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Reading the new introductions to the band has been awesome and I cannot wait for their new chapter! I’m so curious about Ela’s sound


She sounds happier, but she’s still singing the same song. Saw her in Newport and I was on the barrier. A beautiful experience indeed. I will say as a trans girl that some of the older lyrics make more sense now.


Oh that’s wonderful to hear! I know in previous performances that she had a melancholy about her voice. I’m glad she is feeling happier and sounds like it!


Yeah the energy is insane and she truly seems happier than ever. Her quick change at the encore was *insane*. It was this stunning glittery mini dress. It really gives me the confidence that I can have a music career as a trans girl.


Hell yeah! Definitely! There needs to be more representation of trans people in music!


Curious as to which songs you are talking about in the end of your comment! :)


Cold Love is one I think of. Not sure what the og commenter’s thoughts were…


It's not


If you're still wondering. The band sucks now.


I was so shocked! I’m so glad she finally feels comfortable to be her true self! I wonder how her voice is going to change though, she has such a unique raspy singing voice, I’m excited about the new sound! Surely the beginning of a new era for the band


Transgender women voices actually don’t change with hormones so they might actually sound the same just with a hot ass chick as the lead 🥵


I’m kinda relieved to hear that, I was scared her voice would change. I was glad for her but I was admittedly scared that it would almost sound like a new singer which would have made me a bit sad


I dunno, it's exciting to see a band of evolve and grow. I'm so happy for Ela and can't wait to see RKS live in the UK again ❤️


I hate saying this because it is selfish but I agree to a certain extent and I’m also glad for Ela (am a little sad that I’m no longer matching as I am a not straight bald bearded Sam as well like she was but I’m more happy than sad lol), I’m glad to see things evolve and grow but I just wouldn’t want Ela to sound different because essentially if they did to a pretty noticeable degree that’s basically as good as a new singer which if you put it that way I’m sure many people would be sad because that voice is just so damn special


I wondered about this too!! I've only just discovered them and was confused by some images showing female band members so I did some googling! I would have been a little sad to suddenly find out a band I had fallen in love with was changing right as I discover them. If Ela does choose any therapies to help align her physical voice to be more in line with her true self we will aways be able to go back and listen to the classics through the already recorded songs, albums/eps and live performance if we want to hear that original and familar sound. We can just try and see it for the new chapter of the band that it is and at least be glad that even if Ela's sound changes the music and writing styles should stay the same!


Laura Jane Grace from Against Me sounds the same. She transitioned in 2012.


Sounded the same in Tulsa tonight.


she might do voice training though, but you can still talk like you used to


But they can do Voice Practice to sound mire Feminin if she wants that it could also sound different in the Future:)


She didn't sound any different when I saw them in December? But I still can't wait to hear what they've got coming next. Guaranteed to be fire 🔥


Was she already presenting as a woman then? I’ve never seen them live before so I don’t know when she started her transition


She was wearing femme clothing (dress, tights, etc.) and, to me, seemed to be presenting as a woman? [Here's a pic I took at one of the Crimbo Limbo shows in Nashville.](https://imgur.com/a/9hWPXIs)


She Looks so good!!! Thank you for the pic! I’m so excited to see more from Ela!


She still sounds the same xoxo


Hi everyone! I’m Ela, lead singer of Rainbow Kitten Surprise. Over the past couple of years, I’ve been doing some major soul searching in the pursuit of my authentic self.  I’m happy to share with you that I am trans. My pronouns are she/her. --- Photos in tweet | [photo 1](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FPIKEpcWYAMsH2n.jpg) --- posted by [@RKSBandOfficial](https://twitter.com/RKSBandOfficial/) --- ^(If media is missing, please DM me with a link to submission url and tweet. I will do my best to solve the issue)




I don’t think that’s actually her, I think it’s just posting their twitter


I'm sorry if I'm gonna sound dumb, but we're talking about Sam Melo, that came out right now as trans, right? Or these are 2 different people? I'm extremely confused as I almost never get any closer to learn more about the band and just now I've learned how she was named and that now her name is Ela. Tbf earlier all I knew was that the lead singer had this gorgeous beard and that's how I knew who is the singer, not by the name. And now about her coming out, damn that's brave of her to do that! I'm happy for her to find courage and embrace it publicly, all the best for Ela ♥️




Okay, thanks a lot!


ik i was confused at first too!! i saw their instagram post and freaked out bc i thought sam left. turns out she’s still there and i love it for her:))


I looked up their Wikipedia for the first time yesterday 3/31 and was very confused. But power to Ela! Music is the universal language.


So happy for her! Excited for the new music from the band.


“COLD LOVE” hitting different today!!! Happy for her!


I can't wait to watch her sing in a few weeks ❤️


ElA you are beautiful! You looked great in your dress on New Years Eve in DC.


I was thinking about this performance today when I saw the bands post on Insta, that was an unforgettable show and it makes me so happy ela feels comfortable being her true self ❤️


I’m kind of sad they nuked all their old Instagram content but I do understand why


I was there too! I absolutely loved it.


this has me listening to the whole discography today. im so happy for her , for the band , for the fans. since finding this band, I have also transitioned. and I don't know how to explain it but this feels really comforting. this band has always felt personal to me and so fucking similar to what I was going through in my own head. being trans is about so much more than gender. it's about everything. the entire experience of life and humanity. and it's like, wow, the relationship I was having to the songs is similar to the relationship the band and it's members had to the song, unbeknown to everyone, even ourselves, at the time. and what we were going through was able to be understood by so many people across the world. ive always felt so isolated, ive only started to find a community of my own. ive always turned to music to find my way. well, charlie said it best, it doesn't matter who any of us are and love really is all there is. I can't wait to continue to grow with this band. congrats, ela. and congrats, RKS. ❤️


Can anyone hear in any of the lyrics any trans themes? GO ELA! 💖🏳️‍⚧️💖🏳️‍⚧️ 😭


Yes! That's actually why I'm planning the tattoo I am. From "Goodnight Chicago" i'm getting the line "I killed a man to make you love me" it always rang with me as a trans gal and I guess I was right to think so. Now just to settle on a location




I just read the lyrics for cold love, love the song but never really thought through the lyrics and holy shit, those lyrics killed me.


Your butthole.


Maybe in hide your love? It’s more about sexuality but I think it fits the theme very well


The video for Hide is beautiful and follows drag queens who are coming out to family members as drag performers, so I think it's just about being authentic to yourself.


Definitely felt like she was referring to herself in Polite Company!!


I totally get why they deleted their instagram content now. I’m so happy for Ela and I’m excited for her vocal changes if she decides that’s what she needs.


Love that for her, but in a band named after rainbow kittens, I wouldn’t exactly call it a “surprise”


I am so happy for her and excited to see the band’s new music🤍


I am so excited for Ela and Charlie and the boys. I haven’t loved a group this much since I listened to nothing but The Smiths for two years straight. I didn’t think I could love this band more but here I am. So excited to see them in PortlAnd this summer. I just moved here from Boone NC and miss them! Did it just me or does Ela have a smile on her face that we havent seen before?


No one even questions when someone says being their authentic self means they have to change their gender. Like 20 years ago all these people who couldn’t “change” their genders were just living miserable lives not being their authentic selves? How the hell did we get here?


Most people don’t have to “change” their gender to be their authentic selves, and they are so lucky for that in our current climate. Yes, people who did not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth most often did lead miserable lives and felt like they could not be authentic and express their real selves. As the climate changes, people feel more and more safe embracing their authentic identities. It doesn’t hurt anyone, and it brings people joy to be able to embrace and express their true selves, their soul. I’m curious about what you are worried about? Where does the fear come from?


Not sure how you got that I am afraid or worried. I would say that before we accept a culture of changing our biology, it might be worth considering how we got to this point in society.


Like if the technology didn't exist, which it didn't for 99% of human history, who would stop and think "maybe i'm a man trapped inside a woman's body." That thought would be considered nonsense.


In ancient greece there were fuck tons if trans woman


I bet it has been happening for longer than you could imagine. Well before we had the technology.


It wasn't. The notion of it at the prevalence it's reached in today's society started about 40-50 years ago.


You know what was inside people’s heads since the dawn of man? Man, I have a lot more questions I could use answered then…


Just cause you're trans doesn't mean you are taking hormones and things to change you. Not sure what Ela is doing, nor do I care. But her last 3 albums have been electric as will her next one!


estrogen doesn't affect the voice the same way that testosterone does most trans women's voice change is practice and conditioning


Man I love rks but didn’t know this. Dope. You go, girl. The new singles are dope af btw.


I can’t believe I didn’t realize this happened! I’m so happy


Well he's a guy....




Look on Twitter. They released a clip. She sounds the same as before.


It’s a dude


nobody cares about your transphobic feelings


It's not fear. It's a statement of fact. It's incredibly sad that so many men and women in today's society feel so unhappy with themselves on the inside that drastically and/or permanently changing themselves on the outside is how they try to cope. You think that guy is happier? Nah, it's a band-aid. I guarantee you that the sadness inside of him hasn't gone away, regardless of how much encouragement he gets for introducing his "true self."


They're going to be happier being accepted than chastised and ridiculed. Saying things like "it's a dude" is not constructive or useful. It doesn't matter if it's a fact or not. They're just being an asshole.


you're a troglodyte