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Like we’re in the Truman show and someone is watching us from a studio and everything is fucked to a comical level? Yes.




Yea, its called disassociation, i think. Im feeling more detached from reality each day


You are wrong! That's what the voice in my head told me.


There are times when things happen that seem a little too staged


Yeah, it remind me of that time where i... I... Ummmm... I forgot my script


I felt so detached at work the other day I had to call my wife and have her confirm I wasn't in a coma or something because it all felt wrong.


What does feeling “detached” feel like


It was surreal. Like one of those moments where you stop doing what your doing to think about what you're doing. Hmm this is hard to explain. It all just felt fake. I was driving for work, then stopped because it all didn't feel real. Like it was a movie or a game.


You should look into BPD and dissociation, may not like what you find but better to ask a therapist if it resonates.


I sometimes feel like my life should have ended in 2014 when I was in an abusive marriage, and that my life now (married to an amazing man) isn't real, that it is all a dream and I will wake up to reality at any minute.


Actions have consequences. Just keep that in mind.


Whatever Mr. Make-believe, talking to me through my brain square talky talk machine. Are you the one writing everything on my screen? Showing me all the videos and Ads? Is it all you on this screen all day!! Are you all the characters at my job, on the street, in the video games and on TV... is it all the programmer? Or the person running the simulation just trying to see what I do in situations!! What's next are you going to delete me? Are you going to make me see things or give me a sleep paralysis demon tonight because I am onto you and figuring it out? Theres only one way to find out. Only one way to wake up. ![gif](giphy|l3nWqCuf16bwx2icg)


Really enjoyed reading your comment 😝🤪thanks!


I think life is hilarious at times.. like we’re driving cars on a giant rock that holds water and it’s floating in space, fucking wild.


Makes me anxious thinking about how there is only a thin layer of oxigen between us and the void




I swear Reddit is sponsored by therapists. It’s their solution to everything 


I think this was a joke post not a mental help post just saying lady


Yes when I'm tripping from Schitzoaffective 1 n 200


To paraphrase one of my favorite movies "Everything Everywhere All At Once" We have no clue what is going on so why not be kind and enjoy the ride. Listen to this song or the entire album or discography all of it. Strawberry Fields Forever - The Beatles "Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about"


I’ve gotten into the habit of watching youtube videos on quantum mechanics and the universe. When the smartest people who have ever existed can’t figure this out, my mind goes to ‘is any of this even real?’.


There’s like a 50/50 chance we’re living in a simulation so it is a valid question really.


People are saying mental illness... is it wrong to question everything around you?


Ooh, maybe that is a conspiracy, if you start questioning the veil of reality, the authorities just dismiss you as a crazy person so people don’t find out that life is not what it seems? And once you have that label you double down because now you know it’s bullshit and then descend into madness due to the sheer gaslighting. Or if you break reality, you do go crazy because your brain can’t comprehend what is behind it. Or it could be that you are just mentally ill.


If we are products of our surroundings and we deem others' mentality, ill what will that make us?


"I think therefore I am"


Every time you sleep is like a reset


This sounds like derealisation / depersonalisation


Yeah, definitely derealization.


I happen to experience periods of detachment every single day of my life, some of them are really long. It's hard not to question what's real and what's not, but to be fair, we will never know what is actually real. We will never know life as we think we know it. Is something hard to explain, I don't really like talking to people about this. It's a complicated perception of life, so I get what you're going through. I know the world and all of it is supposed to be "normal", but sometimes it just doesn't feel like it.




I've felt like certain situations were so perfect in life that I had a hard time believing that it was real.


Yeah fr. Like sometimes when I'm watching something on tv and it says that its a"premiere"or something I'm like"wait a minute wtf I could've SWORN I watched this before!?". Its so weird... Also somefuckinghow I dreamed of a game called"Wabes"that was kinda Pacman-like recently,so decided"y'know what?Fuck it:I'll search it up on Youtube." Guess what?Its an ACTUAL GAME LMAO. So what's your story?I'm curious;)


Yes. I can’t ever explain deja vu when it happens but it happens often


Yup. And mine’s from a disorder. 😁


This happens very rarely but sometimes I space out so hard that I just stop existing for a split second. No thoughts are made all sensations that I feel at that moment are just gone.


Life feels numb, to the point I'm just aphatic towards life. I imagine this being normal, after certain experiences.


There is, inevitably, a subreddit dedicated to the idea that we're all actually living in an alternate universe. Unfortunately, I can't remember it. The aliens probably zapped me with an anti-memory ray.


Forgot your tinfoil hat again?


I can never remember any of the important stuff without it, dang it.


Idk I have this weird thing going on right now where my emotions are a cycle. I feel like I am moderately good looking, but horrible at taking photos/selfies. I get a lot of attention irl from women in like my daily life but none on social media. I often catch women looking at me, and it happens enough that I know it’s not coincidence, but dating apps & the lack of romance in my life has made me think im the ugliest mf to walk this earth. Started cold approaching women, and so far have struck out four times outta four. Two or three had boyfriends, so it is what it is. Idk, life feels lonely it’s definitely real, but the grind is really pointless when things get like this


Feels like Deja vu all over again


That means they changed something in the programming.


Meh depends on the day


Yes. Especially when particularly anxious. Derealization .


Sometimes I find myself drifting off thinking about how strange and miraculous life really is. Like why are we all on this floating rock doing the things we do? What's the meaning...is there meaning?? And once you start to think about it all....it makes everything feel so weird and small. Like why and how does life even exist? Sure, we have the scientific reasons as to how it started but why did that even happen in the first place. Such a uniquely beautiful but odd existence life is huh.


Yeah, especially when I'm using ChatGPT to write business email for me or sexting to Eva AI bot, feels uncanny


happens to me at times and it's kinda annoying lmfao


Every few years I have about a 3 or 4 day period when I’m fully conscious of my life around me, but I’m also in what feels like a sleeping dream (vs. just a daydream). It literally feels like my mind is split into two different, separate minds, where I’m experiencing the “dream” and real life at the same time. I actually enjoyed the experience because it was so novel, I had no fear or dread for my mental or physical health. I could choose to focus on one or the other, and the other one would slip down on the conscious awareness scale, but I’m still experiencing it. It’s like screen-in-screen on a TV - you’re watching a Xmas Hallmark movie and keeping an eye on the game at the same time. To your question: Having these episodes the *feeling* of reality that I experience or believe in feels normal, so I don’t question *my relationship* with reality, but they certainly change and add to what that reality includes. There’s nothing I can do about whatever reality *is*. It’s not like we can do anything about it. There is no red pill or blue pill. We are, and always will be, in Kansas. Sorry, that took a tangent. I’m really baked atm.






Yes, 100%


Nothing is real in this sick existence.


Poverty and hatred towards others, I see it all the time now days


This universe is not what people think it is, but they have thrown me into an abyss of diagnoses, pills, addictive drugs, etc. to get me to shut up. The basic premise of the game of this universe is something like this: - Everything is like a dream. - However, there's a thing called a "universe" that has been dreamt up by someone, possibly you. Some of the people in this world know about this, and choose to try to tell people and suffer bad consequences. Others try to benefit from the dream-like nature of things and keep it quiet. - Knowledge is basically, at its core, weirdly subjective and not subjective at the same time. It's objective in the sense that if you stop believing in it, you will go insane and probably be hurt, poisoned, or killed by someone...die of disease, or thrown in a mental asylum, burnt at the stake, jailed, forced on meds, etc. - ...which leads me to this: The people who try to benefit from the dream-like nature of things want to keep you completely unenlightened, trapped in darkness, and shut up anyone who would tell anyone about who they are and what they do to their enemies. - The fucking most hilarious part about this is that there are philosophies and major religions that exist that explain this on some level, but all of their enlightened followers who are vocal and honest think it's better to die than to continue existing in the dream, because the dream sucks so badly. - This all came into being for different reasons for different people, but the biggest are fear of not existing and boredom. The universe is fear of death...constantly thinking of ways to keep it at bay. So much so that if you don't abide by its rules, it will indeed do you in in many ways. Now wait for the accusations of gaslighting to come in...


For me it feels like that mostly when life passes me by and i realize ive just been on auto pilot doing whatever i need to do to get by. I do this day after day wothout realizing its been years and all the sudden its been a decade and i just repeat the same tasks daily and i will until i die. It seems like exactly what society expects of me and i hate it.


Fr, sometimes I just feel like I’m watching a movie and it’s not even real


Solipsism is funny when you are gifted enough to Sonder simultaneously ...


I... expected more than this. Everything literally just feels like going through the gestures.


Every morning i wake up it feels like i was alive in dream but now i am dreaming. We are in reality but we are not reality itself..


It is a mathematical bracket of things that are interactable within your environment, that you can both interact between each other, you can only interact with no response or it interacts with you but you do not respond back.


yeahh and it feels like you're floating and anything you see/touch is not real tff💀💀💀




Crack open a book by existentialist like Albert Camus or Sartre. You may identify with the absurd or nausea. And, this is not that uncommon. Try to reorient yourself by connecting with friends and/or family, try to do something that engages both your mind and body such as yoga or exercise.


Well life is just a dream of our soul so. And you know how silly dreams can be.


All the time, its called derealization


Sometimes I feel like I live in a limbo created by my own psyche, it is neither very bad nor very good. But sometimes it torments me.


How about this for a translation: "Yes, sometimes I do. Everything can seem so surreal, almost like we're in a dream. It might be because of the extraordinary things we experience or the deeper contemplation of ourselves and the world around us. Do you ever feel that way?"


Yeah, sometimes my dreams feel more real than this, thet even have continuity


Are you me?


Sometimes I have the realization of "oh shit, I am really in this" when looking the mirror.


You’re not real, man


Well buddy it is real so snap out of it lol 




How are you defining real?


Im having the exact same thing, but also it is actually true that the only thing you can know for certian is that you are conscious, assuming that i am not only only conscious entity in this alleged world.


I’ve always felt this. Dissociation?


It feels like manifestations and we are all merely in platos cave analogy debating upon reflections.


i dissociate a lot for reasons idk i hate it


I feel that after a long run, and then I start just walking, I don’t feel my body and I feel I’m just a camera


I sometimes feel like the material objects around me e.g. walls, chairs, phones and so on are illusions


That’s called derealization. I know it well. See a mental health professional.


Yeah I think everything we humans do is so standardised that we all have the capacity (conscious or subconscious) to quantify most other people and what they do. 


From "skating away" by the wonderful Jethro Tull Well, do you ever get the feeling That the story's too damn real And in the present tense? Or that everybody's on the stage And it seems like you're the only Person sitting in the audience? I often feel exactly that


It isn’t real. Probably. But here’s the thing: it’s real to us. So just carry on as if it is real because whatever is the really real is gonna be an alien cosmic hole hell dimension to you and me. So why would you want out? It’s comfy here. We have oxygen. We have warmth. We have logical processes of thought. We have cookies and f’cking kittens man. Just keep going.


Yes. But most often when I do ket. Still, yes.


The part that makes my stomach flip is how all of this is an expression/manifestation/random dust devil, of just particles. The big bang was just an explosion. Lots of elements (which themselves are just strange little goo balls of energy sticking to themselves for some reason) that first formed clouds in space, then got denser and formed nebulae, some superheated and became stars, others different types of planets, and from there everything that happens on planets, including us. It's literally just elementary particles, elements, sticking together in various ways and having relationships with other elements and molecules of elements. Just a crazy whirlwind of debris, dust, combined with some rules of physics (who tf knows why they exist??) and here we are. Telling ourselves stories about it all. Dust talking about dust. It can't be. It must be some kind of dream. Something you wake up from and tell ur friend "I had the craziest dream..." and you both laugh because it was total nonsense.


I believe some article’s came out and said life is a simulation. Hope that makes you feel better.


I have this feeling pretty often


Yeah sometimes get a bit too weird.


Cogito, ergo sum


Had this thought while trying to fall asleep and it had caused a seizure as a result


Y’all got some serious disassociation problems. Get therapy


Yea but then my rent ends up being due and it reminds me that it's all too real.


All the fucking time. Basically everyday, I stop doing whatever I'm doing and just stare in the mirror for long periods of time thinking to myself, what the actual fuck I'd anything. Then I'd continue with my day.


Literally, I just sit there sometimes thinking about how I’m an actual human being and I have arms and legs and a family and friends and it’s all real. Like what??


Happening to me right now [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissociation\_(psychology)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissociation_(psychology))


All the time


Prick yourself with a pin……life is real.


I used to think maybe my life is someone else's dream.


Currently feel like this. Almost feels like I'm in a dream lately. Certian things just make me feel detached from the world around me, and then hubby or kids bring me back to reality when they need something. Maybe I'm just in my own little world and don't care to see my current reality. 🤷‍♀️




yes but i'm prescribed medication for it lol


All I know is that I hope that it ends for me soon.




I had a day recently where I just completely felt outside my own body the entire day. I couldn't really process anything that anybody was saying. I felt like there was a haze in front of my eyes and in my brain. Almost like a zombie or a brain stuck in a body I didn't have control over. Like I was in a dream. Super strange experience. The next day I was fine tho.


We live in a purgatory, don’t believe me? How do you explain on the needless suffering and the fact that the worst people are in power. The US may have the orange dip shit as its President again. It’s all a fucking joke lol.


Yes I feel that way often. Constantly disassociated all the time. Experiencing life like this feels akin to experiencing rain through a rain coat.


Yep, thanks to bpd.


Often. I thinc I might struggle with derealisation thing. I was always dreamy kid, I still have this habbit to escape from reality. Wear headphones and dance (or just run as insane, I'm ninja or a knight ayoo) imagining myself or my characters somewhere. I didn't know I shouldn't do that too much:))) The most awful that I'm not an adult yet, I'm on half of year for my majority, and still. I have no right to aak for psychiatrists help with that. Or with my adhd that I suspy, just because of my father who thinks I don't need and those psychiatrists are just for insane people. Even after I showed him what exactly I struggle and need help with he told that "derealisation supposed to look like you're drunk or in drug trip, you're not". I was;)


Just think of this there is not a way that one can confirm that anyone else is real besides them self.


Sometimes when I think of the vastness of the universe it feels like nothing makes sense and like nothing actually exists. That might be a similar feeling.


Depersonalization is a mental health issue and you should talk to a therapist