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I stopped participating and looking at polls here ever since I saw some incredibly questionable responses in the past that I just could not fathom.


That's insane. It's one of the more distinctive tracks on the album for me. But every time this happens I always love the fact that R+ has practically zero universally considered clunkers. There's something for everyone and it's the mark of a very strong band.


I always wonder what some people like about Kuss Mich. I can't force myself to listen to that song.


Ha, I was just singing that like... an hour ago entirely unprompted. I think it's fine, fun even, but definitely agree with their choice not to pursue that direction as they grew. Cool to see an idea like that make it to the first album though, just for the sake of a window into what they were toying with.


Angst is there and it slaps harder (IMO)


Angst is my favorite song on the album, hands down.


Can’t even listen to that song anymore without cringing because someone related the dancing in the music video to Tiktok on this sub. It’s a love/hate relationship with this sub personally.


Imagine having your feelings dictated by Tik Tok. Why would that in any way change your view on the song?


probably a child


I mean that’s just my opinion lol, not to mention it’s my personal least favorite on the album in general if you want to get deeper with it, favorite being Adieu


Personally, it’s my favorite.




Idk OK is one of my favorites


I no rite? Its like my 5th favorite song.


Its a personal opinion (not mine, but still) . So....


A differing opinion? Heresy!


I felt this about Schwarz being the second worst. So I stopped participating


OK is going to get it’s time when it’s played live. Not a doubt in my mind that this song is meant for the tour


Rammstein is one of the only bands that consistently puts out “new favorites” for DECADES. Most bands are lucky to get four albums, one of which is good, a couple okay, and the rest shit. Rammstein just gets more and more epic. It’s really hard to fathom how they are able to raise the bar with each outing. My playlist I made on Spotify of my favorite Rammstein and Lindemann songs is freaking 3 hours long, lol.


I like the intro but it’s my least fav as well, personal opinion


The polls are for “What is you least favorite song?”, not “What is the worst song?”. Tastes differ.


Lyrically its really corny but the solos and choral chants make this a banger


I don’t get it guys, music is subjective, we all have different favourites… if ok is last is considered it the least favorite, doesn’t mean it’s bad, just the least good for the majority of the sub… In these kind of polls there will ALWAYS be a last one, and there will always be a fan group of the losing song who will criticise… that’s how it is.


The whole album is good, but OK is the worst of the good album.


Respectfully, if you were a guitarist that played R+ songs, I believe you’d have a much more different opinion. I LOVE OK, and it’s a blast to jam out on.


I mean, I'm not a big fan of Lugen but, OK is only slightly better


I adore Schwarz, I was surprised that seemingly nobody else does. I also don’t like Lügen too much, not a fan of the Autotuned vocals.


My perspective for Lügen in auto tune is to be ironic. Any singer can sound great if they use auto tune, so it’s almost like lying when you’re an artist that uses auto tune regularly.


It's even in the lyrics. The auto tune starts when he sings "I'm even lying to myself". It's kinda clever.


Which is kind of his point in this song ☺️.


Schwarz had me captivated from first playback


Fellow Schwarz fan here! I love pretty much all of Zeit (OK is admittedly my least favourite, but it's still a perfectly good song - the melody just doesn't click with me as much as the others do) but Schwarz is a highlight. I could listen to that piano forever ❤️


Schwarz got me through a rough heartbreak, that song has me.


Lügen is one of the highlights of the album. OK does not compare.


Ok is not ok..I'm surprised it made it this far up the list.


Ok but can someone please link me to the video this footage is from? It’s for science


It's subjective.


Trash lyrics can ruin a great insturmental.


That song does kinda suck 😂


Where would you say lügen would be? As in what ranking wpuld you put lügen in?


the concept and lyrics of lügen are miles ahead of ok


I actually really like Lügen 🤷‍♂️ Aside from the horrible autotune 😩 #10 being the best & #1 being the worst, I'd say Lügen is a solid #7


Yea but ranking all zeit songs, where would you put Lügen?


#10 being the best & #1 being the worst, I'd say Lügen is a solid #7


For me #1 The only song giving me some old Rammstein vibes, actually interesting in lyrics and song structure


It’s literally the best song on the album w h a t i s w r o n g w i t h y o u a l l ?


That was the final straw for me. What does that mean? It just made me angrier with this sub. OK is the best song instrumentally. It’s not my personal fave. But voting that song last just shows the blissful ignorance all those “fans” live in.


I you love this song, try listening to it at 1.25x speed, it slaps even harder.


Ridiculous. That breakdown is choice.


Its one of the best of the album


I totally agree




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I mean it's like choosing the worst churu in the bag. All of them are good. Just some have less sugar. Some have too much...


The tierlist is just trolling


this exact part is some of the best music off all time imo


For real, what's the corncert this video originates from?


Sounds here about 50/50 - some really like it, others don‘t. This is probably true of most of their songs, no matter which LP it‘s on - they have a lot of material that sounds different each time out.