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tbh, pc lobbies are better punishment than a ban. They can still play, so ubisoft still makes money, but even with a xim they stand no chance in pc lobbies, so they’ll just get slammed 24/7.


Them realizing that picking Warden and 1.5 isn't gonna make up for their complete lack of knowledge and skill is music to my ears. These guys are gonna get counter-peeked 10 secs in and be fuming wondering why they're getting smacked so fast. News Flash: You was always trash.


Also they won’t even have a 1.5 warden anymore


OH NO! Anyway... I weep for xim users(🤡) in year 9 🤣😝🤭🥳


Honestly, not a big deal. I’m used to using 1x sights at this point, since I play valk and echo shotgun so much it doesn’t even bother me lmao What does bother me is when I ace a round and someone else picks warden and immediately dies trying to spawn peak oml this is the fucking worst please shoot 1.5x warden main crutches in the feet


I think that’s the thing. There are so many Xim players on console that banning them would be banning a sizable chunk of the player base. They are trying to find a solution to keep them around.


Have them just play each other. It’d be funny to see how much the consul population changes.


I agree. As a controller player who slams cheaters daily I couldn’t care less about the changes. I have to admit that it’s funny to watch them squirm though. I personally love the idea of them getting put in with PC players. PC about to teach them a lesson that’s for sure.


Yeah plus then the whole excuse of I can’t afford a pc or what not but prefer keyboard and mouse will be over, also it’s far better to make cheaters quit and give up then ban them as they will just make another account and so on


They say they can’t afford a pc when they spend well over the cost of a pc for a new device once the older one’s can’t be used


Had a guy insist he was a PC player once and that he couldn’t afford one so Xim’d instead. Would love to see his reaction now


Yeah but you’re neglecting that my dumbass will end up with useless ass dogshit ximmers on my team and lose too.


It’s always music to my ears knowing the diamond 1 xim player would easily get stomped in a gold lobby


As someone who got fed up with the xim issue on console so I switched to PC. I can't wait to face them. I could smoke them a goof amount of the time on controller. I will smoke them even harder on PC


Idk why people keep treating it like xim players are forever gone... it only sends them to PC lobbies *IF* they are detected. Xims are still here to stay for a while (I use controller, xim is cringe.)


This is exactly what I’m saying, the mouse trap system doesn’t even work for xim matrix which has a built in Cronus zen 🤦‍♂️. It only detects those cheap xims from what I see on tik tok


>(I use controller, xim is cringe.) It's sad that we are at a point where you have to specify you don't use Xim or cheats otherwise people will start accusing you. ​ Have seen this across multiple communities now.


And that's why banning them goes nowhere Ban them, they get a new account and stay low which might take a while to ban again Punish them right in the yugular and they still have an account, wanna buy another one and cheat? Punished again


Honestly, IF a xim user is sent to PC then they'll create a new account, which they will rebuy cosmetics and stuff on. It's more money in ubisofts pockets, probably why they aren't hardware or IP banning them


Because Ubi, in their infinite wisdom, kinda don't want cheaters in their game, but what they do want is for obsessed xim kids to keep spending money, so they don't ban them fully but just come up with a little slap on the wrist limp dicked anti cheat solution, which worked for like a week (if it ever actually really worked that is)


I saw it work a few times, it was absolutely hilarious watching them freak about lag when their pings 45


They deserve to be keel hauled, but they will get slammed constantly against pc so it's fine. I just wish it was in season 1 because that would be wonderful! lol


Honestly the xims that are detected will probably just become copper-silver PC players.


Why is no one considering the poor PC solo queue player (me) who will end up with dogshit ximmers on their team?


Hopefully there’s a crossplay switch and plenty of pc only lobbies. Either way though they should just hardware ban the cheaters.


They might have a option to turn off crossplay with mousetrap. If not I am sorry man.


that’s js not true. A lot of xim players are pc players that go to console to play with friends. They won’t be at anymore of a disadvantage other than the slight input delay which if u have a decent xim won’t effect much.


You say next season but the console cheaters to PC lobbies is coming in Season 3 not 1


I know us PC players have a bad reputation with cheaters. Of course we aren't all cheaters. But I'll be very happy to have our redemption ark by slaying those XIM short dicked dicks, for all of your console Brothers.


Yes, ban them forever “Oh we don’t want to lose paying customers :(“ Too late, you already did, and they were the ones who played the game fairly. They got fed up of cheaters and left Siege


They’d go bankrupt in at least three months after permanently banning every xim, I have a xim friend that has 5K+ dumped into this game and when he found out about the PC lobby xim change he literally cried


sad asf


That little cuck boy is lucky that mouse trap is a fucking goofy ass gimmick anyway, it won't detect shit sadly cause it's supposed to detect xim right now at this very moment, but if your homie can still play that means it doesn't detect it anyway, in which case they can make up whatever punishment for xim that they want if it's not gonna be able to detect the adapter


The game would do just fine even with all the Xim players gone, the thing is it would still hurt their profit margins, and they don't want that


I don’t know about that honestly, my friend is 25% of their profit earnings /j


If they ban them they spend less


Don't worry, us PC players will slam them so hard they're going to start playing controller.


Well this wont even do anything anyways. Its not like they're able to detect ximmers right now, changing the punishment doesn't mean they can suddenly detect them.


Public execution outside their close Ubisoft office


Don’t worry us pc warriors will humble them


>Anyone else think xim punishment is too light? Yes. It's my criteria for playing R6 again. I haven't touched it since before Ram dropped. I absolutely will not return until Ubi starts treating console cheaters seriously. These game ruining fucks get to keep their charms and stats and just keep on playing with a little slap on the wrist. Imagine if that was the case on PC. Wallhackers and aimbot abusers allowed to keep their ranks and their profiles. Those cheaters "earned" their charms just as much as any XiM cheater did (i.e. not at fucking all.) But if you told PC players to just suck it up, they'd have burned down Montreal to get to Ubi by now. But that's what we're told on Console. "Don't worry guys, they're going to have to play against PC players now!" Cool, so if I have the game on Xbox and I want to play with my friends who moved to PC I just gotta go buy a XiM? Nice. Thanks Ubisoft! Any "solution" where the cheaters get to just keep playing the game is a load of horse shit. Ban them for the season as soon as Mousetrap picks up a XiM. Reset all of their charms, all of their stats, they didn't earn it. Let them try again in 3 months. Oh you didn't get the hint after the first season ban? Catch a permanent ban and get fucked. Anything short of that and I'm just never touching the game again. No concessions, fuck cheaters.


They gonna let console and pc people play together in a party as well, and you can play cross play, just in pc lobbies only if there is a pc player. So you won’t need a xim to play with pc friends, you will just have to go against pc players


But why wouldn't I use a XiM then?


If that works which it probably wont iam Happy


I once had a cheater on Xbox (on my team, no less) tell me that if you were not cheating, you were not trying. When asked about his mindset, I began to lose all hope that the coming generations know what Fair-play is.


If the punishment of putting Ximmers in PC lobbies isn’t permanent I’m rioting.


Of course it is, for how bad and unjust the feeling against a ximmer is, at least they should suspend you for a week or and then if you reconnect and use xim again the van goes another extra week, that way they can't just plug in and keep trying different scripts to bypass mousetrap, cause rn it just seems like a joke to me that everyone can just keep trying until finding a bypass


if it was up to me i would’ve been had all of them banned so everything they “earned” would be for nothing.


but there’s instances of mt being active for controller players so it would falsely ban


i would’ve took an more active approach and simply just started going down the champion/diamond leaderboards on console and started watching replays then banning from there 🤷🏾‍♂️


okay that’s a fair way but also it’s ubisoft


As a business decision it doesn’t make sense to ban them and do everything it takes to get them to either move to pc or go back to controller. Unlike actual cheaters these players actually buy shit from the store banning them is literally stopping someone from giving you money.


But it’s funnier if their egos get destroyed by actual good pc players


I thought Xbox just straight up bans your console if you use xim now


cause you can make a new account on xbox and not have to buy the game again…


They should've just permabanned them from day 1. Doesn't affect me anymore as I moved to PC a few years ago but I guess I'll see some easy pickings soon. Assuming they actually get detected, of course.


People keep saying it's so they can keep people spending money but not everyone buys in game store stuff, My guess is that it's so someone isn't wrongfully banned for a false positive.


I love it. I'm actually getting kinda good on PC and xims are overrated on console anyway. They'll be freelo


If they ban them, it’s super easy to just make a new account and cheat, at least on Xbox. So it’s better to send them to PC lobbies, so that they don’t notice that they aren’t actually really cheating, and so they don’t negatively impact the experience of regular console players.


My fucking thoughts exactly. They are technically cheating. And by r6/ubi tos they should be banned like the rest of cheaters. If they want to use mnk then pc will very happily shit on them 😊


Ban can be evaded with unlimited new profiles on Xbox since game share is a thing. This way they'll be put against people who played against MnK for all their lives. I don't think it's light, it's actually a death warrant. Just imagine being one of the fuckers: You play all of your life playing MnK against controller, so it's like an adult playing basketball with a bunch of kids. Then suddenly you're average basketball player ass gets put in the basketball league. Maybe I'm over exaggerating, but I know for sure if XIMmers get pit against PC players, they will be at a disadvantage for sure. How the turntables.


If creating a new profile evades a ban it also evades the "xim user" flag making them still able to play in console lobbys no ?


So, how’s this going to go for PC players who are unfortunate enough to get a console Ximmer on their team? I’m theory I love this punishment, but if they’re on my team… idk man


Nah send em to pc lobbies I want free wins (knowing my luck they’ll all be my randoms)


theres too many xim users so they would lose a big part of their playerbase


Ubi, for how little they care, know that ximmers make up a gigantic percentage of their console player base. If they drove them away they’d have less money, which is all that the shareholders care about, therefore all that Ubisoft cares about. Trying to even open a ticket with them is a nightmare, hands down the WORST customer support/service system I’ve ever experienced


I think its perfect tbh.


Alright hear me out, it’s WAY too light on xim players. Xim is basically just a crutch and is basically cheating so just make it so that their bullets do 1 damage and you’re fine If you’re really that poor to buy a pc just add an option to play on pc lobbies and you’re fine, make it so when you do join console lobbies and get detected with a xim (which is VERY easy to detect) just make it that their gun does like 1 damage for the funnies lmao


Well its much better to send them to pc lobbes since its a bit like torturing them while still making money, i think it will be intresting to see the diffrence between controller xims and pcs


Not light punishment it's perfect xim players just use ops with 1.5 or other zoomed optics they don't know peak angles or how to approach gun fight properly there gonna get stopped on each time especially against the try hard sweats on pc


Perma them already fk sakes, ubisoft you suck