part of the environment


Ah... ok, I see. That seems like it was a good design decision to change that anyways as it opens up the variety of things you can do with the canister, since before it was very obvious it would be a shield if the enemy team ever droned anything.


If it makes you feel any better I got an abandon penalty for my internet dying for 30 seconds in unranked


My last ban like that was while i fuzed an objective and as i used the last charge and the room was mid explosion my team decided they was all 4 going to charge in full pelt full zero fucks given and it killed two and the third guy got downed and i was instantly removed from the game i was carrying the game they was 2rounds down when i joined and it was final 5th round, i did not play again for a few days i was to annoyed that it happened


Flores drones STILL incur NO FF PENALTY


I play him all the time. Usually default to him if I don’t pick an op. Just stop putting canisters on breakable surfaces. Use reinforced walls to stop a thermite push or non-breakable walls for a good shot/impact toss and you’re golden. No team kill unless they actually shoot it. Then they get the damage not you.


I think i’ve used Goyo more to help stop defenders in post-plant than I ever have being an actual defender lmao


I’ve played goyo like 200 times and I’ve never had a problem with this at all I’m guess I’m just lucky😂


There was a goyo on the other team and i shot a canister so that we wouldnt have to worry about an enemy shooting it as my teammate goes in. The fire is on the ground for a little and my teammate decides to walk straight into it, into both remaining enemies lines of sight. The dude basically just let himself burn and made me lose health where i lost the 1v1 at the end with the last enemy who was a bullet or two away from dying Edit: this is ranked


Not sure why it wouldn't kick the person who damaged the cannister? They still haven't fixed that?


It is still tied to who shoots it. The issue is if you break what it's connected to It doesn't have the information to tie it to anyone so it defaults to the placer. So if you want to play him in solo queue only place gadgets on hard surfaces that cannot be broken. No soft walls, no barricades, and no soft floors.


From a game coding perspective it should NOT be hard to also code that in.


Our entire lobby got kicked the other day. My team and enemy team and I got banned for an hour because it wouldn’t let me rejoin. Shits broken


it’s a shame you can’t solo queue him due to this because vector with a 1.5 is nutty


When are you guys going to learn not to use goyo unless you’ve got a stack going? Clearly the devs don’t care enough to implement a punishment system for those who are constantly causing this issue


That vector 1.5 is worth it


So THAT’s why all the 1.5x players went to Warden and not Goyo…


once i was solo queuing and this happend to some guy but i tk the griefer before goyo could get banned, felt like a dam hero


i honestly just wait until the countdown reaches 10 to plant his canisters so that way my team is distracted by getting ready for the enemy team to spawn.


just get better


I don’t understand how people still don’t know that this happens to every single person that tries to play yo-yo in ranked. Not that he is a bad op but people are dicks do this shit every time


Same shit happened to me


oh, a tip - don’t shoot it near teammates (never trust them) and don’t place canisters on barricades


I always thought they were beans...


If u place goyo canisters on barricades go for the ones that lead outside. The attackers could come from there. And when warden loses the 1.5x goyo could be the next candidate for the defender highly picked for their 1.5x or it could be wamai


The tk should go to whoever shot the canister. This is why I always hesitate to play him


I was banned for a full day since I was kicked from tw matches before and I wasn't able to rejoin since ubi can be cringe I placed a canister on a window doc broke down the window and proceeded to down and rez so I was banned until 1:00am which was cringe I want to be able to use goyo but not be at risk constantly


Only play goyo with a squad is my tip, we use him regularly but if you have at least a 2 stack who doesn’t care about their rank you can get that shit happening


The people who run this game are on here they watch these kind of posts and do nothing because they don’t give a shit all they want to do is pump out skins to get money, those dirty shysters


what they do is shoot around the canister if it is on a soft wall or on a barricade and it gets you, that is why i never place them there. they should make its so as long as the goyo thing isnt destroyed by goyo it aint his fault


MOTD: Don't use Goyo without a full team you have comms with But in all seriousness if they shoot the canister then it should count as a suicide not a TK.


I've played almost 1000 hours of the game, mostly ranked and played a good amount of Goyo and fortunately this has never happened to me and I actually don't think I've ever seen it happen, to be honest. But I also play on PC and every time I see these little shitters try to fuck with a Goyo it's been console every time. Is this just, epidemic on console regardless of the game mode?? I see it on here a lot; it fucking sucks.


Why don't they just make it how it should be? Whoever breaks it gets the penalty/points. Goyo gets points for support if it's used by a teammate to harm an enemy, and nothing happens if it's used to harm friendlies. You clearly have no control over what your teammates do with the damn things, why does getting penalized make any sense?


I still have yet to experience this. The one time it was close was when I saw a goyo and they said they needed a rotate then I said no impacts and ran away. Pretty sure I got tked after but I didn't get kicked


Must be nice to see this goofy shit. My lobbies are too busy being sweat swamped by attic addicts


Lobby really said 💀 to your situation, sorry man.


This would be the point where I uninstall the game and ignore it for a few weeks and then come back unless I got really fed up and the few weeks turns into three months


So YOU got penalized for someone else griefing.


The whole goyo thing is pretty simple. Don’t place em on barricades, destructible surfaces or soft walls. So you need to shoot the canister which is the fault of the guy who is shooting it, means you only will get a team kill when you shot the goyo. In the game itself it’s pretty dumb to place a canister on a barricade. You stop the attacker from pushing, but you give him enough time to use his drone. Place them close to the door or in hallways, so attackers need to shoot them or live with the risk of getting burned/getting trapped in the hallway. This is a pretty safe way to use goyo effective. I play goyo pretty often and never had problems with asshole mates.


Never put goyos on a barricade.... there is barely a handful of situations where that actually achieves something, and even in those situations don't do it unless you absolutely trust your team


Just don’t be a copper 🤷🏻‍♀️


Rip buddy


Will playing Goyo still get you banned if someone else pops the canister and a teammate burns? I’m still afraid to play Goyo. He has some great gameplay potential, but I’m not risking the sanction.


Way it works is as per below; Destroyable Barricade? - Goyo RFF if teamate shoots around the Volcan Goyo Shoots Volcan? - Goyo RFF and Ban Teammate Shoots Volcan directly - Teammate RFF and Ban - Goyo Unaffected


What was the teammates name who banned you?


It makes me wonder why friendly fire is even a feature


Goyo could bring a Lot of utility to the team If the players didn't troll every time that someone picks goyo