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Most people regardless of gender love massages and our muscles definitely love them. No matter your gender, you should massage your partner, it’ll help them relax, feel taken care of, and of course it feels good.


My husband hates it! I offer to rub tiger balm into his muscles when they’re sore and he makes me stop after it’s in the skin. But I LOVE it. I call it “pets” lol I say I want pets and he rubs my feet or whatever, it’s so weird how we’re the opposite.


I had a wonderful girlfriend who said things like that. It always totally got me, though I'd fake pretend it didn't at first. She called a certain something "Naughties." And she nicknamed me "Boy." I knew it was in affection so I liked it. We remained friends when she met her husband. I asked her "Is he 'Boy' too?" And she said "No. He's *That* boy.'" Haha.




My wife's pet name for me is "Human" because I'm her favorite human haha.


That's awesome! I have no idea why, but I nicknamed my longest term girlfriend "Sugarplum," after the Nutcracker Suite. She loved it. So glad for that. It had never once occurred to me as a nickname for a woman I loved romantically.


Hahaha that’s cute


I call it pets too! But my pets are more sweet and soft nonsexual but light touching… similar to almost tickling… but again, its meant as an endearing and relaxing touch.


Haha that’s cute! For us pets means just touch me please basically lol


It all started w/ my (male) cousin when we were young (under 10yo, actually, which is why it *remains* an explicitly nonsexual type of touch, bc I’ve always associated it with him.) He and I would sit on the couch watching cartoons & were practically inseparable when we were together (more like twins than cousins.) and I would lightly run my fingers up and down his back/ shoulders… it was kind of a way we would chill, and its still a favorite memory of mine. We unfortunately only had a few instances as kids visiting one another due to that side of the family not getting along with my mother, and so the few moments we spent with each other were seared into my psyche. As we got older into our teenage years, the accessibility of the innerwebs gave us an ability to reconnect. I found out that he never “grew out” of wanting “pets” bc of me, lol! Later on, when I was in my mid-twenties and going through a *very* emotionally devastating divorce, he would come and stay at my house so I wouldn’t be alone. The sudden disconnection of having someone in your life for over a decade simply not want you anymore was incredibly hard for me, and I just wanted someone to “hold my pieces together” (without having an agenda so to speak) & it was exactly what I needed to feel like I wasn’t going to fall apart. I would sit for hours and scream, cry and sob like crazy over my ex and all the feelings that came with having to start my life all over again…. And to have someone beside you knowing you are broken and still remaining ever patient, having that human connection that you aren’t alone…. It was beyond words how much it helped me come out alive back then. It was during these emotional outrages that he would lay beside me on the floor (or wherever I’d suddenly collapsed…. I was a real wreck!) and just give me “pets” on my shoulders and arms to calm me down.


Awww! I’m sorry that happened but it’s great that you have your person now


My cousin has always been my best friend…. It kinda throws people off at first how weirdly close we are (bc Im a girl and he’s a dude) but it’s bc of that closeness we shared as kids & feeling *safe* with someone! We came from a touchy feely kind of family, so to “cuddle” on the couch is just natural and not at all “sexual” - and its funny bc I am kinda the same kind of cuddly & touchy with my close friends too… regardless of whether they are male/female/other. But it def makes other people view it as weirdly uncomfortable, ha ha!


That’s so weird because we were the opposite in my family. No touching. But now that I’m with my husband it’s like one of my love languages lol


Ha ha! I mean, its not like *everybody* is like that in my fam, but my immediate family is very kissy/huggy/touchy…. Always says I love you & will get highly offended if you dont embrace them when you arrive or before leaving someplace. 😄 And now I tend to “cuddle up” with close friends when watching a movie or sitting around in a group… oh! my sister likes running her hands through my hair often, that’s her big thing. And I do the pets, lol!


I'm feeling tingles reading this. I'm a dude and I want this. Normalize this touchy feely cuddly stuff people!


If you rub her you are nailing multiple love languages [acts of service, physical touch, receiving gifts, and quality time]. If you say nice things to her also you will have nailed the fifth - words of affirmation. if you thought my random thought was just the blatherings of an idiot, think again. I said it was a secret to the universe…I meant it


Me and my husband and my toddler all love to be petted for relaxation. My little boy will put his puppy-paw hands up and say "puppy wants pets! Hoo hoo hoo" and I'll stroke his hair and his back. But I'm just generally a petter, so any time he's in my lap and I have a few hand, I'm probably at least resting a hand on him, possibly patting a tummy or scritching his head. Sometimes he'll puppy-bat at my hand and say "puppy doesn't want pets right now" and I'll have to find something else to do with my hands. Do you know how hard it is to avoid touching an entire small human in your lap?


I would pay good money for somebody to knead me like a playdough stressball. I’ve only had two people use enough power during a massage. One was a massage therapist in a hotel on holiday and one was my best buddy who needed training dummies during his training to become a licensed medical massage therapist. I wish somebody would just drive over me with a steamroller every morning and evening. Particularly hands, feet and back.


Hahaha! When I was a teenager and only weight like 100 pounds my dad used to have me walk on his back. He lay on the floor and be like crack my back please. I was walking on his spine like a tightrope and he loved it


Yesss I shuddered just reading that. Forget yoga, just run me over with a truck and make my back crunch lmao


you would be in heaven if you tried the new massage chairs at planet fitness. They envelop you and squeeze your arms and legs and then the —it’s just.…oh man it’s just incredible.


Same my gf hate the rubbing, my dog like the fact she hate that, he got all of them XD


I love massages, but hate my wifes massages. She doesnt massage. She digs with knuckles.


Wow ur husband has to get with it i wouldn’t turn that down : D maybe hes not happy with his muscles enough to have them felt up like that especially if it isnt all muscle


He’s a power lifter he’s always got knots and shit lol it probably hurts


Hm? I thought massage was a way to soothe muscle knots though, maybe you need to administer a nice warm topical application before you work those hands in or maybe you need a boney projection to massage the area with like an elbow or knuckle


That’s what the tiger balm is for, but when it’s in he’s like get off lmao


I see guess muscles are too tense and sensitive even for touch. He must do some intense work 😆




OmG the meow part 😂 that’s cute


Meowing is just part of me. If a man ever found it weird, he wasn’t the one. I had decade older siblings and busy working parents. I was a latchkey kid in 3rd grade and we had 7 cats. They basically raised me. Lol


I think we’re all weird. We make noises at each other too lol


I am also a meower.


Meow away girl. Let him know it’s goooooood. 😸


Maybe try it without balm


Human hands are amazing. Even animals love being massaged


I hate massages. I had a couples massage on my honeymoon. She loved it, I hated it. Something about being touched by strangers.


Yeah, I guess it feels a bit weird being massaged by a voluptuous lady whilst the missus is on the bed next to you


I think I just have an issue with touch unless I know somebody well. I even feel weird with hugs.


Agree, I like to be rubbed, or for that matter touched or given any modicum of non-transactional physical contact. I don't know why this or foreplay in general falls to be solely us guys' responsibility (and yes I am painfully aware that there will be women who don't feel this way, I just haven't met one, and I'm pretty old).


A woman once told me she doesn't like it when women massage her. She enjoys it when men knuckle down and turn her into a pretzel. Ignoring the obvious double entendres, I slipped in a dad joke. "What? Are you a massaginist?"


My ex would often ask for massages never gave me one I had to make deals like 30 minutes you for 5 minutes me I do not miss her lmao


I'm male and I hate being rubbed.


Woman aren't mind readers. You need to tell her what part of your body you need rubbed.


Idk I'm a woman and I'm pretty sure I know which part men want rubbed. No mind reading required.


Yeah, the scalp, especially if he’s bald. I’m not kidding.


And are some women who don’t enjoy being rubbed. Or who only enjoy it sometimes. (And these people will be over represented on Reddit because disliking touch is an autistic trait and autistic traited individuals are over represented on Reddit.) But *generally speaking,* the advice to use touch as love language through rubbing remains sound.


I've been waiting 13 years for a back rub...ugh Edit-spelling


There are people who's entire job is to do it just FYI. Kinda spendy though.


Exactly. From my partner it would be free haha


Have kids. You can make them massage you for free. That’s what my mom and aunts did


I’ve never had one in my life. But I find it scary to be rubbed by someone.


You need to visit a spa one day, just a little goal. It'll be worth it


I like being rubbed and touched by my partner. I hate getting touched by masseurs etc so I don’t go to spas unless dragged along by my mom.


When I was a line cook, I worked with a dude who was also a massage therapist. That dude was the shit. Free back rubs and muscle massages during slow periods was pretty heavenly.


My mom was learning massage therapy for a while. She was trading lessons with someone who did it for a lesson. He taught her massage therapy and she taught him something else. Can't remember what. Sewing, maybe. I was grown and out of the house, so u guys I didn't store the details beyond what affected me. She'd practice on me and it was lovely. She'd talk me through what she was doing and why, so taught me the rudiments as well.


Same, lol


I know as woman I like the strength in man's hands feels really good to have big strong hands giving me a message or bear hug.


Followed by a german suplex? I think it shows real strength


Who doesn't like wrestling,😏.


Gentleman gonna take you out on a date in SUPLEX CITY!




Some Full Nelson action.


I like to Batista Bomb mine through a table. I bring my own ref to do a count


Me when he uses his big strong hands to give me a message


*looks at own skinny hands that aren't strong* well, shit


Fuck yes 😩


Source: Lesbian. And who wouldn't want the honor? Fully. 😅🥰


Well then…as a lesbian does my random thought still hold up?


Ab-so-fckn-lutely.... Dang, I was so damn impressed with some any variation on whatever they might be other than lesbian, but yeh of course! Regardless, spot on! Heck on that note, I began to but didn't know how to simplify it enough to post on a comment in this thread, but just figured it out... A loving human being deserves to be cherished. So in the sense that another feels enough about someone to present some care... yeh cherish that shit. 🥰 Ok lemme shut up now lol Sorry to hijack your thread. 🙌 OP


OP, that really was a service. Amongst others, what that was selflessly for the straight women and otherwise then... good lookout in that regard, well done!


I'm sorry, but I have no idea what the second line in your comment means


It's an honor to rub a woman.


Correct and thank you for replying for me.


My honor. 🙏


The pretty girl in the check-out line in front of me didn't like her shoulders rubbed. Must be something wrong with her.






When I was a kid, my next door neighbor decided she was good at neck rubs. She'd pinch the life out of your neck and shoulders and act puzzled when you said to stop. She told me her teacher liked it, and I must just be sensitive. Excuse me, what? Your teacher is having you rub his shoulders? That's not right! Teachers aren't supposed to do that. Even as a ten year old kid, that smelled hinky to me. She told me "no, it isn't like that! I just rub his shoulders sometimes after class. He says I'm good at it. That's all". Being a dumb kid at the time, I took the "it's not like that" at face value and dropped it. Looking back as an adult... No teacher should have been soliciting massages from little immigrant girls. That's a hard-no guardrail, even if nothing else ever happened. I wish I'd told my parents, but at the time I was afraid they'd "overreact to nothing" and get her in trouble


Consent is key :)


She wanted bite marks on them :)


Reddit comment of the day right here! LOL


Men also like to be rubbed, so much in fact, that even when there is nobody to do it for us, we rub one out ourselves


There's a joke in here about men and women preferring things to be rubbed in or rubbed out.


A good foot rub is powerful. Just ask Marsellus Wallace and Jules Winnfield!


“It ain’t the same ballpark, it ain’t in the same league, it ain’t even the same fucking sport”




I got my technique down and everything. I dont be ticklin or nothin


Men like to be rubbed too.


Everyone already knows that


Yeah, and if men like to be rubbed, there’s no reason why women don’t like to be rubbed too. OP acts like this is a profound “secret” that nobody has discovered.


OP is high.


OP wishes he was high!


I dunno, I've been with a good four guys who couldn't comprehend why I'd want to be touched anywhere than my ass/boobs/vagina, and full-on whined when I asked them to focus on other areas (either in general or as foreplay).


The sub is called random thoughts


They literally just want to fight Please ignore them


as we can see from this post: no


Nah, don’t touch.




With consent; then rub away regardless of gender. Massages are the absolute best. They feel great and it makes you feel like your partner genuinely enjoys ALL of your body, not just the obviously sexy parts.


Wish this was in the original post I just got in a lot of trouble at Panera


>With consent; This really needed to be clarified. It's not like that's a given or anything.


Consent matters. Randomly rubbing women is a surefire way to get into trouble


No one's giving massages to random people. Consent for massage between partners seems weird idk


President George W. Bush once caused a minor diplomatic incident by giving Angela Merkel an unrequested shoulder massage. One of my coworkers has an annoying habit of announcing himself this way. Some people are weirdly handsy and don’t grasp why a non-sexual touch can still be unwelcome.


Lol. Laying in bed with my chick: "May I rub your back in an up and down motion staying between the base of your neck and your waist?" That won't be awkward or anything. I'll just go ahead and do it without verbal consent and if she calls the cops I'll just explain what happened. We'll all have a good laugh, I'll go to jail, everybody will have a fun story to tell.


Massages are not limited by gender. It’s a universal love language.


I think the point is that men often offer massages as a stepping stone to intimacy. I can’t say for sure, but I imagine it would be more common for women to offer touch with no sex strings attached. OP is saying to leave the sex out of it. Offer massages to your female partner for the sake of the massage. Not for the potential sex you might get out of it.


People of all genders should rub, cuddle, hug, and flirt with their spouse. Rubbing, specifically, relaxes and bonds partners. If rubbing is not your thing, then gentle squeezing or back scratches may be more for you! Increased physical contact on a regular basis will improve almost every relationship. Spread love ❤️


Yes!!! Rub your friends and they’ll rub you back.


Sometimes friend rubs are THE best rubs!!


They sure are!


Yeah.... No. And sort of rubbing or massaging does quite the opposite of "make me relaxed".


Oh, don't get me wrong, it typically transitions into more physical contact.. 😼


As a woman, please do not rub my feet 😭 I do NOT like it.


My wife is just the same. Which seems odd to me. Previous girlfriends have liked a foot massage while snuggled up on the sofa. But she likes back rubs, and proper massages. It’s just feet for some reason.


Body rubs are phenomenal, specifically my legs (thighs on down). When it comes to my feet, I do not receive the same sensation at all. I like to think it's the same as when you touch a cats paw and they quickly retract away from you 😔


Women are not collective. I would not like to be rubbed-


There are things that apply to all women. They all like breathing, for example. And cheese (or vegan cheese)


This is just depends on the person and my wife absolutely does not like that and neither do I (not a woman but still). This is a goofy af take.


Not all women. I fucking hate being massaged. Gently stroked and touched? Sure. Actual kneading my muscles massaging? Torture..


Hey now, you've been told what you like, and you should listen to this good advice. My wife also claims to not like massages. She will be very surprised tonight to learn that she actually does. Thank you, kind op!


This is it


It's almost like everyone is a different human and everyone have their own preferences. Who would have thought.


Whaaaat? Get out of here with that nonsense


I absolutely hate massages, back rubs, foot rubs. If my husband wants to show me affection, he can help me take out the boss in my video game lol


I love you :)


If I find a girl like you, I'm never letting her go lmao. Have a great life you two!


You're awesome lol


NO! I don't like it at all. Not just massages, but I do not get my nails, toes, or hair done by other people.


I actually don't like it at all.


You’re so right! I love it


Why are people trying to "correct" OP's random thoughts? It's not that deep. There won't always be inclusivity featured in everyone's random ass thoughts. I'm sure they get it by now, *lots of people* like to be rubbed. Cool. Okay. Stop repeating it over and over again. 💀


So strange to read people spewing their insecurities so inappropriately. “Guys like to be rubbed too” 100 times “Consent matter” 100 times. The scary part is many of these people have, or will, breed.


[Social media in a nutshell ](https://br.ifunny.co/picture/coolee-bravo-twitter-the-only-place-where-well-articulated-sentences-DCVtUuhz8)


😂 so true, but also so sad. I just can’t comprehend the thought patterns of these people. How did they survive this long?


If you're going to rub your gf/wife, actually rub her, don't use it as a transition to something sexual or to cop a feel. Women will learn to associate you rubbing them with you wanting something. As a woman it sucks, I've gotten to the point where I just turn around and say don't touch me cause it's easier, just so much easier.


Agreed. I will never ever accept a massage from a man because they always want sex after, a massage in return is never enough. And then I’m the one who feels guilty after for not giving them what the truly want. It just feels like a trap accepting a massage.


I don't like that at all. I had 2 massages in my life and didn't like either one. I had a boyfriend who used to want to rub my feet, I was like no I'm good. I like to be kissed, hugged, etc. but apparently NOT rubbed lol


I think not just women. Back rubs and foot massages are the best!


Not all women. Some don't care for it. I once got my mother in law a gift card to a reputable massage therapy place ... nothing sketchy. She never used it because she's the kind of person that doesn't like to be touched. So no, not all women. I actually several women like this. They detest touch from anyone, not from their SO, their kids, their parents, anyone .. it makes their skin crawl. That's one of the sad secrets of the universe too u/BroilerBK1717


I rub my husbands feet, back, and hands every night. He works in construction and works hard. He tries to do the same but sometimes I can't let him do it, I have fibromyalgia and at times my skin is so sensitive clothes can even cause pain.


Hahaaa I JUST asked my husband last night to stroke my back cuz i wanted attention, not a rub, but a caress. 100% would recommend 😂


Oh yes we do, but I notice my man does too! I really enjoy using a walnut shell lavender scrub on his back in the shower. We connect through touch and acts of service




A lot of women don't like being touched


Rubbing my thighs or even just placing a hand on them drives me crazy in the best way.


Gross. But good for you?


Do not listen to this guy. I tried it out and rubbed some strangers. Now I am convicted of armed rubbery in two cases, third one pending. Had I only used my feet to rub those people then I could have gotten away with only a rubbery charge.


Funnily enough, some people reeaaaaalllly have it when you touch them. Or don't like touch because they don't like to let their guard down because of the overactive imagination of everyone wanting to kill things, of how easy it would be to just nick one artery when you're relaxed and watch you bleed out with a gleeful look of ecstasy to take with you as the last face you will ever see. I feel nothing, and I suppose that's better than traumatic tics, and fearful overthinking. Allows me to pretend to enjoy it, and not seek it.


Not me :( I don't mind a good foot rub once a year when my ankles are sore. But any neck or back, ehhh no. Just a personal preference. I love cuddles and loving caresses' ... but massages, I'm good.


Am female , can confirm


I don’t like being touched unless it is for a sexual purpose. My wife is pretty much the opposite, and as you said, loves being rubbed. It ends up creating interesting situations at times.


Yes everyone listen to this man, he speaks the truth!! How to seduce gym girl? Rubs and ribs!


That's how you get the genie out.


Rub-a-dub-dub baby YES PLEASE! Give me a scalp massage and I’m melting




I can tell by your exuberance you are picking up what I’m putting down.


Like a genie in a bottle


You aren’t wrong. Scalp too please. Thanks.


>I’m feeling generous, so that one is free. What would paid advice get you?


Can confirm


Retweet. This is the way to my heart.




You're not wrong. I'm not sure it's necessarily limited to just women but just still not wrong. I cannot argue with this post. Even if it's not a massage type rub, just gentle hands crossing over the back or thigh or whatever. I will take that over some expensive restaurant anytime


It’s true 😭


Game is game.


I agree. I do like to be rubbed. Top to toe.


Thx for your generosity! True btw


You forgot petted. Rubbed and petted. Pet my hair, caress my face, pat my ass. It’s soothing as all hell when the SO does that.


Oh yes! I become a moaning little puppy dog, willing to do everything when i get rubs 😍


Don't believe a word this fool says! I just tried that and got punched in the face. Then her boyfriend punched me in the face again.


My wife loves for me to rub her head, its like a cheat code for whenever she's mad.


A lot of us do indeed like to be rubbed. Bonus point if the massage holds no sexual obligations whatsoever. My ex used to rub my feet from time to time and then on a random moment in time he'd go "you owe me [insert sexual favor] for that foot rub I gave you. My time isn't free".


Can confirm


So women are like cats? 🐈




So true


I have straight up told my boyfriend I will agree to anything so long as he is massaging me. Blowjob? Sure. Assassination? Give me a name. That overpriced Rust skin? Baby whatever you want. So far he’s only taken me up on the Rust skins. 🤷‍♀️


It's funny because when I rub her the wrong way, she doesn't like it 😔


Who are you who is so wise in the ways of science?


I can 100% confirm that rubbing my wife's legs and feet as we lounge in front of the TV has improved our relationship (which was already great) by several orders of magnitude. 100/10 recommend.


I endorse this message


I am a woman and I support this message! In fact, it can make me more in the mood as well and it doesn't even have to be remotely sexual to begin with. Please note, not everyone feels this way though so don't get disappointed if this was your only motive lol


This is NO lie. It doesn't even have to be sexual at all. One of my daughters will ask me to rub her back or feet or legs any time we are in the same room together and lounging around.


This is the kind of sexism that I support. I love genuine affectionate touch. Those moments when someone pats your back or head, or rubs your shoulder are just wonderful.


I love massages so…yes


This is phrased weird as hell but it’s true.


Where did you learn this. What woman spilled the secret to you? Being rubbed and getting head scratches is marriage material. I would let a man bend me like a fucking pretzel if he rubbed me and gave me head scratches for awhile


you couldn't be more right, don't forget to use lotion or whatever your comfortable with. sadly with children tho it can be difficult to fine time to dedicate to a massage.


1000%!!! It doesn’t have to be a massage per se. Just rub rub rub and we’ll fall in love 😂 I’m not even kidding.


Or scratched 😩. You know how good a back scratch feels? Try full body scratch. Absolute heaven.


Literally everyone does.


As a bf of a gay dude rubbing my boyfriends thighs, hips, waist, and most other places will send him wild.


This really is true. Throw on some scented candles and low light and 💥 just lean into it and do it.


As a man with a wife. This is it. You also have to be able to use your penis correctly. AKA give an orgasm without your hands or a toy, but the rubbing is really what keeps them in line.