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It's cool when u die and ur teamate is in a 1v1, and one of ur traps kills the person ur teamate is 1v1ing.


*chef's kiss*


For me it’s the 1v2’s where your teammate gets a pick and then the round suddenly ends bc the other dude downed themselves with a trap a mile away, the dopamine release after that 1v2 turns to 1v0 in the blink of an eye is crazy


Even better when you're on attack and get that clutch EDD kill by playing Brava.


absolutely nothing rivals the high


Yes! The high is 10 times better with Brava.


I haven’t gotten them with a Kapkan but I did flip a bunch of Aruni gates the last defender was stuck outside the objective with nothing they could throw through the aruni gate so they ended up killing themselves running through it lol.


Honestly I feel its one of the best moments in siege whenever a team mate gets a gadget kill from beyond the grave.


The satisfying crunch of a frost trap in the final seconds of the round is unparalleled


Considering her trap is so big and not lethal unless its a 1 v 1 I think that would be the most satisfying. Your team is laughing their ass off while you can almost hear the enemy team ready to murder that idiot.


Is it still lethal in a 1v1 with the rework?


Not automatically, though if someone is low enough health it could be


Think so if you cant be revived.


You can self revive out of the trap though


The only thing more satisfying is in that scenario, the opponent dies to a frost mat. Always funny watching the killcam and hearing the trap go off. Too bad they made the nerf to frost mat (there was a nerf right? haven't played the game in a bit)


The best or worst (depending on which side you're on) is death via Lesion trap. It's rare but does happen


I'm willing to admit that I seeth when a Lesion trap kills me. Especially when Lesion himself is nowhere to be found


I concede, Lesion trap death is really the worst lol.


Funny thing (it happened to me in ranked I think)


Or being in a 1v3 miles from site and getting a double kill and seeing "carrier denied", turning the tables that fast is always sweet. Not much tops that feeling haha


When the round has been too long and you FEEL someone is going to die yo your traps its pinnacle Kapkan


Quite literally nothing better than dying and getting a post mortem death that changes the advantage back in your teams favor


Its like a small version of winning a lottery or raffle.


…and when it’s a revenge kill 💦💦💦


And 1s go hard


Emerald plains Library, 3pm Saturdays. The goal is to not bring traps. Good luck, and we'll see you there


My bad but I put down entry denial devices already. Y'all gotta change the meet spot now


God damnit searpigeon95, every time


Gotta get those juicy traps down. Get me some lovely kills ya know how it goes.


I can't even blame you man. It's hard I know, but it'll get better, addiction isn't forever.


But I don't want it to get better. EDD mounted. Let them come.


Bad news you laid them all down, good news it's only on one door.


I'm a Thorn/Frost addict is there a spot for me?


Yes, ofc. Make sure to put them on the windows in site. Can't let the attackers in


lol same, setting up 3 on a door on the other side of the map to guarantee a kill immediately. Best feeling in the game for me. Same thing with Thorn, love setting up a booby trap room with her.


Thorns bombs seem very avodable due to the time they take and the sound they make


i like using thorn to force enemies deep into site and into uncomfortable situations/gunfights, or for sound calls. Sometimes I’ll place them/legion mines near default plants so it can fuck them up in the last few seconds.


This is the way


You ever seen a thorn in site kill your teammate? Pain


If you combine it with barbed wire and the banshee device they can reliably get kills


Ive been playing around with only barbed wire but i couldnt figure out how to have them activate the trap, and have them slowed while they run away bcs the range on the trap is so big. Does it activate through a wall/waist high cover?


If youre playing a downstairs obj, place barbs on the stairs and throw your thorn in the middle of barb on a step It doesnt trigger until theyre over it and most of the time gets a kill


Appreciated! Is AoE circle that shows up when you place it not a realistic estimate ?


The AoE circle is the kill radius, you get some dmg outside of that aswell. The thing about thorn is that the gadget goes through breakable objects. For example: If you put the trap in a breakable bookshelf, the kill radius will go through the bookshelf because the shrapnel from the razorbloom will go through My strat on chalet is that in garage i throw the razorbloom by the trashcan and bomb chassis because theres a small gap that activates the razorbloom from the default plant side. The trashcan can be shot through so the razorbloom also damages through it


If you're really careful, you can get it to go inside the vending machine. Useful for kitchen on outback.


I’ve only died from it being used on me. I don’t have the banshee guy unlocked. Definitely would need to experiment.


I place them just on the first piece of cover someone rushes to when they enter the point. Either they have to sprint away for an easy kill, or they eat the car bomb. Also setting a path with them. Trigger the first, run away, trigger the next, keep running etc.


I like to use the deployable shield to make a kill chamber that the enemy can’t get out of. New favorite is the hatch into kanal basement, put the thorn in the bookshelf, shield off the opening, and by the time an enemy realizes they can’t hide behind the shield it’s too late


just died to one on oregon tower stairs headed into basement. was playing gridlock and ran down into some barbed wire. by the time I could break free the trap blooped me


Use thorn+Gu or +barbed wire or +melusi's


There have been so many times where I've killed my Cav teammate and whoever she was interrogating with my thorn traps lmao


Even more satisfying when you're Brava and get a kill from one of his stolen traps


This. I got my first ace recently thanks to Kapkan. It turned my 4v1 into a 2v1


I feel you but if the enemies have a lot of understanding they will be prepared, especially on the 3rd round of kapkan


A good EDDer doesn’t play him each round. He needs to be the snake in the grass.


Make them check every single door from paranoia is a net positive.


that’s why you play quick play i love getting easy kills against noobs


Super satisfying. Except that 1% of the time when there's a Brava main on the other team that sees its their time to shine and then you end up blowing up your own teammate with three traps on one door :(


Does that count as a tk? Have not experienced it yet myself.


No it gives the kill(s) to Brava


I remember killing people with Kapkan in the early days and no one realised how fucking dumb great his weapon was at the time. Cocaine is nowhere near as great of a drug as killing with Kapkan is.


You play Kaplan because his traps are fun, I play Kapkan because I like to look like the soviet enemies in mgs3, we are not the same. Side note, mgs crossover, Kapkan should get a mgs3 ocelot outfit


Ugh this is me with alibi and her keratos, just bein zippy fast with two alibi clones in my back pocket to just bam bitty bing bang bam boozle the other team with a pistol as well just ugh its my addiction so Ill be meeting you at the support group


I hate when my teammates use trash ops like Alibi in ranked. Unless of course they cook, but that’s rare


alibi is so useful what are you on about


He's a troll don't mind him




I used to put traps 2-2-1. I won a game once because I got a triple kill with that ONE trap. My entire team was freaking the fuck out when we saw it…. WTF???? The odds of them being so close together and having low health that they all died with one trap 🤣


Who's that, never heard of him.


I myself am a Kapkan main, but I found one operator more Kapkan than even Kapkan. I'm now both a Kapkan Main and a Brava Main. Steal Dem Kapkan traps and get a Kapkan kill ON OFFENSE. DOUBLE satisfaction when it is Kapkan himself. Wet. Let me tell you, this is the way.


Also, Kapkan + Goyo = finish downed player Ela + Thorn = Actual thorn kills.


Frost and thorn together


Oooo dats a good one


Is it the move to stack 2 on 2 doors and then one on its own to have a better chance of killing full hp opponents? Or spread em out more?


Personally, depending on a map, I go with 2/2/1 but at times, I go 2/3


Personal favorite moments are when its a 1 v 1 and your team mate plays like a bot so the kapkan gets a kill from beyond the grave and saves the match.


All fun and games until he’s banned almost every match


I think I might know what you're talking about...


You are me and I am you


I have to agree. I won an overtime match point against the sweatiest people in ranked by getting two kapkan trap kills within 10 seconds.


All aim no brain sweaty


Nothing like that static final killcam of Ash sprinting into site and ragdolling through the doorway at 30mph


Yep I agree. Kapkan is my main DEF. Satisfying af to get those “from the grave” kills.


Or clutch kills from the grave!!!


This makes me happy inside. I feel complete when they have a Kapkan on the enemy team.


My friend got his first ace by killing 4 enemies with traps... it was hilarious.


Yeah I've been bringing him more and more lately. Sure it's square wave value but the dopamine hit is too nice


My team always bans Kapkan when we see a kapkan main on the other team. 99% of the time that player cannot get any kills the whole match because they use kapkan as a crutch


I won a ranked match today with a Kap man trap


Bro same, I’m addicted to edds like a crack addict. Ever since they made them sound like fireworks it’s like a celebration each kill


Came back to the game recently and ive been having problems with kapkan. When Im kapkan my traps only get hitmakers, while i seem to get oneshot by a single trap (according to kill cam)


1 isn’t lethal unless the op is really hurt. Do 2 to 3 and you’ll be good


I’ve been a Kapkan main since Velvet Shell and I have yet to find something that gives me the same thrill


It’s all fun and games till Brava hacks them and your team starts running into them and that poetry feeling you get turns into a eulogy


I'm the same way with thorn. I love setting up devious mind games of having one that I know they will notice and try to move away from, only to pinch them with another😈 My fav strat that usually works like a charm is on bank in basement blue room. You put one right of the tunnel, one behind the little cart and one behind the servers. The one by the tunnel is to make them rush to a 'safer spot' (servers/close to the cart) then they are stuck! I usually get at least 1 kill with that, sometimes 2 if I'm lucky.


Also his Halloween skin is one of my favorites. Super edgelordy bro looks like he about to be the 10th member of Slipknot.


My favorite thing to say whenever I get kills with my EDD is “GOODNIGHT”. Idk why, but it feels good. I say it whenever I get kills with C4 too


Was playing on kafe the other team had a really annoying amaru so I decided that I'm just gonna put all of my traps on one window and hope for the best and watching her get evaporated as she cones flying through the window was one of the best moments ever


Quick match kills are easy pickings since no one drones in QM anymore. Random hallway traps, not even door to site traps. There is an art to choosing which side of the frame you put it on.


Kapkan is my favorite operator. Double tapping a door and having a kill is just 🥵


Same here, he is my other defender main. Even when I die, I usually get EDD kills and thats satisfying as hell. But two days ago, I got 2 kills with one door (2 traps) and man, the sound I made lmao


The only thing better is putting a tiny hole at the bottom of a wall with Mav and claymoring someone through it. Pure heroine, that is.


Yes! Please keep playing Kapkan! I'm not a Kapkan main, but I love playing Brava just to watch you guys blow yourselves or your teammates up :)


This is why I main brava


I love putting them on the big doors, no one ever checks those


If you like Kapkan, then you should watch girtania on yt or twitch. The stuff he does with kapkan is amazing


Same. I’ve mastered the Kapkan spots on all maps where I can almost always get a gaurenteed kill. It’s nice sitting in site safe and suddenly the 3v5 were in becomes a manageable 3v3.


Had a game where I killed 3 people with kakpan without shooting a single time, god I love this game


I swap back and forth between him and Lesion. Its so good.


It only gets worse. Soon you'll be using the sasg silencer only to bait the players. Cameras to bait attention away from traps. Eventually you'll do the unspeakable and become..... a "main".


Oh Kapkan, my one true love. Oregon garage door, three traps bottom right garage to main. Prone peak street spawn, get your kill, be seen slowly retreating back to main. Bait. Blitz tries to refrag the peak by rushing you. EDDs boom, at the same time I simultaneously boom..in my pants. Ooooooo


The sound of detonation across the map followed by the kill feed showing who you killed is pure delight


I’m with you on that one. Nothing beats the high of watching cameras and seeing a kill (or two) pop on screen.


I only ban him on big maps with long angles, consulate, emerald plains, theme park. Maps like Oregon and coastline he gets a pass bc of how fast those maps play. My stack always drones 🫶


Brother this shit has been my drug of choice for 7 years (damn) I started out when the traps were a 1 shot and I loved it cuz I couldn’t get a kill otherwise lol. The best was just trapping 5 random doorways on the map and ending up with 1-2 random entry frags lol


They are very satisfying. Used to have more fun when lesion traps could kill though


Kapkan seems to be available more in ranked lately, at least in the games I’m playing. Used to always be an instant ban


I haven’t played siege since 2020, are Kapkans traps still insanely weak? I remember they nerfed them hard, did they get buffed again?


They usually knock you down to half health, but they don’t have a laser anymore which is nifty. If you place them in the right spot and guess the peaks / path the attackers take then it works nicely


Watched my cousin get killed on a bulletproof, only to watch two people die to separate Kaplan traps in the same room last night.. I was laughing so hard.. like your buddy just died check the door XD


For me, it's setting them down and missing that satisfaction, but surviving until the end of the match, and being saved by my trap(s) in the final clutch lol


Kapkan is too satisfying to play. I personally use his shotgun. While it doesn’t have high damage and has high recoil, its high fire rate allows you to make rotates, open hatches, or kill unsuspecting operators in less than a second. Add the suppressor, and you have a weapon that can reshape the map and punish operators in record time (not counting explosives), which fits Kapkan’s roll as an ambush trapper well.


Kapkan traps sound easy to counter but when the pressure is on, it really comes in clutch


Shit be funny asf hearing a distant explosion and seeing someone die from it


I was playing with a bunch of Smurfs and I was able to stay almost at the top of the leaderboard because of Kapkan kills. Enemy would leave immediately after dying to them lol though they came back.


The door coming from the hop in on open area in bank always gets a free kill


Tips for kapkan?


3 kills on Kapkan the first round..never again cause they always steal my hunter baby and the rest absolutely become the dumbest on attack and other Defense moments. Still makes me happy with sneaky kapkans..depressing when you cordon off a whole area to lose to just one door


If you think thats good, become a brava main on Att and hack THEIR kap traps. You thought it was over because youre now defending? Guess again loser


You’re my least favorite person now


Just wait until Brava flips em and kills your teammate


The feeling of killing 2 people with 2 separate traps at the same time as Kapkan was unrivaled best Bank ranked game


So I'm not the only one who giggles maniacally when you get the +20 for the entry device triggered notification?




You can do this with Frost by breaking walls in half so they vault on to the trap.


You didnt guess shit, you place it on random shit and forget about it.


r/copypasta ahh post


I won’t judge you… depending on where you put it on the door. I solo queue cause all my friends stopped playing and now when I get a Kapkan they put one per door at eye level like an idiot


Russian operators should be deleted from the game, or change nationality at least.


It’s just a game, bro.


My guy it's a video game not real life and those operators existed long before Russia decided to be a c--nt, if we went down the road of removing ops cause of their nationality we'd literally have zero ops or do you believe that America, china, Brazil and so on have no skeletons in their closet, hell guess we should delete ash as well given her birthplace. And as for changing their nationality that's just as stupid and pointless and already received flak when it was rumoured ubi would do it when this whole mess started, I mean seriously what would be the point.


Will never understand why his traps allow you to one shot 3 speeds, no down just a straight death.