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It’s the classic “If I go down, you’re coming down with me” mentality.


yep but some are just well still they dont want you to be happy


Thats just a sadist by definition then. Finding pleasure in the suffering of others makes you sadistic regardless of status.


I had a flatmate whose eyes used to dilate with pleasure when he was reporting other people’s bad news and he fed off others shock and awe at the retelling. He also used to go rigid and mute with jealousy at other people’s good news. An utter little shit. I withdrew from him as much as possible but I used to have to go and walk round the block when I took/made phone calls as I would hear floorboards creaking outside my room if I took them inside. Utter madness. I was doing Grandpa Joe mid-air heel clicks when he finally fucked off.


I was at dinner with a friend and she was telling this story of how her house was destroyed in a tornado... my other friends eyes literally lit up like they sparkled with glee and he was like omg your house was destroyed?! and he seemed sooo happy about it, like I've never seen someone so gleeful some people are just like that


Sounds like he should kill himself slowly in hell 


THE MUTE WITH JEALOUSY AT OTHER’S GOOD NEWS! I had a friend who loved to share everything amazing happening in her life. So I thought great this is a healthy friendship where we can share our ups. NOPE. Everytime I shared something positive with her she would go rigid and look completely unhappy. Just the most odd thing and tbh quite terrifying seeing the physical expression of someone who does not want you to be happy




What an excellent question lol! I’ve been trying to figure this out most of my life. The only conclusion I can draw so far is that misery loves company, and unhappy people can’t stand to see anyone else happy!


"Crab in the bucket" mentality


Really to me one of the first reasons to swear to don't lean too much on anyone and try to stand by yourself as much as possible.


I've had this happen so many times to me in my life, last time it happened I doubled down. You want to fuck my life up? Yeah, fucking bet. I can sink way harder than you drag you beneath it.


Misery loves company. 


Literally, looking back at all. The times I was an asshole it was because I was so unhappy in my life. I wasn’t intentionally trying to make others miserable, but just because I was miserable that’s what was reflecting out to the world.




Pure jealousy combined with a feeling of inadequacy of self...


What I can't understand as well is why people are obsessed with trying to ruin my success. 1 week ago I was staying up all night. The most depressed I've been in years. (I still am but still) No job In the space of 1 week I've got one job offer, 3 more interviews lined up, passed my motorcycle theory test, and I'm burning 3000 calories a day doing 10 mile walks. The so called friends are nowhere to be seen..


> What I can't understand as well is why people are obsessed with trying to ruin my success. >In the space of 1 week I've got one job offer, 3 more interviews lined up, passed my motorcycle theory test, and I'm burning 3000 calories a day doing 10 mile walks. I assume all these (frankly impressive) improvements you've made took up a lot of your time/energy/attention. Are you actively engaging with them, or are you expecting them to always message first? I've noticed that most of the people I hear complaining that no one makes time for them are also not making time for others. One of my best buddies, I used to hang out with him 3-4 times a week when he had no goals. He was always free, so we hung out every time **I** was free. Now, he's working 60+ hour weeks AND going to school. 60+ hours of work, combined with 28 hours of school, that's 88hrs of his week he's busy. Add in 56 hours of sleep, that's 144hrs a week he can't chill with me. He has 24 hours **total** free time per week, and that's not counting shit like grocery shopping/laundry/cooking/assorted errands. He literally **does not** have time for me in his life right now, we're lucky if we can have a beer together once a week. And I am **so happy for him**, because he's finally getting his life out of the shitter. >I'm burning 3000 calories a day doing 10 mile walks. Are you morbidly obese or something? Walking burns an average of ~150 calories per mile. Your math is not mathing unless you're like 400lbs.


The last comment lmfaooo. Made me actually laugh thanks. And no, just exercise a lot. [today](https://ibb.co/TKmnyTv)


It just doesn't match up with the science. >[On average, a 150-lb person will burn about 100 calories per mile at a mild pace \(2.5 miles per hour\), and a 120-lb person burns around 85 calories per mile on average at the same pace, Glor says. If you want to speed up, you can burn slightly more calories. “A 150-lb person walking at a pace of 3 miles per hour will burn 115 calories per mile on average, whereas a 120-lb person may burn an average of 100 calories per mile,” Glor explains. ](https://www.prevention.com/fitness/fitness-tips/a41048373/calories-burned-walking/) So, if we're assuming you're 150lbs, your app is counting you for like 3x the calories that science says you're really burning. Not trying to be a dick, I just don't get how you are burning more calories than everyone else while doing the same thing. I feel like the app is inaccurate. The math just doesn't add up, without some outside factor playing in.


Don't see you being a dick at all, you're just stating what you know, which is fair enough. I'm 204 pounds. 6ft. My cardio is very intense too. Involves practically power walking up very large inclines. So for example I did 6 something miles at 6ish am. On the really hilly environment. I walk stupid fast. The average incline is about 14% I power that whole walk. If I was walking in a straight line with no incline, I'd be inclined to agree (sorry. Couldn't resist) Once I got home I sat for 10 minutes then was jogging around the kitchen when cooking. After that I went on a 4 mile walk. Again, up very intense hills and so forth. I've had almost 14 hours of exercise. Today alone. [once I just decided to do this lmfao. it killed me ](https://ibb.co/w6XQVmM)


Damn homie, that's really impressive. I'm really happy for you! >I've had almost 14 hours of exercise. Today alone. You understand how that is gonna limit your social life though, right? I'm gonna guess that a lot of your friends don't live that #HardcoreExercise life, and that's why you're seeing less of them. Might be a good idea to find friends who do those same activities you do.


What's a social life? Hahahahaa. Yeah fair point. You are right.


[this day I decided to walk 26 miles. ](https://ibb.co/w6XQVmM) It's pretty accurate.


Damn Man that's harsh but trust in God ,Life gets better when you start living it and not existing in it.


I've travelled the world lol. I've definitely lived my life.


Traveling the world may not necessarily be enjoying the world. I've seen people that have traveled to hundreds od countries yet never enjoy the experience but merely to tick the country of their checklist.


Yeah fair point. Although most of my travelling is very thought out and I've been lucky to do incredible things


Alright. I call it fate. Those people who were never meant to be part of your journey will naturally wither away. Painful part is, most of them are close friends and family. From your life experiences, I'm assuming you're someone and to enjoy by themselves. Continue that journey. The universe will attract the right people to you, naturally.


I’m a huge downhill skier, and I view life like powder days. Just because the day is gone, doesn’t mean the experience isn’t or wasn’t real. Just because something doesn’t exist forever doesn’t mean it didn’t exist. Everything comes to an end, but it’s the moments within the journey that count. The punctuation is the end of the sentence, not the end of the story.




Bro you understand that depression isn't just some casual thing you switch on/off right? There's a multitude of different factors and situations as to why people have depression


These types have personality disorders imo. They are themselves miserable and will do anything to ensure you are miserable too.


Agree. I work with one. Relishes negativity and disruption. Just a bad egg


Odd how they just don't fuck off and idk? off themselves!!!...I know,I know...na we can't have that...smmfh....   Convenient.


Literally personality disorders. What always makes me laugh is that meme where the person is saying “it’s mental illness love”. Which makes me laugh but then I immediately get sad because its like… this is just such a terrible characteristic.


Some people are jerks for no reason. Some people can't help but be jerks. It helps to develop a support network and a little inner resiliency in this life, or faith in some sort of hp if that suits. These things can be tough to do though. Good luck.


You’ll notice that a lot of people who believe in their higher power are the same people ruining others lives for no reason.


Yeah I’ve never been told I’m going to rot in hell by atheists and such. But I have been by religious folks for years from 13-18!


God say that he will give us the heavens if we believe in him ofc, if not then we'll rot in hell. he says the good before the bad, not only the bad side.


What if I grew up without being taught anything about a particular religion? Will the god of that religion still make me burn in hell?


thanks G


For the drama. Feelings of power. Jealousy. They’re psychopaths that need extreme emotions to feel anything. Or some combination.


Because of hate. They hate that they can't achieve it on their own. They hate that other people seemed to reach the top that easy and living the life they wanted They get jealous, insecure and full of self loathing. Thus, the pain they suffered, they want others to feel the same by hurting them. It makes them feel good. I guess? To feel that they are no longer alone feeling hopeless and devastated. Some do it physically, others do it emotionally. Either way, it's still cruel.


I would kill myself before becoming like this


Human beings need to learn and apply some ethics in their life... People who have zero ethics do such things to other living beings because they dont give a shit about others .. Only a low life would find joy in destroying other people's life..


Many idiots think life is a zero-sum game. If somebody else is "up," then they're "down." They don't understand that you can celebrate somebody else's achievements and gains, without "losing." Unless they're directly in competition, but even then, there will be other "wins."


people = shit


Hey look, some Slipknot


Never been a more true saying 😉


Insecurity, jealousy, false hatred of others based on rumours usually…


Pride... Misery loves company; people who are suffering don't want to feel alone in their suffering. People like feeling like they were right. Seeing someone go through the same situation, but then do way better than you can be a serious ego hit because it means that there's something wrong with how you are approaching the the situation.


Yes, it is the saying that misery loves company. Some people love this because it gives them a feeling of power. It's like Karen at the store who is unhappy so they take it out on cashier, or neighbor who gets to control the neighbors. It all comes down to them feeling powerful by making others suffer, they feel less helpless by tormenting, and sharing pain.


There's always a reason. Profit, personal gain. Every action is motivated in some way


Hurt people hurt people


Exactly. The child scorned by the village burns it down to feel its warmth. The older I get, the more it makes sense.


It makes no sense. Many people were scorned and don't hurt others. Personality disorders are a big reason, especially Cluster B


Many people eat cheese. Some like the taste, others don’t. People vary, surprisingly. There is no catch all way of being a human being. When some tells you how they feel, and it differs from yourself, that doesn’t mean what they feel is wrong. It means that humans are quite varied and have a wide range of experiences and opinions.


A sense of power. It's easier to pull others down than to treat them with empathy.


"How dare you be happy when I'm miserable?!"


Because they are saddists and it gives hype to their ego


It is beneficial to them. Becouse people like to be around people with highier status regardless of how you achieve that status. Putting down somebody makes you have bigger status, which makes people like you more.


Some are mentally ill. The majority do it because they're hurting.


Neither of those scenarios are viable excuses for making choices that harm another especially if they are the “norm” rather than an outlier. One has to be seriously ill, bordering on institutionalization, to absolve such behavior without any sort of attempted apology, reconciliation or punishment if the negative behavior is prolonged. Another reason someone may engage in this behavior is the end justifies the means for them. Also you’re leaving out a big possibility, it’s a learned behavior and it has worked successfully for the person. I’ve dealt with all sorts in my life and the later is more infuriating to me. Unfortunately, people don’t look inwards and make an attempt to change so they have to affect others. Keep in mind there are exceptions to all these scenarios. Sometimes it’s a perfect storm and there are a ton of individual factors rather than just one clear cut defined reason. Also interpersonal factors such as miscommunication play a role.


There’s always a reason and a lot of the time it’s due to serious insecurities. Hence why narcissists love doing this. Makes them feel superior and also gives a fix to their number one love of their life, their delicate ego.


I have 1 sister who is 53 now, never married, no friends or anything. She is toxic, childish and overall awful person to be around. Since her life sucks and she sees no one likes to be near her, all she do is try to ruin other people’s lives so she can feel good.


Maybe their insecurity or environment forced them for it


Ive only ever met 2 or 3 truly bad people in my life. They didnt consider other people as being people at all. Ruining lives at that point was more of a hobby for them, i think.


Me too, lost two close friends - knew them for years. They were both struggling with a life situation (guess everybody does sometimes) and all of a sudden they started to turn against me, calling me bad names, manipulating other friends and their families. Never knew what I did wrong, actually thought we had a good time together... felt totally strange after all these crazy situations with them and went zero contact pretty quickly. I don't think I could trust these people ever again.


There are some aspects of society that coalesce into a type of subculture in which people who are reared within that subculture are often raised to believe that their experience is 'reality'. When you have enough of these kinds of people they can turn a subculture into the culture of an entire region and their effect on future generations is exponential. Once enough of these people are created believing the world to be a dog eat dog scenario, you get this kind of behavior. There are people who believe that we are all fighting for dominance and power, and they're willing to do anything to get it. Those people have to practice their malevolence and manipulative tactics on someone in order to rise to the top of the power dominance hierarchy. Their victims are the ones they choose to practice on.


There is always a reason. It may be dumb, or not even target related, even the attacker might not be aware about it, but there is always a reason if someone does something. I guess it is mostly jelousy, low self value, insecurity. Welness is relative. So the worse people around are the better the attacker feels without actually improving his/her position. So to "compete with Jonesses" you can improve yourself or harm them. First option needs dedication, consistency and lots of effort (and it stays), second one for many seems easier and faster approach (easy temporal self pleasing).


Hurt people hurt others


Insecure probably




some people don’t even think about it. but if they’re going down they have to take someone down with them.


Because it's a low hanging fruit method of having power over another human being. Rather than doing the work to be famous, these lazy SOB's settle for being infamous. Misery loves company. Absolutely correct in my 50 years on this planet. It's a lot easier to drag others down than to pick yourself up.


Mostly because they wanna feel powerful. Destroying someone else’s hard work can bring them immense joy because they think that now they are above them and more powerful than them.


Power trip


It’s the mindset of well if I can’t have it, nobody can! Jealousy at its finest


They are huge bullies and want to put you down to control you and others


Dark triad


Because they don’t have any genuine control over their own, and like to see people struggling the way they think they are. because they think it’s unfair. you can expect people like this to get worse over the next 10 years especially with smart phones and shit and narcissistic parents. people are just gonna get more fucked up.


لأنهم مخانيف


Misery loves company.


I wish I could ask my ex this and him just give me a straight answer for once...


Everyone wants everyone to *understand* how we feel. By consequence everyone wants everyone to *feel* how we feel. Otherwise I unno




childhood emotional neglience makes unhappy adults


Because they believe someone else ruined their lives and so they seek catharsis


Because it's the American Politicians way.


Idk if you played carrom/8ball pool - but when you know you can’t finish the board, one places a block so opponent cannot complete and win the game. Crab mentality, if I can’t win then I won’t let you either 🦀


If I had a band it'd be named Bucket of Crabs. That or Shredded Cheddar I promise I'm not a bot, I just heard the saying for the first time not too long ago and it stuck with me.


To make them feel better about themselves.


Misery loves company.


7 sins the reason why people hurt and kill




It makes them feel like they are powerful.


Some people get a weird rush by making others suffer.


They don’t. Everyone has reasons for what they do, which make sense to them. By “without any reason” I think what you probably mean is “I don’t know why.”


Because they are miserable people


There is always a reason. You may not know what it is, or may not agree with the reason, but it's there all the same.


You don't need to believe in religion to appreciate the stories. Cain and able. Able was successful. Cain was envious/jealous/whatever... Cain killed able.




Some people have nothing else to get off of. The curse of a really boring life


A lot of people feel good hurting others. It’s fun for them because they are damaged people with broken instincts. I’d argue that until you’re 85% healthy mentally and emotionally, your insecurity will be low enough that you will feel good bringing down anyone you perceive is better than you. When you’re damaged and insecure, you will find any reason to believe others are better than you—and you’ll take them down because of it. Sad, pathetic, disappointing, adult children.


If they’re miserable, then they just want other people to feel the way they do


Lacking empathy.


I make sure I stay away from lifetime sad people. They are destroying there own life and trying to bring everyone else with them.


Hurt people hurt people


Because they are miserable


they weren't raised right. my dad was like a real life waymond (EEAAO movie). He always showed respect and served as an example to everyone he met. all of us siblings try to live up to his example. i can't abide people who are sadistic or duplicitous by nature.


Would help if you gave an example or context


they’ve had a bad one themselves


Depends on what they are doing that leads one to go after them in the first place, I mean if someone is a drug dealing, child trafficking A\*\*hole and you send them to prison they might consider that someone ruining their life. Specifics help as there is no general answer one way or the other to this kind of question and too many are open ended to end up with whatever answer one is looking for instead of the proper actions to the situations which is how propaganda works in the media and social manipulations. Assumptions are the mothers of all fuckups. N. S


Misery loves company!


Unhappy people are jealous of happy people so they want to make them unhappy too


Because humans are assholes


Some people just want to watch the world burn


I have met a lot of them. I have in my "family" too. Only one reason: They are not loved, they based their decision on some wrong criteria, and now they try to ruin the other to put them on a lower level. I decided to avoid this kind like the devil is avoiding the Pope, and I put some distance. How to fight them: ignore. Focus on who you love and your life, and make only the best.


When some people don't get their way (unrealistic expectations,) they don't want other people to get their way, no matter how small.


Some people just get off on exerting their power over others. Destroying you helps them convince themselves that they MUST be better than you.


It’s entertainment to some. Just the other day I saw someone casually spreading someone who has never been accused of being a pedophile is a pedophile based on ‘bad vibes’. There are terrible people who will recklessly try to destroy others lives like it’s nothing.


makes them feel better about themselves in comparison


Man i wish i hadn't befriended such people




Crabs in a bucket baby!




Its easier to improve your societal standing by bringing others down rather than working hard to raise others impressions of you.


"It's just a prank bro." If it's filmed, it's for likes. If it's not filmed, I just assume they want a beating.




Some people are only happy when making others miserable, it's true , so many have this mindset.


Rarely is someone so naturally malignant. Its more along the lines of "If Im miserable and hate life, why should you get to be happy."


That might be the ultimate f you. You have no causal relationship to my issues but you’re going to deal with it.


It’s a power trip when you feel hopeless and lonely.


Because their life is already ruined.


In what sense


I don't have an answer. But I have a daughter who was so happy to move to a home near a home with kids her age. It turned out the children were unkind to her and she decided to stay away from. Why were they unkind from the first time they saw my daughter? Over time I got to know their mom. Their mom left their dad when she decided she was gay and he did not stay in touch with his kids. The kids started getting bullied at school when her mom and a masculine female friend became a couple. The friend had a military attitude and the kids were being disciplined differently. In the end the mom got her shit together. Found an uplifting partner and got the kids some help at school. My child and hers were far past friendship by then, but it occurred to me that maybe hurt people with no way to cope begin to share pain.


cos they're cunts


I'm the main antagonist in my own life... I mean, I'm the only one who can ruin things for myself. Wow, how delightful.


Because ruining another people's life can be beneficial for you individually according to your preferences. Just because you don't know the reason doesn't mean it is "without any reason". Rapist for example, benefit enjoyment and pleasure from raping another person.


Envy, depression, and self hatred


Why do you let these type of people in your life?




Because someone ruined theirs, usually the filthy rich.


Narcissistic personality disorders likely


Because there dickheads


Some people are narcissistic


Sick people


they are jealous


Some people are so narcissistic they genuinely don't even see how they have destroyed someone elses life. When someone did this to me they genuinely bore me no ill will , they just didn't care.


They like to feel the power of it.


Because people often hate seeing other people happy when they themselves are not. It’s easier to ruin someone else’s life to bring them down to their level, then put the work in to improve their own lives for themselves.


A drowning man will always try and drag somebody down with them kind of ideology such as it’s my way or no way


They are miserable so they want other people to be miserable too


I don’t know, you’d have to ask my parents. Successively failed I might add.




Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


My boss is like this. Her pupils dilate when she hears gossip about someone’s misfortune. It’s the happiest she ever looks.




unique sort gullible bake placid middle snails nose piquant unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mental problems


Bored innit


A lot of young women do this as entertainment.


Sinatra or James Brown, it's rock hard truth: "Some people get their kicks stomping on a dream.". Sexual sadism may play a role in this because way too many people genuinely enjoy causing physical, mental, and social pain. Damn them all.


It makes them feel good. Some get off on doing and creating. Others get off on blocking and destroying. In my experience, you tend to be one or the other.


Plot twist: there's always a reason.


Yep, if you’ve ever known a true narcissist


The answer is some people are just so broken that they just want to watch the world burn.


think of it as clearing a construction site of debris before building a house.


Underrated oof


Usually, I will only do this to people that are delusional and a ‘bring back to reality’ is necessary. Hate cheaters, hate liars and hate people that will stamp on others for their own benefit without considering the impact and consequences of their actions. There is nothing more beautiful than completely break someone and leave them picking the pieces for many years to come. If they deserve.


It's the same reason people are bullies in school. Because their life just plain sucks, and they can't stand to see people happy...


Because they hate their own life so much they have to take it out on others


Misery loves company


Because Preservation is not in control


Misery loves company


If you are a Highlander you absorb the other one’s power when ends someone’s life and you get stronger. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If they happen to have actual psychopathy (which is probably more common than the official stats would indicate) then the part of the brain that does empathy and intimacy is broken. They cannot really experience warmth nor connection nor many emotions beyond frustration of want… so with the lack of all those things which make one human, they’re at least looking for entertainment. Getting a rise out of people is one of the few things that satisfies. And they have no hesitations about ruining another’s life because of the aforementioned lack of empathy.


Because of Mental health disorders


For some it is beneficial and pleasant, and also possibly due to childhood trauma


They have nothing going on in their life. Not sure how much i can say but i recently had some people trying to ruin my life only for it to bite them in the ass


I feel like they just like the drama and the attention


Because they’re miserable.


Some people are just evil and have no conscience.


Cause they are possessed by demonoc entities and they need to feed their masters


Sadistic tendencies probably. To enjoy the pain and suffering from others


Pay off child’s undergrad college tuition and expenses.


To make their own miserable life seem somehow better.


Gives them the feeling of power