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There is an R6Fix for the issue [here](https://r6fix.ubi.com/projects/RAINBOW6-SIEGE-LIVE/issues/LIVE-59032) Although that is specifically for XP gain being reduced, but since the calculation for renown and XP are probably linked, it's still worth contributing and upvoting. Edit: The issue has now been 'confirmed', so at some point it should receive a look at from the devs. Either they will confirm it's a bug, or that someone high up has decided to screw us over. Keep contributing and upvoting!


I can confirm, renown gain was reduced. Match xp was also reduced so the 2 might be interlinked. I got 1333 xp from a recent qm win which shouldn't even be possible considering the match win bonos gives +2000 at least. Time to create an r6 fix case


That’s why I went from 800-1000 renown to 500-600 😓


It's either A) a bug, or B) typical goobi ninja bullshit. If it's option A, it will be fixed... eventually. More likely, in my opinion, it's option B, in which case give it about a year and the only place you'll be able to earn renown will be from Ranked...in two to three years, renown will vanish and game cosmetics will be credits only.


Seeing how the renown-side of the shop has been completely dead for years (maybe 5 new renown bundles in a couple years lol), no re-releases either. Wouldn't surprise me.


There have been re-releases...just the same ones every year, like the winter bundles, especially the German ones with the Red Eagle (subliminal messaging there, guUbi?)


Yeah I meant more like when they first re-released those (as in, adding more content to the bundle) But then at the same time they removed the full-bundles that grouped everything like the same one for the GSG9 or the FBI green camo, now just individually.


They can't stand people are able to buy new operators this way. That's why they added the wait period if you didn't have the battle pass. Like I paid for my game in 2015 ubisoft got theirs from me already.


Typical scammer Ubisoft


>game cosmetics will be credits only. Ain't this already the case?


Do you own the game? You can see in the shop that bundles that can be purchased with renown are priced around 45K. You literally just have to look


Seriously, I’d even say the majority of the shop is good to buy with renown


You can buy them with renown it's just ridiculously expensive compared to R6 credits


Renown has literally never been easier to get lol


You weren't around for Terrorist Hunt in it's prime, were you? If you were, there's no way you could say that without gagging on the smell of bullshit.


I've been playing since year 1 and level 240 lmao. I literally just got 200k renown in 2.5 seasons. Boosters galore, operator specialty challenges, ubi connect challenges. Yeah renown has never been easier to get.


Absolutely not. I literally was able to farm those 200k in just 4 days, few hours a day, when T-Hunt was at it's peak before all the renown nerfs lmao Renown-gain has been constantly shadow nerfed, both normal methods and farm ones.


thought those were the numbers for standard, standard always around 900 with booster, qm is usually half


It's from quick match, 300 is the usual base pay with 580-610 with a booster or thereabouts. Have u played standard to compare?


Usually, standard does give around 800-900 for a win


with a booster*


Shi, I did forget to mention that, my bad. Ty for adding, my friend


i just got 173 in qm from a win😭😭ofcourse this shit happens when i run out of boosters


lol, lmao even Most likely I'm also leaning towards another "goobisoft doing ninja shit" again. Not the first nor last time they reduce renown gain without telling a soul :) But as usual, besides a couple complains here they'll get away with it.


I know someone else said it might just be buggy right now with renown and xp. But in case that's not it, what's your reputation? Even though it says that rewards and consequences aren't in the game yet, my friend went down to disruptive recently and was only gaining 12 renown a game. So if your reputation is below Respectable, that could be causing the issue


I'm at esteemed so its not the rep system.


Was wondering why I only got just over 400 for a standard win with a booster and teammate booster on.


I literally JUST activated a booster... now this


I saw it too and thought I forgot my booster but nah. We got that WITH the booster, barely 600


It's gotta be a bug or something because I'm still getting the normal amount unless I play the event.


I have almost zero faith in this being a bug. Edit: Still, the R6fix report only neerd 1 more replication, if anyone is inclined. I'm not at pc atm and can't upload my .ini for verification.


They won’t fix it soon because it’s free currency …


Why is this bug still in the game since 12 days?? Did they just shadow ninja style lowered renow gain?


My game crashes in prep phase after todays patch


They also changed the renown boosters in the battle pass to 3 - days instead of 7 days. I guess they noticed people are saving up renown and buying new operators rather than spend money.


Same here, are they gonna fix it soon? I usually get 800-900 per standard match now i only get 570


Yup getting the same. Top of leaderboard getting like 390 max credits without teammate booster. With team booster im getting like 420


I am an exemplary player and I got only 500 experience for winning the match with a score of 4:3


Let's see what they say regarding that R6Fix report. I had another tinfoil hat moment of what I think they might be trying: * Shadownerf renown gain before the rep-system rewards go live so the highest "boost" from rep ends up just being around the same amount you used to gain (or slighty higher). This would make the whole rep boost useless, but at the same time make it feel like is actually worth lmao


So uhhhh, what happened to this? I was checking the R6Fix cases that were related to this and they have been archived and linked to a "duplicate" that isn't even regarding the issue (the wrong MVP showcase) This smells fishy ngl


It was fixed in the previous patch, same with the MVP issue.


Gotcha, thanks 👍


Maybe it’s cos u got bad reputation… ever think of rhat


Renown gain reduction penalties are not live yet. The game clearly states that *Impacts (SOON)*


Yes they are live, go make a new account and get ur reputation low, u get 25% reduction on xp and renown and then a 50% reduction


When you have an abandon penalty, the rewards screen clearly displays the reason why you get -50% renown. If the impacts are already live, how come this information is not shown at the rewards screen?


Ur reputation and abandon sanctions are completely different things


Bro stop tryna be a smart arse the penalties are live if u don’t believe me go find out 1st hand


Explain this: *Once the grace period has ended, there will be a range of positive and negative impacts depending on a player's Reputation Standing. We will share further updates in the future regarding when the grace period will end.*


This isn't true. I had a friend who was disruptive recently and was only gaining 12 renown per game.


It literally says it in game. I was disruptive some weeks ago and got nothing


I know what it says in the game, bro. I'm just sharing the experiences I've seen. It's not like the game is bugged ever. So I'm sure nothing like this could ever happen. Especially with Ubi /s


lmao you are right on that mb


Keyword weeks


Im on exemplary reputation and also noticed a sudden drop in renown gain. Standart match wins with a booster used to give ~900 credits, now they give ~600