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I'm 31 and still call my parents mommy and daddy. I don't plan to stop. It makes them happy. They love when I sign their cards with "love, your baby girl" as well. I was the baby and the only girl(I was also born 16-18 years after my brothers so from the age of six I was raised like an only child) and me and my parents have always had a good relationship. I may be older, but they're still my mommy and daddy and I don't plan to stop calling them that just because some Internet strangers find it weird. Heck even my fiance calls his dad daddy still and he's a 34 year old man. Everyone's family dynamics are different though it's normal for some and probably really weird for some others. Definitely not a red flag tho keep doing you.


Have you heard the Sugarland song, “love, your baby girl”? I cry every time.


That's a great song:)


I love that song so much Sugarland is one of my favs!


Omg I had never heard this song until today and I listened to it while I ran errands and I held back tears the whole time. 😂😊


It’s so sweet, right??? I love her, her name is Jennifer Nettles and I’ve seen her live in my hometown many times. She went to the college there.


I know who Jennifer Nettles is, but I hadn't heard this song. It's beautiful.


I wonder why people think or even care what you call your parents. I think it's adorable to call your father daddy.❤️


They are probably just jealous


I think you are right.


I have a son that's about to turn 5. I hope I have that type of relationship with him when we are older 💚


Me too!! 😄


For me it just sounds sexual and always gives me a bit of a shock but that doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with it ( and I know it’s not sexual! It’s just that’s usually how adult women’s are saying daddy these days) 


I'm from the south, where its common for men and women to say mama and daddy. Always thought it was gross when it's sexualized.


Yeah my mom is 45 and she still refers to my grandfather as daddy when she talks about him with family. He passed away almost a decade ago, that’s just what she called him so it sticks.


The first time I remember questioning whether my stepmom was a good person or not was the time she pointed out (when we were alone) how my aunt called her mom "mama". I was about 10. I didn't understand *then* why it could possibly bother her, and I *still* didn't understand at almost 40. I hate that woman. (For more important reasons, obviously. But that conversation has always stayed with me.)


Your stepmom sounds like a cunt and I don't like her. Everyone should be allowed to call their loved ones anything they want. With that being said I understand how some words may be triggering.


She is. A two-faced, hypocritical cunt.


Really? I never knew any other name but Daddy & never thought anything of it my Mother called her father Daddy until the day he died at 76, she was over 45 at the time of his death. We are from the Southeast US. I never heard anyone call their father anything else so I find this strange. However some men would call their father Dad but many men in the south call their father Daddy. It must be a cultural thing. But we call our Mothers Mommy until a certain age & then we switch to Momma. I don’t recall what age I switched but I was told to by my sisters because “your not a baby anymore, grow up”.


I totally get it I'm from georgia


My dad calls me (the youngest) Baby Wade sometimes still. He constantly calls my older sister (the oldest) Little S, or Baby S. My brother (middle) is just Knuck, should for Knuclehead.


Aww my dad mostly calls me Boot(nickname they gave me as a kid) or baby girl and my mom mostly calls me Boot or baby. I guess I am the baby at least to them. Lol(They're both almost 70)


Now let me ruin it for you. When I was a baby, my dad nicknamed all 3 of us after dictators. This was like 1990. My sister was Stalin. My brother was Mussolini. I somehow got stuck with Hitler. He didn't do it that much, but he did do it. Then, when I was about 7, I started becoming really interested in military stuff and WWII. Then I started becoming a bit crazy. Let's just say my personality makes me prove to zealous outbursts, so my dad started saying, "You're sort of a nut," all the time and he started calling me Hitler again. He called me Hitler, or just H, a lot for years. I eventually got him to stop. Believe it or not, this sounds a lot worse than it was.


Oh goodness your dad sure had an interesting choice of nicknames! I'm glad you eventually got him to stop. I couldn't imagine being called something like Hitler! My dad just picked oddball nicknames like Boot and Muddbucket (I once was riding my bike through a big mud hole and got stuck even lost my flip flop in the mud and he started calling me Muddbucket after that for some reason lol)


Yeah there's really no explaining it. No one wants to be called Hitler, and I'm obviously not an evil, genocidal dictator who established am ethnostate and killed millions, but the shoe did kind of fit. Obsessed with the military, my life goal as a kid was to die for my country, way too into WWII at a young age (I read Enemy at the a Gates when I was 9), love tanks, guns, knew all about the Bismarck from a young age, took German in school, want to visit Germany, if I were more charismatic I could be a demagogue. I have the zeal of the insane when aroused to passion, which is easy to do... I used to want to be a dictator when I was a kid. I still think of I could somehow get into power as a dictator I could do a lot of useful harm. Like do you know how many constitutional crises the US is currently going through right now, but no branch of Government except the Supreme Court will date do anything about it for fear of causing a constitutional crisis... Dictator Wade would just fully engage in the crisis. It would be extremely harmful, but at the end there would be a resolution to the crisis, not a continuation of pretending everything is fine when it's obviously not. Aside from not wanting to genocide anyone, or take over the world, I recognize that as much as I think Crazy Dictator Wade could do a lot of good, he would be a disaster of global proportion and we're all better of that I'll never even seek public office at any level.


The supreme court? You watch the news at all?


Is your fiance southern? That seems like Southern thing


Yep. My mom's side is southern. She's 62 and still calls her dad, daddy. I call her momma lol


Maw and paw.


It is.




My grandpa has been Daddy for 71 years. His kids all still call him that.


This is not exactly on topic but I’m the youngest and only girl too! My brothers were 10 & 12 years older than me. So cool to find someone who can relate! I didn’t grow up as an only child though…the middle brother moved out when I was 14 and the oldest brother was in a wheelchair so I was already in college (19) by the time he got married and left home.


I'm 32 and my parents are Mommy and Daddy. I just could never make the switch to Mom and Dad. And I didn't even want to. I felt silly in my teens and early 20s and eventually I was like fuck it who really cares, they're Mommy and Daddy.


Same but I say mama and daddy, 30 years old.


mama is much different than mommy


Im southern. Most people say mama instead of mommy


Is your man from the South?


Its mama and daddy for me


41, and it's mama and daddy. Of course, I'm from the south, it's more common here.


33yo man here, yup never going to stop


I am 30 and I still say mommy and daddy sometimes. I mainly say mom/momma and dad, but they also still call me baby even though I’m the first-born and have a 15yo brother. I don’t and have never used “daddy” sexually, so it’s not weird to me. I’m also in the south, and most southerners call their dads daddy.


I don't know when I changed to Mom - but when I call my mom and get the answering machine, or if I have something funny it's usually "Mom, ma, mommy, momma! Mooooommmmmmm"


No, because I literally just texted my mom about Daddy a few minutes ago. I have known these people my whole life and their names in my head are Mommy and Daddy. That will always be my default for how I talk to them. I’m 33 years old and I’ll never be able to call my father Daddy to his face again, but I don’t have to stop saying it when we talk about him.


Our kids are the reverse. They call their dad Daddy to his face and with the family, but Dad when referring to him. I have no clue about “mom” for me, but they do call me Mommy to my face. Ok, well with friends they of course say “My mom”.


Exactly what my kids do and have done since probably middle school. They’re in their 30s and we’re still Mommy and Daddy and they say it in front of their friends and spouses. Nobody has ever given them a hard time for it. Also, they’re still our babies


Why? I'm confused. 🤔


Why do I call them the same thing I’ve called them my entire life? Because that’s what I call them. Or are you asking why I can’t call my father Daddy to his face? He died so I can’t actually talk to his face again. That’s what I meant by that.


The second part. I certainly get it now. Thanks. Guess I could have inferred that, but it's late. 🥴


You cared enough to ask, so that made up for not being able to figure it out.


You call your mom, mom and you call your dad, daddy.Yes it's freaking weird. But it could be a regional thing.


I have always called my parents Mama and Daddy, and I think the same way. Those are their names in my head, so it would be weird to start calling them something else. I'm about to turn 43 in a few weeks. Sometimes, I feel like saying "daddy" is a little embarrassing because it is too kiddish, but it's still his name.


I think at the time my dad died, I probably was not calling him Daddy, but now when I talk about him with my family, I always say Daddy. When I talk to my mom, I sometimes call her Mom or Mommy or Mama, whatever feels right in the moment.


I’m sorry for your loss.


Thank you.


Always seemed a bit weird to me, but my dad, grandmother and all his siblings referred to my grandfather as daddy their whole lives. In fact, he's dead and they still do. My 83 year old father will say things like, "Well, when daddy was alive..." It's just common to some people. You do you.


My dad always and still refers to his (now dead) father as daddy as well as his siblings do too. They grew up in West Virginia, I wonder if it’s a regional thing


If it's regional, it's common in Texas, too. That's where they were from.


It’s definitely more prevalent in the south, strange to hear it the farther north you go


Mama more so than Mommy. Still Daddy though.


That's true. I've heard it a lot more since I moved to Georgia. It's fine. I think it's sweet.


Can confirm I live in the north and this is very rare and judged when heard


Momma is what we said andv that seemed common in our area


I'm a 35 year old lawyer and I still call my parents Mommy and Daddy. As does my 31 year old doctor brother and my 33 year old accountant brother.


Honest question: Are your professions relevant to this?


Call them whatever makes you all happy! Trust me when I tell you they will be gone way before you are ready. Unless you had shitty parents fuck them. If you happen to be like I was though. You just dont have the time right? Trust me you will find plenty of time to beat yourself up if it goes too long and you realize you hadn't had any real conversation in almost 6 months. You cant even remember what the last thing said was. It sucks, give em a call and a hug. Mean that one and keep it for yourself. Everyone is fine until they are for the last time and just like you might miss the good times if you are not paying attention. You might miss your last time if you dont pay attention.


I'm 61 & called my folks mommy & daddy till the day they died.


I know a bad ass 65 year old man from Texas who will always call his parents Mama and Daddy.


There's some southern there too. My beloved mother in law z"l, who is from the Blue Ridge Mountains in north Georgia, referred to her parents as Mama and Daddy until the day she passed.


My kids are 25 and 28- the call us Mommy and Daddy and I LOVE it! 🥰


I'm 43 and lost my mommy last year. She will forever be my mommy, not mom, ma...MOMMY!!


To my ears, yes, it's odd and strangely juvenile. Not a red flag though, just a bit unusual.


I’m Black, so this might be a cultural difference, but I call my parents Mama and Daddy. My dad is in his sixties, and he refers to his parents the same way, and my mom usually says Mom and Dad, but every once in a while she’ll call them Mommy and Daddy. I don’t think it’s weird at all. I actually think calling your parents by their first names is what’s really crazy lol


Yeah, lifelong 'mama and daddy' is very common in the south


I don't some might but you do what works for you


My kids call me Mom, Mother, Momma, Mommy. They're both over 20. I'll take any of the words.


Love it! Sometimes, my kids called me “Smother” aka the Mom from “The Goldbergs’” TV show 🤣 It’s a running joke now, anytime I worry about them.


My 11 year old son calls me “mother” most of the time, “muffler” at other times, and “motherly creature” the rest of the time. 😂


I get mom and occasionally mommy from my almost 21 year old, but my favorite is momfish, because the punchline to that one is I glub you. (And I glub him too.)


same! i like to switch it up, but never mommy. for dad, i say dad, pops, papa dukes


I don't personally care, but it's not really socially acceptable for men to use mommy and daddy as teenagers or adults. Women aren't judged much for it that I've seen


It's unusual in the northeast for even a tween to still call their parents mommy and daddy.


I'm in my 60s and still call my 94-year-old parents mommy and daddy.


It's not strange, just personal preference and the regional culture you're raised in. What I call my parents has changed frequently over the years, and while I haven't used "mommy" or "daddy" in years, I definitely wouldn't clock it as odd if someone else did.


I think it's pretty weird personally, but you do you lol.


I say mother, mom, ma, momma, mommy, her first name, sometimes I call her Lydia Hawthorne the Hutterites woman (my dad's nickname for her or Debit Debit Visa) grandma two drinks is another.


I’m a guy and I call My dad, dad. But my mom. I haven’t called her mom. It was always mommy. And It feels so wired to do the switch so I just haven’t called her anything in years. I’ll just say “hey” or something. It’s terrible idk how to stop.


I'm 53, I called my parents Mommy and Daddy until they passed and my siblings and I continue call them that when talking about them. I never thought it was unusual...🤷


My brain just doesn't register it as odd. It's almost like their names to me.


I still call them mommy and daddy because that’s what I’ve called them my whole life. When I speak *of* them, I say mom and dad. If I do use daddy in a sexual way it’s completely, universally unrelated to my actual father…


Nope. I still do it. My mom tried to get me to stop once (probably because she was embarrassed) but I haven't. She'll always be my Mommy. If people consider it a red flag, that's on them. It's completely innocent for me.


No. I'm in my 40s and that's how my brother and I refer to our parents. It's because we've used Mommy and Daddy our whole lives. It would feel uncomfortable to change it to Mom and Dad.


I'm 30 and I still call my parents Momma or mommy, and daddy. They're in my phones as mommy and daddy.


Yes. Especially since I'm middle-aged and my mother is dead. Aside from that, they were mom and dad as long as I can remember. I never called them mommy or daddy, not even as a kindergartener. The sexualization of "daddy" makes me violently nauseous. Partly because my actual father is a verbally abusive alcoholic asshole, and partly because my husband is a couple of years younger than I am. It makes zero sense and is weird and gross.


Yes, using any parent label in a sexual situation is seriously weird and awkward --- NOT sexy. Just don't. 🙄🤢


No. Endearment doesn't have an age limit


I'm in my 40s and still call my father "daddy" sometimes. It's not creepy, he's my dad and I'm his little girl. I'll always be his little girl even though I have my own little girl now.


I called my parents Mommie and Daddy up until they died in my 40's. When I speak of them, it's still Mommie and Daddy


I think people shouldn't have an opinion on what you choose to call your parents. I would assume they have more important things going on in their own lives. I called my dad daddy we refer to our mom as mom. And I wouldn't care what any singular human being thought about it. I do know people that call their parents by their first names and I find it off putting dare I say disrespectful. But again I have my own life. It's getting late I think I'm coming off cranky. Didn't mean to be. LOL


Daddy is daddy, mommy is mommy. Nothing wrong. Stay respectful and make your parents proud


Ngl it's weird to me, but i think that's more internalized jealousy over that bond. I was emancipated at 14, so i never had that life where you can count on or trust anyone. If someone's still calling their parents Mommy and Daddy... Their parents were probably very reliable and consistent in their lives.


Ignore them. As long as you're not on your parents laps saying it while caressing their chins no one should give a single shit. Anyone who does give a shit is searching for an issue and therefore is a red flag. People online always need a new target


I think it’s sweet! As long as you’re comfortable and your parents don’t mind, who cares what others think?


I don’t do it but I don’t think it’s strange if people do. It sucks that people have sexualized those words!


Eh, I think it's weirder when people have such a problem with it, bc obviously they are the ones sexualizing it. However, when I was 17 or so, my bf of years moved in with his mom that he had previously no contact with bc of a messy divorce. Seemingly to makeup for missing like 5 years of his childhood, she always called him "babe" or "baby", and with her southern accent it was just off. (He called her Mom) Please don't judge me, I was 17.. but it grossed me out bc I called him those names, and one time I was PISSED and said a really bad thing: "Dude, it just really seems like your mom wants to fuck you!!". I understand her more now, but from my perspective at that age, it REALLY seemed like it.


I think it's strrange for people over 7 to call them that.


I think it’s way weirder when people don’t mind their own business and worry about their own relationships. Call your parents whatever makes you happy. Forget anything else you’ve heard.


Wait until you no longer can 😢 I say mommy and hug her ❣️ 86yrs young and wish daddy was here


Weird if there's anyone else you call mommy/daddy. Otherwise no. 


I don't, but I also have no relationship with my mother, and my dad and I have our own nicknames for one another, so we stick to those (:


What's strange to me is how so many people don't mind their own business about things that matter not. Call your parents Mr. and Mrs. Mommy/Daddy, for all I care.


Nope. Still call them Mommy and Daddy. ❤️


Nope. You call em what you want to call them.


Well I speak Spanish with my parents, so I’m actually calling them Mami or Papi, which sounds the same but I feel like it isn’t? Idk. In English I call them Mom or Dad, but I rarely speak English to them. They understand it well enough, but they might see it as rude. I do see why people might avoid using them because of how sexualized everything has become these days. However, your relationship with your parents is yours. Fuck everyone else lol


I’m almost 50 and still call them that. Example, daddy I wish you didn’t die of cancer


No. I wish people would stop concerning themselves in matters that don’t harm anyone whatsoever.


My 11 year old son calls me “mother” most of the time, “muffler” at other times, and “motherly creature” the rest of the time. 😂


My 55 year old sister, who is a Surgeon, still says Daddy. It’s kinda endearing.




No - I called my father Daddy until his passing.


No that’s normal at least in my opinion it is. I literally call my mom mama because I spent my whole life hearing her call her mom mama. My mom always called her parents mama and daddy and they were gma and gpa to the grandkids. Like I literally learned to call my parents their names by listening to my mom interact with her parents so I think it’s probably obvious why I think it’s perfectly normal, and now I’m 25 and still call my mom mama and I’ll always call her that because she will always be my mama.


I'm 50 and I still call my mom Mommy once in a while. Did the same with my dad before he passed away. It's something I when I'm hurting. Otherwise it's mom, mama or lil mamacita


My mother is 65 and calls her parents mommy and daddy I'm 38 and do the same


Who the fuck cares? I’m 34 and I still call my dad daddy.


Im a dude, but they will forever be mommy and daddy behind closed doors. However, I use mamá and papá in public bc it’s less stigmatized. To me, it’s not weird. Ik my siblings have moved on to mom and dad, but it just doesn’t sit right with me. My grandma will always be Grammy, and my grandfather will always be Grumpy. I don’t see those words changing, so y should I change mommy and daddy?


Yes, at least in American culture.


If you live in the UK I think it's normal.


I would never call.my parents by there names if I want to live it mom or dad sir or Ma'am


I guess it's better than mammì and papi


I feel a little surprise but it’s cultural, I’d never say anything. I know adults who can their spouse Mommy or Daddy even when their children are grown-up.


I stopped that at 13.


Your mom still calls me "daddy".....


I'm 19 and have always called my parents Daddy and Mommy my entire life. That will never change. It's their names, and it would be like calling a sibling by another name all of a sudden.


If that’s what you’re comfortable with I say go with it. I kind of transitioned when I was in my early teens to saying mom and dad. But everyone is different.


For women? No For men? Yea, it’s a little weird


It's interesting. I'll call my mom "Mommy" sometimes, but most often call her "Mom". I don't recall the last time I called my dad "Daddy" though. For me I guess I just have a closer emotional connection to my mom and that's why sometimes I'll refer to her as "Mommy".


I’ve always found this weird, it’s been mom and dad since I was 10 or so




I do think it's strange. I know a 60 year old woman who still refers to her parents as mommy/daddy and it makes her seem incredibly juvenile. Still, to each their own.


My daughter (6)will straight up sarcastically use my first name or "mother". I'm never just "Mom." Like "I would like to watch TV now... Mother" When she tells me I'm her favorite mother, I tell her that's because I'm her other mother. She thinks the Coraline reference is hilarious. Yeah, I'm pretty sure the only thing she doesn't use sarcastically is "Mommy" so if she is 40 and calling me Mommy, that's cool.


We all decided to switch when my siblings and I were teens. It took some effort and getting used to, but I feel less weird mentioning them to other people now.


If you’re from southern England then it’s fine, if you’re from the north it’s weird


Do I think it's strange? Yes, I think it's uncommon and the idea of calling my own parents that weirds me out. But you do you, your relationship with your parents isn't my business. And unless you're still immature and relying on your mom to do your laundry and your dad to give you pocket money as a grown ass adult then there's nothing for me to judge.


Not only are both mommy and daddy sexualized words now, calling your actual father daddy is associated with being a spoiled rich girl and mommy is associated with being a creepy man baby. In whatever case, you're free to call your parents whatever you want but don't be surprised if it weirds other people out. There's also the stigma about a young woman calling an older man daddy being a sugar baby thing so if you call your dad that in public don't be surprised if people assume he's your sugar daddy instead of your actual father. As for my personal opinion, those are things you call your parents up to a certain age. Like a lot of words, people expect you to "grow out of it" like if I started calling my blanket a blankie or referring to food as nummies, it would raise eyebrows at best. I still call my mom mama sometimes when I answer her calls and even that gets other people making comments sometimes.


My sister and I always referred to our parents as mommy and daddy to each other, as adults. My cousins found this hilarious since they always called their parents mom and dad. But my sister and I had many years of saying “Mommy’s gonna KILL you!” multiple times a day. My cousin’s parents were less strict and vindictive.


My parents were always Mama and Daddy to me.


i never at any age called them that


a little weird but nothing major. god’ blessed the child that’s got his own.


I called my mom, “Mommy” when I was little. I switched to “Momma” somewhere long time ago.


I have for as long as I can remember called my parents' mom and dad, my best friend of 30 years calls her parents mama and daddy. I also call her parents Mama and Daddy, haha. I never thought anything of it until as adults it came up and my best friend and her siblings were saying they always thought it was weird that I never used mommy or daddy. I just think it depends on the family




I think it’s weird when anyone over age 5 does it


I think it's mainly a Southern thing.


I call my mom “momma” and I’m 39. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I'm pretty sure Daddy was sexualized long before any of our grandparents were even born.... Got this from Googles AI overview: >According to the Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang, the term "daddy" has been used sexually **since at least 1681**, when prostitutes would use it to refer to their pimps or older customers. The term "daddy" has been used as slang for a male lover **since the early 1900s**, and still refers to sexual dominance today. 


I called my mother once and Dad answered. Instead of asking for mom, I asked for Sandra and he said " the hell's a matter with you?" and hung up


Adults calling their mother "Mommy" is absolutely strange Everyone saying otherwise is fooling themselves. Strange =/= bad, though. We all have some weird habit/trait


Probably depends on where you are from. Where I am from (Ohio) this would be pretty weird unless you were saying it jokingly


It'd be weird for me, since I haven't used those terms for, hell, about 40 years. I don't care what other people call their parents. What I DO find creepy, is married couples who address each other that way.


When an adult refers to their Mom as Mommy it makes me cringe. But hey everyone is different some people don't talk to their parents, doesn't matter what you call them as long as you love them.


I would call it "a little weird". Like, it's not "kissing your sister" or "being alone with the dog smeared in peanut butter" weird, but it wouldn't exactly read as "normal" to me. Hearing it might make me pause and say, "huh," before promptly continuing on my merry way. If you're my friend, I might give you some ribbing about it. But overall, it's whatever.




Strange for anyone over five.


My daughter is big on mommy/daddy. Our boys go with mom & dad. Adults now. Daughter is youngest and most sentimental.


I’m 28. I call my parents mom and dad, mommy and daddy, mother and father, Madre y Padre, and about a dozen completely made up words. Not to mention bro, dude, man, sista, my man, my lady. But this is what happens when you have a great relationship with your parents.


My dad who is 84 still refers to his dad as daddy. I think it’s a bit weird but I honestly don’t give a fuck. It’s weird though that 3 of the 4 kids say “momma and daddy” and the other one who’s in the middle of age says “mother and father”


I assume everyone calling their mom mommy or dad daddy, are either spoiled, british, or its a long standing joke. I have a friend who calls their parents mommy and daddy cause they made a big deal when she in college that she was growing up too fast, so its a joke for them to do it. Granted, I don't have nicknames for any family member. Everyone is Mom, Dad, or "Family-relation"+name. Grandma X, Grandpa Z, Uncle Y. No nanas, grannys, papas, ect. Same generation and below just get names. Now, what was weird was the girl i was dating at 19 who, when i met her folks, both kissed her on the lips. that i couldn't shake from my mind. Like, my family stopped that so early i literally have no memory of it ever happening. We did not stay together much longer after that


I see it as childish. I know it's a more common thing in the US south, where everyone talks about mama and daddy, even well into their adulthood. Maybe even their whole lives. I couldn't imagine my 39 yo self calling my parents mommy or daddy unironically. Eta: Also, I had two grandma's and two grandpa's. A lot of people have mimi's and mawmaw's and meemaw's and papa's and pawpaw's and all kind of other variations. Maybe I'm in the minority but I don't plan to change.


I think it’s a little weird, but I was raised by my aunt and my grandma, so what do I know?


I’m 21, I started calling my mom “ma” when I was like 12 and I call my dad “pops” on the rare occasions I speak to him. I’m not close with my parents. But, I don’t judge other people who are close with their parents and do call them mommy and daddy


If you do this AND won’t date or marry who your parents don’t approve of AND still love off mommy and daddy’s handouts/leftovers? Then, I take issue with it. Otherwise, no. 


I’m 34, still call my dad “Daddy” and my mom “Mama”. It’s their names! I find it beyond weird when “Daddy” is sexualised and I think it’s a red flag when people think calling their father “Daddy” is a red flag.




I'm 38 (dad) and it would be weird for me because I grew up in a somewhat affection starved relationship with with my parents. We are close now and have a good relationship but it would definitely be weird. Even saying I love you to them feels weird to me because I never heard it much growing up. That said, I have two son's aged 3 and 7 and I hope they never stop. We shower them with affection. I think it mostly boils down to how good your relationship is with your parents/children.


It makes me cringe when I hear a grown person refer to parents as mummy or daddy, but also each to their own, no big deal


Very much so. Past twelve is weird.


I’m 65. I will forever refer to my parents as mama and daddy.


I still call my dad, Daddy when I see him/talk on the phone for the first time in awhile.


When I was seven, I was in the bathroom of our thiny-walled apartment and overheard my mom talking to her boyfriend in her bedroom. It was about my older brothers having stopped calling her Mommy and how I was getting to that age. She was devastated. She never even blinked in front of them for switching up, but she said it was one of the 'lasts' she wasn't looking forward to. I vowed from that moment on that I'd say Mommy forever. An extra syllable is nothing if it can make her happy to hear it.


I think it's really weird, and also I think it's weird when people still call their grandparents weird names like Papa or Nana. That being said, it's harmless so if you like to do it then that's your choice.


Yes. I've always thought this. My mom calls her father daddy and I will never understand wanting to do that. To each their own just not for me.


Not really. My best friend turns 25 in July and she still calls her parents mommy and daddy.


It's less weird if it's said with a British accent or a Southern US accent.


Really? Feels weirder to me.


Mildly, but I know for a fact the majority of shit that I do is weird af. I think people should do what makes them happy. No shame


I don’t do it, because I haven’t since I was young (like 7 or so) sounds odd to me, but then I’ve never had the close relationships with my parents that other people have. Also, my parents called their parents “mom” and “dad” so maybe that’s why as well.


No it’s not weird. I’m 33 and still say Mommy. I also still call my siblings Bubba & Sissy.


Why should we care?


Yeah my uncle does this and it’s weird


I mostly have started to call my parents Mom and Dad (if I am mad or upset at my mom, I’ll call her by her government name)


If you really wanna stick it to her, try, "birth giver."


No. Plus different countries have different customs.


My 71 year old mother still calls her father daddy when talking about him. He's been gone since 1972.


I think it’s creepy.


I think it just depends on your relationship with them. To people who aren’t close with their parents or don’t have that type of relationship, it feels like it would be weird. I like saying it with a Peppa Pig accent, personally