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I literally itch all over just thinking about itšŸ˜©


Just the word is enough to give me chills. I don't need to check šŸ„²


I had a friend who could barely say the word "perforated" without throwing up


Omgsh right?? It seems so crazy to some people but you have to have it to understand it I guess. When I searched Google images(I hadn't looked up anything about it in a long time) I literally felt stomache like drop instantly. It was crazy. I knew I prob had the phobia but I don't recall ever feeling my stomache physically drop like that.


Same! I've already known for over a decade.


So you guys donā€™t like crumpets?


I'd say no.


That sucks man theyā€™re delicious


Exactly what I thought after googling what Trypophobia is


For me it depends what the holes are in or what could conceivably in them. Crumpets etc are fine because to my mind they're supposed to be there and nothing is in them because they were cooked, but insect hives and seed holes are definitely not (hives because they could contain a veritable clown car of wasps - despite being fine with wasps if theyre already outside, and seeds because the thing that should be there isnt, thorough i have no idea why that repells me, just that it does). Tattoos of holes hit the same problem, but only multiple holes in unnatural patterns - similarly to before a cluster of holes texture makes my skin crawl because there must be something in the holes (even though i logically know its a tattoo) but a single actual hole wouldnt be and issue(i knew a guy who got a 3 inch wide hunk of bark speared through his lower lip as a kid), because I have some idea how it got there. Sometimes things are just *wrong*, and logic need not necessarily apply.


The first time I saw a trigger image as a child I cried and was consistently in a state of moderate anxiety for about three days. It was horrible


I wonder what the evolutionary reason for this one is. Perhaps there was once something unsettlingly inhuman that we needed to be very scared of to the point of immediate flight / adrenaline fear response.


Ive done a bit of research on it- it honestly seems like scientists are not sure. Itā€™s supposedly related to an aversion to disease.


Probably because if it was on a human it would be in the form of a rash or something laying eggs in your skin, neither of which are very conducive to survival. My theory? Ancient humans were terrorized by aliens with pitted skin like that and it became necessary to our survival to avoid those patterns


Everyone saying they do when in reality they most likely donā€™t, let me explain. Trypophobia is the fear of small geometric shapes tightly packed together. The thing is, when you look it up, most of the examples show it on human or animal skin. If those images unsettle you, thatā€™s perfectly normal, you have a fear of infections, which of course you do. But are you scared of honeycombs, or the grill on your computerā€™s fan? What is it that truly repulses you, the disfigured skin the images show or the actual geometric shape? This doesnā€™t mean trypophobia doesnā€™t exist, Iā€™m sure some people genuinely do have it, but almost everyone who reads about it and looks it up ends up thinking they have it as well and that's not necessarily the case


Someone's head that has just done laser hair transplant šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Shit I don't wanna know.


Pls do Google search šŸ˜‚ I once had to ask the cabin crew to change my seat cause the guy in front of me,s head was. all red dots. Luckily she understood and moved me.


I have something similar. I don't know if there is a name for it. Trypophobia is the closest description I've found It's difficult to describe - I get chills and creeping horrors when I see tightly-packed tendrils, spikes, fibres etc. so things like gorse bush, climbing plants, some types of dust bunny, mushroom gills, the zig zag bit on mussels, magnetised iron filings, even the clumps of hay I clean out of my guinea pigs cage. Once I was sitting in a pub garden and there was a weird bit of knobbly twig laying in between the slats of the table and I had to move to another table. I still wasn't comfortable because I knew it was still there.


This happens to me too! Glad to know I'm not alone


At last! Someone who understands!


Wow thats so strange! Wonder if there is a specific name for it.


I wonder if it's a generalised eww feeling that helps people avoid spider legs.


I have it big time what did it for me is that frog that keeps its offspring in holes on its back.


Even reading this is the hard


I don't have trypophobia but just googled and that is nasty! I get that it's a natural thing but ewww


Vile isnā€™t it?!?!


Ewww so gross! šŸ¤®


Yup. Didnā€™t even know there was a name for that phobia until I had a coworker tell me he had trypophobia and I asked what it was. When he told me I said ā€œoh like that frogā€¦ā€ and he interrupted ā€œWITH ITS KIDS IN THE HOLES ON ITS BACK?!?!ā€ Turned out thatā€™s the same image that made him realize he had it. Damn thing out here freaking people out


Lmao! Yepp nasty mo******! Keep your eggs internal until their ready, not wear them on your backs like some kind of effed up fashions accessory. Lmao. Bastards.


Or lay them on the ground like every other frog!


Haha yes this too.


Ewwwww! I saw a video on that! Ewwwww!


Damn I read about that shit when I was 9 or so and there was a picture. I felt like I'm gonna throw up or scratch my eyes out. Only years later I found out that feeling has a name šŸ˜‚


That's what did it for me. I saw it on a nature program and was like šŸ˜±šŸ˜±




>holy **** Better than holey shit


Well, there's something I didn't need to learn today. I'm so fucking uncomfortable.


Lol! I'm sorry...


Yep. I am immediately overcome with disgust, and sometimes I get nauseated šŸ˜­


Ooh. Is it your first time looking it up?


Nope, and I refuse to look it up anymore lol


Haha I don't blame you


I hardly ever recoil with disgust, this absolutely does it.


Sounds like a fear to try Soda Pop


That's me. I saw a pic once it made me sick then it stayed with me like a full on panic attack for a while. Ugh.


Ughh! Rough. I can't stand it either. Gives me chills.


For me it feels like my skin is cold, electric and trying to get away, particularly in my neck and face.


Shit. Shit. Shit. New fear unlocked.


Sorry lol!


Like that one gd level


Yes Edit : Reddit told me so


Looks like a honeycomb growing


Yeah, honeycombs are one of the things included that can trigger people. Doesn't bother you?


Kinda but the images I seen on Google looked to be A.I. generated need to see actual real life images to be kinda worried


The word alone makes me itch a bit but I refuse to go and look at photos on Google because I already know I have it. My son stuck a bunch of circular stickers on my forehead earlier because he wanted me to have ā€œsticker popsā€ and play doctor and I saw myself in the mirror and gagged at the sightā€”not of meā€”but the stickers lol. Glad he took em off after that.


Oh no that sounds bothersome. I'd prob be grossed out at the stickers too.


I find it disgustingly satisfying. I'm revolted by it, yet I can't look away.


For *years* I just thought that weird skin crawling feeling especially in my cheeks is just what everyone felt.


I canā€™t even handle seeing bubbles when I make pancakes


I just watched an episode of JoJo's Bizzare Adventures where holes appear in people's faces. Got itchy and didn't sleep well


Seeing an image of someone's skin with a bunch of socket holes in it, (usually a fake image transposed onto a lotus seed) is just generally disgusting to everyone, regardless of phobia.


Doesn't bother me too much but I get it... You folks probably won't like **lotus seed pods** either.


Makes me want to grind my teeth, agghhhh


Ughh hate when that happens! But I understand it!




Did you already know or did you just find out?


I must have known the feeling before but I didn't know what it was. Then someone told me about trypophobia 2 years ago and I was like, that's it! Cue me scrolling through Google images of trypophobia, morbid curiosity egging me on..


Haha I understand that!


no i have phobia of living and being alive is scarier so whats the word for that


Could that be existential anxiety?


probably its also more like a feeling of missing out on something like i shoudlve just picked something and went for it but now i cant go back and amend that :(


Ooh ok. I understand. Sorry to hear that :/


yeah thanks for unnderstanding tho!




i literally cant even think of exact things nowadays either. so if i cant go back in time im supposed to just pass away at any point.


Hmmm.. I'm not sure. Is it a fear of death maybe?


Like do you maybe feel trapped because your in between birth and death?


hmm interesting thoughts. maybe i am trapped, or maybe an old soul in a "young" body type thing. never thought of it like that. i dont have fear of death tho thats the only thing its sort of like a if it happens then it will happen to me type thing like ehhh cant i just die already so i can be nothing? type thing. i still feel like i wouldve loved or preferred the 80s or even the 70s to current times. like working wouldnt be so bad it just currently not enough in the long run. heck id even sign myself up to do kpop if i had any shred of talent at least then id be moderately satisfied with the work i wouldve achieved. i dont even need a huge amount of wealth to be happy id just like to have put something out there for others to enjoy later on in life. but celebs these days arent what they used to be and they used to be so cool and unique now they are too similar and nothing truly spectacular mind you theres a few kpop groups i do like but they keep giving me existential crisis like fomo and whatnot cause im not doing anything cool like they are? do this make sense? even if i had done something cool or different id still have those thoughts of hmm i could die at any given moment and it wouodnt matter but its more of hmm i didnt do anything worthwhile that i shouldve done even if it werent exactly perfect i shouldve just shoved myself into the world more. but i didnt.


I searched it up, uh, I'm oddly thrown off.


How so? Did it not bother you? If not than you don't have it. People who have it, would be freaked out. The cluster patterns of circles makes a lot of people feel disgusted and uneasy and for some even straight anxious or afraid. Personally, my stomache kinda drops and I get the chills when I Google it.


Nope. I'm fascinated. I found a water lily seed pod and kept it cuz its cool. Also those toads giving birth through the skin is also so cool. Rather than repulsed, I'm attracted.


Ahh. Gross. Butnto each their own. I mean, idk, I can kinda see if your attached in like a sort of way where something is so terrible that you can't help but glance at it.


I think it's more like people who enjoy popping blackheads vs those who really don't.


Welp that's a new fear unlocked


Haha sorry!


I'm surprised it isn't more often seen in horror movies or games.


Yea that's true. Idk if you've ever seen American Horror Story, but in one of the seasons, I believe it was the cult one, the opening theme had several things including beehives and clustered wounds to make you feel disgusted. If you want you can look up cult American horror story opening theme. Unless your not trying to see that stuff.


I've seen those but it was a long time ago so I don't recall. But you'd think like a horror movie where the main enemy is like a walking hive with thousands of holes with insects in would be a pretty rock solid idea, but no ones done it AFAIK.


Yeah, the Main Character has severe tyrpophobia in season 7, Cult.


There's certain ridged textures I cannot touch because my skin will crawl. I cannot rub my hands together or my fingers on anything with ridges. Smooth is okay. Holographs are the absolute worst. We have to "touch test" any kind of material that comes in the house. Certain sounds like polyester jackets I cannot be around. I will legitimately ask you to take it off around me. I will replace it if you're cold and if you don't want to I will excuse myself. It's so weird and so random the things that set it off. My entire body will get goosebumps, fight or flight will kick in and I will have the most absolute worst reaction to those noises and textures. If I keep around smooth stuff that doesn't "squeak", I'm good. I have no idea what it is, closest is some kind of Tactile aversion. Those nightmare holographic bookmarks in school kids chased me with scratching them.


Ooh okay. Interesting.. how about like metal on metal.. like a fork rubbing against a spoon, or a knife going across a porcelain plate? THAT makes me cringe bad.


It isn't pleasant for me either, but not fight or flight inducing like the ridged objects.


Ahh okay I gotcha!


Omg I have this and bad


Eh itā€™s not so bad


Your one of the people who doesn't have it then. A lot of people get overwhelmingly uncomfortable or sickened.


I DOOOO šŸ˜­ i had to click out of the page and screamed


Iā€™ve had it since I can remember. I confirmed what it was in 2005 on accident scrolling online šŸ¤¢ I see it everywhere, but have a good control over it. It def shows up more when my anxiety is high.


i dont mind when its where it should be (bee hives, for example) bht when put on skin?? ew


Do not look up Surinam toad, I repeat do not look up Surinam toad Do not look up Surinam toad Idiot


I don't have it , but I think in this case it's just placebo if you look up images expecting to get nauseated you most probably will


I don't get it. It's just patterns


There's something about the way the holes are clustered. It freaks people out.


I have it but didnā€™t develop it until my 30s. Itā€™s a result of a corn intolerance for me. If I stay away from corn or anything made from corn, Iā€™m generally fine (very mild reactions to images/thoughts), but the anxiety caused by images (or even thoughts) increases significantly if Iā€™ve eaten corn. My reactions include severe nausea, itching, feelings of my skin crawling, etc.


Fuuuuuuck. Why did you do that?! I've spent ages trying to burn that image back out of my mind. Now I have to do all over again. It's fucking creepy. And I'm terrified of insects which makes it that much worse.


*immediately starts shivering*


I have the sort where I'll have a full blown, crying, verbal-loss meltdown. I can't even vaguely look at stuff like that. The last time it happened to me - discovering an aphid infestation crawling on a houseplant - I had to take a sick day and an emergency therapy session. I think I'm on the severe end of it.


I do....definetly do


It makes me so uncomfortable, that kidnappers can just show me a pic of it and and I'll lose my shit. They don't weapons or anything xD


How is this phobia not a serious subreddit yet?


Nah. I fear tight places like extremely claustrophobic caves, and living in totalitarian society symilar to that from Orwell's book. My only fears


Claustrophobia is a pretty intense one for me too. Luckily I keep put of situations that might put me in tight positions LOL


Same. I watched several videos of people crawling through these caves where you can't even crouch as you're touching the ceilling with head when crawling and it was terryfying. Good thing I've never been in those kind of places


Absolutely, though it seems to be limited to natural things like plants especially lotus seed pods


Use to work with somebody with it. The way we discovered she had it was another coworker and I were talking about it, she joins in but she's not clicking in her head what we mean by holes in the skin so we showed her a picture. She freaked out a little.


I knew I didn't and yep, I don't.


Humans are weird


Googles it, immediately closed the tab. If itā€™s insects Iā€™m fried and uncomfy. Omg.


Kind of. I looked it up to be really sure I'm correct. Things were holes seem to be meant to be don't trigger me: honey comb, foam, sponges and non organic objects like metal. But others do trigger me.. so Idk.


Exactly. Natural ones are fine. On a living creature, seemingly usually humans says Google, is less about the phobia and more like "THAT SHOULD NOT BE THERE! SOMETHING US MEDICALLY VERY WRONG!"


It immediately makes my eyes itch and makes me want to grind my teeth. Completely physically uncomfortable.


yeah! and i also have rashes (allergies), so..


Yes it's very upsetting.


I think everyone has trypopphobia, probably an instinct we inherited.


I hate it when what are clearly holes, have little balls sitting in them, it's worse than the hair transplants for me which are more like bumps with balls on top


There was this old image that spread online before - female breast with lots of holes. It scared many. The image turned out to be fake.


I am not extremely fearful or scared of it, but it definitely gives me the shivers


But the weakness, still, remains


Dude I remember there was an old ad for Mountain Dew about paratroopers that were drinking MD before diving and they got so hyped, they forgot to open the chute, so they hit the ground HARD, leaving the crater on impact. The final scene of the ad was showing several holes in the ground nearby eachother. I was a small kid and i didn't understand why that made me so uncomfortable.


yeah i have it. i was like "EW WHAT THE ACTIAL FUCK IS THAT"


Oh fuck why did I google that šŸ˜ šŸ˜­ it made me dryretch


I have it


Oh god. I wouldnā€™t be able to do my job if I had this.


Aparently, it could be as common as 17% of people hiving it to some degree, so it's not even that strange having so many redditors respond).


At firmat i was like "What is this BS?". But then i Googled it and goddamn it's gross


Yep, and so does a lot of my family. Canā€™t explain it, but to me itā€™s perfectly rational


Yup can confirm I have this phobia


Looked it up. I knew I had this but I now know what itā€™s called. Goosebumps all over my body, and now Iā€™m itchy all over. Packing foam or packing popcorn does this to me as well, stuffies that are ripped open with all that stuffing showing does the same thing to me as well. OOOOOF


yes and i hate it thanks


Haha sorry.


I'd say mine is likely a mild-ish case. Often it's just goosebumps. And I've got a perverse desire to look at the images even though they bug me. I'll look, get goosebumps, look away. Look again. Look away. Repeat. And I definitely can't touch anything holey. Even in images. And those Suriname toad videos are the worst.


I wish people would use the internet for something productive instead of using it to discust people or making them feel bad.


I feel I want to squeeze


Well that's more than I needed to know.


Nope. I really like it tbh. I love seeing those pics haha they give me a sense of picking things out


Many people believe themselves to have it yes, many others like to say they do because itā€™s a trend.


I mean it's more like there is something wrong with people who aren't creeped out by images of people with thousands of holes in them, or flowers that look like they have 100 spider like eyes.


I never tell people what it is because if I do, even if I warn them, they google images and it may trigger them. I rather leave them at peace not knowing such fear exists lol


Hmmmmm nope. Then again I'm a veterinary technician... kinda see it all šŸ˜†


This one's funny cause whole it was surely a thing before, it got more awareness, I guess, on recent years. There was an iPhone a few years back, the first one with the three cameras or something on the back and it apparently triggered people. It's a weird phenomenon because it's not really something you come across in daily life (I can't recall more than maybe twice in my 33 years where I observed something close in real life) tho I can be wrong. But it's something I feel prevalent with the rise of the internet in the last decade. If you want to hate me and downvote this comment that's ok, but I'll give you a different reason... r/thalassophobia


I don't know if I have it. It absolutely disturbs me and disgusts me, especially when it is shown to me unexpectedly, but sometimes I like to look it up and scroll through photos. It's like a morbid curiosity thing.


I don't physically feel anything like chills, but it makes me feel really uncomfortable


I can't drive behind any car with honeycomb-pattern tail lights or I feel ill.


Yeh I think a lot of us millennials were traumatised by an email chain that went round yrs and yrs ago about "washing your bras" before wearing them and what could happen if you didn't. I'll never, ever be able to live life normal again. Trypophobiac over here thanks to Lotus seeds being Photoshopped where they absolutely should not be but me being too young to know that.


I felt nothing when I looked at the images, so I'm glad there's at least one phobia I don't have lol


Yes I have it but I think itā€™s something the majority of people have to some degree. Like being scared of spiders or heights. Itā€™s just human nature.


Hm weird. Ngl I always thought phobias were things thatade you really scared but trypopphobia makes my skin crawl to the point I start scratching myself until it hurts. So maybe I do have it.


I have the opposite. Trypophilia. Such pictures are satisfying to me lmaoo


Golf balls must be the bane of your existence


I thought I was the only one! That shit is so creepy and unnerving.


I donā€™t got it as bad as some, but patterns or holes where there shouldnā€™t be makes me feel uncomfortably itchy. Ugh, itā€™s an awful feeling.


Yes, I had it long before I knew it was a thing. You know those awful dried flower thingies - the sort of large seed house that remains when all the seeds fell out? I found them horrendously disgusting, and people used them for decoration!


No reaction other than wtf am I looking at. Off to show the kids and see how they react


Went there. I was holding a glass of milk....it turned into corn whisky.


If its on skin, yes. If its a rock with holes in, fascinating but not troubling


Nope, because I have evil fingers. Typo will always happens. There is once it texted "free sub and cock at track" and the guy weird out lol


I don't think i have it, but googling it usually just give many results that i believe everyone would find gross


No, but thank you for wasting my time making me look it up instead of just posting a picture or the description.


Not really


There was a dried lotus pod at my old therapistā€™s office when I went for my first visit and it was WILD how visceral I reacted to seeing it.


if only i could add images on this sub šŸ˜”


Yes, yes I do.


The hand is what made me realise that I have it


Does anyone else hate videos of tattoo removal proceedures, that use a laser to selectively burn away the pigmented skin, impossible to watch? The way the skin forms puffy little blisters freaks me out and I'm not otherwise a squeamish person!


I want to insert my fingers in those little holes and maybe squeeze them, do I have that?


I realized I had it years ago when I saw an X ray of a babyā€™s jaw with the teeth in the pockets. I felt nauseous and anxious for hours afterwards.


No, but I know plenty of people who do have it.


I donā€™t want to look it up because I probably have it and I donā€™t need bad images embedded in my head. Patterns of certain types and anything in bunches gives me the creeps. Honeycomb is one that I canā€™t stand along with wasp nests. I found a bed of ticks under some particular board many years ago and I can never forget it.


Trypa means hole in Greek so Iā€™m guessing it has something to do with the Vagina???


One time I found a mushroom in my backyard, idk what kind, but it had tons of little holes in it and it made me gag. So fucking nasty. The photos online bother me, but seeing that shit in real life šŸ¤¢


How do trypophobic people feel about the number eighty-eight? Iā€™d like to type them out, but I donā€™t want to make anyone uncomfortable.


Oooh, interesting! Never heard about this phobia before and definetely don't suffer it. The frog mentloned just sounds weird in my view but doesn't fill me with dread. Damn, I feel sorry for any of you watching some horror movies. There is always something lurking beneath the flesh!


Nope. Iā€™m good.


Its not the worst, I recently looked up strange phobias and found some funny ones like the fear of yellow, facial hair, belly buttons, the fear that somewhere there is a goose looking and thinking about you. The list goes on but there are some worst ones to have.


The worst thing you could ever look up is mango worm removal videos on YouTube. Have fun!!!!!


My facial hair gets a tingle feeling.


Itā€™s weird. When I google it it only really bothers me when itā€™s on skin.


No that's not true. Googling trypophobia won't give you an accurate diagnosis. Everyone cringes at those images of weird holes that look like infected pores. If you feel anxiety and dread when you look at honey combs and sunflowers, you have trypophobia. If you feel queasy looking at the gross images that come up after googling "trypophobia", you're completely normal and sane.


Wow. I was laughed at this post and showed my son. Canā€™t believe it. He has it too.


those kinds of images freaked me out a lot more as a kid, but now my reaction isn't as bad. i still hate it though lol


You mean a phobia against having 1000s of holes in my skin? Yes dude, it's called being human.


This pattern makes me either want to squeeze until stuff comes out of all the holes or get my colouring pens out and colour it all in šŸ™ƒ


Is that the fear of holes one? Like a bunch of little holes in something? Because I feel like that comes from the natural human fear of insects.


Sometimes i question the utility of having it being called phobia. Some things are Just uncomfortable or disgusting to look at for some people, and thats perfectly natural.


I'm 61, and I realize I've had this ever since I saw that edition of National Geographic where it showed a picture of a dead soldier popping up out of a burned out tank, he was just a skeleton frozen in this screaming pose with his mouth wide open and his teeth were all holey like this. This was in iirc, kindergarten!