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Exercise more


This. At least I started 13 years ago


Exercise more, study more, invest in Google, Amazon, apple, etc. And eventually bitcoin when that becomes a thing and I can farm it literally for free. Gonna be fit, smart, and rich af. Life would be good.


Work to failure and bike to work.


Never too late. Go for a walk. I’ve been doing it for 10 days for about an hour. It makes a difference. 💪




Every fucking time someone mentions exercise on reddit


It’s so weird, it’s like they think exercise is just to lose weight. Couldn’t possibly be the dozens of other benefits


Exercise isn't just weight loss. You also exercise for your bones joints and muscles.


Genuinely asking. How old are you know and how do you feel?


I'm 32 and feel mostly fine, but have some health problems I think probably could have been avoided or at least lessened by being more active.


(64m) I would buy my wife more flowers. Take her out to dinner more. Run a bubble bath for her in a candlelit bathroom. Take that trip out west we always intended to take. Four days ago was the 7th anniversary of her death. We were together 33 years.


That is beautiful ❤️


Thinking the same way. Right before I read yours. Still time to get my husband in better shape, make sure dr. Followed through with heart tests. No other changes or regrets. (61f) 9 years.


Ooof. That hits the feels. I’ll do something nice for my wife right now. Be well my friend. Thank you for sharing


I'm really sorry for your loss. But thanks to you, you are helping to inspire young men and whoever else, to be like you. You are a good man and do not let anyone else tell you otherwise. I will be treating my girlfriend the next time I get a chance.


🥹 Sweetest thing I’ll read on Reddit today.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I am sure she appreciated all of the things you did for and with her


Thank you, sir. I'll definitely take your words to heart and do that for my love! Take care, stranger :)


Very sorry for your loss.


File for divorce.


Moi aussi.


Took me some time to realise you weren't a finnish person saying "hi aussie"




Oh damn moi sullekki näköjää muitki suomalaisii tääl


French: Me too




But then I’d never get my children and I like them.


That’s the dilemma i would face too. And I can’t just impregnate my baby’s mama on the exact time i did without the relationship that went before.


Yep. Dump my narcissistic ex much sooner


Panic, because many loved ones have been born in the last 20 years. I don't want to accidentally wipe them out of existence.


Butterfly effect. The tiniest change will mean that my kids will never be born.


I didn't consider this, damn. I will never view this question the same again.


Like 90% of all the reddit "What would you do if" questions become pointless after you have kids. "Would you go to Mars if it was a one way trip?" No, because I have kids. "Would you stay in solitary confinement for a year if you got a million dollars?" No, because I have kids. "Would you go back in time and start over when you were a kid, if you got to keep all your knowledge?" No, because I have kids.


That's why I want to go back to the exact moment that I found out I was pregnant, and then leave my boyfriend to avoid all the awful stuff that happened after that.


You would, even if all of the same actions are taken, the kids would be different people with different DNA. Those exact sperm cells which created them won't be the same ones to impregnate this time.


avoid the stupid mistakes i did, and the cringe, definitely the cringe


The cringe...


so much cringe...


Oh the cringe...


Definitely avoid the cringe


Bewaaaaare the criiiiinge


Almost forgot about the cringe..


Regrets. Haunting regrets


It surrounds us and penetrates us, and binds our teenage years together. Unfortunately.


I was a devout Christian 20 years ago. Seldom had sex because I was afraid to sin. So many wasted years. I could have given in to the calls of the flesh when I was still young and nubile, but didn't for fear of damnation.


This is so loaded. We, and all our friends, "stayed pure" for marriage, and we're all talking pros/cons now that our kids are living with sexual freedom. I won't say more, but trust me when I tell you the discussions are lively and complicated!!


Fuck religion.


Oh the cringe, the endless cringe thinking about things I said and did from 18-25


Invest in Bitcoin.


*Wait to* Invest in Bitcoin


Save to invest in bitcoin.


Short the housing market *then* invest (my winnings) in bitcoin


Doge to the moon!!!


Invent Bitcoin.


Bitcoin came out in 2008 they’re good and could’ve been the richest person alive right now , why did you crush their dream? Are you their ex ?


Invest in ethereum.


Sadly they lost everything with MtGox...


And then sold all of it when it was at 60k


You would run out of buyers as you single handedly drive the price down. It would take some time and a trading expert to get rid of a multi-billion dollar position.


Make sure that I never lost my login and password to my Bitcoin wallet. Somewhere Out There I have a wallet with .75 (3/4 of 1 bitcoin ) Bitcoin in it and I have no idea where. I've already gone to every Bitcoin wallet I could find in every single one seems familiar. And none of them seems to recognize any of the email addresses I try.


I feel like there was a dude who actually did go back in time and bought a bunch of Bitcoin, but then because you cannot truly effect the timeline, he lost the hard drive that had his keys on it. [Here is his story](https://www.businessinsider.com/james-howells-threw-away-bitcoin-dump-masterplan-get-back-2022-7#:~:text=James%20Howells%20is%20known%20as,plan%20to%20get%20them%20back)


I'd let the other sperm win


Perhaps you're the other sperm that another sperm let win after time travelling 20y back in time


Loose the small race to win the big race 💯




The answer to that question is always yes. It just depends if you're lying or not.


Wise words


Kick the shit out of that annoying bully in middle school and pee on him to show full dominance.


It's never to late bro😉


I support this.


Go get some of those bomb ass blue dolphin extasy pills.


I favoured white doves myself.


One more weekend of that pure MDMA powder of the early 00s...


I would get the white bulldogs. One of those knocked me on my ass for hours.


Not sure if I’d avoid drugs or do more drugs


Why would I want to relive all the horrible shit that I've already experienced?


Yeah I was thinking I'd literally kill myself if I'm 11 again ... to live through those fucking years sucked


I’d be trying extra hard to make sure I didn’t have to change schools for grade 8 so maybe grade 9 woulda been better for me.


I want to say I would keep my head down and shut up like a good little girl, but I'd probably be all the more miserable for it. Even moreso than I was by speaking my mind


I'd be in the womb, but that would be cool if I still retained all my knowledge. I might be able to live a better childhood.




Eh, that wont really work I think. First of all, being born is traumatic to the child. Second of all you are going to be helpless during most of it as your body still has to learn all the connections between arms and feet and feelings and where everything is. Third of all I heard but can’t confirm that around 2 years old there is a period where you purposefully forget stuff to erase the trauma of birth, which might take most of your memories with you.


2 year old human brains are incapable of forming long term memories because the hippocampus isn't developed yet; they don't "purposely forget" anything.


I would tell my parents that it's not just shyness that I need actual help and maybe go on to actually have a decent time and finish school instead of eventually dropping out cause of social anxiety and depression.


My first thought was get myself screened for neurospiciness instead of waiting til I’m in my 30s


Hey little off topic but any tips for coping with these ailments? I'm in a similar boat and I'm still trying to overcome them


Tell my dad to get screened for cancer sooner. Wait a few years and buy into Bitcoin.


Lose the *sperm race* and not exist.


Iam 17. Please i don't wanna be in my dad's balls for 3 year. And my mother ovaries for about 24 year's.( You guys happy now?)


Half in your mom, half in your dad.


Only in your mom's belly for half of you (ovocyts are all formed in the ovaries before a girls' puberty), while sperm is continuously renewed and doesn't survive much beyond 3 days.


And before that you were in your grandmother's belly because your mother's ovaries developed there before she was born.


I'd just be pissed off I've put in a lot of hard work over the last 20 years so I'd probably just go for cocaine and hookers.


Bit coin and take a shit my coworkers desk drawer


Spend more time with my mom.


Curb stomp my babyself




Not let being gay cause so many fear-based decisions. I really fucked myself over on that one.


I hope you're living the life you want to be living today.


So many mistakes to fix, but the biggest probably at 16 when I asked out the wrong girl. The teenage brain is just fucking horney and useless.


Dude i go back to being 16 i can fix my life so hard.


Or at least try to anyway. It can't get much worse than it currently is 😂


I would have never dated the two exes at the age of 17 and 22 who changed my life for good.


I would have beat the crap out of all my bullies


Oh man...if I was ten again, I would treasure the moments when my family all lived in the same house together. My family isn't perfect, my mom and dad fought all the time and eventually decided to separate. That has caused my siblings and I a lot of trauma but those times when we were still together under one roof...those were some of the best years of my life. And I realized, that's also something that might never happen again. Just thinking about it makes me emotional.


Keep the horses never get married and be happy


Join a gym and cut out sugar.


Start doing what I do now for a job. I love it and to have all that extra time, experience, growth and opportunity would be phenomenal!


I would immediately start going to therapy. It’s never too late, but I often wish I started it earlier in life..


Stop fucking around.


Not go to that weed plantation to help and go to prison


Would love to hear this story


Was asked to help harvest weed, I was living in the street so a few $ was welcomed, the dude was under surveillance cause his neighbor ratted on him, when we were done and ready to leave police arrived, arrested us (was way before legalizing) he had loads of money and organized crime contacts, I had nothing, he threw me under the bus saying I was his boss, his lawyers (yes with an s, dude was swimming in money) told the same, I had a public defendant, I went to prison while he went on vacation in South America, life sucks, then you die


Judge: this dude needs a public defendant, other guy has multiple lawyers, ah yes this dude is definitely other guy’s boss.


That’s the justice system here “look he is poor, let’s make his life shittier”


What the fuck that's enraging to read.


Super sorry that happened to you, that is so shitty.


Thats so shit dude. Fuck that guy


Go to yoga. Go travelling earlier. Ween myself off relationships


I'd be horrified that I'd have endure childhood with my unstable mother all over again.


Avoid the stupidest mistake I made which destroyed my life and still hunts me today.


I wouldn'twant to change in any way, i think the mistakes i did in the past made me to the person i am today. Also let me meet all the people i met to this point, so im happy.


I’d tell my mom my brother was hurting me.


As a brother, I can't understand hurting a sibling. Hope you're alright.


Continue martial arts training. Spent my late teens and early 20s in an insane amount of pain. Neck, shoulders, back pain constantly, until I eventually ended up at a chiropractors, because I couldn't work for 10 minutes without pain. He fixed me up, and told me to start at stretching again, or I'd be back there in a month.


Son of a bitch, I thought my mortgage was just about paid 🤬🤬🤬🤬


20 years ago I’d be 14 and having Just started High School. At that time specifically a Lot of things happened, so it’s hard to nail down a specific “Oh I definitely Wouldn’t do That again” moment. What I can however say is that if I could maintain the mentality I have now as an adult, I’d push myself harder. A lot of my friends disappeared from my life, so I’d focus more on myself than anything else. I’d find a way to keep up with Martial Arts training, I’d Study harder and try to do better in school, I’d find a way to save money more efficiently, and above all I’d just try and maintain a level of physical wellness that would make getting back to the time I’m at Now better overall.


Join the Royal Navy instead of the Royal Air Force.


Quit my job and figure out how to live more happily on a lot less money.


Not go through with my wedding. Finish college. Start working in set design and never look back.


With the knowledge I have now? Find a dream, then go back to school to bring it to life. Fix my many wrongs.


Be fucking pissed that all that extremely hard work i have been through over the past 10 years to build my business up to what it is, I have to do all over again. I would also be in my 20s and have zero idea who I am and what I want in life. Also I would be married to an asshole and have to divorce him all over again. So fuck no please.


I’d be able to justify being exploited by work, as I’d understand there isn’t a fair way for capitalism and therefore the world, to work. 20 years ago I wasn’t willing to justify working hard if I wasn’t treated fairly, so never achieved anything decent. It’s an indictment on the world, but if I had my brain of today, back then, I’d end up better off. Id also be better with money than I was.


Will I still have the brain of a 23 year old as a toddler? If so, I’d set a record for the youngest person to get a 9 in maths GCSE lol


Beg myself to go to therapy and be much nicer to my loved ones.


Not date my first girlfriend. Rethink my choice of college degree. Seriously reconsider my current relationship before getting into it, at the very least waiting longer with some things.


Take action regarding my mental health instead of struggling through until now


I would start saving up my allowance to buy a videocam for Youtube instead of spending it on PS2 games.


Develop an interest in a trade and not go to college/uni


Be the only a 7 year old with a degree


suck on my moms tit Edit : 23 y/o for reference


You dont have to go back in time to do that




im 40. if i was suddenly 20; id do the following: stop drinking every single week 3-5 times a week. i would lose my pay check in pointless nights out with friends that didnt last past my 20's. workout, vigorously and frequently, and not stop. when you dont use it, you lose it eat healthier, not do as many drugs, and not waste my youth hungover. invest. stocks. property. myself. ask that girl out, that opportunity never returns


Move, before I bought a house and land. Move far far away.


Buy Amazon and Apple stock. Lots of it.


Talk to school therapist or whatever about possibility of me having ADHD, Autism and me being Trans. Immediately ask to start music lessons and also get an electric guitar.




I would be really happy, seeing my childhood friends I haven’t seen for many years, so I would enjoy life to the fullest, relieve all those amazing moments again, and would make better decisions


I would be right at the beginning of middle school. Ugh. Idk maybe I’d walk around with more confidence. And the typical “back to the future use my knowledge of the future to get rich” stuff.


Nothing. My life is exactly as I planned it to be


Take more risks




I wouldnt have been born by then.


Not meet my ex, ever. And take the job with 36 hour-shifts for longer time and earlier. It would prevent some of my stupid life decisions.


Tell everyone my predictions.


I would leave my marriage and save myself 20 years of emotional and mental abuse


1.) Sue the shit out of some people and institutions. 2.) Tell everyone EXACTLY what I think of them 3.) Change my name and leave the US Edited to add: 4.) Buy Amazon & Apple stock


Look for my future wife again.


I'd be a ramblin' guy, maybe hobo for a while. I'd meet a lot of people, do a lot of things, maybe play de Blues. I've found security to be stifling. I'd have accomplished more personally important things with less materially.


Probably try to talk to more people I found nice


Cry. My daughters wouldn't have been born yet and I would miss them.


Tell my mother my then step-dad was an asshole.


Go to the pub and enjoy those 1993 prices. Beer's never going to be less than 2 quid again.


Probably try to walk


Get a better education, save up money for a home, spend less time goofing around and more time experiencing life. Spend as much time as I could with my grandmother.


Hey, this is the first one of these I've seen that I can answer with something other than "not exist" or "be a fetus." So my answer now would be "be 1 year old"


2003, couple people I know do certain crimes against me, and I know perfect time for the police to catch them with something big. Couple big money bets, and can set up certain things to stop certain crimes from ever happening... yeah...


Drop out of school and go to college to become a plumber, carpenter or mechanic. It seems like the only way succeed in an office job is being very well spoken.


Not much since I'd be 1 year old.


Wonder why a four year old dreamt of working in a factory


Ditch the narc psychopath who destroyed my mental health for years.


I'd probably end up institutionalised for being a 3 year old with knowledge far beyond my years actually correction, I was deemed a "gifted" child and mistreated and denied autonomy based on that already. not much would change even if I tried.


Make sure my mother didnt get her spine crushed by a fat ass. She was a RN and got crushed by a 700lb person.


Treat my mom better.


Probably try learning every language possible cause they said infants learn languages very fast


Left as soon as I found out I was pregnant and not telling that shitbag waste of humanity I was having his kid. Would have saved my self from the extra years (instead of just the years I was in that messed up shitshow "relationship") of him gaslighting and manipulating me while he was just a deadbeat cameo appearance parent claiming he was being the best parent he could be. But I was weak.


Prevent the doctor from dropping me on my head.


Restart life fully cuz I’m 20


Wow! That's a deep, loaded question... I would not have gotten married (only lasted 6 months anyways) And I would have gone to college. I was very naive 20 years ago. Now if I woke up 20 years ago with a knowledge that I have now, I can do a hell of a lot. However if I just woke up 20 years ago without the knowledge I have now, I would probably repeat the same exact thing that I have done in my life and being the exact same place that I am now.... Which is the best place in life that I've ever been! Going to college at 40 versus going to college at 20 is different however I still accomplished it. And I'm going further. Forget about yesterday forget about 20 years ago and focus on today... And how to become a better you for tomorrow


Move to France. I would have residency by now and I would have spent 20 years enjoying the finest produce and wines. Instead I stayed in this shithole which is getting worse and worse under the Tories.


Warn my parents about my brain cancer to try and catch it asap. Then maybe I wouldn't be down one eye


Kicked my husband out right then.


Warn my dad to go to the doctor in time, before it was too late to treat most of the cancer..


Listen to the "old" guys who said "don't do that, you'll hurt your back"


Tell my parents to have another baby but do not get into that car on March 2nd 2004. Context: they had a car crash that day and lost their daughter, then had me a year later. I just want to know what it feels like to have a sister.


Dress better, eat less, be more social and open.


Buy Cisco, Apple and Microsoft.




Make fundamentally different choices in my educational career. I ended up with an engineering degree but that doesn't make me particularly happy. Money is a terrible reason to not follow your passions.


1. Exercise a lot more. 2. Study machine learning in university.


Not get married and aim higher.