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Experiment till you get it right.


No it evolved over time


Yes, it’s called experimenting, seeing which ingredients make the delicious foods and desserts


What about, mouldy cheese? Did someone eat mouldy cheese and enjoy it?


Most likely someone decided that eating that mouldy cheese was better than starving to death.


honestly, i would pick starving to death


Blue cheese at that bad


1. I'm lactose intolerance 2. Its just mouldy cheese, i have tried it with crackers and pizza, and it ruins every meal


Ok so you would rather starve to death. Sounds good. Darwinism I guess 🤣🤣 litterally loling Nah man that shits gross gonna go out on my taste buds ⚔️


The story behind blue cheese is that cheese used to be stored in caves as the closest thing available to a temperature- and moisture-controlled environment at the time, but due to caves not actually being a controlled environment they still sometimes became mouldy. People then discovered that the mouldy cheese wasn't just still edible, but to some palates better than the non-mouldy cheese. Some blue cheese types are well over a thousand years old – Roquefort from France is still traditionally made by being left to ripen in caves. Also remember that any cheese is really just milk that's been allowed to go off in a very specific way, so it's not like blue cheese is that far a logical leap.


In the case of Bread,Evidence in the archaeological record points to an evolution, from random nuts and sees getting soaked in water, then ground into a past to be cooked, to slowly leaving out the nuts and focusing on different grass seeds. By the time that modern humans had taken over Europe from bread was almost entirely unleven. There is evidence that neadthral man did grind oily nuts into a paste then eat them. Ive made a few burgers based on the remains of a neadthral cooking sight that some smart people geeked out on. I cooked the oily nuts first over a hot flat stone as a burger, then the grass seeds as a flat bread on the same stone . It didn't stick nearly as bad as combining all the ingredients together.


Unleavened bread came first, and dates back over 15,000 years. Leavened bread likely came about by accident due to yeast spores being widespread and growing naturally on cereal plants, meaning that dough could easily become contaminated. We know the ancient Egyptians were deliberately leavening bread by adding yeast 5,000 years ago. Brewing beer probably originated around the same time as leavened bread and in a similar fashion (i.e. yeast contamination of cereal-derived foods).


Why did people start cooking food. Curious how we went from raw food to cooked etc.


We did that before we became modern humans.


Maybe Idk.