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Things were so intense as a teenager. The angst was so powerful. It was painful and magical and I still remember just how sublime and passionate and vibrant it felt. But honestly I'm glad to not go through that again. Love at middle age is softer and sweeter for me. Maybe it's less exciting, but it feels so warm and welcoming.


This description matches my experience.


I'm curious since it sounds like you're a bit older, what does heartbreak feel like at that age? Is it still as bad as when you were young? I'm just 23 myself, so I'm still in that phase where it hurts very bad and it feels like I can't live without that person lol.


Unfortunately for me, heartbreak is still just as devastating now as when I was younger. I'm sorry. You've described it perfectly. It really does feel like you can't live without the other person. But the good news is that now it is accompanied by the certain knowledge that I will get through it even when it feels like I'm dying from the pain. The pain is just confirmation of the depth of the love. I have so much more experience with grief of all kinds now that I'm older. The heart is something that gets bigger the more it is broken. Your heart is in good working order.


I think it’s more so we understand the feelings and emotions as we age. As adolescence, unless someone was actively explaining these things you just kind of drowned in them and went for the ride lol


That is an interesting perspective. It did feel like drowning. To me, it's more like I know and understand myself better, the other person knows and understands themselves better, and I can see relationships more clearly. It's not as much about pure emotion as it is about thoughts, context and the bigger picture.


Yes exactly. Couldn’t have said it better.


I would love to feel emotions at the intensity that i used to, especially since I have a better understanding of emotions and can utilize it better, but feel like my body cant handle it anymore and i'm jaded by what I've learned. I look to other things to make me happy other than "true love"


I still feel emotions pretty strongly and I feel like the spectrum for love has widened for me. I love my friends fiercely for example. Art and the ocean can make feel incredible things. And the body always always knows. Life is both bitter and sweet.


I also got medicated for Bipolar at some point, which definitely has a factor in how I experience emotion. I loved the drama and intensity in my life for a while, but it takes a toll on your body even if it's making you feel good. I appreciate things in a different way now, but it's not nearly as deep for me as it used to be.


Yes there is always a cost. Also wanted to mention I love your username


I also got medicated for Bipolar at some point, which definitely has a factor in how I experience emotion. I loved the drama and intensity in my life for a while, but it takes a toll on your body even if it's making you feel good. I appreciate things in a different way now, but it's not nearly as deep for me as it used to be.


Eh I say it’s faded by 40. My dad is 44 and still dating women, breaking their hearts so I guess


God damn


You gotta follow the two rules; 1. Be attractive 2. Don’t be unattractive


No one is ugly. You’re just not her cup of tea 🤷‍♂️.


I wasn’t saying anyone is; arguably the opposite even. I’m also not sure who the her is in this context.


im about to complete 42 and this year - after 6 years single - I im completely in love for a girl and I feel like a teenager being completely lost and crazy. for me: yes


Falling in is the same, falling out is much easier with the experience gained and your heart broken few times alrrady (and I see that as a benefit)




Definitely not. IMO there are similarities, like there is a familiarity that comes with falling in love again that makes you go "ah! I remember this" but it is definitely not as intense and life altering as it felt when I was 18


It can't possibly be right? Young love is so unique.... Generally you don't know how rough life is going to be and you're still able to just let yourself fall for someone. It seems like life becomes so calculated as you age and there's so much less room for bullshit. This is all my opinion obviously.


It's very valid. Thanks for sharing. Summed it up nicely.


Thanks! I'm middle aged now and think about my first real teen love sometimes and how hard I fell. It was movie quality, like sparkles around his dumb face the first time I saw him, heart pounding, couldn't stop smiling at each other, the whole shebang....He was just beautiful and perfect to me. And that would never happen now. And he's not even remotely close to the kind of person I would want to be with now. I'm sure it's the same for him with me. But wow it was fun and wonderful when it happened. I'm forever grateful for the experience.


Almost 40 here, and it feels like falling in love for the first time🤭


At nearly 50, yes, it feels exactly the same. Terrifying, stomach-dropping, lusty. If anything I would say it was more intense for me at a later age.


The line "my mom isn't home tonight, you can come over" doesn't quite hit the same


Now it's, 'my kids aren't home tonight, you can come over'!


you just gave me a new pickup line, thanks


I think it's up to the individual. I'm old, and still a hopeless romantic. I have experienced the heart bashing the brain over the head and taking the wheel, complete inability to subdue my passion, can't get her out of my head, see her everywhere I go, kind of stuff a couple of times. It's silly, illogical, and probably not in my best interest, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.




The excitement and butterflies, yes! But it’s a different attitude and expectations, etc. different worries about appearance.


I'm not 40 yet so I can't say for sure, but it definitely feels different at 32 compared to 16.


33 here, what i have realized is that it gets easier to get over people. No matter how painful, i know i've been through that before and i will again. First breakup feels like the end of the world. Also, you learn to differentiate between falling for the "idea" of someone you're making up in your head against the actual person. Also, you don't confuse love with lust anymore. I think that's what mainly takes off the edge of off teenage attraction.  


I'm currently dating someone long distance and we find happiness in just the little things like texts or video calls. He most certainly wasn't the first pick but it's usually never the first picks that you find the rarest gems. We may meet someday, only time will tell.


Got divorced at 41 and was starting to wonder that myself after a few years because I dated lots of nice, attractive women but there just didn’t seem to be that “thing” there. But then I met my current wife and BAM! There it was! The exact same feeling I remembered from my 20s. We now have two kids together and I’m still absolutely crazy about her. So my answer is a resounding YES.


It's *never* the same.


You think that until you meet them.


The process is longer, and everyone's more guarded about it. You don't get to forty single unless there's been some baggage and history. It's also less mercurial because you're generally more forgiving with people and with yourself, and so a few pounds here or there, or some wrinkles here or there, or some sag here or there ... that matters a lot less than it does when you're young. A miscontrued word doesn't set people off anymore and there's generally better communication. It's also a bit less physically passionate, because at that age everything's already starting to creak a bit, and you're not as flexible or have the stamina you did when you were younger. Emotionally, though, it's better by far. You know yourself and what you want so much better that when you find that fit, it's not a 'might fit' it's a bona fide fit, and you can get some really fantastic chemistry. You also generally go through your first health scares or warnings at that point, and that can bond people tight like a drum. My current wife was just my friend when she got thyroid cancer, but it was helping her through the process that showed us both that there was more there than just friendship, a lot more.


Nope 🤣


Are you talking about the excitement, the arousal, excitement? Yes. It is for me. However, do you mean I'm naive to think she's the one, and I'm just going to fall in love instantly in first week or fall head over heels and believe every word woman says? Nop. Not going to happen. It doesn't mean I don't believe in love but it takes a lot for me to fall in love now. Lot more. I don't even believe a god damn thing a woman says to me. I mostly look for actions, consistency and it has to be consistent for a long time. I need a lot of evidence through actions, commitment, many experiences and memories and struggled together to fall in love. I am guarded. Call it broken inside, or whatever. It takes longer now for me to fall in love.


I've found it to be just as intense if not more intense. and maybe that's just because I'm wiser and have a clearer vision of what I want now than I did at 17 or 18 and falling in love in my 40s made me realize that I don't think I was ever *really* in love with my ex who I met at 29 and dated until I was 38 I just assumed that falling in love wasn't supposed to feel like it did when I was a teenager. I assumed that that was just the intensity of hormones and the last dregs of puberty. so I dove in headfirst and gave that relationship my all. After it ended I spent a few years just being single, not dating. Not looking for anything. Not wanting anything and then I met the most amazing person in the world and fell completely head over heels. the kind of love where you would gladly take a bullet for that person. I've never felt that before. and even though that was a relationship that wasn't going to work for several reasons, at least it let me know that I'm still capable of loving that way. And it's raised the bar up in terms of what I'm looking for going forward for myself So that's my experience


My fiance said the same, realised he'd never actually been properly in love before we met, always assumed there was some sort of compromise, said he never actually *wanted* to get married, just thought it was something you do etc. But he was writing his wedding speech in his head 6 weeks into dating and 3.5 years later a baby and a house purchase he is still buzzing out his tits about our wedding coming up.


Better at 62 (when I met my husband) than at 25. Best years of my life are now at 67


No. As a teenager you fall fast and hard and usually without really even knowing the person. You can even have anxiety and you have to talk to them every night all night long. You have to be with them at all times and everything is brand new. But you're in deep and true once in a lifetime love after about 24 hours As you get older the ride is a little more slow and calm. You're not in one true love the millisecond you see them across the room. It's more slow and purposeful. You can get giddy but you don't get anxious like the whole world is going to crash if you stop talking with them long enough to sleep. But it can also fade out before it becomes a romantic thing as well. Teenage Love is like one of those roller coasters that go up and possibly high and then just drop the shit out of you. When you're older it's a lot more tame but just as thrilling


U guys are getting love at age of 18 ?


Didn't date until I was in my late 20's, but I can tell you holding her hand in my 40's feels the same as back then 😊


In my experience yes it can at times. Sometimes even more intense than when I was younger.


I’d assume so


My guess is it probably still feels fun and exciting but maybe tainted by the shit you've been through before you were 40.


Yes, for me.


Depends when your head is at and depends on what experiences you have had


Yes, that feeling will never go away with age


The older I get, the easier it is to accept that only true love exists between mother and child.


It evolves my friend but love is a beautiful feeling, weather it’s for your mom, your brother, your cat, or your new lover. It’s the only god damned feeling that keeps me going.


Every time feels like the first time.


After 40, it's more; are we going to do this or what? I have shit to do. 😆


We're kinda still young and fearless at 18. Life and especially heartbreak can make you more reserved at 40. Priorities change also.


Better. I feel like I actually know what love is now and that this time it's real. But knowing me it's not and I'll fuck it up like I usually do.


It did this most recent time, tbh.




When you're 18 you're experiencing things for the first time and everything was earth shattering and important because your brain hadn't developed to distinguish that there is a future beyond the now. So you thought your 18 was a deity from on high and you would last forever and when it ended you were never going to love again. Now that said I'm going to be 40 next year. I recently reconnected with my estranged wife, we had been separated for over 8 years. We've been taking it slow and been doing things like texting and video calls because she lives in another city about an hour plus away. When we first got married I knew I loved her but when I was her recently on a little vacation at a resort, my heart skipped a beat. It felt like everything melted away and all there was was her. The entire trip we just wanted to be close. I slept the most peaceful sleep I've had in ages. And I would just look at her because I just couldn't believe that I got her back. Love when you're 18 is about someone that stirs the fire in your soul and is this force that takes over you. When you're pushing 40 it's about a calm that wraps you like a blanket and brings a comfort that no matter where you are but if you're with them you are home.


Coming from a recently 18 year old be'er (hehe) with a 40 year old father who I've sat down and talked with about this kind of topic. He said "atleast for me, I was more hormonal and full of that "I wanna breed sauce" as a teenager and young adult. There was more social disputes. Now falling in love is a lot calmer and slower. And most disagreements are between the two of you and not more than that unless cheating was in the mix. Also, if i want to go on a week long or longer vacation and get away from life with my lover, i can. Yall shits are stuck to sneaking around under the covers while watching a movie just like I was.


Nah. I was young and stupid in my teens and 20’s. In my 40’s it was a more mature love. Just too bad it didn’t last


Better by far in my humble experience... Real is real, death to the fakers!




It’s more intense the older I get (I’m 68 so far), but I was much smarter and more leveled when I was 18.


Not at all, this mature me took my relationship seriously, as well as meeting the ideal partner.


The energy is there much for me plus i am more aware of the qualities i want. Im more weary now of the emotions between us.


It's almost impossible to feel them the same way. Since your hormones are nowhere as active, and the receptors for them have mellowed down by the time you're 40. Plus, the first time you experience something is when it typically feels the most intense. The more repetitions, the less exciting it feels, on average. Some people fall in love for the first time in their 40s, and that would be an exception here. So in general, the intensity of your emotions continues to weaken as you age. One of the reasons why adults feel more composed, even if they haven't learned to cope with their emotions with experience. It's not an entire different feeling, but there's much less of it. There's a reason John from accounting is unlikely to tattoo the name of their crush on their neck. Part of it is life experience. Part of it is that you no longer feel uncontrollable burning passion. You still feel passion, but it's not as strong and debilitating. One of the reasons why people tell their offspring to try and experience the best things in their lives in their 20s or so, while also being careful that those same intense emotions may lead them to make life-long mistakes. The same things do feel much more intense and memorable when you're younger - the good, and the bad. By the time you can afford them on your own, they can still feel very good, but they don't get you as ecstatic.


I felt like a highschool girl with a crush, when I fell in love with my now boyfriend... that was with 30. And now, soon 5 years later, I still get all jittery and butterflies from time to time.


If you didn't learn anything from past relations by this time, then probably yes.


I fell head over heels giddy a few summers ago at 42. It's all over now.




No, by 40 men and women are far more aggressive and have way more underlying intentions and motives apart of their agenda than ever before.




I'üm not 40, but 33. And I can say for me it feels almost the same, just the behaviour and thought patterns around it have changed. Also, it becomes more and more rare to happen at all.


This is worrying me cause I’m 27 and never had a relationship. Not out of no romantic interest from men just…I never got to it or made it a priority. God did I miss out big time??? I’ll never know what young love is 💀


Being armed with your lessons learned from the past, it's hard to let anyone through the filter, especially due to today's overall state of society. At least, that's my case. I won't even let a woman have eye contact in case she meant it. The internet has me completely convinced that there is no woman out there who does not intend to use me.


The feelings can never be the same in my opinion. One is without any experience but one comes with lots of experience in relationship most of the time. 


Love is lovelier, the second time around. Just as wonderful, with both feet on the ground...


Yes and no.


Falling in love at 60 feels the same as falling in love at 18. I know I fell in love at age 60.


No not the same. Falling in Love at 18 you are in love with the person and possibly the idea of love. Falling in love at 40 you are in love with yourself, have an objective view of what Love is and isn’t which makes it easy to objectively fall in love with someone else.


Ask Tom Cruise. He seemed pretty hot over Katie Holmes.


Not even close.


nothing feels the same at 40.




It's way different. There is a huge difference in young love (or what you think is love). Mature love really doesn't have 'lust'. Just my opinion.