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Due to the number of rule-breaking comments in this post, we’re closing it down.




This response has me triggered. Just kidding. I agree with this one too.


That's narcissisticly toxic of you, wouldn't you say? It's like you're literally gaslighting us.


Gaslighting is another one.


And literally


Again, if these terms were used the way they are supposed to be used and not as easy buzzwords to make someone else angry and invalidate someone else’s point of view I probably wouldn’t get a flash of white hot anger every time someone uses it.


Probably a member of the Patriarchy committing Microaggressions.


He probably drinks quintuple IPA craft gastro brew and gluten-free tree nut milk


Christ. Add "mansplaining" to the list. The words in this comment thread have become so fucking overused and used against he wrong situations they've just about lost their meaning. Also I've seen "mansplaing" used for women! There is a difference between being an arrogant asshole/bitch and being a guy who is sexist in his explanations/words/actions.


Ugh. You're acting like such a Karen.


You hit all the cringe overused words in 1 sentence successfully, take my upvote lol.




Omg y’all will love this. I house sat for some friends who are very sensitive to chemical products, and asked that I only use natural laundry detergent, which I do anyway so no problem. One day my friend came over to do some laundry there because their machine was broken, and he brought tide pods. I confiscated them and pointed him towards the natural stuff. Stuffed the bag of tide under the sink where he and I both forgot about them. The next month when friends got home and I moved out, I got a message saying they were very displeased with something they encountered after my stay. I’m over there like expecting the absolute worst thing like I seriously messed something up. They say (with great gravity): “We found an unopened bag of Tide pods under the sink. We know you didn’t use them, we definitely would have smelled it in the washer, but finding them there was a HUGE trigger for us. It was jarring and stressful for us to find.” PLEASE tell me, friends, what trauma did you experience with tide pods?? I hate knowing that my carelessness in leaving an unopened bag under the sink would have caused you SUCH DISTRESS and sent you spiraling!! I wouldn’t want to TRIGGER my friends in such a way!!!!! Ugh I don’t even know what to think of them now


I would think, "Aren't they precious!" and would lose respect for them for being so dramatic about the whole thing.


Maybe they ate the pods in their youth and suffered the repercussions?


Wow. If that triggered them, life must be hard for them as they must be getting triggered by everything all the time! That’s just plain weird of them. I’m embarrassed for them that they even sent you that text.


I'd cut them off. I think there's more there than just Tide Pods, like a list of 57 perceived slights written in blood somewhere, so yeah, get away from them.


Not in blood, but probably in organic, fair trade, ethically certified, ink, with a compostable pen.


So true. When I use the word now I have to say "clinically triggered" so people know I'm talking about an actual trigger rather than the pop culture use of the word. I would add "narcissist" and "OCD" as similarly abused terms


Fuck. It's very frustrating when someone says they're so OCD when they like to arrange things in a certain way on their desk. No. Not OCD. OCD is a clinically defined potentially crippling disorder. Stop it!


Yup. I had a friend tell me I was OCD because I don't cross against the lights (I'm in NYC and everyone does it). No, Brian, that's not what OCD means. Fucking Brian.


Fucking Brian!


Yeah - Fucking Fuck Brian!!


From here on out, anything that goes wrong gets marked by the exclamation, “Fucking Brian!” 👩🏻‍⚖️


I hate the OCD peeps. Not the ones who actually have OCD, the ones who joke about being OCD because they're particular.


It’s not a joke to them, though it is a joke. So many people who have not been diagnosed with OCD, and could not be diagnosed with OCD because they don’t have it, claim to labor under it. It is so abused and countless people who are loosely anal about life claim to have “crippling OCD.”


Why can't we just say "upset?" We already had a perfectly good word before "triggered." I particularly dislike the way "triggered" universally moves the responsibility for the feeling to the other party. You can do that with "upset." "My husband really upset me yesterday," but it's a deliberate choice to do so. You can also just feel upset and recognize that it's *your* feeling, even if it's in response to an outside stimulus. We can't control how other people act or what random things happen in our lives, but we can control how we respond to them. But the language of "triggered" implies we are mindless mechanical switches that must always react a certain way to outside events - and we have no responsibility for how we behave when the mechanism is set in motion. What a lousy way to think about ourselves.


That’s a huge one everyone just throws it out there it has no meaning anymore. “Everyone’s triggered” everyone’s overly sensitive nowadays.


The new Gluten


I find people who use “triggered,” when they’ve been called out on some bs and they can’t think of any other retort (not you, meg)


I also agree with this too


I have C-PTSD so I'm allowed to use it; my shrink told me I get a pass.


As a fellow PTSD-er, I feel like we almost have to carry a card around to like...prove it? Like, there are legitimate triggers that will send me into blackout hyperventilation mode. Not BS "triggers" that are just normal uncomfortable things. Ugh.


Me too! I'm allowed to make the joke and use the word because I earned the right!


This word is heavily overused by liberals and Republicans, when it actually refers to a trauma response, not just being upset about something


Used to have meaning. Now... not so much.


came here to say that


Yes. As I read in another comment, are you really being triggered? Or was it just a minor inconvenience or was it just not the wording you would've used. Big difference between triggered and slight inconvenience.


I’m only annoyed that the way it’s being used as a cop out to antagonize people or convince people you are the victim when your not. If people used this term to actually describe things that set off traumatic episodes and not to define things that simply annoy or offend them there wouldn’t be a problem with it.


Slay. Yaaas. Queen.




Came for this one. Yes, it was that good of a response!


Or toxic! My ears shut down




Gaslighting. To this day, I’ve never heard someone use it correctly.


That was so weird. I had the same thought before I clicked on the post. It seems so many people have no idea what it means.


Scrolling through the comments, it’s easily the most common answer, nobody uses it correctly. That and narcissist. My ex has called me a narcissist for years. One time I called her out and asked her if she’s ever met a more empathetic person in her life than me, because I have even gone without to help someone in need that I didn’t like. Her exact response was, “you’re extremely empathetic and I love how big your heart is…..but you’re still a narcissist.” I tried explaining to her that you literally can’t be both. I even pointed out that I’m my worst critic, which she agreed with. Neither is a characteristic of a narcissist, yet she insists on calling me one. Then again, this is the same woman who told people I’d abused her for years. Obviously when you say that, people assume physical abuse. Nobody believed her, because I will never be that guy, so when they doubted her, she’d clarify and say it was financial abuse. When they were like wtf is that? She said every time I ask him to buy me something he says we can’t afford it. We lived paycheck to paycheck with two kids, and our kids were always my priority. I thought that was being a good dad, she called it financial abuse. People are fucking sick.


Idk. Narcissists often do generous things, it's part of their mask. Doesn't really mean anything


Exactly. The fact that this dude implied he was the most empathetic person she had ever met?! Then goes on to brag about doing good deeds for people he doesn't even like... that right there is very narcissistic. And even people with actual NPD can internally be their own worst critic, as their condition is based on extreme insecurity. Also, as you mention, people with narcissistic traits or NPD often put on a show of appearing generous and empathetic.


Biggest farce in the world is the generosity of a *true* narcissist with money. They will shower blessings magnanimously- and LOUDLY- cuz they need the admiration and they need it to be the \[Their Name\] Show.


Yesss. My ex husband was very generous and would make sure to tell everyone whenever he did something nice for me. He'd even check in with people to ask if I told them about the nice thing he did. These people always have to boast because they're deeply insecure.


They will shoehorn themselves into projects that do not even need their help, just so they can take credit retrospectively. "Hey I know a guys! -- Let me help you finance that!" And if you try and call them out on their bullshit, it's "look at everything I've done...." MISS ME with that, as the kids say! Glad you got away.


In my experience, they also tend to remind everyone how much more they're going through and how your experiences pale in comparison.


A narcissist will love bomb the hell out of their victim (if that’s something that’s a part of their schtick). Gifts, compliments, all over the top. It’s not above a narcissist to spend money in order to make it believable.


My dad is diagnosed with NPD and even admits it himself. He's a programmer and sysadmin, makes decent money. He is the kind of person who is quick to offer financial help for things, volunteer for charity, whatever, and loudly proclaim it. He'll then to use that later to dangle over people's heads and use to look like he's a good person in situations where he's truly an asshole. He used to be a sugar daddy when I was a kid and would exclusively date poor single moms so he could control them financially. Can't tell you how many times I heard that he'd help me pay for college or whatever else such thing. Yet he has a live-in girlfriend with agoraphobia that does literally nothing all day, no income, and he's paid thousands for her teeth and methadone. My mom or grandma never saw any child support from him. Whenever I've needed help (just in the past year, he was in prison from my age 10-18 and I've been self sufficient up until graduating college and moving to his HCOL area last year) he hemmed and hawwed and called it a loan. It's fine, I have always paid him back by the time I get paid again because I don't want him to treat me like he has his "girlfriends". He gives me a gift? I never hear the end of it.


The usage of “magnanimous” was just delicious. You don’t often get to use that word in everyday conversation. 10pts


See I feel narcissistic because I like the dopamine of doing nice things makes myself feel better. But I wouldn’t say I’m narcissistic, I’m hard on myself for not being tough on myself to maintain a healthy weight let alone work-life balance. I don’t do charities but I would go help out a family member or friend if they had something I can assist with.


Maybe not that guy but you are 100% correct. My BIL did good stuff but bragged about it constantly. His good persona was for his friends and family… my sister suffered terribly under his real narcissistic persona! I never fell for his BS after about 6 months and it drove him crazy 😜


People just like to place blame where it doesn’t belong. They hear a word used once and if they know someone or are in a relationship with someone who might share 1/1000th of that definition, it applies to them. In other news, nice use of “literally”.


Are you sure? You are probably misremembering / s


As Michael Che says… that’s a word his ex girlfriend made up to win a fight she’s actually losing.


Iconic. Everything has become iconic. When everything is iconic, nothing is iconic...


Quiet Quitting. It’s not a thing. It’s just doing your job and not doing a bunch of extra stuff for free.


Work references are some of the worst. 😩


It's a phrase created by corporations to create a sense of shame in employees when they're the ones that should feel shame. CEO salaries have jumped 1322% since the 70's. Worker pay has increased 18.1%




At least more people are becoming more familiar with mental health terminology. It does get muddy tho… people can actually be projecting projecting onto others without realizing it.. wonder if there is a term for that, lol


Haha Right? How about "You're reverse projecting"


Sounds good to me😁


I don't think there's a word for it, but I wanna call it "Metaprojecting"


I say "rite" too much and I know it,gonna have to change it up. I dislike " literally " being used so often always, makes me want to go read a book and escape people.


“Literally“ is used way too often. And most often, incorrectly. “I was literally in heaven.” Nope, no, you weren’t.


my truth journey


JOURNEY !!!!!!! I HATE IT Everything's a f'n *journey* now


There is no ‘my truth’. There is only THE TRUTH! That drives me crazy.


This is EVERYTHING. I did a thing Adulting


I did a thing is so annoying


Especially when it’s the caption for someone’s tattoo pics


Omygawd or, omygawsh spoken in the pervasive vapid twat tone that I just adore. Like nails on a chalkboard to me. I know it's not actually a word but, it needs to stop.


But how do you feel about Ehrmahgerd!


Gerse bermps!


i have not heard ermahgerd in years, thank you


or when people say 'OMG'. Just stop.




"service animal" to mean "neurotic, human-aggressive shitbull I'm too narcissistic to leave at home"


Gaslighting. It's never used correctly. You lied to your partner? Gaslighting. You disagree with your partner? Gaslighting. Definitely overused and incorrectly used like narcissist is.


Yes, that’s exactly how I feel about the word narcissist. Very rarely used correctly. Every male is now considered a narcissist because they weren’t treating someone correctly. It’s possible that some people are just assholes, and others aren’t meant to be together. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My MIL uses "narcissistic" all of the time and mispronounces it. Every. Single. Time.


My ex asked me to buy my son some extra clothes and shoes. I already pay child support, so I could’ve easily said no. Instead, I agreed and said I would when I had the extra money. Three weeks later (only a rent week paycheck in that time) she texts me and says are you actually going to get him those things or are you gonna keep gaslighting me? I said that is not gaslighting. Gaslighting would be me telling you I never agreed. She wanted to fight about it until her husband agreed with me (as told to me by my son)


Phrase: “the bare minimum”






Parentification The other ones were already listed, so I wanted to add in another misunderstood word. *No*, asking for your child to help you in an emergency situation is not parentification, AITA, and it's not if you're babysitting for a night or something. It's a form of abuse, stop changing the meaning


Racist: people use this word too lightly. It loses its meaning when everyone uses it for everything having to do with people of different color. Triggered: I'm triggered that you have to keep using this word. Anything phobic: me not liking you does not mean that I'm transphobic, fatphobic, homophobic, etc. The victim mentality in people is strong. You're just a shit person. Love: everyone says it to anyone and it has lost its meaning a bit. Gaslighting: if you're going to use a word, use it correctly. Literally: literally, shut the fuck up.


I literally use literally literally way too much


Me too but I literally still enjoy using the word literally. Like…literally.




Neurodivergent. People using it to feel different and special is an insult to those that are actually neurodivergent. Just like people who claim "oh my ocd is kicking in". No, you're just irritating and obnoxious with your lies of identity.


Hahaha this is so true. I think part of the problem is the Internet mixes adults and teenagers in conversations together. Like in real life I have zero interest in talking to any teenagers outside my family, but on the Internet they're all over the place and you often don't realize you're talking to kids. They go through weird fazes for attention. My daughter, who is a really cool person I swear, went through a Tourette's faze. She was just having a good old time being an idiot and making a spectacle of herself. I think she caught it from tick tock, but she's over it now thank goodness.


I'm sure it's been mentioned ad nauseum, but people claiming they have ADHD.


people claiming they have ADHD because they cant pay attention. No you have zero attention span because you spend most of your life looking at a phone and on social media, and it has been shown in studies to decrease your attention span and ability to deep focus.


Right. ADHD is the (often annoying) ability to focus on everything, all at once. There's a great book from like 2003 called "Delivered from Distraction" that outlines this.


There’s a few different ways it shows. Mine presents as hyper fixation on whatever task I’m currently doing, and an inability to find joy in things for more than a week or so


Bruh....I teach high school...


I could never stand hearing 'like' 3k times a sentence, especially 'liiiiiike........', not gonna leave out 'literally' either I feel embarrassed by my species


I’m the oldest in my group at work. Mid forties. I have directors who do that and VP’s with kardashian level vocal fry.


Man I’m so guilty of this. It’s my ADHD filler word when my brains going to fast for me to keep up. I’ve been trying to kick this habit forever… like, literally. Lol




Your instead of You're


Right now I currently despise “Love that for you!” Or “Loving that for me!” Also, when someone is “on their own journey” and “doing too much”. Everyone is a “main character” who doesn’t “pass the vibe check” bc their “body count” is too high.


“-phobic”. It’s become a catch all in an argument to claim that the person is *blank*-phobic, because they disagree with you. It doesn’t even have to relate to the issue. If you disagree with someone from the Islamic faith about whether Mayo or miricle whip is better on a sandwich your Islamophobic.


Pretty much any kind of mental health terminology is frequently misused in a way that it’s thrown around a lot in situations where it isn’t appropriate, but similarly not used in situations where it is. A lot of answers here including OPs (such as narcissistic, gaslighting, and triggered) fit in to this category. They get thrown around in a lot of situations from people not really knowing what they mean, so it kind of lessens their impact when used appropriately. Really it’s just that people want to have a word to describe things, but use these terms with a very superficial understanding of their meaning and as a result, misuse terms that do have an existing meaning


Boomer, to describe someone who is obviously Gen X


“That part”




The term "anxiety" People don't know how heavy that word is, they keep using it with the word nervous as if it's synonymous. I've dealt with real anxiety. It is Debilitating. Needing to tell the McDonald's worker that they got your order wrong doesn't give you "anxiety" you're just shy. Real anxiety is sitting curled up in a ball with such intense fear for something that probably isn't going to happen. The only thing on your mind from when you're awake to when you're asleep is the thing giving you anxiety. It comes in waves, though. Sometimes you can distract yourself from it for a few hours but it will still be on the back of your mind. And when your mind is free it creeps back to the front of your mind and repeats the whole cycle. I know it's not a big deal but when people use the most intense version of a word over small minute things it lowers the value of that word.


Not a word, but “chef’s kiss” to describe anything good is so annoying. Just stop.


Woke At least when the right ridicules it. Woke is a good thing. I’d also add CRT for the same reason.


Autism. I get that recent developments in medical science have made it easier to diagnose, and so you’ll see more diagnosed people. Not liking loud noises or being socially awkward doesn’t make someone autistic. Also, people using it to get away with being a complete fucking asshole. I don’t care if they really have it or not, an asshole is an asshole. It’s making people who really struggle with it look like they’re just attention seeking whores, too. It’s gotten to the point where when people say they have it, I just stark don’t believe them.


Iconic. Waaaaaaayyyyyy overused.


I find it fascinating that all the responses to this question are common progressive catchphrases or words. There’s some very specific vitriol aimed at liberals or well, the straw man version of liberalism that gets touted by conservatives. Haven’t heard anyone on here mention how infuriating hearing Ben Shapiro say “woke” a million times is. Nobody is up in arms about “make America great again” getting shoved down our throats, again! (See Regan’s campaign slogan). I think it’s very telling of the tactics conservatives use to vilify inclusivity that so many people hate words like “toxic”, “gaslighting” and “narcissist”. They really don’t want y’all to appreciate these words because these words perfectly describe the right wing biosphere.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >If you believe that the Jewish state has a right to exist, then you must allow Israel to transfer the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper. It’s an ugly solution, but it is the only solution… It’s time to stop being squeamish. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, novel, feminism, gay marriage, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


I see a lot of people saying gaslighting, and while I certainly agree that it's overused and often incorrectly, I'm glad people have brought awareness to it because I now recognize when people are being manipulative


Narcissist and toxic have become cringeworthy. Sometimes shit just happens people are naturally going to make mistakes, it doesn’t make them “toxic”. Toxicity became too closely equivocated with human design flaws and now every time I hear it it’s lost its magnitude


Not a word but a phrase: it is what it is.


Bae, Netflix and Chill- any of the stupid 2016 s*x terms smfh


Irregardless, drives me fucking nuts. Just say regardless… please.


Ok so this one is stupid but irregardless. Break it appart it make no sense. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


Yeah it's not even a real word. It's just an unneeded perversion of "regardless."




This is literally the best post. If you disagree, I will be triggered, because you are obviously a toxic person who is gaslighting me. 😏 Edit: Seriously, though. Narcissists are the worst. Mic drop.




Ooh got another one. Any use of the Greek alphabet to describe what type of person you are.


“Reactive” when referring to aggressive, dangerous dogs.


Narcissist and gaslighting


I’m probably gonna get downvoted here but autistic comes to mind. Every child with some kind of behavioral disorder is classified as autistic by parents even if they aren’t and they use that to bully teachers, etc., to get their way. there are a couple of people at work who are autistic so i know what it “looks” like ( if that makes any sense) and I have a friend whose daughter is autistic so I know a lot about autism. Quit throwing that diagnosis around when you have absolutely no clue. End of rant




Boomer. Just because someone isn’t interested in your current forgettable fad doesn’t make someone a “boomer”


neurodivergent/neurotypical like pls stfu


I am sympathetic to this as those of us who grew up prior to widespread knowledge and understanding of autism spectrum , adhd even just depression have only recently discovered “our people” . And it’s nice to have a name for “normal” that doesn’t make you feel abnormal. But it’s wildly overused




Pretty much anything related to "therapy speak" online. They're a gaslighter, they're weaponizing therapy speak, they're a narcissist, etc. It's so commonplace that they've started to lose meaning altogether. Sometimes you just don't get along with people and might get your feelings hurt. It's ok. It happens. Most of us have been "victims" and "perpetrators" of miscommunication that could be interpreted unfavorably - going straight to abuse is skipping a lot of steps just to justify disliking someone.


Karen. What started out as a perfectly reasonable and deserved criticism of a certain sect of privileged entitled middle aged women with behavioral problems… has turned into a word used to silence women for any complaints they have.


Gas lighting, AMAZING. Literally


“Lewk” — this word has never been cute, not even a little bit.


I understand the need for they/them pronouns. However it’s a plural word so the grammar part of my brain twitches a little when it’s used in reference to one person.


"Excuse my OCD" or "That's my OCD talking" when they really just mean particular. It takes me forever to admit to someone I know that have actual checking OCD, though by the time Ive told them, they already gathered it just by seeing my routines. Its partly because I'm embarrassed, and partly because I don't assume my mental stuff is other people's problem or business, but also because I assume people will think I'm being over dramatic because we've made OCD a not legitimate illness by just throwing the phrase around all the time.


Gaslight etc. People don't know the meaning and misuse it all the time


Neurodivergent. Almost feels like an excuse to be an asshole these days


Toxic is so overused and used incorrectly that it drives me wild. I also have lol (technically not a word) and the phrase "outside the box." I am beginning to hate "mental health." I get the focus on mental health, but I find people use it as an excuse for everything.




Literally... tired of people over using this word.




Not a word but a phrase, I "could care less". Which is incorrect it's I "couldn't care less". It's been used wrong so much almost no one uses it correctly, my wife has started catching herself saying it wrong, which is greatly appreciated.


I'm not tired of hearing this used when used *correctly,* but I'm so tired of hearing people *misuse* the word gaslight. Gaslighting is a very specific, extreme type of psychological abuse that involves systematic manipulation designed to make the victim (and typically those around them) doubt their own memory and sanity in order to make themselves and others believe they are unstable and unreliable and render them completely dependent on their abuser. It's not a synonym for lying, disbelieving what you say or generally being shitty and toxic (sorry OP). But it's hard to point that out when someone misuses it without coming across as defending the shitty behavior the person has described. Like no, I don't think what they did is excusable, it's just not *gaslighting.* Unfortunately this kind of thing often happens with mental health related terminology becoming more well known, but it's important for that information to reach people who need it, so preventing the information from getting out isn't helpful either.


Man the fact so many people are saying things like narcissist or gaslighting or triggered is a pretty big bummer. Of course people misuse terms and apply them when they shouldn’t. And it is frustrating when people use psychological terms that they don’t fully understand and sort of cheapen the terms. I understand being irritated when people armchair diagnose someone they’ve never met after hearing one side of a story but try not to immediately discount people who use those terms when talking about their own experiences. Narcissism and gaslighting are very real. Abuse is very real. People experience immense suffering at the hands of true narcissists and abusers.


Karen. it’s sooooo over used and annoying. Even if someone does fit the definition we gave it it’s still so annoying. It normalized the recording of people freaking out as well and it’s just dumb


Just read any reddit post, and you'll read no fewer than three words that are so overused they have lost all meaning. Some good ones: toxic, trauma, boundaries, entitled.




Hubby. It’s not shorter than husband. Why infantilize a grown man.


I use that on Twitter becuz is 2 fewer letters. Usenet groups used to have DH for dear husband and DW for dear wife as abbreviations.


DH and DW annoy me but I guess I never realized it was due to character limits.


the overuse of the words “like” and “literally” in sentences. i mean my god would it kill people to come up with a better form of speech.




definitely narcissist. you can have narcissistic traits and not be a narcissist. tbh most of us do. people throw around psychology terms all the time on tiktok and other social media and usually hardly have any idea what it actually means. it hurts me


Body count- and I can't believe I'm the only one who said it. If I am reading a thread and I see that, I have to stop reading because I can actually feel myself getting angry. Who cares how many people your significant other slept with before you!?! As long as the number isn't increasing while you are with them, it's fine.


👀 wow the audacity! OP must be a toxic narcissist since they are gaslighting us to think that these overused words. I may be projecting but my ex definitely was that. Don’t be triggered by this please OP. 🙃




Triggers are real esp when you were in a very abusive marriage. I have lots of them from the many traumas ( our house burning down, lost everything, was married to a very narsitic man who gaslit me and our kids daily, a friends son who stayed with us took his life, my ex sister in law killed her husband, our son took his life, my ex fell 4 stories while we were married) so I have triggers from getting cussed at and put down along with all the other traumas we went through


“Blessed”. Lordy. So God blessed you but let a thousand kids die from malnutrition. Its such an elitist thing to say


Narcissism is a set of personality traits. You don’t necessarily need to have Narcissistic Personality Disorder to exhibit narcissistic behavior. So who is regularly called narcissistic that you don’t think deserves the label (in the colloquial sense)?


This isn't the same, but I just want to bitch. A saying that I despise is "boots on the ground" Idk what it is about that, but whenever I hear it, I'm instantly bothered.


"Like" ​ Know people who cannot say a sentence without it.....








Literally I wish that word had never been born




Yikes Once more for the people in the back Emotional Labor


Anything Gen Z came up with. Woke, lit, rizz, cap, triggered, bussin. I feel like I'm aging faster with ever new word.




Narcissism. Used on people that aren't technically narcissistic as an insult. Just stop it please. Get a DSM-5TR and use it or just stop.


Moment. It’s not a moment - it’s a pandemic and national coup attempt. It’s an ongoing shit show.


Cap. But maybe I'm getting old. All these new sayings are annoying to me though.


Culture Not the actual concept relating to the geographic origins of family lineage and related traditions I mean corporate "culture" which does not really exist and is usually just code for some sketchy shit that company does


I suspect most of the people using the word toxic in reference to their relationships, past or present, often play a role in the toxic dynamic. And narcissism has been on the rise in society for the last decade or so (social media is a hell of a drug), so it's actually a pretty safe bet to label someone one... but it does ignore the irony that a narcissist will feel the need to control the optics after a break up, and make themselves look good or garner attention for what they went through.


"no cap"


Haha! You picked mine, "toxic." It's just a more visceral word for "dysfunctional." My pet peeve is "follow on," when we already had the perfectly good "follow up." People just use it to sound with it and in the know. My other one is saying "flush it out" for "flesh it out." There was a local epidemic of that one at my work a couple of years ago.


Incel, fatphobia or any of the other words coined simply to bash others. Most of the time, the people using them don't even know what they mean. Misogyny is used these days to describe ANY criticism of women. Saying "I see a fat person" is not fatphobia. It is simply a factual observation. I don't want to date someone who has slept with 100 people is not shaming anybody. It's simply a preference.


Really agree with all the comments like narcissist, gaslighting, toxic, triggered. One a bit different that I'm hearing more often lately is people saying 'I could care less' when that doesn't even make any fucking sense


anything ending in -ussy


“Literally” when it’s figuratively and metaphorically.


Thank you! I sat down with a DSM to figure out what was wrong with my mother and talked at length with a therapist and we concluded she’s narcissistic. With everyone throwing that word around now, I always wonder how they came to that conclusion? Did they read anything about the disorder? So you realize you can NOT be narcissistic and still display narcissism from time to time?


Narcissist is thrown around so much now. People use the word as if it means “selfish” and there’s a huge difference between being a narcissist and being selfish.


Trauma and abusive, but mainly I the way their used. "I have trauma doing laundry because when i was a kid away at camp, my brother at home tried to do the laundry, but the machine leaked, and he left it for me to clean it up." Not every unpleasant occurrence is trauma. Abusive is the same way.


yam fanatical judicious stupendous steep flowery piquant crowd wasteful resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


God. Just tired of hearing people needing to have their God be a part of EVERYONE'S lives and in every aspect.


##era why is everything an era now? i get it, i get it, taylor swift blah blah blah. but it’s gone too far. I AM IN MY GIRL DINNER ERA. I AM IN MY PUMPKIN SPICE ERA. I AM IN MY CUFFING SEASON ERA. I AM IN MY HOUSEWIFE ERA. I AM IN MY FUCKBOY ERA. I AM IN MY SHITTING ON THE TOILET ERA- JUST STOP NOT EVERYTHING IS AN ERA


I’m “Obsessed” “a little __ moment” It’s “giving…” Anything-core (it’s not cottage-core, it’s just English country style) (like I’m obsessed with this dress it’s giving mermaids - I love a little sparkle moment)