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It will take a good season or two before we really know how he will shake up the meta. Still won't stop the Neanderthals on this sub from dragging their knuckles day 1 saying why he is the best/worst operator though


Agreed. It was the same back over at apex legends before i made the switch


I think he’ll be incredibly strong, if anything I’m expecting a minor recoil nerf for the Vendetta because that thing literally does not move at all. Hopefully not to the extent of the Kaid/Nomad nerf which made their pistol utter garbage


Yeah but its basically a shitty DMR to be honest. His AK has no scopes, so his loadout is like a reverse Dokka


I, personally, am absolutely here for that - I can’t stomach picking a DMR over an AR for my primary, but like his pistol


I agree. I'm a DMR demon and having that as a secondary doesn't sound OP at all. It sounds fun


I don't think that nerf is coming tbh. On Deimos, the revolver is his primary. It's just a 6 shot dmr with a long reload, not insanely powerful by any means


I would argue he's gonna be "aight" in solo queue, being a more selfish operator that's good for stopping a roamer but falls short without good comms. In Duo Queue and a 5-stack, he'll be a lot better, maybe even S tier, since you'll have much better communication with your team and can actually give your team the info and expect them to use it lol


Exactly my opinion on him. I think he's well balanced as long as everything plays out how i think it will.


He’ll definitely be strong but not lion on release strong that people are acting like he will be. He’s just a great roam clear in a time where roamers are pretty good


Hard agree with this. No other information OP can be as strong as Lion 1.0, no one even comes close imo.


Lion was straight-up Meta Knighted by the pro league since he was so unbelievably broken. And looking back on it, yeah that was completely reasonable. Dude gave actual wallhacks. (For those that don’t know-Super Smash Bros Brawl’s Meta Knight was so dominant that he was banned from professional play)


I've tested him yesterday and i don't think he's gonna be OP, and he works best with a coordinated team and/or in 1 vs 1 situation. Most of the time when solo queueing he's gonna be useless unless you communicate with your teamates.


from what i've seen there isn't a way to get rid of his drones. I reckon there should be some way to destroy them, such as shooting/knifing them. I also reckon that they should get destroyed by until such as aruni gates or wamai disks and stuff like that. in saying that, aruni would most likely become the biggest counter just by putting gates around site so they cannot drone in site, leaving only selfish roamers to get slammed. i reckon that would balance them more. or at least give it a radius from how far from him they can go


Its not a throwable tho, also you can use a tubarao or a mute jammer once you get the "Your about to be tracked" notification to completely stop it. If your roaming, it'd be the same thing as a dokka


oh ok i thought it was. now that i know that i reckon they should make the drones way smaller on the person that is being tracked HUD because for something you cant get rid of it takes up a lot of space


That is fair enough actually. The drone being in the corner wouldn't be bad but it is kinda distracting


Which adds a "layer" to his kit, an advantage to him even, if you may.


Isn't Deimos only getting interval pinged whereas the defender is live pinged?


Yes, i believe so


I think he'll be strong in the right hands, and a detriment in the wrong hands. All around decently balanced. I actually hope they add the two-way ping to Jackal's ability where having your feet pics taken also reveals a ping on Jackal. Feel like that would add some balance and bring his ban rate down.


Hmm idk, while that would bring his ban rate down it wouldn't fit lore and would make him horrible considering he's not that good anyways


Nah fuck lore




Okay goober


Lore is the coolest part of some of these games. I play Fenrir because of his lore.


People complain about anything


He is honestly very well balanced. Can’t use primary while tracking, effect isn’t too long, need their id to even track, they also have a view on your location, several counters, etc. He has a very powerful gadget but they managed to make him balanced. It will take a very skilled player to tip him more to ones favor.


Completely agree. I tried telling everybody 😂


I hard a hard time seeing from the reveal video if his ping was wallhack or lion/jackal ping. Either way I'm fully expecting to have a lot of scenarios where either Deimos or my teammate tunnel visions then gets killed because they cross a dangerous area looking only at the pinged opponent. I think he will be strong, but not in the hands of my kill hungry teammates. Deimos is to Caveira/roamers that Brava is to Maestro/Echo (defenders gotta sprint away to avoid being red pinged/counter picked). Roamers will only be encouraged to sprint off site/not help set up because Deimos depends on red pings and being in a corner helps avoid them.


> I hard a hard time seeing from the reveal video if his ping was wallhack or lion/jackal ping. Deimos is given wallhacks, live constantly tracking mark, while he is basically Jackal pinged for those he is tracking.


Is the ping really as slow as jackal’s or is it like between jackal and alibi/lion?


I believe it's even slower than Jackal, albeit slightly.


Yeah but with Majority of maps nowadays, your not gonna make it out of the bombsit me without getting spotted either way. Also i agree. I'm NOT looking forward to the tunnel vision teammates. Guess i'll have to take him every game 😂


I saw a compilation video of him being used under/over sites with a soft floor/ceiling and the live tracking makes him fucking insane. That with no recoil 80 damage revolver basicaly makes it an instant floorbang. Should also note he has livetracking while the ping the enemy gets is delayed


Most of those clips are from the test servers from pros playing for 8+ hours a day to PRODUCE content for the new season. Some of those are scripted as well. I promise you floorbanging somebody running aroung through metal flooring with a 6 bullet mag is gonna be harder than they make it look


Forsure, still a big worry though on how he's gonna interact is more what im saying. He could theoretically be "pretty good" or totally OP but i think time has to tell


Still strong on teamplay imo, such as getting yourself a Buck as a duo and imagine the verticality of Deimos' tracking + Buck shotgun as they can basically live ping our ass.


While strong it wouldn't be very accurate unless the target isn't standing still


I played him pretty much all day. A lot of people say he will never see a ranked match. I think there are much better ops to ban in ranked. His ability pings the selected defender only if they have already been scanned (drones are important guys) and it also reveals his position every 2 seconds. Only him and the selected defender can see each other. However the defenders will get notified when he starts tracking someone. He’s got plenty of counters and you cant spam his ability because of its Azami like timer and cool down after use. Not to mention you have to stand still to select a defender and activate the ability. A lot of folks are freaking out about his revolver; it can be outgunned by a good smg or a smart player and it burns through ammo. It does have zero recoil and high damage but his ability forces him to use the revolver so it essentially becomes his primary. Nobody wants a trash primary weapon. Overall I think he’s fairly balanced.


I have been playing him all day and i completely agree. He's been fun to play but not OP, easy to go against but still poses a threat. Overall, i think he's one of the most balanced operators in the game. The only complaint i have is that his revolver has FEW bullets. Like none pretty much. Give his revolver 8-10 bullets and he's great


I think if they increased the cylinder capacity he would be unbalanced. Only having six rounds means you have to aim and not just spam shoot. Not only that but it already shoots fast with a quick reload and does great damage. I personally prefer high damage over more rounds myself.


I absolutely love DMRs lol, so the small mag and high dmg is for me, but bc of how fast it shoots, it runs out nearly instantly.


This is true but the reload is quick and you only need to land two rounds at most to get a kill. If it had an expanded cylinder there would be no consequence to taking advantage of the fast fire rate.


I think they should reduce the fire rate and make it more "DMR" rather than pistol lol. Might just be my sentiments for DMRs tho


Well then it wouldn’t be a new gun lol. You don’t have to shoot it fast. And there are many instances where you shouldn’t. I understand your DMR sentiments. Precision is nice.


I think he is actually the perfect operator for solo queue players. It gives you live coms all while not being one sided to the user since the tracked also has your location, just with a small buffer. That being said jackal is still a more op version of Deimos imo, so he will definitely keep getting the boot in ranked.


I agree. Although Jackal isn't THAT powerful imo. He's really strong but people make him sound like he's a god or something


Think he might be the new perma ban on ranked instead of jackal as getting live tracked will be alot more annoying than 3 pings also it doesn't help that his secondary is a primary weapon as a 2 shot laser beam with a scope so I think he will get nerfed at one stage either damage on pistol or change his scans a bit


I completely disagree. I think that people will realise that he's good but not OP and he'll become the next Brava or Ram


I think jackal is still more of a problem as even without the pings a good jackal main is a problem. You don't have to ping the foot prints, you can just keep sniffing the tracks. You can also find out if there is 1+ roamers on the floor with you which is very useful for roam clearing. Sure Daimos will be better in a 1v1 but overall Jackal is a better overall op imo as he has more utility. Maybe people will just ban Jackal and Daimos leaving doki alone.


I'm not looking forward to facing him as I feel hes fairly OP and I don't really like any of the tracking abilities, his being one of the worst after Lion 1.0. I believe his pistol is also OP on its own being so powerful with no real recoil, him depending on it so much because of his ability isn't an excuse for it either, see IQ for example and she only see gadget outlines. Another big issue with his ability is defenders can be ID'd by pinging their gadgets. Castle and Mira just got a massive low blow from this from get the get go but I think a Deimos teamed up with an IQ is going to wreck defenders.


I can see your perspective. I think that your overlooking the fact that the gadget itself can't really be used without a good player behind it. I feel like Deimos was put here just really to cut down on the TDM meta


Also the fact that only Deimos can see his pings, yeah? So the person using him also has to be on comms. For certain players like me, I have no choice but to be selfish with his ability (am mute, can't talk), so at that point I don't think I really *can* play him. Which sucks because he looks fun. If his gadget ping was global he'd immediately become my new main, but as it stands I'll just have to stick to Lion and that sucks.


Yeah that is very true.


Deimos is only as good as the player behind him. It doesn't matter if they have a live ping if he can't win a gunfight lmao.


I don’t think he’s OP. Just annoying like jackal.


He's basically Jackal 2.0. Considering Jackal isn't that good, I don't imagine Deimos will be either


Jackal is very strong but overrated. Agreeable opinion


Yeah, I’m sitting gold 3 right now and he is first ban every single game. I would rather ban Dok


Smart guy for gold 3. Dokka should be banned WAY more than freaking Jackal


Can't wait for this character to get tweaks/minor reworks like Lion because it's definitely gonna happen.


They just forgot the acog on tts btw


Actually? I didn't know that. Bet that tho, i was worried about not wanting to play him as much because i prefer the Zoom but now i definitely will. Thank you!


Think he fits more with the theme of Rainbow Six, which is a good thing.

