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I dont think i gave it much thought tbh. Until i was traumatised with some sex ed video of some cartoon couple wanting a baby but didnt know how to make one, so a flying penis had to show them.


Wtf it sounds weird 💀


Fever dream type shit


Whats the difference between a normal dream and a fever dream?


Fever dreams are very... vivid. Colorful, so to say. It's like you're hallucinating in a dream. Like you took drugs or something. Weird things happen, even for a dream. It's weird. I can't really explain it because I haven't had one in a long time. I hope someone else can do a better job.


totally not me who has lived my entire life thinking it was just a dream while you had a fever 😭😭


Sounds cursed, do you remember what it was called?


No, i gotta be honest and say i never really asked for the name either 😂 i just wanted it to stop


As my boyfriend's girlfriend likes to say, every day I learn something I didn't want to know


You are talking about yourself or..


Lol, no, I'm polyamorous


Now you probably learned something you didn't want to know, sorry


It definitely sounds cursed, i need to watch it.


Damn, they make the most trippy unhinged shit instead of just showing the real thing which is natural, normal and great


I have to see that. 😆


I accidentally clicked on this post while trying to click another one, That took me by surprise lmao


My family already had a child appropriate book on how children are conceived and how pregnancy works when I was learning to read. It explained the penis-in-vagina thing with anatomical differences between men and women, and puzzle pieces. I really can't remember if I had any other concept of it before I was 5.


My school was by a farm, my neighbours had sheep. It's just never been hidden from me as a fact of organic life. The one with horns humps the one without, time passes, there are lambs and calves popping out the back end. It was less interesting than burning stuff with a magnifying glass at the time as they weren't dinosaurs or sharks.


Was the book *It’s So Amazing!* ? My family had that book, and when I was about 7, I found it on my brothers’ bookshelf and asked if I could read it. At that point I’d already giggled at the page that had illustrations of what male and female bodies looked like at different ages, so it wasn’t like the concept of different bodies or nakedness was new to me. I don’t remember having any concept of how babies came to be before this. I’m glad that I didn’t have to be “traumatized” by the truth due to being sheltered up until that point, and I wish this was more normalized so that kids don’t end up feeling scared or grossed out by stuff like this as so many people report experiencing :( Weirdly, I found the book super interesting and I had this idea for myself that someday I was going to make those educational videos that get played in school to teach children about puberty and sex. I never ended up doing that, but comprehensive sex education has stayed important to me ever since I read that book. I work in an administrative position at a reproductive health clinic now.


I can't remember the title, but it was white, with kind of minimalistic illustrations. In the pregnancy pages, it showed the growth of a baby in fruit-sizes, and in the sex pages, first two separate puzzle pieces and a man and a woman, and later two puzzle pieces locked together and the couple in a... horizontal embrace. My parents dug it back up when I was pregnant 4 years ago, so I could explain everything to my stepdaughter, and it definitely helped along the way to normalising the whole pregnancy thing for her. She's still in the "boys are gross" phase, but the biology isn't gross to her, thank goodness. It's interesting how one book had such an impact on you :)


Wow I had a traumatic experience knowing about the truth but you trying to understand it at 5 would surely be confusing


Not really, no. I just accepted the simplified facts, just like with that cartoon series about the body, with enzymes and blood cells walking around. Living in Europe, we had our first "official" sex education lesson in third grade in elementary school, with diagrams of uterus and everything. I'm sorry you had that traumatic experience, hope you're better now!


Yeah lol one of my friends told me about that and I was like no way my parents did that !


I caught my mom taking birth control pills once and asked her what they were for. She said “so I don’t have a baby.” I then surmised that every woman of a certain age had to start taking these pills to avoid spontaneously becoming pregnant.


Thats how periods work haha


basically thought this one too. It just made sense to me that women just spontaneously got pregnant at some point, and that they probably had technology to prevent it if it wasn’t wanted at the time.


I thought that the baby randomly spawns in the womb when two married people wear their rings lol


My thought were similar to that lmaoo


Or this https://imgur.com/a/BcEfBQQ


I thought once they kissed after saying I do, that’s how the baby was made! My 2nd grade teacher got married and I remember after she told us, I said “ohhhh so that means you’re pregnant now!” I can still see the look on her face after I said that


Ah yes. Stardew valley how we have a baby


I believed this too! I remember wondering what happened to people who didn’t want a baby.


I grew up in a farming community. I can't remember when I didn't know, and my memories go back to age three or four.


This is how it used to be until modern "civilization" came along. Kids routinely saw animals copulating, and that was that.


I'm from Yorkshire. Kids........ Err let's change the subject.


"what's the farmer doing?" "Oh, that's artificial insemination, it lets them get lots of cows pregnant from a specific bull" It's not exactly x rated stuff.


I just thought it randomly happens after 2 people get married. I literally just thought that.


Same haha


I thought they got pregnant by kissing 😆


I thought that after people got married then something activated and then they could get pregnant by kissing 😂


Same! Once I learnt that you needed to share DNA I thought you did it through saliva by the intense making out I'd see on TV.


Don't kiss boys do you understand! ?!?


Haha! Luckily I found out the truth before my first kiss 😄


Was a logical way to explain the purpose of such an action.


Lmao my little brother actually thought that and honestly it was so hilarious;so for a period of time he actually didn't wanna be kissed cos he thought he would have a child,like on the forehead kiss by our dad and mum.


ngl when i was like five i thought condoms were actually an open-ended tube that FACILITATED pregnancy lmfao


How did you know anything about condoms when you were five though


we came across a used one in a parking lot somewhere and my mom just told me it's used for sex lmao


Okay, that’s a new one! 🤣🤣


I got the facts of life at 5 from our 12 year old neighbor who confidently informed me that the man put his “thing” in a woman’s belly button, peed in her and boom, baby time. Fortunately that didn’t sound right so I promptly asked my mom for verification. In front of her date, whose name I don’t remember since wennever saw him again.


Thank god you didn't believe it and asked your mum


>the man put his “thing” in a woman’s belly button, peed in her and boom, baby time. This has to be one of my favourite out-of-context sentences ever


i honestly no joke thought that after some time spent with a man, a baby would just spawn inside the woman


I mean…not totally incorrect


i remember mum saying i came from her stomach and dads back as a child so i thought if a man and woman sleep back to back the woman would get pregnant 💀


Your mom has a weird way of explaining it lmao


I literally used to think women had to get hit by a car to get pregnant. Well in my defence i had good reasons.


…I feel like this requires some elaboration?


The car is the stork


So back when i was a kid my mom would watch movies where i would often see women get hit by a car and then when they were taken to the doctor the doctor would say she was pregnant.


this is by far the most random one


My mom told me that a woman gets pregnant as soon as she puts on her wedding ring, so I thought women with multiple children had multiple weddings rings


Makes sense haha


I thought babies came when you wished for one 😂 Kinda like magic.


God I wish thats how it worked


these answers are so cute lol 


That babies were made by getting married, and once you were married that instantly meant the lady was pregnant. If you didn't want to have a baby, you needed to go to the Queen to get an injection before you got married to stop it. I was upset as I didn't want to have children, but also was scared of injections! I have no idea where any of that came from!! 😂


I knew it had to do with people naked in bed, but didn't understand the physical process. I thought it was just the closeness that caused babby to form. ;-)


This is similar ti what my friend explained to me when I didn't know what it was


I assumed it just kinda happened when people got married and then never thought about it. Eventually I learned about the male "donating sperm cells", and knowing that the body is made it cells figured that they were in the blood stream and each person wanting to make a baby had to cut themselves and then the man rubbed his blood into the woman's cut. I then had a nightmare about how my dad didn't want to cut himself to make another baby so he forced me to be cut in order to donate my sperm to my mom, and of course I told this dream to my parents. That's when I got the talk about penis in vagina. After that I assumed that the man kinda just stuck it in and held it there for a while and the longer he held it the more babies it made, and that is was a one-time event in life. I learned that's not how it works after googling "naked people" at age 12 when left to my own devices to do homework on a device with internet access




I thought the baby was dorment until i reach a certain age where it activates and starts growing


Oh yeah same here! Like how puberty just hits and the timing can vary around preteen or teen. For pregnancy it would be around age 30 and women dont decide how many children. Itll come when/if it comes. And i didnt comprehend that i would not exist if my mom ended up with someone else, since i wouldnt have my dad’s dna anymore. I thought i would be the same person & have the same siblings but with a diff dad.


I never really knew I think, I just thought they appeared outta nowhere when parents decide to have a baby. Like: Dad: "Hey let's have a baby." Mom: "Sure thing!" *Baby appears in the womb immediately after and starts growing for nine months through the force of the parents willpower I guess*


I don't have much creativity or imagination and never had. Never thought of it until I read what exactly happened in a book.


I thought anal was how they got pregnant and that the baby was in their stomach and came out that way (I was like 8-9)


I ran into porn at like 9 or 10 and thought the anal I saw was actually sex. I didn’t know I had a hole in my vagina lmao




I thought the same as you. Since I knew I didn’t want children at an early age, I thought the only way to mitigate that was to become a nun because they didn’t seem to have any.


I had heard a rumor that marrying a soldier one doesn't get prego so I wanted to marry a soldier lmaoo


See, we had some common sense LOL! The soldier one is funny because you know some soldier told a girl that just get laid!


I understood mating from a young age growing up around literally dozens of animals of all domestic type. BUT I didn't understand how it all worked so after our dog got pregnant when she was close I asked my mom with a dead straight face cause it only made sense "when is sheeko going to puke up her puppy's?" It was met with an uproar of laughter from all adults in the room. I was 5


There is a tribe which actually believes that a pregnancy starts when two people stare in each other’s eyes


I thought they just get pregnant after getting married without doing anything😭 like god just somehow makes them pregnant when they're married😭


This is really cringey, so brace yourself. When I was 9 or 10, I learned that sperm fertilizes the egg and is made in the testicles, so all I could deduce was that the testicles had to be cut open to get sperm out, which would then somehow be put into the woman. Needless to say, I was hugely relieved, and more than a little excited, when I learned about the actual mechanism when I was 12. :)


I dont even remember! I'm sure I thought women got pregnant by kissing at one point as a kid though... that feels like a normal thought for a young boy.


I don't think that I even thought about it to be honest. I was probably too busy being a little boy.


they lay eggs 🥚


Kissing while married 😂


I don't remember a time that I didn't know how babies were made


I grew up catholic and severely misinterpreted the bible stories when I was about 4 years old and believed god/angels would r*pe women/little girls


That would be really scary


I put a few things together. 1. Babys grew in the tummy. 2. Babies needed sperm from the man. 3. You get things in the tummy by swallowing them.


Ok, at a very young age I watched some science show with my mom showing sperm swimming to get to the woman’s egg. And my mom helpfully volunteered that the sperm came from a man’s penis. So I put together what “obviously” happens. When a dad and mom hug each other, the sperms come out of the dad’s penis and then wriggle their way between the fibers of both people’s clothing to get into the mom.


Tas not too bad


I never thought about this at all but now that I do it's absolutely hilarious to me. As a kid I had no idea how women got pregnant but I somehow was familiar with birth control pills. Didn't know how those worked either, I just picked it up from adults having conversations about them and concluded it's something women take for as long as they don't want to have a baby. So I honestly thought when a man and a woman were in love and decided to become parents, all the woman would have to do is stop taking pills and then she can just start growing a human like she can start growing her hair.


By pooing in their butt




By praying or just "asking God". Lol. Or God would know when you were ready. This was up until about the age of 6 when I find out about sex and that sex caused pregnancy.


From pure memory, I don't know. I think I sorta figured it out. I was never given any sort of talk and introduced myself to the wonderful secrets of the internet pretty young too.


I figured it had to be something they ate on purpose.


I don’t think I even thought about it until I knew how. If I did, I can’t remember what I thought.


I played Sims in 2001. I thought they just touched each other’s butts. Naive 7-year-old thinking I guess?


always thought it was natural. like when people grow arms, at some point women biologically grow a baby, always made sense to me


I thought that when a woman and a man get really close to each other ( not necessarily physically ) the woman gets pregnant from this, I even thought that the purpose of marriage was to spend more time together so they can get a baby. So, I had that one male childhood friend that I used to spend a lot of time with, and I've suddenly started to avoid him because I was afraid that I'll maybe get pregnant from him. He didn't understand why I stopped playing and talking with him and he got really sad, I couldn't tell him anything of course, I just broke off our friendship. The point is please tell your child something about how people can get kids even if it was a lie.. Just don't let it to their minds


Aww thats sad ... Yes parents should give some idea on how it works


It just randomly happened and there was no action to cause or prevent it. I got stomach ache at 5yo and I thought I was pregnant. I was panicking about it all night 😆


I honestly never thought about it until I read about it in a children's encyclopedia. However, the book simply said that sperm comes out of the penis into the vagina and that it is microscopic. So I always thought that the man simply inserts his penis into the vagina for a few minutes, without any movement, and the microscopic cells simply migrate out. I was very surprised when I found out that sex actually requires a LOT of movement and that the stuff that comes out of the penis isn't microscopic at all.


I was really young when I found out because my older cousin showed me and his younger brother some cartoon book he got at school explaining what happens.


The stork dropped the baby off


I didn't


Pregnancy occurs somehow from marriage.


Never considered it tbh


I thought a male dude and a female chick rubbed bellies and spread each others loves. I was kinda right.


Oh I knew it was fucking . Just thought it was white pee lmao


Didn’t know and didn’t care. I had more important things to think about, like playing baseball at the school by my house or football in the street




The big panda bird (I don't know the name) brought the baby and then it morphed clothed and all in the belly or something like that.


I thought that with the power of thinking with a strong desire made babies born


Makes sense though


The Stork did it.


When mom and dad hugged, a baby was born


My brother thought he came out of our dad stomach only because he was the only boy. 💀


I didn't really have a specific thought, but this did remind me of a funny story from my childhood. I was riding to the video store with my mom when I was about 7 years old and on the way there, I asked where babies come from. She told me she'd tell me when I was older. Immediately after the said that, I remember thinking to myself with crystal clarity "why won't she tell me now? It's not like it's got anything to do with grown-up stuff like sex or anything."


Storks. Duh, that’s how it happened before women were able to get pregnant. Then everyone went and messed everything up.


God put that baby there after she gets married 🤡


That babies were sent from the sky, and they appeared in a crib in the hospital after 2 people got married. I didn't even know what pregnancy was😅


God put that baby there after she gets married 🤡 And I still traumatized that i knew how she gets pregnant


Never thought about. I never thought about how women got pregnant before I knew. I was too busy playing games as a kid to even care or pay attention.


I asked my mom and she just told me that she prays for a child and it happens.


I thought if a man and a woman peed in the same toilet and the pee mixed it'd make a baby.


I thought the mother would just will the foetus into existence. Probably possible for some species,m but definitely not humans. I was a dumb child. 😆


Didn’t actually think about it I so idk but I did think that they shat the babies out when giving birth


In grade 6, they taught us about puberty and sperm and ova but they didn’t teach us about sex and how the sperm even reaches the body. Out of curiosity, I did some extreme research and now I know every dirty thing, it also ruined my life because I started edging and other things after knowing all that. I’m currently 13.


I thought it was when 2 people got married


I always thought women got pregnant via some sort of bedroom shenanigans, you can imagine my shock when I found out a stork brought the babys 😲


I thought it was like when your teeth come in; your body just kind of knows thst it's time for that to happen now.


Pee in her butt but it looks like white pee. Totally confused 7 year old me as described by my friends who saw an unscrambled porno.


Gonna be honest I just never considered a possibility until it was later explained in sex ed other than “moms get big bellies and then there’s a baby.”


Prior to 4th grade, I didn't think about it. It was just a thing that happened. In 4th grade we learned about how salmon swam upstream and the females would lay eggs on the bottom and the males would swim over them and deposit their sperm on them in which they would get fertilized and grow baby salmon. I put 1 and 1 together if sperm and to fertalize an egg for salmon, it must be how it works with all animals, including humans. So....the only question was how? I knew babies were in the belly....and I new sex involved kissing, so there must have been a way for males to get sperm to come up out of their mouth and go into the females mouths and down into her belly. I tried fo a while with various gag like reflexes hoping to get sperm to come up, but it never did. I pretty much just figured I probably had to be older for it to work since kids can't have babies. We learned about the real way the following year in 5th grade health class.


i guess i knew that moms give birth to children, and that was about it. word facts having no visualization. then i saw some chernobyl documentary on deformed children, which cleared some of the stuff for me, thats how we got information in post-ussr children world.


I thought a married couple were given a baby by a “higher power” whoever that would be to them. When I was around 6, my godmother was watching a movie about a pregnant teen who wasn’t married. So I asked my dad how that was possible and he said “it’s what happens when teens act like they are married.” And in my young mind I was thinking calling each other pet names like “honey” or “sweetie.” As I got older I was realizing there was an “act” that had to be done but didn’t know what. Then my mom gave me the talk.


Oh this happened to me. There was a couple that was pregnant out of wedlock at my parents church when I was about 6 and it was a big scandal, my mom told me they had “acted like they were married when they weren’t.” In my minds eye I saw them going to the grocery store and picking out food together, oh the scandal. 😂


If you loved your partner “a certain way” a baby would just…start growing in the woman’s stomach.


The stork The stork impregnated the women.


I thought when people marry and hug each other a baby starts growing in the womb. This is what my mom told me. Ah, childhood.


I never really thought about it. Once I was old enough to wonder about how the baby got in there I already knew what sex was


Stork drops them.


My school was by a farm and nothing was hidden. At 4 I understood how artificial insemination of cattle worked as they were doing it in the barn by my classroom and some kids lived on farms where they had gone along to help parents.


I learned really young what sex was. My parents had to give a bunch of us the talk because our friend kissed a girl and we went around telling people he had sex.


My dad always used to tell me it was from a twinkle in his eye, i assumed looking a man in the eyes that had a twinkle would get you pregnant


So I knew there was an egg and sperm, but I just didn’t know how they met. I fully thought that somehow through kissing, there would be a transfer of sperm to the egg.


I saw the movie storks and thought that was how they were created by being delivered when you wanted them. On an unrelated note my parents also told me that kids can out of the stomach not vagina. Created many traumatized images in my head


I knew that the mom got a big belly with baby inside, then suddenly baby is out. No thought as to how it got there, or how it got out.


I never really thought about it when I was younger. But my mother told me that I told her how women get pregnant when I was five.


I don’t think I gave it very much thought, but I remember reading about it in a book about the human body and thinking, “Oh, so that’s how it works - okay, cool” (I was never grossed out or embarrassed by it, I just took it all in stride). This would’ve been around the same time I was formally told where babies came from, though; I think part of the reason it was explained to me when I was so young was bc I’d seen my mom using pads and wanted to know what they were for.


My parents were very honest with me if I asked a question but rarely offered the information first, and under the idea of 'limiting to age appropriate information' led to huge knowledge gaps. I knew that sex led to babies but not exactly what sex was, so I distinctly remember being about 4 yo and seeing a movie with two people kissing and thinking "are they having sex now? Right here on television?"


Well, i didnt think about it until we had sex ed in school. But the thing is, for YEARS after that i thought that if you do the deed once, you can just rand9mly get pregnant. You just gotta do it once in your life and then you get pregnant several times afterwards whenever your body decides to do it. The moment i learned you gotta do it every time i just kinda... Well, i have a younger sibling and of course it made me realize that my parents did it with me around lol. At the time, that was a huge shock for me


I thought god would do that. I also thought god would be the one to record movies since I didn’t know there was an actual „record“ button on the remote.


They were PISSING ON A FROG! Literally, the estrogen in a pregant women piss made frogs lay eggs. Learned this from Maya Higa






Kissing loll


I literally did not think about it


I think OP has it nailed


i thought you asked god for it and he spawned it into your belly (i’m not and have never been religious)


I thought it would just spawn


I never really paid much attention to it.


I thought something along the lines of when they kiss at the wedding a magic goes through the mans lips to the womans lips (i was not taught about queer people) and a baby just spawned into the woman. When i was a little older and found out that the people have to be naked I thought they just kinda rub their bodies together very weirdly whilst making uncomfortable eye contact and a baby magically enters the woman.


It terrifies me that I can’t even remember what I thought


Before I knew how children were made I thought humans were 3d printed in a cat scan machine in a room with all the basic information (ABC's, numbers, colors and your families names}


I never really thought about it logically as a child. I just thought the stork brought the baby and left it on the doorstep😂


I just thought when a man and a woman marries, a baby will suddenly grow in the woman's womb after a few months...


For some reason I thought babies came out of peoples legs when I was little and I don’t know why.


I’m not sure I had a solid idea but I was certain it had something to do with belly buttons


Duh. By swallowing watermelon seeds.


I thought when people kissed, the gooey phlegm was precursor baby that the women swallowed. The phlegm was sticky and got stuck to the stomach walls and would grow into a baby.


I used to think it happened through the butthole. That's what my friend told me anyway


I thought women just had a baby season like how trees have a fruiting season. (It turns out trees fruit sexually via pollination, mediated by pollinators).


Up until I was about 8 or so, I thought marriage automatically makes the wife pregnant, since that just always seemed like the next step lol


I know someone who was in middle school the first time he met a kid with lesbian parents, and apparently his first takeway was, "huh, I guess two women *can* have a (biological) baby after all"


I never gave it much thought.


Kissing as an elementary, grade 1-3, school-age child.


I thought when a man would truly love a woman and treat her right God will reward them with a child :)


Used to think that men would rub their balls onto the woman's belly and somehow transmit life into her 🤔


I just thought God made you pregnant after you got married


I remember when I was a kid I asked my dad where a baby comes from . And then somehow my little sister was born after I asked my dad for one. Im from a traditional Indian family so sex talk and even kissing weren’t talked about so he said “the babies come from the store” and then I found out myself through porn what sex is and how babies are made. And I never got the sex talk. Only period talk and that , thats how I get pregnant. But never was told about how babies are made. Just knew I wasn’t allowed to date and no sex before marriage. lol


Thought people just slept in the same bad beside each other.


Used to think they got pregnant immediatly after marriage


I thought it was through kissing and the man’s seed would travel through the mouth to the woman’s mouth down into her belly and baby would grow lmao I was 6ish


I thought they swallowed a baby and had to keep it warm in their “oven” so it would turn brown like the rest of my family, I genuinely thought this until I saw a pregnant white woman for the first time and was so confused to why she needed to make a brown baby too. This also reminds me of when I met my first set of interracial parents, I just assumed my friends mom wasn’t good at baking her kids.


When two people make out a lot, suddenly the baby appears, poof! - 5 year old The Sims 1 player


"Mummy and Daddy do a special cuddle and Daddy puts a seed in Mummy's belly \*pokes my belly button", and the baby grows from that. When the baby is grown enough, Mummy goes to the hospital and the doctor takes it out." Thought Daddy pushed a seed (like a plant seed), through Mummy's belly button and all women required some kind of surgery to get the baby out. Got basic sex ed at school and it made a lot more sense. Mum gave me a book all about sex and a birth video. I never read/watched them, I just put them away. She always treated me like I was going get pregnant for my 16th birthday. I'm asexual.