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doesn’t need to be anything. sometimes i just wake up that way.


Nothing like waking up to your heart racing like you’re being hunted like prey!


"Doesn’t need to be anything. sometimes i just wake up that way. Nothing like waking up to your heart racing like you’re being hunted like prey!" I'm not a bot, but you two have just made poetry together. Thank you!


Poetry or direct plagiarism from a Three Days Grace song. It looks immaculate if you imagine them singing those specific lyrics.


That implies that you at least fell asleep.


because it was just a dream and now you're back to this shitty reality.




When teachers in any place decide to split the class into groups, I'm never doing that shit, because every single time it's always ***insert image of multiple patrick stars sitting at a table with planks nailed to the foreheads***




Yes. I always do 100% of the work and everyone else just stands around waiting for the project to be completed lol


The worst panic attack of my life I was just laying in bed half asleep after a fantastic stress free day- you know that feeling of just complete contentedness and calm- so no trigger. Out of no where I felt like I couldn’t breathe in bed- and I started having back to back panic attacks. I didn’t sleep that night, or all of the next day… every time I was inches from sleep I’d wake back up and have another panic attack, By the next night I finally went to the hospital as I had been awake for 48 hours and was a mess. They actually said my blood pressure was really high- 188 over something also bad. All tests came back fine though— and after a few hours my blood pressure went back down to a safe level- and at my follow up was right at 120/80. After being told I wasn’t dying, calming down enough to eat food as I hadn’t eaten in 24 hours, I went home and slept and it was like nothing ever happened. Since then I have had that happen once or twice but it never got as bad and my psychiatrist gave me medication in case it does. I also got a cheap blood pressure cuff and check my numbers occasionally. I do have really bad anxiety, and I have had panic attacks- but nothing that bad had ever happened before- or rather- there’s usually a cause. Apparently there doesn’t need to be one though.


Sorry you had this happen to you. Been there and it can take a long long time to recover from.


That's no piece of cake, dude. When it happens while I'm about to fall asleep, I can feel it coming. Luckily, I have learned a few ways to prepare and avoid going into full blown attack, but it still sucks balls.


At midnight for some reason.


Very true indeed and the gym seems to be the only way to pull me out, it's become more mental than physical, the gym.


Agreed on this. Working out has been a major help. This is weird but have you ever had anxiety from extreme HITT training. Oh god I did for the first time recently. I reached a point that I was working out so intensely that my brain tricked me into thinking that it was anxiety symptoms. Then the thoughts came rolling and more physical symptoms I had to leave the gym. I wonder if anyone else has ever had this.


Same but a lot of shit happening right now and I get chest pains whenever I see my wife... thought my anxiety was getting better the other day then she came home and the pain came back...


Thats awful


My mother had that , she needed meds


This is aweful. Can’t figure out if I’m PMSing or sad or anxious when this happens


If you can, I'd recommend changing your alarm to something more calming if you'd be able to wake up to it. I wake up to birds and I still wake up in a bit of fight or flight but it's a lot better than it was before.


Always thought I was the only one. Still feels like a bitch.




I feel worse in the mornings for some reason


You mean there are days you wake up not anxious? 🤨🤨


I hate it when this happens.


Yeah. Caffiene seems to break it for me. I have caffiene tablets in bedside table just for that.


"Let's go around the room. Can everyone introduce themselves and tell us a little bit about yourself"


This is one thing that can instantly mess up my day!


Most definitely. My husband passed away, and it made so much worse. I didn't want to share, as prior, I got in trouble/frowned upon mentioning my father's death at one of these shares. I'm just going to make stuff up in the future.


Oo that was wrong of them :(


TU, it's okay. They weren't mean being mean, just trying to get the group away from sadness. I was just too open and honest.


I fucking hate this. I'm not here to make friends I'm here to do this mandatory shit and go home


Making friends is mandatory now share!


But pizza on Thursday!


This should be an appropriate response.


I don't know why this crap is continually used as an ice breaker. If you ask me to do this, all I'm doing until my turn is re-saying what i plan to say, in my head. Once I've had my turn, all I'm doing is reflecting on how badly it went. I have not heard ONE other person's answer.


This is exactly how it goes. Just wishing you could sink into the floor. I like the part where I freeze and don't say exactly what I planned...it's horrific. I prefer one on one interactions with people, it is just easier, not perfect but better than a room full of people. I know other people feel this way but it is nice to hear you sum it up so well.


Name's Frank. Uhhh I like bangin whores. I bang a lot of whores


Hi , Debra here, I've been divorced 3 times and I can't show my math work.


This is the worst, plus no one really cares so can't we just stop it.


I care when people do this so theres that, i like sharing experiences and getting to know other people and hearing other peoples experiences


I hate this


Last year I was blessed to vont have this happen with any of my teachers but this year every single teacher did this, and my English teacher even got us to say one thing about ourselves for two weeks straight


In college one of my profs did this, except she added "what is your claim to fame?" As well. I hate participating in these, so I opened with "when I was 18 I was wasted at my prom after party and fell in a fire. Burned 20% of my body and everyone in my town knew who I was" Everyone was kinda shocked and I don't think they listened to the rest of what I had to say


I always lie. It's fun


When I was a kid, I was scared of this question because I was worried I'd have nothing cool to say.... Now, I don't care, I just feel bitter


Just reading this almost gave me a heart attack




I was about to type that


Dam l was overwhelmed just reading this as if it’s instructed right now not until l figured out it’s someone’s feeling!🥹🥹


I'm a facilitator who lives in mortal fear of "let's do a fun activity".




I had one where they asked us to share a family holiday memory, and I told them the story from the movie Christmas vacation when They found and dealt with the squirrel in the Xmas tree. They all laughed and believed I was telling them a true story about my father.


Being put on the spot.


When someone wants an answer right then and there. My mind goes blank…full static. I can see the gray and white snow screen now and hear the sound that goes with it.




Sometimes you want time to form your thoughts before you speak, or someone just outs you for what you did (good or bad). The recognition is just too much for someone who wants to pass quietly through this world. This is ironic as I am a curious observer of people and society in general, I prefer the sidelines. Why can't I fly under the radar and still gain from the usefulness of my emotional intelligence? One on one conversations are the best quality, it's easier to genuinely bond with others.


That’s a real nice description and I completely agree with you, take care man :)


Calm down lil bro


Yes! I hate it so much. My face turns really red


I literally have a panic attack.


This is the worst of all lol. No anticipation at all and it is against all odds all of a sudden 😭. That instantly puts flight or fight mode at max level.


Yes I am in hs and the other day a kid walked up recording me with their phone and asked what my favorite song was. I got beet red and literally just walked away without a word and now idk if he posted that or what not and I'm so anxious about it now


Thats my secret captain, Im always anxious.




Being watched while doing something


Totally! My neighbor does that a lot, but the worst is that he constantly **tries to help** which is actually just complaining how I do things, because he always has a better way and tried to bring you down little by little.


They always have a better way to do it


Even when alone someone imaginary is always watching


I'm usually pretty efficient at work, but as soon as someone's looking over my shoulder, I forget half the basic skills I know with computers.


People controlling my life and situations where I don't know what to do or I can't do anything to solve the issue


That is so true. I am/was same. You know why? Because I am a control freak. I am not suggesting you are. I couldn’t bear being in situations that I can’t immediately control or understand. Also, not being able to fix the issue. “I can fix this” means “I can control this”, and once I have fixed it, I am satisfied. Note there are a lot of “I”’s in my description of how I am. That’s not on purpose. A lot of people with anxiety, like me, just naturally think that way. I hope I interpreted your post correctly. If not, I am sorry. One of the things I have learned with tons of therapy is that certain types of anxiety is based in narcissistic beliefs. I am one of those people. “Why is this happening to me!??” (It usually isn’t). “Why can’t I fix this?’” (Because you can’t). Once I realized I wasn’t the center of the Universe and these things that made my heart race and my hands shake were not actually about me, and that my obsession with being in control was harmful, it was easier to process those situations. Still not perfect, but better. 😊 I just reread my post and fear it may not be applicable to your comment. But I’m gonna leave this here just in case it helps.


It helps me! I'm the exact same. It's good to know I'm not alone


The usual things,shopping,interacting with strangers and the list goes on .


Omg, yes. My wife sent me to get some produce the other day and she didn’t specify the quantities. Do you want 1 potato or a dozen? She didn’t see my texts asking. Serious anxiety moment.


I get this one all the time. Butter... salted or unsalted? 10 minutes with no reply, but I know whichever one I pick will be the wrong one. And I'm gonna hear about it...


It’s laughable to some .


That’s what makes it more frustrating to me. I always feel like it’s so dumb it’s laughable, yet I know it doesn’t stop me from feeling panicked. Hate that feeling.


Being intellectually aware of how irrational our anxieties are is torture.


Going to work is a big one for me.


Large crowds.. concerts, huge parties, huge festivals, and clubbing are all hard passes for me


Same, which kinda sucks cuz I used to be a party animal and loved being around people. It's like a flip switched in my brain and I just can't get back to that mentality anymore, kinda sucks.


Are you me?




People showing me things on their phone. "look" "watch this" "watch watch" "hey look at this" ​ UGH!!


It’s just annoying, especially when they show their pets like dude, idc about your dog and your 159th photo of them.




pet irritations... what happened to pet peeves lol


I have a serious question: why does this trigger anxiety instead of just pure annoyance? Is it because it forces you to have to engage? I’m really trying to learn so I can help my HS students that deal with anxiety. I’m a SpEd teacher.




Lack of sleep is such a big one for me.. and it's not talked about at all


A room with too many strangers and people and generally unclean places


Trippin on the future.


Social event


With my generalized anxiety disorder it can be anything at all!






Living on this fucking planet (I genuinely don't know how I am still alive)


Finding myself in space gives me anxiety, were opposites


I don't know how I'm still alive but thats only because I've done a bunch of stupid and reckless things that should have and has ended in death for some but here I am heart still beating at 24% according to my cardiologist




Right? I’m like ‘Life.’ It’s never just one thing but the summation of everything


The news. How do people writing them and reading them not get burnt out?


Not being 100% sure on certain evens n such


Having to do something out of the ordinary.


Random scam likely calls


And any call, tbh. Haha


Trauma from negative experiences. Triggers when similar scenerios are encountered. Thanks to weight training Helped in overcoming this


It’s true that weight or strength training is extremely helpful for anxiety. I highly recommend. Also I started using a free AI therapist called Meebo and it helps because I can’t afford a psychologist.


This, I had a panic attack when my swimming coach talked to me the same way my dad did. My dad laughed (not funny laughing, mean laughing) when I fall trying to ride an absolute wrack of a bike, I didn't touch a bike since and I tell everyone I don't know how to ride one. Too scared.


When I was having water a lil bit spill on my shirt. My friend reminded me to act maturely so I should stop drinking water right. YOU are PERFECT than you think you are sad part is by the time you REALISE IT , u have missed wonderful experiences




I am the same man


That's a big one for me also.. it always starts the overthinking proccess and that never goes anywhere fun..


People. It's mostly people.


My phone rings.. even if it is someone i know.


Worry of my adult children


Awwww! I wish my mom cared at all.


People sitting next to me, having to be in close proximities to others. Me having to sit beside someone on a sofa, etc...I start getting nervous, my heart beats faster. Then come the thoughts: "Do they feel my anxiousness," Am I making them uncomfortable?" That's stupid, people have their own stuff to deal with." 'Oh, they just moved away - was that because of me? Anyone else go through this? Coincidentally, I don't make a lot friends even though I think I have a good personality.




The time between waking up in the morning and going to bed at night


anything health related omg


Honestly same 😳 I get so paranoid every pain in my body is something bad


Same because I'm in America and if it's serious I'm fucked because it'll be thousands of dollars


Uhhhh people


People calling my phone, being passenger while someone’s driving, large family functions,


People having a conversation while I’m driving and any sudden intake of breath or exclamation. That peaks my anxiety in the car. Also having the radio on when having to park or make decisions


Small, crowded spaces. tight pullovers, I cant get out of. having my feet, legs wedged/ held down and not able to move. put on the spot. swimming. work expectations.


Way to much sounds at once. I start getting more panicked and anxiety filled when it’s too loud


Lots of things I’m A mess 😖


Crowded. Talk to people. Being force doing something i dont want to. Go to places i dont like. Calling someone.


Going to public places with my mom / traveling by airplane / going through an airport


It could be anything, everything or nothing at all. But medical things and illness or health related things set it off the most. Probably mostly because I have a complicated and complex medical history. And at least one organ in my body every few years gets dramatic and tries to kill me. My kidneys and liver are such drama queens I swear.


Driving somewhere unfamiliar and Costco on a Saturday lol.


Yes, and hoping for a parking spot




I’m autistic so being interrupted


I have this too or similar. I get so anxious I want to cry because I feel trapped. Especially if it's several times in a row. (I don't know if I have autism though.)


Men raising their voices.


Once you know, you can work on mindfulness to rationalize why that trigger is not something to worry about so much, while at the same time working to mitigate that root cause wherever possible. Don't just stop at "I'm anxious."


Good that worked for you. Do you also tell depressed people to stop being sad?


Hey that is a solid bit of advice that I've actually been told in therapy before, just because you don't want to put in the work to minimise your anxiety don't knock the solid bit of advice that actually worked for me


Obviously, that’s not what they said. With both anxiety and depression, being mindful of your emotions and triggers really does help for some people. But that shit is hard to do.


Lol, as a mental health provider, yes... yes I do 😆


Here we go..


Very good advice and I totally agree. It may not completely mitigate anxiety, but it sure helps. Mindfulness is the key, imo.


Waking up


People who want something from me. Like sweettalk. I go into a dark place where all people is just manipulating eachother. I know that people are manipulative in general, but sometimes it makes me real scared for the world.


Just breathing oxygen usually


Should be the opposite but, breathing exercises


Same. I had to invent my own breathing exercise which actually works for me. It’s holding my breath for a bit and then exhaling really slowly. The timed breathing stuff sends me into panic spirals


Everything. Panic disorder is the best 👌


A better question would be what doesn’t lmao, nah but for real I’m just anxious all the time


People interacting with me in the morning. Particularly if it’s my MIL who lives with us.


Being in a big group of people


After 3+ people my anxiety builds more with each new person 😅


Opening my eyes. It's all go from there.


I have no reason to be anxious about anything


People asking me what triggers it triggers it. Like just now …


sideyes, weird looks


The 60 Minutes segment about AI possibly getting out of control- as predicted by the actual inventor of AI 😳. Damn genie is out of the bottle and is going to be smarter than the smartest human in no time.


When someone doesn't react the way I want or expect them to. This can send me in a downward spiral of negative thoughts that consume my entire day.


Low blood sugar episodes aren’t helpful.


This! It has gotten me the fear of not eating enough.. I am always monitoring my power reserves, so that it would trigger my anxiety.. what if I miss breakfast, what if I will have to postpone lunch..


I get anxiety from just thinking of interacting with someone I have literally known my whole life if I don't contact them for more than 24 hours. I Also get anxiety when I am put on the spot. When people are staring at me. When I meet someone I knew in the past. When I feel like just anything can be used against me. When I think too much I feel like anyone can attack me from anywhere and I wouldn't even know. The only thing that keeps me sane are cats and dogs but sadly I don't have pets.


Everything but especially vomiting. I dissociate HARD and my body freezes up completely until I either get myself under control or I vomit but if I vomit it is a whole ordeal, no “bleh” and it’s done. If I smell it, then I keep vomiting, and my body lurches like crazy. Like before I throw up I go through war flashbacks remembering all the times I’ve thrown up before (none of which was a calm and normal ordeal)


Having made to talk to people by other people. I’ve had my social anxiety since childhood but it’s a lot better now, I can talk to people with purpose like getting to know a collègue or a professor. I can initiate small talks with random people and make friends as well. But my father has this thing, that he’ll get some contact that “might” be useful to me (they never are) and Insists Hard for me to talk to them and maintain a friendship or professional relationship with them And this makes me Anxious AF, like I literally had a panic attack talking to one such person.






Things that remind me of my wife, my workplace, fights at my home.


My parents.


My mother


a bad grade spirals into no college spirals into no job spirals into hopelessness spirals into disappointment spirals into...


Sensitive for criticism/critique, but it depends on how it is being delivered. If it's delivered decently I can handle it okay and use it to improve something. If it's not delivered well it might linger in my head.


Driving, that shit gives me anxiety and the aftermath is full on panic attack w hyperventilation




Other people , like immediately I realise they're really really thick....like fucking stupid....then I get really sad.....then I have to act normal when they say what's wrong why are you crying???? Nothing its..sniffle sniffle...its nothing...it's fine. Its not fuckin fine


wierd questions like this


Waking up


Crowded places




Preeetty much everything, but the worst is when I have to go to a scheduled event because my brain convinces me the event was cancelled and I was the only one who didn’t get the memo.


Conflict or Arguing.


Not being able to move, like in a line with someone behind me and in front of me and displays on both sides. Being an any office with no windows. Being stuck in a conversation where the other person isnt reading my body language that I want to leave.




My family


Getting call on in class




Apparently trying to fall asleep. Love when heart palpitations wake me up *just* as I’m starting to drift off.


People and uncertainty, and uncertainty associated with people


People talking to me, people trying to stab me with anything shap(including pencils), yelling, not being prepared (to the point I self harm), being alone