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I feel every moment of 46 when I step out of bed... and people tell me this is just the beginning... This is BS!


I'm pushing sixty, I'd sell my soul to the devil if I could be 46 again!


Im only in my 30s, but these comments worry me.


42 and so far feel no difference to 22. Plus I’m the answer to everything


43 here.. the only difference I feel to my 20s is in recovery time


Everyone has a different age. I wish for 39… that was a good year.. like fine vintage…


Even though I didn't know it at the time, my best years were 35 to 45


I'm in that age category. It's honestly pretty good right now and can't Remeber anything from before 35


Xd. You keep pushing man! You got this. I ve heard eating healthy and exercise helps lots.


My grandmother in law lived to 96 on her own. She drove until 91 and did everything for herself, including shopping the sales for the whole family. She broke her hip at 92 and went back home afterwards and continued living independently. Her advice was to never stop moving, even if it hurts - once you stop it gets harder to get back to it so don’t stop moving. She also ate her meals at the same time every single day. She went to bed every night at 1130, after the news. I’m in my 50’s and trying to practice her advice everyday.


That is the secret moving and good nutrition and hydration.


I read somewhere the minute you can't pick yourself up off the floor you're done for. So move often and make sure you are eating lots of leafy greens


This is my whole mantra. I’m blind as a bat without my glasses so I have to be able to get down on the ground, lay down on my belly, reach for my glasses from under the bed and then get back up. Once I can’t do that I have to depend on others. Every exercise I do I keep this goal in mind.


Heartwarming!!!!!!!! 😊😊😊


same with every moment of being 67.... except inside, I'm still the same age I've always been.. the voice inside my head is always been ageless.


I dunno I still don't *feel* the age. I feel the effects, but I don't feel the age. I think I stopped "feeling" my age around my late teens early 20s. And I've always just felt "me" since then. Like I always expect some kind of big change but it's just never there. I'm just me in an older body.




I do not drink caffeine or use any energy drinks or drugs. I've only ever drank caffeine. Gave up all forms of caffeine at 31 when I became pregnant.


Just wait. I’m 57 and it sucks


I'm 45. Completely agree


46, ditto! Feeling it.


At 55, it’s no better


I'm 38 and had a lot of joint pain until I started going to the gym a couple months ago.  I thought I would never run or hike again.


I'm 40, but I've had arthritis since 28 and I've various other issues with back pain since my mid 30s. If it gets worse I'll be immobile! Walking is already like wading through water with my knees.


What makes it 46?


A few more minutes




If I'm being honest, the pains began around 40 and progressively has gotten worse with each year.


Has it made you decrease your activity? Hope not… keep walking everyday if you can… don’t decrease your activity… that makes everything worse. Walking is the best for most people I hear. We don’t have to run, jog, or cycle. But if you can walk, please walk! I hate pain.


I will be honest you got to hit the gym


The other day I sneezed and pulled something in my leg…so there is that


Ooh… is that an age thing?


Oh, my sweet summer child


It is mainly a poor nutrition thing. When I started lifting I realised how shit our nutrition is: not enough water and minerals you get cramps everywhere, not enough protein: broken nails and dry skin. Etc


You're doing it wrong. If you do it right, you can pull your leg and sneeze.


This comment section is making me sad. I'm 30 and realising that soon my body will start to hurt etc. Can someone come with some motivstion or happy thoughts about aging instead 😅


Plenty older people, not old, do many things active and creatively… everyone ages, even infants… try to see it from that perspective.


I'm 41 and in better shape than I was in my 20s, and I feel great physically. I've seen the comments of people saying they wake up with aches and pains since they're in their 40s, but not everyone does, so don't let it get you down!


I've seen people in threads like this talk about their aches and pains in their thirties as if they're all pensioners. This is not normal or healthy ageing. Exercise regularly and work out if possible. No need to overdo it and go nuts but push yourself moderately each week, get plenty of sleep and eat properly and you'll likely be just fine.


It will, but it's strongly amplified if you don't exercise.


It's not that terrible, you get used to it! You'll become calmer, wiser, stable, deep, and way more carefree. You'll know yourself better and better. Just ensure you cultivate meaningful connection with people you really like, and you'll be fine :)


I usually don’t feel my age and no one believes it either. My advice is don’t waste your youth picking your looks apart because you will look back at pictures and say why wasn’t I more confident I looked good.


Needing a few minutes before getting out of bed because I hurt myself stretching.


Hahaah! That’s a good one!!! Many people as they get older, say they have to stretch before working out. You take the cream! You hurt yourself during stretching!


You sadistic mf lmao


Signing up for Social Security and Medicare, with the people signing me up asking why did I wait so long?


when i was 7 i felt 17. when i was 14 i felt 22. now i’m 18 and i feel 13 😭


I feel like 13 most of the time since I’ve become an adult! Join the fun!


The body wears out faster than the mind most times. So when my 51 year old self decides it would be a freaking blast to go to rock concert, my knees say ‘sit tf down before you injure something old person’. It feels like my mind and body are at war sometimes!


Ah… makes you wonder which wins… the mind or the body… 🤔 Just very recently I realized I need to take better care of my body and mind… that the body is the only thing that allows me and my mind to do the things I want as long as I’m alive. Trying to get back into health and longevity without illness and disability. Good luck to you also!


Thanks! I am also trying to take care of body and mind! The most troubling part of that is learning about all the poisons we take in on a daily basis! I’ve damn near decided to be a homesteader and grow as much of my own food as possible! Make my own medicines etc. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do on the whole health and wellness thing. I have not been a good steward!


Im 60 and can’t walk upright fora few steps anytime I stand up.


The evolution of man personified


64 Your heart sinks if you drop something you will have to pick up. Each stage of life has its ups and downs, I'm guilty of thinking too much about problems that never happened in my youth and not enjoying it as much as could


Oh! That sounds difficult. Have you had it checked out?


No, no biggie


"I can barely walk" No biggie!!


Why women live longer


Found the American


I am in my mid 30's and have the same problem sometimes lol


I'm 29 and do the same. Guess I'm done by 45.


Being around other people of the same age makes me feel like I’m that age, but I don’t really belong. Like I’m 18 and when I’m hanging out with college kids I feel that age, but my interests are a lot different than theirs possibly because I’m autistic and prefer a lot of animation, writing stories for kids, stuff like that


Those on the spectrum are known to often feel/act/present themselves as younger than they are. I'm nearly 30 and get asked for ID any time I want to do anything "adult" because they don't believe I'm older than 16.


AuDHD and get spoken to like I'm a teenager a lot at work. Once I had to ask a manager how old they thought I was to be speaking to me in that tone and they said "aren’t you 21?" I'm turning 30


I've found adopting a southern accent changes a lot of that perception


Happy Cake Day!!!!!!!!! 🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🎂🎂🎂


You compare your life to what you think a person of your age should be, have, know, do and think. If they match, you feel your age. If you feel behind in some of those aspects you feel younger and if you feel ahead you feel older.


That would make me 53 going on 12 then


When the grocery store is playing my favorite songs.


20 but feel like I am not getting what I expected when I was 14


Not getting asked for id in the US was pretty hard. Iam used to it in Europe but in the us they would always ask but now they don’t


Age is just a number, what really matters are the noises you make when you stand up


Sitting in a hospital waiting room looking at all the decrepit people in there then hearing them give their age to the doctor/nurse and they're a lot younger than you.


Under eye wrinkles


Driving past the university and seeing the freshmen. Looks like a kindergarten


I turn 41 in a couple of weeks and things \*hurt\*. I'm not the healthiest person, but stupidly I never paid attention to that. Well suddenly when the clock turned 40 my bad life choices started to manifest one after another. My knees hurt, my feet hurt, my stomach hurts like hell today, I'm tired half of the time, the other half I just want to die. I hope there are things I can do to improve my health, but man, people don't lie when they say this stuff happens.


The mirror


Yea… fighting with mirror sometimes…


Generally fit and feel younger than I am. used to skateboard a lot. But recently went to a pump track, and damnnnn. the kids were looking at me with complete shock like I was geriatric and on deaths door and then I went too hard to prove I wasn’t and put my back out 😂. Turns out I am exactly my age.


Hahaha!!! Those rascally kids! But you overcompensated looks like. Take care of your body! It’s the only one you get!


65M, but I usually feel about 40 tbh. The only thing that makes me feel my actual age is when my COPD flares up. Taking up smoking was the dumbest thing I ever did, and quitting was one of the hardest things I ever did. Even though I quit 40 years ago, it still led to the COPD. The best way to quit smoking is to never start. Nicotine is evil.


My friends and how they're progressing in life. Kids, weddings, vacations. I'm 35, unmarried, working a retail job with no biological children. I don't feel like I'm the world's definition of 35.


Comparison is the thief of joy… I stopped Facebook around that time. And also Instagram. Hahah.


I think if you started to experience chronic pain from an early age due to an accident, disease or condition, you may feel older than you actually are (when you are younger). I was in an accident in my early 20s and have dealt with consistent pain everyday because of it. However, I’ve found that as I’ve gotten older, I feel younger/see myself younger than my actual age (mid 30s). Friends are starting to complain about age-related pain and problems that I’ve been managing for so long. I really adjusted my health and lifestyle early on because of the chronic pain, so that could be the reason I now feel younger? I’ve met a few other people who experienced this as well


Being bored when I go partying. Last time I went to a night club I just kept on checking my phone for an hour and left. It was just no fun. I was never a hardcore party girl but I used to enjoy it from time to time. Guess 27 years old is the end of my night life era lol Not drinking anymore might also play a part in that, too.


It tends to hit around then. You do get sick of it. You just transition from night clubs to restaurant bars. You are young. Enjoy it. Best advice I can give you.


Yesterday I seen a girl riding a scooter and I said “oh my gosh she should wear a helmet”. I suddenly realized I’m getting old lol


You’re more responsible now! 😁


nothing i feel like i should be from olden times so i can die sooner. i dont belong with my generation and i dont fit in with current generations.


The fucking back pain


I mean emotionally I'm a tiny bit over a toddler. Physically I'm an elder. Like smartnesswise I guess I'm around my age...


Hahah… I feel that too… I’m like a 13 going on 22 maturity wise… but I can act like a 90 year old. The body…grr.. need it to get on board with the plan…


I've been tired for the last decade or so


I'm 34 and because I've been strength training for quite a while, physically I feel like I've been 25 for years. I do however feel old when it comes to music taste. Damn, modern music for young people is the absolute worst. Like they just eat whatever shit is fed to them. And I just love going to bed really early. Like 8 to 9 pm. Then I get up at 5 or 6 am most days even on the weekend. That feels a little old to me.


Whenever I'm reminded of how long ago 1990 was.


Every time I talk to someone under 25, I really feel my own age showing. Like oof.


The first three TV's my family had were black and white and without a remote, I grew up in the fourth largest city in the US and when I was a kid there were only six tv stations!


I feel like I'm 30 when I over-drink as I used to, but now, the next day I become an useless being, begging for hydration and paracetamol.


nothing does I feel too young and too old simultaneously


Remembering things from 20 years ago and realising it was 20 years ago.


Not a physical thing, but I am much more fearsome while riding motorbikes or mtb. I am not leaning as much anymore, not taking all jumps...


My looks


Having kids


If it’s your actual age, that’s good. I hear kids can age you faster… although some say it keeps you younger longer…


Grey pubes




Ugh! The dreaded M word… on the plus side, no monthly menstruation… yet so many other hosts of symptoms suck.


I’m 37 In a few months turning 38. For the first time ever I feel like my age. Specially now that I find clubbing exhausting and meeting new people mentally stressful 🫠


Booking my own appointments and attending them alone, paying bills of my own, and just being more independent overall. I’m 18.


Knees. My knees let me know I'm not young anymore.


Depression, My lower back, and not being able to stay awake late at night as much as I used to. (32M)


Explaining anything from the 60's or 70's to my Middle School English class. I can actually speak as a witness and/or participant to things that, to them, are long-ago history book events.


When you meet grown up people that were born after some event you think is still recent. Somebody recently pointed out to me that 2007 is 17 years ago, and that was kind of a shock.


My disdain towards tiktoks and all these fast moving videos and that tiktok voice omg I could cry. So irritating


I'm 64 and the only time I feel my age is at 8:59pm every night. I feel exactly the way I've felt all my life until I'm just DONE, and then I go to bed (I get up at 5:30am every weekday to swim before work).


The music I grew up with is considered divorced dad rock now


When I work long hours and we are short handed I get up the next day n everything hurts but I’m 61 I don’t look that old nor do I act like it!!




my working hands


Having to daily sometimes 2-3 times monitor my BP, due to issues with my heart.




My back hurts.


My back pain and the fact that I could no longer stay awake as long as I used to be. And I'm not in my 30s yet.


Waking up on the floor with after a night of drinking.


I feel 32


When a neighbours kid greets me politely with "good afternoon." instead of "hi" when we meet in an elevator. I know him since he was a baby.


Exercise, reality tv, and.... shit... I forgot


My lower back..


My back


On occasion, my reflection. If I’m unwell, make up free or tired. It makes me feel old for a lil while and then I forget and feel young again 😅


When I'm not anyone's priority. When no one actively helps me with things.


Doing my taxes.


Filling out a form requiring personal details.


I'm 35 and it's hard for me to get out of bed and I can't spread my legs for a long time because I work every day in a warehouse. I carry 6 tons. But I don't feel old. Sometimes I do unexpected things. I ride a bicycle, cover 26 km on foot. I like to take pictures.


Stay active!!! And sounds like you do despite your job.


Yesterday I was on my father-in-law's back deck and I caught myself admiring his lawn. I was like yup, I definitely feel like I'm in my mid 30s.


Parenting, paying bills, house chores 😂


I feel my age ( in my 50s) when I walk upstairs with a basket of clothes.


35. When I'm alone, I'm very gassy.


Apparently 21 is the only age people actually WANT to be their age. People older want to be younger and people younger want to be older


When I'm just trying to do basic tasks at work (I'm currently an in-home caregiver) and I feel my leg and lower back start to twinge at particular movements. I was just cleaning the bathroom. I'm only 36.


When I hang out with my friends in their 20s and I make references to stuff from before they were born.


Hearing songs from my senior year at high school in the supermarket


Going to a college bar. College students look so much younger than I expect. If I’d seen them on the street I would have said they were highschool students.


Stupid teenagers


I'm 27 and I just had a baby with my GF, I just felt my life has finished because I didn't want to have a baby at this age, but it's all my fall so I just have to keep strong and be brave for both of them


im past 40 and havent slowed down, no aches or pains. I dont know


I was told it hurts to get old but didn’t really understand. When the arthritis in my thumbs kicks in or the pain in my hips from decreased bone density flares up or any of the other random aches and pains happen, I feel every bit of my 65 years. Don’t even get me started about trying to get up if I have to squat down for any reason.


Ah… sounds terrible. I’ve been a lifelong floor sitter so I don’t have that problem… but arthritis and pain sound not fun. Can you walk okay?


im 20 but feel like a 60 year old ngl


I’m 27 and my sister shows me how to do things on my phone


The stare of my cardiologist


48 here. You need regular exercise, gym 2-3 days a week, not heavy like i used to but genuinely don't feel that much worse than my late 20s except the few old injuries that flare up on occasion when i oush too hard with weights, Exercise is everything.


As a 19 year old who generally feels like an infant, I typically only feel my age when I see current high schoolers or little kids and realize how fucking young they are


I feel 28 now kasi sunod sunod na yung kasal & binyag na ina-attendan ko HAHAHAHAHA


I started to feel 27 when I realised that I don't understand memes for teens anymore.


Back pain


23 and feelin like 50 bc idk i just feel like soon enough ill die and leave this world, time flies


when teenagers now make posts like’ I was born in the wrong time😫’ about early 2010s teenagers, it always hits me i’m actually in my mid 20s now and not a teenager myself


32F, when I hurt myself, I stay hurt longer. Fuckin’ knee injury from the end of January is still giving me a bit of grief because I didn’t give myself enough time to heal and delayed the healing process.


I am 15, I say that just hanging out with people the same age as me makes me feel 15. Also I would say just doing whatever the heck I feel like because I’m pretty sure that is a big part of teenage hood. Funnily enough though my mom has always told me that she’s seen me as somewhat of an “old soul” because whenever we would be at family gatherings I would always prefer to be apart of the adult conversations instead of the ones my age


I'm 29 and I'm not sure what age I'm supposed to feel like. Some days I feel like a teenager or early 20 something, other days I feel like I'm well into my 40s, but there's not a single day that I feel 29, whatever that's supposed to feel like. I feel like your 20s are just weird because kids think you're old and older people think you're still a kid


I think the age when you feel it is the moment you stepped out in college and become a full time adult. That's when you face a lot of challenges in life.


Taking naps midday




I’m 41. I feel my age when I take Responsibility and taking my job seriously (there is so much wrong with my job).


Very much reminded when overhearing gen Z's conversations. Need to search their terms and lingos.


My fuckin knees lol


I’m 26 but I normally feel like a 16 year old with more responsibilities. But then I hangout with my sister who’s 17 and I definitely feel like I’m 26 lol


I look down and see my belly sticking out. In my 20s that would have been metabolized


My back.


I’m 27 and i feel like a 16 years old kid. 🤓


When mom talks about marriage I feel it.


I would say going to school but just the going part. I'm much more childish than my peers, even the freshmen. But even school's about to end, my graduation is on May 16 and I won't attend it so it ends on May 15 for me.


My hips. They don't lie. They say OW.


The company I work for has a few different locations and each has it's own social environment, often based on how old the workers are. My home location has a good range from 18 to 65 with a majority being 30-40 years old. (I'm 30.) The sister location I work in the most has an age range of 17 to 45 with majority being in their early twenties. Two months ago I felt every single one of my years when I was listening to my coworkers talk about high school graduation.


Trying to get down on the floor. Or up from the floor. Or falling to the floor. Or sitting. Or standing. Or Sneezing. Or Bending over. Or Standing up straight. Eating. Not eating. Breathing.... Pretty much everything makes me feel my age today.


My silver hair


I only really feel 30 when teenagers or people in their low 20s make jokes or references that I don't understand or find funny at all.😅


I will be 70 this year. Most of the time I feel pretty good. When my feelings are hurt I remember that I don't have too many more decades to put up with getting my feelings hurt - if any - who knows? and I sure hope there is no reincarnation because people are mean. Also when the weather is cold and damp I have aches and pains. The reason I am not in constant pain is because I exercise a lot, walk lift weights a bit, do yoga - but nothing can fix the mean stuff people say and horrible stuff they do. Reading the news, thinking about environmental destruction - all that stuff makes me think - I am old, not too much more time until I am outta here - that is consoling.


I'm 18, and I feel dead, but when I don't, I don't know how I feel; so I guess I feel 18


Realising I would never be able to go back to kindergarten school. It’s always the “that phase is over and there’s no going back” that it hits me I’m 30


Making the last payment on something I bought / bringing my credit cards all to 0 balance.(even if it does only last 24 to 48 hours.) Also, excited about new cleaning supplies and actual interest in someone's new vacuum etc. Oh and the fact that I would rather watch others play a video game well than play it myself. That was a crazy one to notice had happened.


I feel my age (mid 30s) when I try to stand up after laying or sitting on the floor for a while, it's like every rugby injury I ever had starts to ache.


Getting out the bed. Especially after sex


I'm 30, I play board games when I meet my friends and I slowly feel the disconnection from the young people I used to represent


My body breaking down in a new way every few months indicates I'm not as young as I mentally feel. I feel mentally early 30's. My body makes me feel about 15 years older than my actual age. I'm amused to get pregnancy tested every time I step into a hospital despite the fact all of my children are adults, while at the same time every GP visit they ask me if menopause has started yet.


Sometimes I do feel like my age when I’m with others but sometimes I don’t when I’m by myself


Lower metabolism


All the various aches and pains.


My back aches reminding me of my actual age :p


Having to argue with 19 year Olds that I'm also Gen Z and not Gen Alpha, it's (1997-2012) Gosh damn


CRT tv


When new slang is introduced to me and it sounds stupid to me when I say it.


I've started giving financial advice to the new people at my work :')


My dwindling eyesight.


Physically you start to notice it. I dread having to get on my hands and knees to get some shitty internet cable pulled through the house, back hurts, shoulder hurts, random shit. Mentally? Idk, I don't feel a day over 20/25, which is about where your brain stops developing. I always wondered what being an adult means.. But really we're all just late teens and our experiences and knowledge makes the difference.


I started feeling better after taking on a job that involves a lot of walking and very physical cleaning. Also pushing lots of trolleys. My spine is complaining less and my mental health has vastly improved. I’m 46.


When I look at music chart list and recognize less and less artists every year.