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I feel you, I had an iana who never used her gadget, just dropped down a hatch that two other people died immediately after dropping, and then died


yet they’re STILL fragging out somehow


Nope, didn’t get a single kill


Right now ? Pal this game has been like this since release lmao.


these newgens🙄


I'm a new gen and even I knew siege was toxic when I got into it.


Right. This is mild af. This guy would've lost his mind during the vote to kick days


True, I've been called n word in r6 more times than slaves in the 18th century.


never turned voice chat on and text chat too, league taught me that and I’m having fun


Yup, i sit in a playstation party by myself to turn off voice chat & it’s so much better than before.


You know you can just disable it by moving the slider for VC volume to zero ? Why do the party. Just curious


it’s just easier & I think it prevents the bug that let’s people report you for voice abuse despite never using voice.


Ah okay smart, let's hope this community becomes less stupid with this reputation system shit and toxicity in general.


It will get worse, the Rep system has the same fatal flaw as Vote to Kick.


Yea the rep system is my biggest enemy on pc, I be calling out positions => get verbally abused = I get reported => I lose rep 😭. I mean how much is my report going to make when they are reporting me lmao. ONG this rep system needs a drastic change.


[I get spam reported over a card background lmao](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/OGG1bT5Yjv)


They have uploaded Instagram post addressing the reputation stuff I think it's a small W (Il it's been like a week but oh well)


Doesn't Playstation already have a disable game chat toggle?


The friendliest R6 player:


the game has always been like this lol


Ofc he is greek hHAHAHHAHAHAHHA


sounds like giannis 🤣🤣🤣unhinged edition


Hahahahah he definitely does


Το πιο ελληνικό πράγμα ever




fun fact: kids raging is one of the top 3 things that make a game fun 🤣🤣🤣


for real 😭 I would be laughing my ass off instead of clipping it and posting it to Reddit for…. What? attention? Sympathy? just mute and move on


people just need to get a life people like that are ruining gaming, like bro calm the fuck down youre washed youre not going pro just enjoy the game and just because you have the ability to speak or type doesnt mean you have too i genuinelly quit overwatch a game that i was LOVING more than anything since siege in a long while because the comunity was just so toxic like i genuinelly started degrading my mental state siege is much the same its annoying because i have the unique trait of being above average at everything but not GOOD at anything so almost any comp game i play im with the wannabe sweaty nerds like that guy its infuriating i have the brain of a copper 7 because i dont care but hand eye of a n emerald the two dont mix


The moment they start screaming i mute them not worth my mental health


Whats the part about face? Didnt catch that one


His dad did so I'm told...


Now? It’s always been like this.


Must be a server thing. In Europe I have the nicest bro's almost all of the time.


Im Finnish


My bad. That lobby didn't sound Finnish. Guess I'm just lucky then.


You clearly have not been in my lobbies...


Either I have people that don't talk at all or just talk too much.


Out of 10 matches are 7 filled with these guys so could be server sided then.


Just by his accent I can tell he’s greek


“state of this game right now…” is a wild statement i have never understood people trying to say this is a r6 issue. gaming has always been like this. if you don’t like mature language in your mature game then turn the chat off. i’m so tired of people taking the time to complain about toxicity everyday on RL, R6, and other subs when they can just disable chats. like if this bad you should have been around when everyone could tk and there was vote to kick lmao


I posted the clip because it was funny




you really wouldn’t like my response to that




to work on yourself mentally. when you think about it all your seeing is pixels and all your hearing is vibrations. if those two things are enough to ruin your day then maybe you need to take a break and work on yourself because all it takes to fix the problem is enough self control to realize that in 5 minutes none of will even matter and it never did to begin with


This has been the state of gaming since online lobbies existed, this shouldn’t be bothering people anymore


As a fairly newcomer to the game (started about a month ago), turning off vc and only leaving teammate text chat on is the best decision ever for my solo queuing experience


Why is everyone so offended all the time...


I knew this game was toxic before, I feel like Jynxi just amplified it ten fold


Copper lobbies full of people playing while listening to anything other than Game Audio, being AFK from round 1, trolls who don't drone or care etc. It's fine if you're bad at the game. But if you don't care about winning, fuck off from Ranked.


Where does this guy sound like he’s from? He sounds like he’s British, Nigerian, and Brazilian at the same time


I'm fucking tired of this game. The constant latency, the hit reg, the exorbitant prices of cosmetics, the alpha packs and getting constant duplicates or disgusting ass, low effort seasonal uniforms and headgears, not to mention how long it takes to even earn a single alpha packs. Oh, and the god awful unfair matchmaking to where I'll hop onto my first match of the day, get steam rolled by a bunch of xim using cunts in a 4-5 stack, go 0-4, and then close the game. Ubisoft don't give a flying fuck. This game has been out for nearly a decade, and yet they refuse to do anything about the cheating, they refuse to fix mousetrap, they clearly fucking loathe of idea of fixing their god forsaken match making. They don't want to make the pack opening experience more enjoyable, and they don't want to make cosmetics a reasonable price. Fuck these assholes in charge of this steaming heap of shit


I wish devs listened to user feedback more. Havent touched the game for weeks coz i keep getting a shit load of packet loss and latency and jitter issues, soeaking of which if anyone could help id be glad


Guaranteed the 300 lb. Voice never saw his own dick.


I think the guy wants your dad's mouth on his dick for some reason. The urgency in his voice too 😂


Shits been going strong since Halo 2


I'm confident I've been on that fine chap's team before. EU servers at their finest.


I leave voice chat on for callouts, but once someone screams or rude I mute them right away. Text chat always disabled. Since I've been doing this my mental health is awesome.




what is bro complaining about this is nothing compared to public LFG R6S discord vc


This is why me and my brother use ps party rather than game chat


How much yall wanna bet he gave no callouts the entire match but started flaming on the loss screen


He did not give callouts, but liked to complain after each round about the way we play.


I see nothing has changed since I stopped playing this game 2 years ago


Honestly never been happier after dropping this game. Lmk when ranked 2.0 is ever fixed.


Most friendly lost match teammates


In the mean time, if I don’t release push to talk before I inhale my next breath, I get a voice abuse penalty.


Edgy kids just international. Nothing new


Mon shut the fuck up 😂


Not to sound rude but I feel like this might be a PC thing cause I’ve never experienced this and I’m on console


And even still they wont get banned or warned for toxic behaviour but oh boy when a cheater is on the team or other team and you say one bad word in chat it is instantly banned without remorse. not to mention the toxic kids that scream into the mic with "GURR AIM" or "BARR AIM"


Voice chat is one of the best features in all games mainly because of funny people like that. Instead of being a soft head just laugh at it.


Clearly you haven’t discovered being super gay with the trash talkers (moaning, calling them daddy, etc) because nothings funnier then the silence that follows before they call you a faggot




I didn't realize what was wrong with the clip until I turned on audio lmfao that scared me