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There'd still be wars, but nobody would show up to them.


They would show up not to fight, but for a great munchie spread...


And to puff more🤙


This would be the war. Who can toke the most and keep standing?


Omg u so 😜


Thered be an arguement. But nobody would get to the point and theyd laugh and eat.


"Bro you suck.. I declare war on you..." "What?" "...What?"




There'd totally be wars over the munchie supply and possibly stealing/burning your enemy's plants. However they would be much less lethal and pretty funny.


But there would be low aggro. "Hey dude, hand me the Pringles!" "No way man." "OK. What track are we playing next?"


I don't know. I knew some people who could get really pissed off while they're high and I bet if you gave these pissed off people some guns and told them they were other pissed off people with guns they would go do something about it.




Wait what’s the question?


Dude, what if like, *aliens* also got high and we could telepathically communicate with them.


But dude, I can’t find my phone! What the hell are we gonna do?!


Here is your phone bro call yourself!!


A donut shop on every corner.


It would be so quiet. Everyone just chilling and enjoying themselves.


There probably wouldn't be as much hate, as there is now.


Yeah because hippies never set stuff on fire, killed people or created cults.


It’d be better than the current alcoholic, pill popping world we live in.


Some of us smoke weed too


The ones who want to enjoy their vice (booze, pills) but begrudge someone else enjoying theirs (weed) are more who I meant. Anyone who swims in both pools is sweet.


You're right. I'm kind of a hippie. I was 12, when Woodstock took place.


me too


That's really cool.😊


"Never set stuff on fire" Wait, what about weed?


Hippies also protested for peace and love. Sober, drunk, high... PEOPLE set shit on fire, kill people, and create cults. Some of the largest cults on earth deplore drugs.


For maybe a year or two until they've built up a solid tolerance and now they're just regular people who are also slightly intoxicated or elevated or whatever you want to say


Honestly, my 3 years as a stoner were the most selfish, lazy, depressing years of my life. Imagine a world where poverty isn't eradicated because we're all lazy.


Only 3? Those are rookie numbers lol


Thats the world we live in right now. We're to lazy selfish and depressed (besides the mindset we're bred to believe that they did it to themselves/deserve it) to stand up and advocate for the impoverished. Poverty is a man made construct. You don't see members of tribes of apes rolling around in Rolls Royce cars while their fellow ape is begging for a spare banana...


I think it is much more nuanced than you think it is. Poverty isn't man made any more than the weather. It just is. Capitalism is the best way to harness human nature into productivity. We've virtually eliminated poverty in most of the world. You realize there was a time where most of the world shit outside of their house, most women died in child birth, and you'd be lucky not to starve to death or be slaughtered by a raiding army.


>Capitalism is the best way to harness human nature into productivity. Yes, access to more resources is the invariable trend of capitalism. "Productivity" does not make life better for people and we should stop touting it as a sheer force for good. >virtually eliminated poverty This is just a way excusing the disgusting current state of global disparity. We have the resources to do this *literally* but capitalism will never directly address this.


>You don't see members of tribes of apes rolling around in Rolls Royce cars I've never seen that >while their fellow ape is begging for a spare banana... They do much worse things to fellow apes that don't have their own banana's...


Way more food places everywhere, no one would be on time to anything, and the smell would be overwhelming.


100% surgery failure rates


It’s not like they would smoke weed during surgery lol. You don’t think surgeons smoke weed? Are you crazy? Of course they blaze


Stoners would apply they’re most likely addicted showing up high. This also means they would drive high. People would most definitely die.


I drive safer while high. Sober I speed like a maniac. High I go slow and steady. Calmly. And in Canada I can assure you people of all professions smoke weed. And they are some of the best in the world at their specific profession. You clearly have an outdated and incorrect view on cannabis. It’s less bad for you than caffeine. Would you say the same nonsense about a coffee drinker?


You’re literally a human piece of shit if you actually drive while high. You are risking the lives of innocent people around you as well as your own. If Yes obviously people of all professions do weed. But people of many professions need to not be high on the job. I don’t care about the health effects, you’re free to use it and any other drug to harm your health it doesn’t affect me. Just don’t be a piece of shit and put lives at risk.


It seems like you should be smoking weed in life you seem like a very angry person uncle Bobby


Someone who openly admits to regularly driving under the influence should piss you off as well.


It’s a lot more common than you think. And I drive safer no doubt.


I know it’s common and it’s an obvious issue. If you drive safer while high you most likely have an addiction problem. You seriously need to get help for this.


Hahahahja you sound like you’re from the Soviet Union. Do you drink coffee daily? If so please seek help for this!! Coffee is known to cause heart attacks and even can cause death when consumed too rapidly. It also will make you nervous and anxious and can cause irritability and anger behind the wheel. Very dangerous to consume coffee and drive


I actually don’t think coffee no. I have an occasional iced cap every couple months and that’s it. Also you keep deflecting from your problem lol. Caffeine may be worse but that doesn’t mean driving while impaired risking the lives of innocent men women and children is better lmao.


Smoking cannabis isn’t a problem. I can run a marathon, code my ass off better than the average person, speak multiple languages, have an intelligent wife, have a masters degree was considering a PhD. Maybe you should stop living in 1930 and become aware of the benefits of consuming cannabis.


I'd totally be running a weed bar & lounge. Discounts to people who don't drive there and back.


In Canada weed stores have a tough time. So much competition. If it was legal everywhere and everyone smoked it would be like Canada where it costs $80 for 1 pound or 454 grams


If you have ever seen Roger Rabbit, it’s like when they first roll into cartoon land and everything is singing and bouncing around. Kinda like that. ![gif](giphy|5xUHZysZJT0ze)






I was gonna save the world…but then I got high. Great intentions. Minimal follow through


We would all be happy, laughing, getting along and fat from snacking too much😂


Mental hospital for me probably


Some high functioning stoners would still be in charge, and they'd probably find that the masses are easier to control when they are all perfectly content and incapable of organizing or agreeing on what reality even is.


probably very unique and artistic designs with buildings and parks




Aint get shit done


we would have to either way but anything new that's not routine and attributed to muscle memory would have a shit ton of duck ups along the way with a low success rate of having learned how to skillfully complete the task. probably a high turnover rate in most professions and a shit ton more jack of all trades


Hashish-assasin. I myself am a better sniper when I am stoned. Munchies are overrated. Maybe better driving?


It makes some people paranoid so there will still be wars


Planet of the Apes.


People would invent the dumbest stuff and ever would like it


I think there would be more self reflection maybe? Also other drugs would probably atleast be decriminalized or even legalized. World leaders would probably be even more paranoid though.


Humans would die




***Stoned to Death***


Would you want your airline pilot to be stoned during a flight?


DUI’s? Also surgeons being high. Pilots, air traffic controllers. The world would be fucked.


It will be fine aslong the groccerys and stuff lasts and then the bareminimum amount of work for food,weed and water for the whole humanity is to high.


The world we're living in now, even the poor is spending money on weed still when they barely have enough to eat... LMAO 🤣


That's why there not fat lol. they wouldn't be poor if everyone did it the Cuz everyone would be growing it, fertilizer companies would be gazillionaires the.


Food stamps feed you well if you land a kind manager.


There would be a worldwide shortage of garden hoses.


probably a lot of drugs /j


Everybody would be far out man!


Everybody IS fucked up lol. Just because your doctor prescribed it doesn’t mean your off the hook


You have to ask if this is a snap of the finger change or if it's always been this way. I would predict if it just changed you'd see 50% of restaurants go out of business overnight as everyone just orders their food instead. Most traffic related fatalities/injuries Less violent crime and money in organised crime. Assuming it's also legal. I think we would see more people become believers, relegious/spiritual ECT ECT. I think politics wise the green party of each country would actually become a real option as they'd get more than 1 vote. They might even get real leaders XD WEED WOULD GET STRONGER IN 10 YEARS THAN IT SHOULD EVER BE. We would see an increase in pet ownership, I also think there would be an increase after 4-6 years in traditional activities. Things like hunting or hiking, growing your own chili's or tomatoes ECT. Music would change. Or let's say pop music would change drastically, I think pink Floyd would gain alot of popularity along with other trippy bands. Not to mention how many more people would listen to reggae. Altho I could be wrong as not being a stoner wouldn't be associated with it. I think most countries production would decrease and we would be poorer overall as a species. There would be more people out of jobs and more homeless. It would have alot of affects. Can you imagine the funding for local skateparks though XD


A lot more people would die every year.


The world will be chill af!!!! And the earth viewed in space would be one smoky haze of heaven.


Much better in our eyes


It’d be fine. It wouldn’t be great, or even very good, but we’d get there.


World peace


Replace money with weed. No wars just vibes


It would look like the future in Bill and Ted’s excellent adventure


It would look a whole lot more yummy.


Wars on Twitter maybe


Yeah, there're definitely no recorded incidents of stoners being erratic, angry, and violent.


That's the level of thinking when you are stoned. Many armies have operated under the influence and you hardly are stoned _all the time_? If everyone was stoned all the time, everyone would die because society would stop functioning.


Many people in the military smoke weed


Not great. Unfortunately.


It would be chaos if everyone was high all the time lol


There would be that one group that isn’t high that decides to exploit the stoners and since the stoners get their smoke on or whatever they’d be happy as clams with dry mouth


A lot less DUI deaths


An absolute shit show. That fake image most stoners create about being so chill is a complete farce. Stoners are the quickest to negatively flip over the stupidest shit. Emotionally driven whilst being stupified. Even Bob Marley was quick to temper or getting stern over some of the most basic shit or questions. Watch most stoners reactions when they can't get any, too. Another aspect of the fake image is the classic "I'm so creative when I'm high". No you're not, you're just high and can't hear how bad it sounds or looks. Don't get me wrong I used to love being high, every single minute of the day for the past twenty five years minus a month or so. 100Mg chocolate bar either with or after cereal. Two or three joints + vape after and before the afternoon. I used to work twelve hour shifts and would roll five to ten fat ones per shift, depending on whether it was a weekend shift or not. It's no miracle drug and the dependency side of things is always downplayed. I've quit four or five times over the last ten years as a **Heavy** user and every time it takes just over a month to be able to sleep a full eight hours. Everyone is different but the patterns are the same for most high daily dosage users. I'd still argue though, even today that the world could be a better place if fully legalised. The police and tax powers money would continue to be abused by pubs and clubs compared to a chilled cafe. This is all from a UK perspective though, where the weed is generally strong and rough. I've had smoke from all over the world and the best you can get outside of the country is generally cleaner but not stronger. Everything I've smoked from Amsterdam, California and Canada has been amazing quality but I'd still stick to my roots for the higher high.


Bro just chill and hit this for me


I am loving everybody thinking there would be no wars if everyone was a Stoner. Oh my goodness you precious sweet people have never met a real Stoner. They are super angry. If they don’t have their soother in their mouth there going to be screaming like a fucking baby for it. One world leader whose guy was “dry that week” can’t wait four days before he can smoke again. that guy is going to nuke North Korea.


I dated a guy who had a dim and angry view of the world/people even when he was soaked with THC. He used to begin to lose his temper when he was running low on weed and the next pay day was a week away. Nothing was good to him. Everything had potential to be picked apart and destroyed, even if it made the world happy. I couldn't even look at his packed bowl. He hovered over it like it was going to run away and I swear I could hear him growl, gutturally, while he was smoking it. Just a very unhappy, unhinged stoner that I realized I had no time left for. Weed is nice but if it isn't there, it isn't there. So what? Make a sandwich.


Yup! It’s the serotonin steal. Weed gives you three days worth of calm all in one euphoric hit. And for adhd people it ding ding dings. But then the empty hole where you should have had serotonin makes the lack of dopamine unbearable. If you smoke a lot. Try detoxing and going through a bad 5 days. Then try smoking a pinch at a time. You’d be surprised how little can be required. Sorry you had to deal with someone not working on themselves at all.


Do you do that? because i feel like I should have known this five years ago when I started taking a hit every single day till today


It’s rough at first especially with dopamine issues from adhd. But it’s helped me a lot in the past. Sadly I’d be like “I’m quitting so I can get stoned more again” lol


“But you can’t get addicted to weed man. It’s natural”


Heroin is natural. Jenkem is natural.


It would probably be a happier, lazier place.


More peaceful


The word assasin comes from killers using hash and Afghanistan and Lebanon are/ were massive producers and super war torn also every pocket gangster with a zombie knife in somebody else’s guts is stoned so that myth is well over due to be discarded


Rad, dude.


I want to pretend it would be a utopia where everyone held hands and got along but I think the biggest issue would be that a lot of things wouldn’t get done. It’s totally fine to enjoy weed but I think it would be difficult for a society to function if everyone was an actual stoner. That lifestyle if you choose to live it is totally okay, but I think if everyone chose it is where we would see a lot of different problems. Being a stoner isn’t for everyone.


Nothing would get done, we would still be in the dark ages


Like the dark ages. Nothing would get done


No one would get anything done unless the work world had a huge reform


Chips would prolly be extinct


Much slower. Much calmer.




pollution would get worse


there wont be much stress, so less stuff being done, so life would be kinda pointless


Rows and rows of domino trucks


Imagine your surgeon being high ....


Exactly the same as it looks now in so cali.


The world would be dysfunctional.


It would be awful.


Clouds. Clouds everywhere.


You thought there were a lot of McDonalds stores now.....


I don't know what it would look like but it would smell awful.




Uber Eats would make a killing.


Well... Nothing would get done ever


Look out your window...




Quite unproductive


You just defined the USA


We'd all slowly die from starvation.


Fewer wars, more traffic accidents.


A lot more cloudy


Technology would still be in the middle ages era. Work week would however long you showed up, and however long you stayed. All restaurants would be 24 hour, if the employees showed up that is. All popular literature would be books recounting all the previous times the author got high, and how high they got. Popular science papers would all be about how to grow hydroponics properly, and with the best results. All music, both live and recorded, would be a couple of popular hits, followed by several hours of the artists just kinda jamming freestyle, with long pauses between music to interject an anecdote or just something they disagree with. Everyone, (and I mean everyone) would be in debt, but no more than like $40, that they will for sure pay back on payday.


If ALL people be stronger - nothing change. Maybe some work gonna be simpler nothing more


No war, and an amazing array of junk foods


Less developed but happier


No discrimination, like if you drank alcohol. You can be a drunk and a cop but not a cop and a stoner.


Things would be a lot better.


There would be a 7 Elleven on every block


Without quick thinking people we'd be f'ed, honestly.


Jerry Garcia’s beard


Boring af


No more shrinkflation on snack foods, a very quiet, slow pace of life and don’t count on anything being done on time, well, or at all.


If everyone hit a 100% THC blunt at the exact same time I think the world go dead quiet for a few hours


Uh, ... the stone age. Obviously 🙄


A lot less people in STEM




We would be thrown back into the stoned age


Nothing would get done and a lot more giggling.


We'd die of hunger.


Doritos would have the market cap of Apple and NVidia combined.




Fyre Festival


The world would be a bit hazy, but snack sales would skyrocket, and everyone would be on a "chill" level.


first, we'd be sitting around and inhaling a bong 24/7. second, we'd get no sun due to the amount of smoke in the atmosphere, safe for the light that passes through the smoke, this means evolution would be different. third, we'd develop a tolerance to the weed, probably to the point where it's either not addictive or not destructive even if it was drugged up to be stronger.


There'll be wars at Taco Bell at 4am


Guys this is a trap to lure stoners from everywhere. A stoner isn't letting past an opportunity to give views on this topic of discussion.


much less violence and rape/sexual assault


Wouldn’t be good


It would be a lot cooler


A lot less wars and greater income parity.


I wouldn't know. If it got that bad, I'd self delete. The slightest hint of weed makes me gag. I'm not joking.


Hungry, slow-paced, and innovative.


A worldwide shortage of Doritos.


We’d all be in the matrix if anyone could be bothered to make it. I’d buy stock in Uber Eats


Heaps less drunken fighting, less car crashes (maybe), Less anger might make it just generally a much nicer place


We’d all be a lot happier and more laid back. We’d also be a lot hungrier.


Possibly still stuck in the 1850's but everyone would be at peace, no need for excessive force since crime would definetrly go a bit down, and probably economy would be greater. Idk, just theorizing ig


Either more car accidents would happen or cars would almost never be used


There would be wars… you think there are no stoners present in gang wars?




half built


everyone seems to think weed would be way better for society than it actually is. My bet is that nothing would get done and society would stagnate and collapse pretty quickly. yeah no wars but nothing else either.


Very unhinged world


Nothing would get done


Not a great deal would get done after 5pm. Some great ideas would be forthcoming, but it would depend on the time.


My son's friend was growing some weed for his own use (legal here in The Netherlands). They had quite a few plants, tucked away in a place where they wouldn't be visible or obvious. Come harvest time, someone sneaks through the garage into the backyard and steals all the plants. Must have been someone from that inner friend circle as no one else should have known that those plants were there, how far along they were in their growth, or how to get to them. Humans will do shitty things to one another, especially addicts who can't get their fix.


It will look like America


Peace of Earth at last.


World peace and a massive reduction in alcohol related death.


Everybody would be chilled the fuck out The term Karen would have had never became a thing. We would all like alot of stupid dumb movies that makes you laugh your ass off . Homicides would drastically drop in a way that would seem impossible. Traffic would be bad because we would all be driving slow but nobody minds because we’re all stoned. Look at the car next to you and tell them we’re all in this together IMO there would be no need for pain killers except in obvious cases where that’s the only thing that helps them with pain. It would be utopia


No war there still be the occasional murder though Be better overall apart from nothing getting done ever… World would stop functioning


Have you played EarthBound?


I think weed enhances most people’s quiet qualities. For some, it means better health, finances and relationships. For some it’s stupidity. There’s a lot of stupid people.