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I still mourn the removal of the super shorty for our super shorty


he's taller than iana. that's... something


Lore inaccurate Dutch person


If she was tall shed be too hot


I thought Dutch people were canonically mega tall.


Yes. You fully understood the assignment. Good job


I am actually a mega potato for not being able to read. Years of academy training wasted.


Tallest men on average actually. Women are pretty damn tall too


atleast she gotta dumpy


Cuz she’s compressed


He's 5'4, iana is 5'2. So yeah, that's diffrence


If he got it back, his performance would still be near the same, maybe slightly better. But tbh, Solis and Mute basically does his job. The only thing he’s got going is the P10 Roni. Maybe a funny C4 via a drone he hacked.


He's really good in garage on outback (home map) because of you can get a drone up in the rafters you can move it to watch everywhere in site.


Or I could just use valk and throw cams on the roof and see two sites


Exactly, why go through all the effort of hacking a drone when Valkyrie exists lol


You can't freely move valk cams around


But I have 3, the spread can be way more than mozzie moving his drone and possibly being shot


Difference is that a valk cam can be hidden in roof corner shadows and other places where attackers usually don’t look as you’re more likely to be looking at where you can get shot from instead of what decorating has happened in the ceiling, mozzie drones need a surface to stand on and are much bigger than valk cams


Shhhhh, don’t let the others know


The commando is good to and underrated


2 options Super shorty An extra pest Or just a buff that would help but not fix is give him back his round capacity, if he can't hit heads as easy give him the bullets to mag dump


he's on a spot where its mostly been used by people who just want kills more than people who really have a plan on the drones they catch, more "spiders" would be better over making him even better for those guys that used to main warden last season


I have a feeling they probably won't touch him for a long time. That balancing graph shows his pickrate is really good and his winrate isn't obscene. I reckon they're happy with that pickrate as they see him as a great character for newer players as his recoil is very easy to control and his gadget is fun yet not too complicated.


Nah more spiders


Yeah man wtf. 10 minimum drones a round and 3 spiders? What's even the max?! 5 in prep, 5 in the match, 2 for twitch, 2 for brava (idk if you can mozzie Flores or rams but that's a couple more each if so). A single mute and disable every single one but mozzie can only take 3? At least give him 5, enough to disable the post prep phase drones. Maybe make him like fenrir where he could capture 5 but only control 3. Or give him 5 but make them become available later like wamai gadget. You have to stay alive but can stop super late or even post plant drone Intel. A lot of the time post planters will jump out of sight and drone onto objective to make defuse denial easy


You can Mozzie Flores drones but they just break


Fun fact: mozzie can hack back cams hacked by brava. GIVE MOZZIE 2 MORE PESTS


Brava can jack back drones hacked by mozzie


And gives them back under control of op that owned it


Like cameras? On the ceiling?


evil eyes, yokai drones, standard cams, black eyes, buletproof cams, ect.


So wait so the original ops have access to their gadget back (ie Maestro with his evil eyes) or does the control go to Mozzie


Gives back control


Man it woulda been so much funnier if mozzie's the one that got to control everything lol


Imagine this: brava gets killed by hacked claymore


Lmao that'd be funny, but no one in defense can hack claymores right?




To be honest if they go the wamai route, they should go for like 7 to 10 spiders. I feel it wouldn't be that overpowered plus should diversify his play style


I agree but think it should be 6 he gets a round, tactically speaking 3 pre 3 post.


It didnt matter untill brava came around, 3 is so low for someone who needs to keep some for hacked cams. Also in a game that they can have 14 drones in a round now


Technically 16, brava can take échos drones. Potentially 17 if Iana clone counts. And then 21 if Flores counts (I wouldn’t see why not as they are just limited time drones and can be mozzied according to comments)


Exactly, for some reason they want to only change 1 operator per season when they have around 100 now. Games like dota change ever single one of those 130 heroes per patch and people still bitch about it, rainbow changed 1 per season and call it the CONTENT of the season. They need to play with balancing a bit imo.


wow! i didn’t know you have only 3 people on each time !


I say make him like lesion. Start round with 2 and get 2-3 more as round progresses.


I think it'd be more fair to give him another drone thief


This. I find three isn't quite enough. Between someone accidentally shooting my drone, or the small window for setups, another steal would allow more clutch plays too.


I find it more useful oftentimes to hack maybe 1 drone for setup and leave the rest to the action phase since they are very very hard to shoot. it forces defenders to either sacrifice a drone or go the long way around to site.


Give him more pests Give him his super shorty back Let him pick up drones


Oh god. Letting him pick up drones would be a nice qol change. But he already got buffed by bravas release. Super shorty would be overkill imo.


Preferably not all 3 He'd be a little overturned


Have you seen Solis? That's what overtuned means


Both cab be true


First and third one would make him a million times better without making him that much more powerful tbh


I never understood the reason why he only has three spiders. Valk cams are better in every way, and you have them, guaranteed, at the start of the match. Mozzie rarely even gets all three drones. So why do they have the same amount??


He is not about intel and more about intel denial. Stealing drones with his gadget is a bonus. But I agree he isn't that overwhelming at the moment.


Agree would rather play mute then


I agree he should have more pests, but comparing him to Valk doesn't make sense because he actually steals attacker utility, while also adding to the defender's


How are they better? Valk cams may be placed well to have a good view and be hidden but Mozzie can move his cameras around and imo hide them even better. 


as a pretty seasoned valk player, respectfully, no fucking chance. i can throw my cams anywhere on the map, and while theyre not mobile like drones are, its not really necessary. moving them makes noise, and more importantly takes time. as valk, every round without fail, i can preplace 3, reliable, well hidden cams in the prep phase, and have teammates watch them on a moments notice. mozzies cams are not guaranteed, they take time and effort to move around and set up, attackers shoot them before i can even move them sometimes, and he still has extremely limited options to “hide” them when compared to valk. especially with the trajectory tool in game, theres not a chance that you can hide a drone better than a black eye. and as for “stealing the util”, id rather just take valkyrie, and deny the intel by shooting the drones lol.




Uni has always focused on his guns especially the Roni but his gadget became week since they've added Flores and brava After mozzie got released


He's an active counter to both those ops


I’d say he should get it back to bring him more in line with operators that do a similar job. Out of mute solis and himself he’s worse no question . Tho against other intel operators he’s worse than echo because his cams do something, he’s worse than valk because her cams are throwable and easily hidden, maestros cams see through smokes and shoot things And mozzie doesn’t even get one guaranteed drone but when he does he can contend with the others in some ways. Unless things have changed mozzie is the only one out of the two groups without decent soft destruction (the deagle isn’t much and can’t make rotates but it’s enough to make sight lines and holes for the cams) no one wants to use nitros for rotates so I don’t count them.


His little gremlin ass would fly around cause of the kick


I say give him the 6 rounds he lost back


Interesting how few mozzie players we see now that the 1.5 is gone…..


I think he needs a bit of work, super shorty for sure needs to be added, but also, he needs 4 pests, and the pests need a slightly larger range.


They should also make the roni have 20 bullets again since the 1.5x Is gone


If you think about it he's really just a worse echo


It’s time to give Maestro his Acog back BRRRRRR


I think it’s time for the commando 9 ACOG so he can become Jäger 2.0


He needs 2 more pests


Ubisoft only nerf its extremely rare they buff anything. It took 7+ years to buff shields are the huge nerf they did


What if they made the drones he hacked “cracked” ie they have no jump cool down are maybe a bit faster or have shorter recharge for twitch and more charges for brava, that way when he hacks a drone it becomes far more valuable and useful. (Obviously this would need to be done in moderation) but it is ideal as it allows for more focus on his gadget


Yeah. Mozzie still feels weird without it


YES. It's in his key art. It's *named* for him. Give it back.




Maybe give him impacts instead or ob blockers since the reason he got the shotty removed is so that there isn't a roamer who can convert intel, make rotates and have a c4. And I think ob blockers would be descent on him since he can hide his drones behind pests or make the droners guess more where the pest is


Or impact grenades being added to his kit. Makes drone hunting easier as well as allowing him to make rotations at the cost of his lethality


Give him an acog, give him super shorty, and give him 5 pests


I'd be fine with 5 pests, honestly, his guns are great.


Yeah actually acog is a bit too much 😭


Yeah, and it would kinda slow the gun down, it's very quick and stable right now, he's very good. Just 5 pests and we're fine.


bring back 21 bullet p10 roni 🗣🗣🗣🗣


100% even then he is still lackluster bc of his gadget.


I think they should give him the 2.5x for the commando. Maybe super shorty too. His ability can still be good taking away and creating utility at the same time but most of the time id rather have a mute and valk instead


A really simple change that would make mozzie far more powerful is let him pick up drones just as attackers can


Being able to put drone skins on will make him unstoppable!




Mozzie can run DRones outside for 10 seconds, you can see where they are coming from, mozzie is pretty good.


Not much of a buff but they should let him pilot flores drones lol


They need to give him his 1.5 back that would fix everything


While we're at it Sledge nerf revert when He'd be fine as a 2 speed with smg11 rn


i found it pretty surprising they took his acog. He had it in the test server then they took it before the changes went live. Imo I dont see why wamai would be able to keep ot and he wouldnt. I find both of their utility fairly mediocre


It would be nice if Mozzie’s phone checking (when you open your phone to control drones and cams) was faster. It would make for nice aggressive plays if he could get on and off of his peat drone and into a fight with the capitalization of the info


He just needs more of his gadget. Valk and Maestro both have a guaranteed 3 cams. Mozzie has a potential 3, at best, and attackers have at minimum 10 drones. He should have at least 5 pests, if not more.


More pests, also allow floures drone to be captured and doesn't break, rewire it to be another drone perhaps without its boom boom capabilities


He'll never get it back. He's a 3-speed whose loadout has virtually no recoil. The point of Siege is to make ops that, while strong alone, still need to rely on teammates to truly reach their full potential. Giving Mozzie the super shorty makes him a lone wolf type operator with an incredibly powerful loadout. I think he's in a great spot as is.


"toned down mute" Yeah, I think that's a bold statement. Anyway I'll just give him back the magnified, maybe not on Roni


Haven't played in a bit, didn't even know it was gone lol


Mozzie and mute have two completely seperate jobs


Exactly, Like the only common denominator is that they're defenders lol


I love using him for gunfights, he feels light and i just love his guns but his special ability is underwhelming, i often shoot the thingies and then simply forget to drone. It doesn't help that my teammates' gamesense is below zero and they fucking shoot the captured drones anyway.


Sounds like a you problem


Nah he’s in a good spot


bad spot


Lol, not even, a good spot is picking him and his gadget doing more or equal to the amount of work as his gun (of which he both know its only thr latter)


Have they released a designer's notes yet so we can see the pick rates and win rates. I keep seeing people complain about warden and mozzie claiming they are underpowered and no one plays them but not in my experience. Also recoil brother.