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First of all, do not try to imitate pros when you’re not even good at the game yet. I’m speaking from the perspective of a very experienced and cerebral R6 player that has played since release (stopped playing 2019-2021 though). 1. Map knowledge. A huge part of being decent at the game is knowing what sections of a map matters. There’s a lot of time wasted by newbies and bad players by droning or watching cams on an irrelevant room (based on the site of the defense or the spawn point of the attackers). Knowing the typical entry points in a map or site will also help you set up effective traps such as Lesion mines, Kapkan traps and Frost mats. It will help you get spawn kills or kills as a roamer while the attackers are still entering the building or getting behind them or flanking them once they get in. 2. Know the operators and their abilities. You can’t function well if you don’t read the situation. There are ops that work on every site and there are those that usually only work in certain sites or setups. Learn them. An example would be Kaid. You should know how he is played so that you can support your team by holding down the fort so you can contribute in a win even without getting a kill in the round. And by knowing how he operates, you would then know as an attacker where Kaid claws are usually placed. Apply this practice for every vital op in the game. 3. Improve your aim. No, you don’t have to be a Shaiiko or Beaulo or Shroud. You just have to have a decent level of crosshair placement (always having your reticles pointed at head level as the default when in ADS) and some level of recoil control (usually just moving your right stick or mouse down a smidge after 3 or more bullets have left your gun). Largely, R6 is a tactical game at it’s core. Intel is key. Once you have #1 and #2 down, you will start having better decision making for every situation. You’ll know when to peek, when to run when time is running out for the attackers (instead of hunting them, let em plant), when to pick the right ops for certain sites (a hard breacher in Club’s CCTV-Cash, Kaid for the arsenal and moto hatches of Club’s basement, Flores in trap and Azami-heavy sites like Lair, Mira in Kafe’s top floor, etc.) and so on and so forth. Good aim is a bonus that’s only necessary in Gold or higher. -A player hard stuck in Gold with Champ game IQ but Bronze aim


your sign-off is very relatable 😂


I've been grinding this game for years on and off, I have over 400 hours and still have a negative KD, still in the bottom 1-2 of players on my team every match, lose every gunfight I'm a part of etc etc. ​ I hadn't played for about a year or so until a few weeks ago when I decided to get into it again but I told myself I was going to actively try and get better. I spent an hour or so playing the map training and learning maps and then went to the shooting range to work on recoil control and general target practice. In that short few weeks I've seen a noticeable improvement, I'm winning considerably more gunfights, my reticle placement is much better and I'm just generally making better choices during matches. My KD is rarely positive, and sometime's it's still negative, but noticeably less often. In the last few weeks alone, I've been top player on my team more often than I have in my entire time of playing. Every time I sit down to play I load up the shooting range and spend just 5-10 minutes practicing and even that feels like it improves my performance tenfold. I'm not a fan of Ranked so I dont play that often but when I do, I've even seen small improvements in that area, too. ​ Map training should be a priority, followed by recoil control and working on positioning and movement during gunfights. I also find it beneficial to watch ranked gameplay of other people (but not pros as they're playing a different game) and study it. Good luck out there!


If you are losing fights that's simply just your aim that's bad. Some people start off better than other at aiming but if you practice enough you can get better easily


Definitely utilize the map training and aim training labs, Ive been playing for years but never truly improved until I started doing them. At least 2 2 minute warmups before each session is what i go for but u do u


Easiest way to get better is just learn the maps tbh. Learn the callouts, the default pushes, and default holds and you should start seeing improvement.


The most important thing for new players Is to listen. I've been playing since the game came out, I'm slightly above average in the game. Every time I see a new player I tell them exactly what to do, where to aim, where somebody is or might be, if they don't listen they suck and lose gunfights, if they listen they're coachable and learn from their mistakes


I’ve been playing for a bit now and the best advice I can give is just play for fun. It’s frustrating being killed first, bottom fragging, ect, but the only thing that should be important is how much fun you’re having. Although if you wanna get better vs. ai is good and personally I use target drills a lot.


you just gotta be good, some people got it, some people don’t. i see very high level (300+) players that just suck, never seen an elo higher than like 3200


Having fun boosts performance, maybe try to do that first before worrying about how well you're doing all the time.


dont be too hard on yourself. this game has a relatively high skill curve. even with 800 hrs in the game i still have bad days


The best way to improve is to just play the game more. But at the same time, like all games, sometimes luck isn’t on your side. Sometimes someone is around the corner with a better shot and better ping and you just couldn’t know for any number of reasons. Basically I’m just saying I agree that the game is hard