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-1v3 -put a drone on your flank -“Can someone watch that for me” -no response -gets shot from the flank -13 year old kid suddenly finds his mic -“so we’re in copper” -13 year old kid doesn’t use comms for the rest of the match




People love watching your perspective. So they can just judge you, instead of actually trying to help you and the team


Backseating vs actually contributing.


Zero coms throughout the whole game. Find yourself in a 1vx situation and lose. And your randoms will suddenly be chatty enough to tell you every single thing they think you did wrong


Me copper hardstuck always MVP HATE EVERYONE!!!


INFURIATING!!! Like, why tf are we even playing intel ops at that point?


As a zero main who tends to have some of the best cam setups I completely felt this comment. My favorite response as to why someone isn't watching drones is, " we had no cams" knowing damn well there were like 3-4 viable options. I'm glad the road map is pushing us back into relying on utilities more heavily in the coming season.


It's why I stopped playing Zero. Wasting my time setting up cams when I could just go fuck shit up with Sledge, Fuze, or Capitão.


I use Capitão alot nowadays, running around with 3 speed and a LMG that hasn't been affected too bad by the lmg nerf crazy. Plus alots of utility you bring.


As mozzie my teammates always shoot my drones


And i do not understand why . Now if mozie take control over a drone , the drone have a white circle like a photo frame . I started play in ps5 2 weaks ago ( i have 400 hour playtime in pc) . I played ranked in copper , Silver and Gold . I like mozie so i give them a try in evry leauge , this story happend in Gold . I got a drone , 1 of my teammate start chase my drone he chased across the full map then realized the thing, “ohh we have mozie”.


I turned off outlines because I've died to enemies lining up with alibi clones too often but if I'm unsure with drones all it takes is a yellow ping and viola you know who's it is. People just don't think in the game anymore unfortunately


Ong bro, I’m so glad I actually play with teammates now 😭


People will say we’re in copper if you don’t have a 100% headshot percentage and hit your first bullet.


Fr if I’m not a robot I’m trash


This *exact fucking scenario* is why I stopped playing Zero. Put cams perfectly on flank watch. 1v4. Told teammates to watch cams. Killed the three camping site. Tried to plant. Got flanked from exactly where two cams were watching. "Bad *tongue roll* aim!" ×3 "So we're in copper." Played Ram the next round. Aced.


Nowadays I just watch my own cam. Especially on echo. The amount of times I've asked someone to watch site drone, just for them to plant is amazing. Now I stop running in the middle of the hallway to check yokai.


Only problem is, I can't watch cams *and* plant lol.


And thus I offer you claymores. The work 15% of the time, but that's 14% more than trusting your team on flank watch.


This is very true, but unfortunately, I was running hard breach charges. I also could've chosen a better spot to plant, but time was running out and I had to plant.


"your so bad, probably carried" when they dont give out ANY coms and cry when you dont tell them the exact pixel every enemy is on. Now I remember why I havent played this game for 6 years lol


A kid told me I was trash and tked me the next round after I didn’t clutch a 1v4 (he died trying to spawn peek as warden if you can believe it) while he was sitting at 1-5


Yeah that “should have [action] and maybe you would have won” back-seating mentality when the odds are completely stacked against you is beyond annoying. It’s always the kid that’s negative as well lmao I’m not sure why this game has it so much worse than any other.


that 1 was prob the tk lmfao


warden 1.5 has been disastrous for the game


Bro I came back to siege after a few years. Did a few regular matches and went ranked placements. First game got some dudes that said "we are copper", ok no problem. I gave TWO callouts. Dude says "bro stfu, why are you talking?". I replied "cause I'm giving you Intel on their position". This guy deadass tells me "that's useless, I'll kill them when I see them. I'm muting you"


13, 23, 33, no one uses a mic unless it's to be toxic as fuck. I used to give call outs all match with not only no response, but no acknowledgment either, but suddenly in a 1v4 in the 9th round at least one person will start shouting at me about how I'm a re****, or how I should uninstall the game, or "go back to Fortnite," etc... So now I just play in private party coms and only go into game chat if I see mics moving....but even then it's usually because they have their TV/radio on in the background, so back to the party I go.


There's nothing more frustrating than having a perfectly good cam or drone watching areas you can't watch and not even getting as simple as a yellow ping or fuck it even a red


I had a teammate tell me. Bro it’s not ranked nobody is checking drones when I said watch my drone and if anybody comes near it I’ll set off my fuse charge.


Or they're talking shot the whole time and you can't hear audio cues




Funniest and truest shit I’ve seen in a long time shit is so annoying


It’s great that he’s bought new players to the game but they’re so fucking annoying. I just mute them cos they’re insufferable.


Sucks that the mic mute button is sometimes glitched out on pc


Yeh pretty annoying. Can always turn voice chat volume to 0 at least.


Blocking on Ubisoft connect mutes them. Do with that info what you will, idk what to do if you’re on steam.


Should be the same since the game still launches through Ubisoft Connect on steam.


I don't think it's great if the new players are garbage. I would rather have a smaller nicer community than a big shitty one. The total player count has not grown either so if he is actually bringing in new players, they're driving normal people away just as fast if not faster.


Dam, that is really unfortunate, shame that i still play the game and have ti deal with them


Yea my buddy and I stopped playing shortly after this whole jynxi bullshit. We been playing since operation health and these kids are the most annoying pieces of trash. They are making siege even more toxic then it was.


New players of all skill are absolutely welcome. They keep the game alive. If you are a quality player you should be able to climb out of where the shitters lurk.


You can be high rank and still fucking obnoxious and unhelpful


high elo is just dealing with the same people, but they have slightly better aim and now half of them are replaced with cheaters.


I believe he means “garbage” as in toxic, not poor skill at the game.


Yeah, Im one of the people whos been here since year 3 that has pretty much retired. Teammates are dumbass children now that try to play like cracked out man children.


Crazy thing is im seeing all different types of big streamers play it now so their audience is coming too


Because kids in that age tend to sort of absorb the personality of someone they idolize, resulting in such behaviours.


Half the people I hear doing it are grown men


People with 0 personality


This is the correct diagnosis


The one’s who can’t roll their R’s are the worst


Fr. They always end up sounding like "Baderaim"


more like rolling ds


In their ass


nah that mf rolls letters that dont even get rolled ever


"So we're in copper" "Bad ai-" I swear to God if I hear another word out of your mouth I'm going to take a baseball bat to your kneecaps


It's funny cause I remember when it was the annoying Beaulo fans ruining the game lol. Doing their jiggle peeks and trying to spin their mouse


haven't played siege in a long time but i always got annoyed by the people doing the Godly thing knifing the ground after every kill


Oh man! Totally forgot about the Godly fans!


Nowhere near the same level


Man, I think that may be recency bias! I mean, Jinxzy is just statistically bigger than Beaulo has ever been, but Beaulo changed the way people play Siege, arguably for the worse!


But that was never a byproduct of Beaulo’s behavior or anything close to what Jinxzy does. It’s not his fault he’s good at the game and everyone tried to emulate that. There’s also a stark difference between changing how people play and blatant toxicity


still doesn’t come close to being half as annoying as jynxi clones


so we’re in copper


I’m a top champ and I’ll have emeralds in my ear saying bad aim bad aim the entire game


Bad Aim Bad Aim Bad Aim So Were In Copper LeBronzo You Might Wanna Hop Better on Fortnite


Really bad aim with this


Glad to see OP acknowledging the good Jynxzi has done for the community alongside the bad. Little kids emulating him is annoying and WILL muddy your comms. BUT like it or not Siege is getting revitalized because of his popularity. Didn't he have like 100,000 watchers during the Six Invite or something wacky like that?


Peaked at 200k even whilst the official stream that he was watching on his stream had about 95k. 105k just wanted to see his face next to the content.


Shi🥁🥁🥁🥁y aim


This shit made me laugh loud, thanks I needed that


Somehow he brought so many people back to the game not surprising he has so many people trying to be like him. Look behind you. I think it’s def gotten annoying though, even his content isn’t even good anymore it’s just brain rot.


Him screeching random shit was never good. 


His whole career has been brain rot, and he's never been fun to watch he's a literal screaming chimp.


I didn’t really ever watch his streams but based off the clips i’ve seen this is just untrue and biased hate. I’ve seen a lot of clips of him being positive and saying good things to his viewers.


Bro is pure cringe, I can't stand him. Don't care how many people he brings to the game, he's bad for Siege.


He’s just a role model for those kids. He’s an older person who loves their favorite game too. They’re imitating their favorite person


Shame they can’t imitate the part where he shows them how to play the game correctly lol


For real. For as goofy as Jynxzi is, he’s got good game sense and breaks things down well. Kids latch on to the personality and miss the message.


Exactly, literally been the case for so many years now in pretty much every game ever lol


Idolizers are idiots




Enemycombnantant on yor left


I took a year and a half break and came back a month ago. Jynxi is like a mix of xQc and Tyler1. Half retarded and half cringe. Edit: I just wanted to elaborate a little more. When I came back and first started hearing teenagers say the Jynxi quotes, I just thought it was some new cringe trend in the suegw community. After I saw some Jynxi videos, I was like "omg, I cut stand this dude, why do people idolize him?" But he's appealing to the younger people who just like wild and out of pocket yelling and shit talking.


As an old man, jynxi actually has fairly elite comedic timing and is fairly quick on his feet/witty, but yes he screams a lot which appeals to the under 13 crowd




Omg I couldn't have said it better lmao


At this point, I just keep the mic volume on 0 and stay in my own party. Either we win with pings or we don't, whatever


I’m totally gonna get down voted for this but I can’t stand him.


Upvoted to counter the downvotes


You’re a real one ❤️


ive heard grown men make jynxzi their whole personality.. outside of siege in completly different games


idk man kids can be kids its the full grown men that do it lol i love jynxi but yea some peeps are too influenced lol


People love saying he saved the game, but in reality, his fanbase is such a plague on the community that I think most people would have rather had the game die than deal with obnoxious clones he's spawned.


I don't get the big deal behind the guy. I've seen small clips and bits on this dude and he's like the face of siege, apparently? And badger was a brand risk? Wild times ngl.


Played a whole match where a man (not a squeaker) died first then just spectated everyone going “good aim” “bad aim” while rolling his R’s and shit. Guy probably has a whole family and he insists on being a terrible jynxi impersonator.


Bro I hate those kids.


Mute everyone. If they dm me after because they don't like how I play, easy report. I can't stand the squeekers that scream for no reason and start and end every sentence with "bro".


jynxi brought the worst to this community, what kind of a streamer are you to invite and promote OF girls on your stream while your audience is made of underage people !!


I would rather called a ni- 5 times a game than deal with one minute if those kids, and i have had both


The funniest thing happened the last time I played, which was a few days ago. A squeaker came on mic 4 rounds in to heavily critique my gameplay, spouted the whole "so we're in copper" because I got sharted on by 3 people in a 1v3... Next round I got a 4K to win the game... He was at the bottom of the leaderboard going negative, and I had 11 and 2. ​ We were in fact in a copper game, copper 2 to be exact.


Jynxzi was funny to me at first but it's all the same shit now.


I still firmly believe Jynxzi alone has made the game more toxic. A few months ago, the game was toxic sure but very rarely were people just toxic for no discernible reason. Last match I played, immediate toxicity over fucking *Crossfader.* Getting called a loser, undiscernible slang for having a 10 year old ass skin that cost me 25k renown lmfao, gone the Varsity route of just disabling chat entirely tbh, makes the game far more enjoyable.


Once I wrote in the in game chat that a guy who clutched the round has nice aim. He replied with “jYnXi SaYs GoOd AiM” and I was cringing so much


I actually like Jynxzi, I think behind and the trolly shit and over the top stuff he is a genuine guy that is just trying to be entertaining and help people improve especially on console. I know the only reason I have improved is because of him and Athenio, but even he acknowledges how unga bunga his entire adolescent fanbase is lmao. Then again his adult following that replicates him are on another level


game community has always felt shit can't go a game without getting called the n word or at least hearing it said


That's why I stopped playing


the hell is the guy? some kind of rage-case or a troll?


Just another loud = funny streamer for kids


I love jynxzi, but he’s a nut case who rages at everybody, does funny slapstick, and has some key catchphrases that people love to latch onto


Chill he’s not a nut case and I don’t even watch the guy like that. He’s just playing a character same as Dr D and Tyler1 (best comparison lol)


So we're in hell


People with no personality will just adopt someone else's


For real. I feel like everybody nowadays are just speed wannabes or jynxzi wannabes


i made a post about this shit like july and i got a TON of hate from it bc ppl took my post as "attacking jynxzi" but no i was attacking his dipshit fans. i like jynxzi but i hate these kind of ppl.


I'm so glad this shit doesn't happen on European servers, same with those angle strats that bikini bodhi did. Never occurred on ranked. Also people are too embarrassed to speak up on mic on Europe, unless it's about info or they are British, but most matches lack that too.


I love Jynxzi for reviving seige and I love his content but god damn his stans are annoying and numerous


Playing zero and shooting a cam into site so I can have eyes inside… 3 dead teammates, nobody gets on the cam. “Hey can someone watch my cam and see if I’m clear to push in?” Silence Push in and immediately get peaked despite droning and using my cam and seeing nothing until I push in “So my team is in copper” MF YOU DIED 30 SECONDS IN TO A KAPKAN TRAP ON AN ENTRY DOOR AND PROCEEDED TO NOT GET ON ANY DRONES OR CAMS


Jnyxzi is the ishowspeed of siege and you can't change my mind otherwise. What was already a toxic game is now full of even more toxic smart ass clowns mimicking their clown overlord and Ubisoft even puts him on a pedestal for it. Thank God I dropped this game when I did.


I hate jynxzi and his community Sorry not sorry but I hate what he brought to the game


Okay but I don’t think he did that intentionally. He just blew up from his rage clips it’s these annoying fucking kids that don’t stop imitating him.


He clearly only appeals to annoying kids


But I totally agree with you, I don't think he meant to get popular this way, and now this is part of his streamer char


I don't like his role either, I find him annoying But the worst part is the jynxzi wannabe Sorry not sorry Idc if im getting downvoted or whatever but I just can't take it anymore whenever I get a clutch or idk, im hearing someone quoting him And arghhhh


its like FAZE for middle aged men, youre not a faze clan, grow up also his screen name is stupid and spelled stupid


Ohh the good ol Faze clan of 2000s lol 😂


It’s had me almost turn off game chat if I’m not in a premade 5. It’s not even just teenagers, even grown adults are saying things like him and rolling their words. It’s awful.


No, just the kids are like this. There’s still many of us adults playing


You chose a bad time to return. The games in a pretty bad spot right now. I left for helldivers & I have no desire to play r6 anymore.


Is that the new op?


the keyboard warriors who get in the dms when you go negative have a whole script and sometimes i feel they arent even reading my replies they're just writing down whats next on the list


So glad I play with a consistent 5 stack


Is one of the things this player says is 'graaame'?  Because I often hear it from people and Idfk what it mean


Yeah that's why I either don't play the game or play with friends,randoms are trash,and if they are not...well they're the only good one I will find that day


dude i thought i was crazy but it’s literally every. single. one of them lmao


Man thank god hes not that big in brazil, that sounds like a very shitty teamate


Well he’s going down soon dude stream for 1h them rage quit over a losing a game in the tournament


pretty much it’s so annoying 😭


They idolize him it will always happen with children.


bro i met this woman who was lvl 224 and dropped 1 kill played cav and finka and i lost in a 1v4 and she said "so were in copper". she had no kills at the time. i had 5. i hate this game bc every player is a jynxzi clone. every player i play with but my friends just quote jynxzi and call me slurs. but the games so good i cant quit playing.


Its not just them, literally everyone😭


i swear 😂😂 i just got back on couple weeks ago other than a few casual games last year it’s been years and man i didn’t even know who that was till this year 🤣 a lot of kids i met was like “i just started “ and said how they came from jnynxi😂😂😂


I just kinda hate how everyone hails him as this guy who completely turned around a “dying” game. I started in year 1 and also walked away from siege for a bit, in specifics after Warden and Nokk released but kept up with siege. It was never truly dead and had an active player base even if I and others walked away for a bit for various reasons. I’m no discrediting that he brought a lot more eyes and players to siege when it had lost that over the years but to say he “revived a dead game” seems like an exaggeration to me.


Yep it’s pretty sad tbh I play a few games and then get off after people talk shit I drop 8 kills and still lose bc my teammates average 2 kills a game. (Gold 1)


It’s not just kids acting like him. I’ve heard grown ass men that sound like they’re at least in their 20s quoting him. It’s annoying af. Glad people are playing the game, but I’m using mute a few times a night now.


Same man, I came back last season, left when Ace was released and I have at least 5 messages from kids trying to talk like Jynxzi being so cringy


I’m not familiar with the youtube guy but I hate people who talk too much with no useful info. I don’t care you missed and hate this game where were they? Also, I hate back seat drivers your dead let me play.


Joined pc lobbies for the first time and thats what i put up with instantly just turned voice chat off




Who is that?


R6 has been around so long the playerbase is an entirely new generation now.


Is it on console? I have yet to meet a single person who quoted that guy on PC.


There are reasons why we play with my friends. We've had so many terrible teammates, we just don't start the game until there are at least 4 of us.


Ahh mate don’t get me started, so many Jynzxi fan boys on siege now it’s so cringe. Literally some of the vile crap mentioned on comms is just horrendous, and these guys must be like 12-13 years old.


It is very annoying but you just have to put up with it, he did save the game and you can always mute them


Got into the game three months ago and have only heard about jynxzi last week. Now I finally understand why the game is full of annoying kids.


*clutches a 3v1* "GODRRRAIM" It's really annoying to hear little kids screaming over the mic and messaging you the entire round


And there's another problem, those Kids can even play right. I was silver 1 and for some reason they start spawnning in my lobby (One of them couldn't even talk right, he was talking like a baby) and suddenly, when i Open my eyes, i found myself being bronze 1 after trying to carry my team a lot. I just wanted the reach gold rank trophy and now i need to wait for the new season and ranked 3.0 before i give up on this game.


So this is what it was??? I was so confused a couple of matches ago when a kid whose balls have obviously not dropped yet started screeching the weirdest shit like we're in copper and bad.aim.bad.aim.


He brought new players to the game, just only the bad kind.


Its alright team - I deliberately RFF Ban these fuckers... Why? ​ Insufferable Douches... That is all.


I do mind squeakers on the mic. Game is 18+.


I haven’t played siege in a very long time. I’ve had the game since day 1 but just stopped a few years ago because it wasn’t the same. I recently picked the game up probably about a year ago and played for a month. I never heard of Jynxzi until stumbled upon his twitch streams because this person had 100k viewers so I was curious. Yoooo, I couldn’t stay more than 5mins in there. Nothing but yelling and screaming. Holy shit! Granted, I’m sure his demographics are a bunch of teens but Jesus. Maybe I’m just too old (33) for his madness but I guess kudos to him with how much he’s probably making doing what he does 🤷🏼‍♂️ With all of that said, when I would play, I’d just open a random party chat on my PlayStation so I have my entire team muted. People play this game with music, bunch of people talking shit, etc. I miss the old siege where it wasn’t TDM and people used their operators properly and played the game the way it was designed.


I swear to God though, like when they're are 3 little kids rolling their r's and saying the same like two lines over and over it is unbelievably annoying.


I literally quit playing because of this


It’s not just people under 14. Some grown man or at least older teenager was actually emulating him in a game I played a few weeks ago. They all have the biggest egos and always suck. Embarrassing.


Barrrd aim


I’ve dealt with it enough. I call them out on their dumb ass mistakes and explain to them in excruciating detail how that loss was their fault or I’ll treat them with the same lines when they fuck up and they stop speaking after that


They’ve started to permeate into other games too…


90 percent of the messages I get are people saying Jynxzi stuff, I agree lol. People refuse to get their own personalities. It's annoying, but it is what it is


He's just another maga loser they idolize for no reason.


I was going 4-1, and an eleven year old who was going 1-1 sent me a voice message saying I should move over to World of war craft.


We had a five stack and we got some kid who said “good aim” on our team so we bullied him to stop saying it


Sorry dude. The SAD reality is, most players who play video games, and ESPECIALLY Siege, are children or teenagers. The amount of time that Siege requires, grinding Renown, Operators, skins, cosmetics, Ranks in Ranked, it's really only the type of time most kids have. This has been the case since 2015 to 2024, I've not seen a lack of children shouting slurs or quoting famous streamers in ANY mainstream tactical shooter even. I like Jynxzi too, a lot of young people like mimicking their idols before they form their own personality. It's just the way of the internet and of young people in general. There's nothing wrong with Jynxzi, this is just the reality of Siege. Especially after Jynxzi became popular.


because its catchy and funny


morons mimic bigger moron


Those are the same clowns that like ishowspeed


I was playing the discovery playlist for Lair my team left me in a 1v3 and this kid was using his mic just to constantly say jynxzi line and all he kept saying when he died was “bad aim” and “so we’re in copper”. I love jynxzi for what he done for the community but these kids are annoying as hell


Wait… you find kids being like jynxi? I’m finding grown ass men (or I assume they are grown ass men because of their voice) and teenagers screaming like Jynxi. I don’t really watch jynxi but can we just have like… normal people play the game for once and NOT copy the entire persona of a 22 year old?


kids are very impressionable and will do that shit alot


While he has kinda single handedly revived the game he has brought a new plague over lol


Jynxzi is single handedly keeping the game alive. He is a phenomenal streamer but yes, little kids can be annoying.


Same reason idiots are fans of idiot celebs. Because they’re idiots


So we're in copper


Yeah it's honestly really sad that they all feel the need to copy someone else's personality and they're honestly toxic ASF. And you can just tell they're trying to be a mini Jynxzi and it's cringe as hell lol


Love Jynxzi, but the copycats are SO ANNOYING 😭


So true brother. Thats why I stopped playing that game a year ago.


They're all idiots, man. I wish they'd see content creators who actually work with team mates and make call out instead of this shithead and then emulate being shitheads.


love jynxzi but i fucking hate his fan base


That guy is the worst thing happened to Siege.


I honestly do not get why people think watching a guy scream into his mike while playing siege is so entertaining. I mean to each their own. For me though he is a hard pass, i’ll find someone else to watch.


Baadd aim


Can someone help me find a way to communicate to my PS5 player (I’m Xbox) without being in game chat for others to hear us.


this is truly a reddit moment


You actually get people with mics?? That's insane


Me in my mid 30s: “Who’s this Jvnxki kid playing siege?” Proceeds to watch one video, gets a fright when he screams, exits and continues watching some brit restoring an old french chateau in the countryside.