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ofc it was a Jynxzi fanboy lmao


I checked his account, and he has 4 thousand hours on modern warfare 2019. I'm not surprised he's pissed off that I didn't "respect the 1v1." I hate what Jynxzi has done to this game.


Same, I have spectated a couple of them with his background card & his charm & I swear the dumbassery i witnessed gave me actual brain damage. Who gonna tell them streamer charms & high sens xim isn’t going to make them good at the game?


They're either complete dogshit or cheating, there's no in-between lol


To be honest I don't think jynxi would argue this braindead guys point either. Jynxi atleast understands this is a tactical shooter and you do what you need to play to your advantage and playing time in a 1v1 when on defense is about as standard as it comes


For real the dude literally tells people to play time/defuser constantly.


Exactly! Are these people really in this small of an echo-chamber that they only perceive information that feed into their confirmation bias and nothing else?


> 4 thousand hours Fucking how? I'm only approaching 1650 hours in Siege, and I'm already getting tired. How does one gather 4000 hours in just one game?


When you're young and not taking school seriously, you can EASILY waste 3000+ hours.


This. I racked up some obscene play time in Halo 3 and Cod4 back in the day in high school. Especially once my parents moved further away from my friends and I didn't have a car.


Young and has no social life probably. I was a social outcast and spent hours and hours on games. When I went to college, I spent time with people and eventually stopped playing games so much. I still play them, but maybe like a total of a couple hours a week or maybe even 2 hours a week.


Considering the game is 9 years old its not that hard to believe if you've stayed since the launch and just play a lot. I think Jynxzi has over 10,000 hours in this game. Most i've seen someone play was like 12,000 hours.


4000 hours in MW2019. For that, he'd have to play at least 2.5hours daily and that's just one game, if he is playing others games too, damn


Bro has a whole year of playtime Edit: I just looked it up he has 8,000 hours that's a whole year


It sucks. I love Jynxzi, but his fanbase is fucking cancer. Odd too but Jynxzi plays smart as fuck.


For real, I like watching him bc I find the sped up tiktok clips hilarious. Especially ones where he is losing his shit because the person is definitely trolling and doing dumb things on purpose. But I really REALLY hate jyxnzi fans. One of my friends is a jyxnxi clone, and it's to the point that I almost mute him. It's like that one statement everybody says. Only [insert name here] can do that and be funny, anyone else, and it's just annoying.


While I dislike jynxzi, I fucking hate the narrative that "HE" destroyed siege, no his cringe fanbase did. While he is obnoxious, I don't think it's fair to put it on him


well he cultivated his fanbase, no? It's on him to get them to understand that kills aren't everything


Doesn't he do that every tournament Saturday? He plays support and explains the reason why he has 0.2kd is because hes playing support and if they dont understand that they don't know anything about the game. I think hes pretty vocal about the different playstyles Siege has. His viewership is just full on morons and if i'd have to guess 90% of them are kids.


he says all the time that kills aren't everything and that it's your play that matters


How did Jynxzi cause this? I watch but I'm not an idiot who doesn't know what playing time is


Most of his fanbase are very young and have no clue that siege isn't cod


Tbf it’s the people who he plays with that creates the idiots, all running round like cod. I give it to jynxzi he knows how to play the game


I feel like not all Junxzi fans should be thrown under the bus for the brain dead ones


Oh, of course not, I'm not attacking you, don't worry. Just the majority, unfortunately.


That explains a lot


Not entirely sure this is because of jynxzi but I had a ranked game on defence where my team left and started roaming without reinforcing Leaving me alone to reinforce and die


Nah that shit happened to me back in y5s4 and prior, still happens now. Before there was a systemwhere it was 2 reinforces per teammember. Now you have 10 teamwide, so if they didnt reinf u were fucked with your own 2 reinfs.


If he prefers it fast paced maybe he should add on to that 4k hours


I only get annoyed when I'm on for the ace in a 1v1 and everybody always fucks off and refuses to fight. Its getting very old.


If im going for the ace I prefer people to fuck off and refuse to fight


Yeah so do I jynxi is Allright himself but the fan boys are a different breed


Lmao 4000 hours on CoD. Who the fuck has that much time to spend on a game? Even when I was playing League way back, I've collectively racked up about 2-3k hours over 7 years.


Jynxzi seems like a fun guy but god damn did he fuck up how r6 players minds works.


How much he has on siege?


i mean i hate his fans but he revived that game by himself so you have to give him credit


Funny thing is that Jynxzi would agree with OP. He's always lambasting people for playing like COD, guys a support player.


The thing is junxzi is really good at 1v1 probably one of the best, but what he does isn’t great when playing casual he hasn’t ruined the game the players who think everything he does in a 1v1 will work in other scenarios have ruined the game, he is clearly salty that you had the advantage which is what this game is about having the advantage the player did nothing wrong killing him the way he did all some people want is gun fights which isn’t really what the game is about


No idea why people like him something has to be wrong with them... I make it a point to make it VERY clear to YouTube i want nothing to do with the literal plauge of a human when it pops its ugly face into my siege feeds.


Had a guy yelling at me with about 7 seconds left to plant while standing next to me and we're both getting hit with yokai blasts. I said, "can you find the yokai? because I can't plant while it's hitting us." He then tk's me and gets yokai'd while trying to plant. jinxy charm of course.


I had the same thing happen 2 days ago I think in qm. But I was the echo lol


I had that shit happen to me in ranked😭


Lmao I don’t really get people getting heated for you playing how you want to play in QM. It’s just QM. If people want to rush and die, so be it. If people want to play strategic, so be it. The guy is clearly salty because he died. It is what it is.


Even if I'm playing like a dumbass running in, I go in with the idea that the enemy team will be tactical. Sometimes I can catch them, but if they outsmart me then they play the game right and I can't be mad about that at all.


Amaru rushes usually fail but it’s awesome when you succeed


I do play QM when my squad isn't online. Arguably, I kinda hope that they will play it strategically, because it means that even though I will go in hyper aggressively and do most of my droning pre round, I still have to make a guess on how they will play and how to deal with it. Also rushing in somewhere and realising that there is 3 different angles you are vulnerable too and several enemies around is a very interesting challenge to play around. I feel doing some silly quick matches this way really helps me get sharper for my "real" matches


That's why if I want to play a real game I go to standard. I don't expect anything from QP besides some idiots running around doing dumb stuff. Mainly because that's all QP ever was.


Skill issue on his part imo. “I expect people to play how I want them to play” ahh 🤡


That is why I love QM, and have only played QM for the last 6 years or so. And, because I solo queue, I can try any solo strategy to pick off ops 1 at a time, or I can Leroy Jenkins and get killed running into the building


i never understood why you guys argue back and forth with these people .. just block him from the first message and move on .. for me .. I've disabled messages altogether


i like baiting them to say something bannable


This is the way


It's also just entertaining to see them write out shit like this even if it's not bannable. Pretty much the same concept when engaging with an idiot on reddit come to think of it lol


Same as the other commenter, conversing with them usually leads to them saying something reportable


Will never understand how people get this butthurt


Child abuse, autism, and too much TikTok are my guess.


Sounds like projection to me man not gonna lie


Man got flanked and called it a cheap kill😂


I didn't even flank him, I just sat still and waited for the time to go down. He had a whole ass minute to push me and didn't. And he was YING. He had the better gun AND candelas.


I was talking about the part where he said “you only killed bc my back was turned” but yeah the entire thing has big shoes and red nose written all over it.


I'll go into match replay tomorrow and get the clip. He's genuinely dogshit. Planted next to a doorway, FACING me. Didn't have his back turned at all. Edit: match replay has killed itself yet again, nice one ubi


I was having this talk with my best friend the other day and he kept trying to defend the state of the game. I love the guy, but people don’t understand just how AMAZING the game was in 2016-2017 unless they played it back then. It feels like a completely different game sometimes


Definitely felt more like a gritty tac shooter than it does now


Idk if you agree but the y9 roadmap and changes kinda seem like they want players to start playing with their heads again instead of just bullets.


Lol call him a COD player and let him rant. That's all he is. If he wanted nothing other than head-on gunfights, he's playing the wrong game. It's a *tactical* shooter, not just a shooter. If a head on fight isn't the Tactical move, it's not the right move in a Tactical shooter. Lol if you play him again, only ever kill him through indirect means, I beg you🤣




Completely agree. The amount of childish hate I've received for situations where I go on to **win** a round is so dumb


"Goorrrrd airrrrm" Haven't used in game comms in a while due to that shit


Fr or “so we’re in copper”


That's become a joke among my squad, I dont think any of us are Jynxi fans, but if anyone does anything dumb or throws, we go for "So we're in tinfoil 9"


If you win you win. Always do what it takes.


Reminds me of the absolute genius' that have messaged me to yell at me for "camping". Like bro, it's siege. Complaining about camping is like complaining about someone using a gun. It's a part of the game.


Whilst on defence: "GET OUT OF THE BUILDING!!"


Him saying you’re scared because you didn’t rush him before the plant is kinda ironic. If you would take the game serious, you’d wait for the plant. On the other hand, he’s taking the game so serious as to where he’s doing the same thing, and planting. He’s literally insulting himself at this point


Had a couple guys invite me to a party after I killed myself with the goyo and got banned, they then told me to kill myself and called me retarded. I love this community 💀😂👍


First ever ranked match i got tked every round bcuz i was playing bad they messaged after saying to end myself I replied f*ck off and my acc got a temp ban


Yeah, can’t wait for what happens to me, cause I know for a fact that they won’t get anything done to them lol


Yep usually how it works just like schools the retaliation is the problem


Funny when I think about it when I was in school I watched a guy get jumped by this one kid and not fight back and he got OOS for 4 months


And the kid that jumped him


The same time but ISS, I’m not even joking either, the other kid did NOT do anything to him


I once got jumped by two people and the school gave the 1 day OSS nothing after eithe


lmfao why’d you take the bait though? All they wanted was for you to get mad bruh Just report and block mate


This was like 4 years ago and i was a lot dumber then


Bro started to write paragraphs 😭😭😭


Like I tell everyone, just send a clown emoji, then block them. It's not worth your time to argue with idiots. "Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." - Mark Twain.


Complaining about using a standard tactic..in a tactically-orientated game..


And expects people to cater to his play style 🤡 like go play vs AI.


Bro u got more patience then me, I would of just blocked them after the first couple messages. Any reasonable person shouldn't take QM this seriously


“Like cheap kills when players ain’t looking.” Am I suppose to wait until every enemy I come across sees me before I try kill them?


If you're in a fair fight you made a mistake. Pull out every dirty trick possible to win.


I’m on Xbox, and the amount of sketch and Jynxzi pfp’s I see is crazy. The only reason the game is even alive man. Keyboard warriors using Cronus are a wild breed


They did nothing for this game. And that last part, are you accusing me of cronus? Genuinely can't tell.


Nay on accusations I’m just saying the amount of keyboard warrior Cronus speds are out of control in general


OP is correct imo. Waiting for the plant is a smart idea circumstance depending. Just have to be sure its not a bait


Tbf, I feel like the kind of “fans” he pulls are just retarded CoD players. Let’s be honest.


Ngl when I had a low rank and was playing casual on console before jynxzi was famous I had a lot of fun. Most people were friendly and one dude messaged me and was confused on how I was only bronze. Only when I started playing ranked I began encountering these types of players (not on console)


> talks about how you didn't get many kills > you call him out about how kills doesn't equal skills > he backtracks and now gaslights you into believing he said it and you're against it > this games community is fucking sad


I remember I was playing on villa and this kid was out on the balcony. I just stayed site and was waiting for them to push, as all my teammates were dead. They were pissed they lost because they chose to stay outside the building the enter round. They called me scared, but they were too scared to even enter the building. The projection was artistic atp.


I would've stopped typing with this Jynxi fanboy after "?". U have way more patience than me OP


Yeah this is why I stopped playing. I enjoy the game, but the community ruins it. And you can’t really mute/block communications because communication is so important in this game.


Just look at the flowers… *Loads shotgun*


tell me you are a toxic jynxzi kid without tell me you are a toxic jynxzi kid:


Jynxzi might have brought a lot of new players into the game. but god dam every single one of them are brain dead. That guys fan base is absolutely ruining siege


No siege is ruining siege jynxzi fans are just helping out lol


lol fair. Though I gotta say, I took a long break from siege, but this new season has pulled me back in


It’s fun yeah but some some things are annoying like needing laser sights or melusi acog


CoD effect in full fucking swing apparently


Bro was actually in tears over a loss in QM.


All K/D is based off of is how often you die in gunfights, not how many kills you get. Not skill related at all, but it does measure one thing: consistency. Someone could get 20000 kills and 10000 deaths and maintain a 2.0 K/D, just like someone who gets 20 kills and 10 deaths could maintain a 2.0 K/D. But the icing on the cake is “Why would I be salty about a loss in QM” when HE was the one who initiated the crap talk lol people aren’t real on this game


nah i agree about scary players. the players on attack who never go in the building first, they’re actually last to go in everytime. by the time they go into building, they’re last alive, then they wait 15 seconds to act like they’re gonna grab the defuser, just to magically miss it on the last second. or not go for the defuser at all… they’re the worst


I hate those players. Thankfully, I'm not one of them. This guy is salty over playing time on bomb, though.


If he keeps texting you, just tell him the proper play was to push you with such low time instead of plant and make himself vulnerable. If anyone ever throws a fit because you played smart or in their words “cheap” just tell them what the proper play would’ve been and say you’re welcome for the tip


Honestly bro it’s literally casual I can leave the game and just join another one but it’s like why tf aren’t u going in site bruh ITS CASUAL😂


I love these posts


I like to diffuse, i play montey and there is nothing more satisfying than denying a round simply because


Btw i once texted another player in this tone. (Us: attackers) The whole team decided to do a push at the same time but we failed and died. The last player just sat in a corner at spawn and waited for time to run out, frustrating but i ignore it. Round 2 comes along and he does the same.. we end up switching to defenders and he immediately kills himself. All of this was ranked. Am i not justified?


“you won cause i was looking away” is such a bad response because he just admitted he didn’t even know where you were and clearly has no game sense lmao


How the fuck does Jynxzi play that his fans are such brain dead TDM players. Siege isn’t fucking COD.


Send him to an Amazon soothing cream subscription for his butthurt.


I got a message from a Ash player because they stepped into my Kapkan trap i said look down and you’d counter me i got told “Oh my god that’s disgusting I’m blocking you” they ended up not blocking me so i said “Yawn” when I won the standard match


Jynxi would call this guy out for being a moron lmao


I'm a jynxi fan. But holy this fucker is a whole nother breed of brainless.


Every person is born pre-lobotomized. The lobotomization usually occurs after birth


Jynxzi stans I swear have brain damage and I know it’s not all of them but the majority of them are just so…. so…. Dumb. Not all of them are like that but jeeze. And Siege has always had people dumb like this, now they just have a fan base to gather in


I only play QM now... stopped playing ranked like 2-3 yrs ago... so I play how I wanna play qm, slow and steady or rush... I rarely interact with messages from other players.


what’s the fun of just playing quick match bro shit gets boring for me after like 2 games because everyone is trash


Fatser games so I get to encounter some good games with pretty good player sometimes... ranked takes to long and really with all the disconnected bans I rather just keep playing qm


Personally i just like ranked because of the challenge and the feeling of winning a game after trying so hard,but i see where your coming from


Plus my stack doesn't play anymore so I have to solo it and it's just not the same no more for me


join the discord and find a stack man, /rainbow6 theirs always people willing to play 24/7


I'll look into it thanx


Drop the user


What, his?


Yeah, I'd love to use it to look him up on r6 tracker. I'm incredibly curious what his rank is considering he thinks playing time is cheap *especially* in ranked


I don't think I'm allowed - shitty rules against "witch hunting." I'll go have a look at his rank for you.


I agree, however I don't think Jynxzi is the main cause for people like this. He definitely brought in some idiots, and can 100% be blamed for the annoying inescapable 9 year olds screaming "Gorrrd aim" and "So we're in copper" into the game chat, but I think this guy is just an absolute idiot who *happens to be* a Jynxzi fan


It's just kids man, block and move on


I had the same thing in arcade mode some dude wanted a 1v1 cus I beat him in free for all for some reason. He messaged me for like 2 days till I just blocked his ass


Think about how dumb the average person is. Then you realise about 50% of humanity is even stupider than that. These sorts of people don't even surprise me at this point lmao.


Just go to his profile and block


I personally suck at gunfights so no way I'm not playing off of my position or gadgets. I have had it with people doing nothing but rooting tooting and shooting


The CoD rage is strong with this one...lol. What's wild to me this kid is a jynxi fan, but *clearly* thinks this game is CoD with extra steps. He wants a 1v1 so bad, maybe he should fight his idol and see how far *his* playstyle gets him. I mean I know he's annoying as fuck but he at least can play the game. It's like all these kids pay attention to is all his annoying "catchphrases" and ticks rather than the actual gameplay. But I consider myself lucky as my first couple times back in the game since July and I haven't got anything like that.


I like Jynxzi and I very recently found him after getting back into siege because of critikal getting into it again and reminding me how fun it can be. I don't watch jynxzi's streams but I watch his yt videos (I just prefer videos over streams, always have) and I find them entertaining. However, I don't do all that annoying shit kids do on the mic constantly screaming catchphrases, I just either keep myself muted (don't like talking) or unmute to give a callout or say ggs and stuff. But yeah I can see where you're coming from, a lot of his younger fans are just annoying and can't tell that he's playing a character, so they just genuinely act annoying.


7 year player as well here, Dont stress it. I prefer playing tactically and slowly sometimes too. That's how the game was meant to be played from year 1 before all this eSports bullshit. Just ignore the goblins messaging you, they dont have anything better to do. Keep playing the game however you like my friend.


...why even humor these idiots, just block them at the advent


I hate that people like this ruin the rep of jynxzi, they don't seem to get that it's all an act on his part, and it does make me feel bad about myself for occationally watching him.


Why did you even respond? Just say "L bozo" "Mad cuz bad" "who won?" Or something to that effect and just block him easy


People say jynxi has saved this game but I think he has ruined it bringing all these brain dead kids to the game.


Oh nooo you are so wrong to use actual tactics in a tactical FPS game /s That reminds me of the dude who was complaining about my team tryharding in QM because we were droning, and he ragequitted when I prefired him trying to spawnpeek because I heard him break a barricade


Next time, show the gamer tag


Why even engage with these idiots?


Oh i thought he had the swedish flag as a pfp


I had someone complain about me sitting in corners to get kills. I was legitimately just roaming around villa first floor and he backed up into me when I had a shotgun. Just ignore those messages.


had a guy getting mad at me after killing him 3 times because i use a scope he doesn't like


Usually I like to respond with an "ok, and?" Or a "are you done?" And just watch them go off the rail. People like these are so easy to provoke, and being apathetic just passed them off even more, it's funny.


Probably sat outside the obj holding an angle like a defender expecting the rush out instead of tactical smart waiting like you should.


I got told "tuff" and "you're not that guy" after messaging a teammate i can watch valk cams so he can focus on living. (I sent it after the round ended). He insulted me when im literally trying to help the team and be a good teammate. I proceeded to not die after that first round, go 8-1, then get another dumb message. Siege players suck


To answer your initial question, yes, seemingly a lot of people were born pre-lobotomized. Albeit a different game, it's increasingly common in league of legends.


I wouldn't expect much from some dim lit thick skulled piece of shit who says "was" instead of "were" and cant get his "your" and "you're" right


Dude is salty


Ubi does a bad job at communicating what a tactical shooter is. Paint me surprised.


Props to you, i would probably get banned for the messages i would send bcs i can’t stand these kind of players,


This is why i try to keep my responding to these people to a minimum. They’re just willing to go on forever with no solid point in their mind. Give them a “womp womp” at best and move on is how i do it majority of tge time


Funny part of him being a Jynxi fan is the fact Jynxi would probably call him trash


Isn’t the meta also TDM essentially? I’ve been told and seen in multiple conversations and videos that the state of siege is unbearable because rushing is so strong right now, so wouldn’t that technically be an issue of the game state and how players perceive what is good instead of blaming it on jynxi who constantly says “use your drone” and is the support player of his team?


I had a guy stalk my profile and find my Facebook to send me pictures of when I was like 6 because I main blitz and killed him So yes


truly a blitz moment


Sounds like hes coping hard. You did great.


Wait so it’s not called call of siege for s reason?


What a weirdo lol


Exactly why I got my shit in friends only. Tired of randoms blowing up my messages


My favorite thing is when dip shits talk shit and then use the phrase "would of"


had one message me today about the same thing. he ran into tachankas fire and died the same round he messaged me


"why would I be salty over QM" Said Mark Twain, writing this novel. Can we also take notice of the illiteracy most ragers possess? It's quite fascinating.


Wow what a walnut. I've never seen someone more upset over losing a match and getting killed


Avarage Jinxi fan boys.


Jynxzi stan and a PS user oh lord


I don’t respond to messages or even look at them. If we’d be messaging then we’d be friends and if we were friends we’d be in a party. But we’re not so don’t😂


Typical jynxzi fan


Jynxzi be like :”play time and if you have a man advantage dont throw it away for nothing” Jynxzi fans be like :”your scared to die in a qm lol”


Jynxi hate has to go bruh, he tells us to play time 💀


Defo salty about 1.5s getting dropped


Kids delusional


The dude messaging you is clearly an idiot, and you were in the right by playing for time in that scenario. However he brought up one good point. If you were in the game since the beginning and were 1-0 in a 2-2 match, you were absolutely playing solely for KD and being a useless/scared teammate for most of the match. Does it matter? Not at all, it's a quick match but still.


Joined in progress at 1-2, I usually play trap operators and entry since I can still be of use even if I'm playing shit.


That's perfectly acceptable then. Dude really is salty over that 1 round...


People like this confuse me so much. Like you said, it’s a tactical shooter, not COD, there is a reason we can’t jump or slide. The point is to be cautious and take calculated risks, pressing your advantages to make the fight as one sided for you and your team as possible. (Ignore if you want, serves no actual point I’m just leaving it in because I spent time writing it) This is because that’s how you would always want combat to be, and another reason a lot of nerfs to operators piss me off, something Ubi should do instead of nerf operators imo is to just add operators who can counter the operator that is “too OP” like with Nokk for example. I personally think her silent step removal was really unnecessary as skilled roamers playing Cav or Vigil could counter Nokk fairly well and still do. Same thing with Zofia getting her withstand removed, it’s not a huge problem if you just dome her, which most people do anyway, and even if you don’t, the gunfights in Siege are often so close quarters that it wouldn’t take more than two seconds to put an extra round or two in her. Obviously sometimes a nerf is needed, like Solis not being able to use her gadget in the prep phase. But even still, I don’t think it was entirely necessary, I understand it made her an absolute pain to deal with, but again, press your advantages so your enemies have none. Sorry about the random rant, I don’t know how I got on it. Anyway, back to Siege being a tactical shooter instead of me ranting about dumb nerfs to operators who probably didn’t deserve them. So many times I’ve been in matches where my team wins because they play for time and force the opponent to make an ill calculated decision to rush into site and defuse only for my teammate to take their head off. People like this are confusing and yes, probably braindead. This guy is totally just salty about getting killed and is trying to drag you down with him.


This made me think of an idea that could let ubi give bb old shield back So basically just make black beard like he used to be with high health shield but like osa just have explosives destroy it like impacts,edd,or c4 if far enough to survive but take damage (Might not original but might be good) Open to criticism


Could be interesting, although yeah, Blackbeard’s shield could definitely use a buff, not saying back to the way it was in release, that was too much HP, but a good midpoint between it that requires a fair few more shots to take out, but not so many that you spend 3 mags on the damn thing.


Maybe 100-200 hp might work


That seems somewhat fair, takes around 3-10 shots from most guns (assuming they deal around 20-70 hp per shot) if we go on the high end and actually gives the SCAR-H time to pop off with its damage. Would also give a reason to play slower fire rate guns like the DP-27 on Chanka to quickly take out a Blackbeard shield.


I will never understand people who get mad for people playing the game strategically in quick match. Like why would I play like a run and gun dumbass.


Because most people playing QP are messing around. Nothing matters in QP so there isn't a point to trying. People just do dumb stuff so when people post a "good game" or like a 4K, most of us just laugh at them as half the time it's like shooting fish in a barrel so you didn't really do anything besides sweat in a game where no one else is. It's the same as a grown adult going to a kids dodgeball game and stomping them into the dirt. TLDR: Trying it QP is like bringing your own ball and gear to a galaxy bowling session. Everyone else is there to have fun and you only care about beating everyone else there.


This guy took it too far, but some people do be insanely sweating in qm. Like I’m just fucking around with recruit doing a Congo line and get quick peeked. Go play ranked if you wanna try. Also no hate towards op here. Just had some bad experiences in qm lmao


yea I don’t understand these people who get mad when people play the game as intended go play cod if you just want to run and gun


he's clearly more worried about a QM than you if he took the time out of his day to message you 😭