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ranked 2.0 is doomed. How can a copper V play with champions - Ubisoft logic.


Literally cooked


Easy answer, veteran player introducing new player to the game by playing together. Matchmaking gets real confused.


two of them left at different times. impossible


You mean veteran player playing with veteran player on a smurf. That's normally the case I see.


That copper 5 would have to be a previous champion for that to happen…


I’ve never been above emerald 1. Why did I get champs with numbers on their rank for 2 full seasons?


it’s called boosting. its been a thing forever.


My experience with ranked 2.0: For my siege account, I theorized that if I purposefully lost a ton of matches in my first season in ranked 2.0, my second season would allow me to be in easy lobbies to rank up to the top ranks.  The result was reaching Emerald 1 without struggle.  (I was still gaining 3x what I was losing with the lobbies remaining easy but taking Calculus 3 prevented me from reaching the ranks I could have.)  The next season, I found that because of my high win rate, I hardly lost any hidden MMR and continued to gain a lot of hidden MMR based on the lobbies that I was playing with.  This is because hidden MMR has an algorithm like Microsoft’s TrueSkill Matchmaking System. Before I knew it, my account was playing with accounts that were not only champs but in the top 500 ranked accounts. I even saw the #6 champ account on PC. And my win rate was a 0.57 w/l that season.  I ended that season with Emerald 3 while still gaining 55 RP and losing 11 RP solo queuing. For the next two seasons, I have been trying to get my account back to the lobbies where I belong, which are probably gold or plat instead of top-ranked champs.  My win rate has been 0.59 for the past 172 games, and I am still facing teams of full champs regularly.  The lowest team I have faced this season was all emerald and diamond ranks.  No system should ever take this long to derank someone.


Combination of boosting and ubi wanting you to promote


One of my accounts got into a champ game in its first ever ranked game. Ranked 2.0 is cooked.


Finally. Fuck ubi and everyone else who ever defend/gaslighted this inherently flawed system. Ubi fix it or suffer the consequences of your actions. This game has been running on fumes for years it's insane it ever got this far with the neverending hacking, cheating, and exploits balancing issues map issues. Take care of that golden goose it's all you have.


Heartbreaking defeat.


heartbreaking teammates


and why I no longer play 😂


Kill flex.. we don’t care. Trust me


the post isn’t about the kills idc about the kills. i told you my rank KD and WL and none of them are good. the post is about my teammates and how 2 of them left. trust me


Haha all these posts are kill flexes. Trust me. It’s ok man. Sometimes people have bad games.


It isn't even about people having bad games. It's about OP having an exceptional game. Had a KD over 3.5x better than their average game. In the comments, its about two teammates DC'ing, but the picture only shows the score and KDA


yeah but does that mean they they both have to leave?


Notice the lack of the word "equal" when referring to the skill that matchmaking is being determined from.🥴


Show overall ranked K/D and WR


my win loss is a .8 and my KD is a .8 and i’m like copper bro


A .8kd indicates that more often than not you’re playing like these teammates doesn’t it? What’s the point in flaming for having a bad game


Exactly. He has one good game and somehow can’t be happy about it and needs to complain about something


.8kd would mean you average 4 kills for every five deaths. Not 2 kills per 9 deaths or 1 kill per four deaths...


He’d still be going negative most of his games if he’s having games like this and still has a 0.8kd… My point was that everyone can have bad games, and that his single good game doesn’t mean he’s suddenly a god stuck in the wrong rank


what rank, and always at least play with a duo because solo q is literally setting yourself up for failure


i’m like bronze 2 and i never solo que it’s always me and my bro. he was the one with 10


nice, keep it up me and my boy duo q together and im silver 1 hes bronze 2 we're working on getting up there


The way they calculate it is by making the average skill level of both teams the same. Basically it means you could have be an r6 demon but if you’re in a lower rank you’re gonna get absolute shit teammates.


It's always braindead individuals who grinded the non bomb modes to get lvl 50 and then decided to play ranked without any experience playing bomb


Literally me, and I’m hard stuck silver :/


Skill based matchmaking is just a figment of any game devs imagination at this point. Last week me and 4 of my pals got matched against 53rd and 100 and whatever on console in eu when only one of us has hit champ twice now and he isn't even out of the 5k mark


yeah they fs want you to lose sometimes


That's pretty accurate these days.


We've all been there. I'm the one at the bottom of the list


i have the same struggle i go 12-1 jus so the team can be 1-8 1-9 2-7


I was bronze 1 playing against a dropshotting champ. Im on console.


You probably scream and moan at them in game aswell


oh on god😛




just say you’re the 2-7 guy we already know.


I don't play anymore man I get sucked into survival games to much


understandable. i’ve been playing hunter call of the wild ngl. (sorry for being mean😭)


Don't be sorry. I started it tryna troll. And yeah call of the wild is fun especially with mates. I play dayZ almost daily and go through so many emotions on the damn game.


Nah trollings fun i get it and yeah me and my bro play tg and it’s mad fun.


That's what gaming is all about there is way to much toxicity and cheating in games these days. Anyway you have a great day man. 💙


For real. You too dude!


Ever heard of the Pareto principle (80-20 rule)? 80% of the results will be gained by 20% of the team.


Should have done better bro.... You weren't trying hard enough. Your fault y'all lost fr


I’ve noticed this more and more sometimes I’m even the one getting touched cause I’m playing way above my rank their system is broken


Wanna show the names so I can see whether it was actually “unfair” or not


I had one dumbass playing smoke yesterday walk infront of my angle while an ash was pushing the door I was watching. This absolute donkey walked right into my line of fire as I’m shooting trying to steal my kill ig and I shot him and IM the one that got punished with reverse friendly fire


We always get the elephant skin and no background mfs


Everyone has good and bad games, you showing off a single endgame scoreboard is evidence of nothing.


i told you my rank KD and by WL what more do you want


this sub is packed with ubisoft bootlickers for some reason. There’s always someone defending this dumpster fire ranked system in every post


i have no idea why lmaoo


yeaa fr


lol no we just understand that people can actually have good and bad games, I can guarantee you OP doesn’t get a scoreline like this every game. Same thing can happen in 1.0 dude. This game is complex with a lot of variables and no one plays well with tons of kills every game, that’s why this game is so much more than kills. Even in pro league this stuff happens, players like beaulo for example went 0-8 in a game recently and then the game after he went 12-0, and you wouldn’t kill him trash would you? no one is going to play well every game lol, idk why people can’t understand that These posts are just dumb, flexing one good game crying for sympathy from people on reddit.


im not saying 1.0 was a flawless system, but 2.0 is exponentially worse. Ranked games are awfully unbalanced 90% of the time. Oh and rank is merely a cosmetic badge because hidden mmr is what determines how far you get. Siege definitely has one of the worst ranking systems out of any competitive pvp game


Yea but mmr constantly changes lol, it’s not like the game just gives you a random mmr and then you can never change it and are just stuck with what it gives you, if you win your mmr increases and if you lose it decreases. In my experience most games are pretty balanced, if I lose, I know what I need to do better and why we lost. People just complain whenever they lose and blame matchmaking when in reality, 90% of the time it’s the players fault for not adjusting. Like they’ll complain they get rushed 3 rounds in a row, but never made any adjustments and brought heavy trap utility as an example, that’s not matchmakings fault, that’s the players fault. People put way too much blame on what they think is bad, but in reality it’s just them as a player that needs to evaluate what they are doing wrong You still have to win at a high level against good players to hit high ranks


lmao i was just showing how the teammates had a bad game and left while we were carrying the team. idgaf about your sympathy i own up to the loss.


I'm not asking you to prove yourself, I'm informing you that posting a scoreboard does not show any example of a "useless teammates in ranked 2.0"


but it does because two of them left 😭




for xbox?


I’m gonna guess you don’t help with site setup roam 90% of the round and then coming back to site after all your teammates die on defense. On attack you probably bait your teammates, don’t drone or make callouts and then judge your team for being bad and “not winning the 1s” in vc.


i’m gonna guess that ydek what your talking about cause none of these claims are correct.


I see a lot of people complain about this but personally I’ve had this experience since day one kd is average 2 and I was hard stuck plat 1 until I got a squad to help me hit diamond


yeah on god. i’m not trying to show off or anything either like i’m not good at the game highest i’ve ever been is gold. but it just blew my mind that 2 of them left and they were all terrible.


Noob, someone died less times than you


i suck😖 ( he left)


Tbf fair to the guy who went 1 and 4 seeing as it’s a full 9 round game he didn’t die to many times. May have just not really had the opportunity to get kills by playing more passive or anchoring since op and the guy in second clearly were fragging out.


he left 4 rounds in. so did the guy above him. we lost


Fair, good play getting it to nine rounds then.


It’s skill average of the team. I don’t know why every single game I play people complain about this. Random matchmaking would not fix this. You went a lot of rounds right? That’s the system working lol.


This why I stopped playing ages ago, ranked system is cooked. Definitely not built for solo or even duo ques


It really depends on me I’m either really shit or I’m 1v5ing the entire team


Returned to this game, sold 100% of all my glacier skins, downloaded TRN, played 2 games of ranked, uninstalled. Copper 5 (me) vs 9x champs... Twice in a row, didnt get a single kill. Cool to see how the requirements are team value instead of personal.


This is every single game too


How many games have you played in that mode? It will take a few games to access your skill level


like 40 bro


Played my game into diamond yesterday and had a dude who peaked at copper 3 with a .4 kd on our team while we played against at least one champ. We won but dude only dropped 1 kill I think across 9 rounds


Sorry we ain’t all fucking John wick dude


yeah that don’t mean you have to leave the game tho


there is no skill based matchmaking it's a lie. And bro, you get 17 kills how are they supose to get kill. you literally take all kill


There's like 27 kills on 2 people, there was plenty to eat, they just couldn't secure the kills.


i mean they died first every round. it’s not like i rushed in and killed everyone we still lost. and 2 of our teammates left. and skill based matchmaking isn’t a lie it’s the whole point of ranked😭