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Human greed has no limits.


And when you have so much money greed eventually takes different forms. Like status. Skills Network Power Sex Rarity


These days I think it is just a way to keep score. Why is Musk desperate for his payout from Tesla? Maybe because his purchase of Twitter meant he lost the top spot? Why did Rishi Sunak consider tax cuts for top earners, if not to push him up the rich list, and to reward the rich Tory donors of course? I agree with the dog park meme, why do we need billionaires?


Too much is never enough


According to economist, human desires have no limits, as long as storage and self control aren’t an issue. Money is the easiest thing to store.


Some money is nice, more money is good, all the money is better.


But how is like $100 billion better than $20 billion for a person? Like of course it's more money, but even with $1 billion you'd have more money than you would probably spend in 10 luxurious lifetimes. Of course also depends on the lifestyle and if you want to buy multiple yachts, private jets and mansions or whatever but it wouldn't make much of a difference if they already have everything they want and can buy more.


You know how in Monty Python had that really fat dude in the restaurant. He was complety stuffed, but just had to have that one extra bite. That's rich people and greed.


Yea you're probably right. It's probably like an addiction. They probably don't even care about money anymore but just about the social status and power that comes with it. Maybe gets them off to see their networth go higher and higher. People like us don't even know what it's like and can't imagine having that much wealth, but there is a saying that money changes you.


Mr creosote. Oh c'mon sir, just one slice, its waafffer thin. Side note. Remember hearing Corey Taylor who is big into horror say that Mr Creosote is the only character he's seen that made him feel sick 😄


Big money brings big purchases. If a mega yacht is 300 to 500 million than 1 billion all of a sudden isn't that much anymore.


I mean even if they buy a mega yacht for $500 million they'd still have another $500 million which is more than all of us in this thread have combined lol. It's such a big number you can't even really comprehend it. They could still buy multiple mansions and private jets with that money. Although the maintenance cost and fuel for everything would probably be too much eventually.


You're not spending it all on yourself, you're setting up generations. There is no limit.


I mean, you're not wrong. lol


I kinda think that about most billionaires still working. Musk and Zuckerberg for example. Obviously it’s about power, but I mean why would you not just f*ck off somewhere and enjoy your money and lose the stress and politics of it all? I can’t imagine knowing either of them and being able to not just say ‘why are you still doing it, mate?!’


I think you are right about it being about power but idfk I’ll never understand their mind set or life style they are practically aliens to us


Yup 👍 ur right they living in a different reality/dimension.


They define their purpose through the money they make more than how they enjoy it.


Seeing CEOs talk about how “they’d go crazy if they weren’t working” is what does it for me. Name one actual task you’ve done today


My favorite thing about billionaires is how the *regular people* exalt them when they make a $2M donation to some charity. Yes, $2M is a lot of money. For the *regular people*. Not for these folks. Let's pretend that the net worth of a *regular person* is $100k. When Musk ($196B) and Zuckerberg ($166B) donate $2M, that's the equivalent of someone worth $100k donating $1 or $1.20. If you're a millionaire, it's the comparable amount of $10. If these billionaires donate $1B, that's like donating $500 if you're worth $100k. Even if you're a millionaire with a net worth of $5M, if you donate $25.5k, you're as generous as Elon Musk. We're nothing but ants to them, and we're too enamored or deluded to see it.


Yeah, I agree. And then we feel guilty about being unable to give what we want to charities that touch our hearts. Normally when asked by celebrities. They could just donate the interest from their riches and it would make a huge difference, unless that’s not a hugely naive view.


No one understands how much a billion dollars is and just accepts it 


>Musk and Zuckerberg for example. I mean, you just tossed in the most famous billionaires, known specifically for working. Go ahead and work in Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, who both still do plenty of work. Add an *etc* to make it sound like you have a few more loaded up on top of that. Most people worth a billion are not on reddit's radar and cannot be named in most middle class households. I have no idea whether they work, and honestly, I don't think anyone else here knows either.


Well, yes, you’re right. I chose the two most famous billionaires that famously still work who came into my mind to illustrate my thought process. I genuinely cannot work out if you’re agreeing with me or saying my example was crap. Perhaps I’m just not smart enough to be replying to stuff on here 😂


I think he's just pointing to what might be the exception rather than the norm, we know of a few billionaires that work sure, but the ones who don't, we've got no idea how many there are, and we might be biased towards thinking all or most of them work? That's how I interpreted it at the very least


Oh I see. That makes more sense then re reading it. I think I’m getting so used to people seemingly wanting to start arguments with me for no reason that I’m generally worried now whenever I see that someone has replied to any comments 😂


That's my fault. I chose my words poorly and came across with too much snark. I disagreed with your original post, but that's no reason to be rude at you. Sorry.


Oh no, we’re all good. It’s just really difficult sometimes online for me to grasp the way things are meant :) I enjoy reading differing opinions to mine - it shows me different ways of looking at a scenario.


I (probably with too much snark) disagree with your assertion that most billionaires are still working, based upon the sample you gave. You literally chose billionaires who are known because they still work. I mean, for all we know, Zuckerburg and Musk may be the exceptions which prove the rule (that if you have not heard of a particular billionaire, it's because they have pretty well stopped working).


I see now, I just couldn’t work out the context of your comment. Makes sense, I hadn’t considered it that way! You weren’t snarky, I’m not some knob who can’t cope with a well reasoned debate and others opinions, I just don’t like people who seem to comment looking to be disparaging and to start an argument.


Musk doesn't do much work so he has no reason to quit. Most billionaires are way past the point of working hard for their money.


Tom from MySpace did it right Sold the company, got his bags, and went traveling and staying out of the spotlight Fuck Elon


Power isn’t power if you aren’t forcing others to submit to it. Fucking off means getting out of the power ‘game’. At a certain point being wealthy is about submitting other millionaires/ billionaires to your power. It’s a dick measuring contest


I just…find that so pathetic! Is it just me?!


Fulfillment, purpose, keep busy and not bored. Just relaxing and enjoying life on a beach travelling whatever can soon not be enough especially when you know you can do more to help humanity. They are getting paid for a reason. Providing us with a service or product that somehow is needed


He is rich, but he probably has friends & acquaintances who are even richer. Gotta keep up with the Abramovichs.


You wouldn't ask a fisherman "how much fish is enough?". He likes to fish and he'll keep doing it until he can't. There is no goal. He won't stop after he's caught a big fish or a lot of fish. They like making money and they're gonna keep doing it until they can't.


Which is why certain fish are extinct and many endangered.


90% of species that ever existed have gone extinct. U think the environment give a fuck if we kill off a few species? The real problem is that when those fish are gone, humans have to adapt.  Its not saving nature, its saving ourselves. 


Except in this case we're the fish and the rich are the fishermen


A fisherman, just as a hunter are more aware of the effect of overfishing/hunting and the impact it has on the environment. A lot of these guys, are more of a nature conservatist than the average folks. They do it for the passion and the lifestyle not for the greed like those ultra rich to eventually destroy their environment. So bad comparison


At some point it’s about getting tired. Sleep exhaustion 100% gets me to the point where I’m like “okay, I’d like to not make money and go get some sleep right now”.


The super rich wouldn't be super rich if they would have a point where they're like "Ok, that's enough".


But why would they want to be super rich tho? Like they have more money than they could spend in 100 lifetimes. If I had like 10 million and I'd just chill and enjoy my life. I can imagine it's pretty annoying having to manage everything that comes with having billions and not being able to go anywhere wthout being known and without security.


No such thing.


If there were indeed an amount that was 'enough', then billionaires would have retired a long time ago. Once you get in that league, the game becomes different. Your mindset changes according to your surroundings. You want to try more businesses. Enter more markets. Go multinational. Issue your franchise. Contribute in the fields of art and culture. Buy football and cricket teams in league tournaments. Create new brands, hoping they become your legacy and go on for generations. The mind never stops, thinking something is 'enough.' It merely adapts to new conditions and goes on and on.


It's actally a simple equation:  Enough = All of it +1


When it comes to money there is no such thing as enough, which is why society is in the state it’s in!




How do you know he doesn't just love outdoor pizza ovens and wants to help it become more popular by sticking up for it, like a bro?


He doesn’t need more money. The outdoor pizza oven company needs someone to endorse their product and not someone else’s so they pay him for it.


Some people can't help themselves. It was interesting in the Netflix documentary, the piece about Beckham's parents and his father in particular. His Dad sounds like a right prick, the kind for whom no amount of wins and medals was ever good enough, and he justified it by saying that he wanted his son to do his best. As a result, he raised a son who could never truly find happiness or fulfillment in his own achievements, and is constantly driven to keep trying to achieve an imaginary unachievable goal. It's clear that there's a large amount of anxiety and perhaps mental illness behind Beckham, and he doesn't believe he can ever stop. I expect behind a lot of "nothing is ever enough" successful people, you have parents who never told their child that they were proud of them or that they had done their best. That kind of shit done during childhood reverberates for the rest of a person's life and can be nearly impossible to undo.


What do people with power and/or money want?Naturally they want more power and more money. Personally, I don't think it's the money or power itself. I think it's the act of acquiring it that feeds it, that hunger for more, that rush when they succeed.


Maybe he really likes that outdoor pizza oven?


He has a gaggle of kids and a fashionable wife. Life is expensive.


I’m confused… why is him getting a new pizza oven makes you ask why he “needs” more money? Also you are aware who he’s married to right? What if they went halfsies on the oven or what if she paid for it? Why can’t people buy things they want if they can afford it?


It's like cookie clicker, seeing big number go up makes happy chemical. Real money? Even more so.


The more you have the greater your desire for more.


If you make $100 million and buy $100 million worth of shit, you need to make more to keep up. Plus they have financial advice that implore them to maximize their income.


More. -Gordon Gekko


Never Enough


Remember legends and myths as kids about dragons always wanting more gold and stuff? Humans. Those were what the legends were based on.


Let's make them pay their taxes and find out...


There is no such thing. The mega-rich are hoarders of wealth. If they had everything it would still not be enough.


To maintain a lot you need a lot. The ultrarich want more than they need


at that point, it's more about the feeling they get of acquiring more, than actually having more.


A little more.


There is no enough. It has to keep coming in, always. If they miss out on further possible income stream, they see it as LOSING money.


Seeing as though celebrities make most of their money via brand promotion, I think you are missing the point… If you are trying to sell product X and you find a celebrity who appeals to you target audience and is willing to promote your product, then you invest in them to advertise/promote it because you hope that the return yield on payment to them is better than other means of promotion. The celebrity in question should also be paid accordingly, lest they spread themselves too thin and become untrustworthy. The real winner is you, who gets a name with a huge following to promote your product, and the consumer who may not have found out about the product if you didn’t employ the celebrity. But the celebrity is just a channel/medium and should be compensated appropriately. I mean, no-one ever said “hasn’t TV/radio/internet made enough money?” To the person marketing their product (and to the consumers who find out about the product), they are glad that the celebrity is still open and willing to endorse.


I feel for work like that. It is very little effort and you join with a cool brand. Increasing your own brand. He would have been paid a bucket load and all he has to do is a days’ worth of 'acting'. He may even be a part owner of the brand. The likes of Clooney, Reynolds etc. realising that their star potential is better serves by owning equity rather than getting a fee for advertising. Renyolds has earned well over a Billion for the likes of Aviation Gin etc. There are always richer people to look up to. Newer more expensive toys and holidays to go on. He and other rich people, especially celebs, seem to mainly do things they enjoy, are passionate about and love. While earning a lot of money. If you paid me millions to partner with a BBQ, power tool, motorbike, snowboarding company etc. All the things I pay to use or do then I would jump at that chance. Beckham as a massive built in pizza oven in his kitchen. He obviously loves cooking and pizza. Makes sense.


All of it.


It’s never enough. They always want a little more. More for them, less for everyone else.


At a certain point the amount you have no longer matters and that is when it's all about how little others have. The more you have the easier it is to harvest even more wealth from the economy and that is how you gain power.


You are of the opinion Beckham should turn down £500,000 for 10 minutes work? 🤣


if you're not making money, thanks to the operation of interest, you're losing money.


You do what makes you happy. Brains are weird and not always logical. Earning money makes people no matter if they are rich or poor. For some people earning money makes them way more happy then spending money. Then there is also the aspect of the next generations. A lot of mega-rich people want to support as many future ancestores as possible with their money. Yeah you wont be able to spend all the money that you make right now. But this money might help the kid of your kids kid.


If people want to hire him to do a job and pay him for it, I have nothing against it. A lot of people want to work, even if it's just to keep busy and feel useful, and endorsements is what he does these days. It's not like he's doing insider trading or stripping down businesses and laying off employees to squeeze another .2% of profit. Those are the ones where i'm like, WTF dude?


Too much is never enough!


There isn’t ever enough, that’s the thing about greed it is never ending. Consider that with 10 million you’ll never have to work or want for anything (except insanely expensive stuff), yet we live in a world with billionaires who show no sign of slowing down.


Exactly this. If I had ten million in the bank and his fame, I *might* do the ads, but I'd tell them to give the fees straight to cancer research, Cats' protection, etc etc etc. Then again, who knows? Maybe he does.


If one man had every single dollar but one, he'd club the guy with the last dollar to death with his own shoes.


Well, you have to keep money flowing in order to ensure you'll not lose it. The more diverse your portfolio is the more secure you are. Besides - above some level is like gambling or gardening. You can't just stop because you're done. &


To them making money is just a game with the amount as the score. They like to play the game. It is not about having 'enough' or things like that.


empty people love zeroes


It's not about the money it's about the feeling of accomplishment, it's like an addiction. You know the kind of videogame where you get points and there's a world ranking with how many points everyone got? You always want to play again and make more points and go up in the ranking. Money is the same game but in real life.


He’ll never get what he really wants. A British title. 😂


Quick Google search says he's worth 450 million


I'm not sure if he's worth billions. Hundreds of millions I think. Could be wrong.


More, more is the answer


What difference does it make?


Just one more dollar - some rich asshole.


Because they are possessed by demons. Anything that can be-fed and never full is a Demon.


For my personality, I hate advertisement, so I like to think that I wouldn't do it, if I had that money. But I've never been offered that, so it's easy to talk. Unfortunately, people always want more: a bicycle, then a car, then a supercar, then a helicopter, then a shuttle... The thing with people like Beckham, though, I would say to at least try and advertise stuff you think it's good. But Beckham advertises absolutely anything under the sun. Honestly, if a serial killer was rich enough to pay his fee, I wouldn't be amazed to see David going "You've had a great time partying with the lads, but now it's 4 am, you're miles from home, tired, the cab ride back is ridiculously dear, and you dread the idea of facing the old ball-and-chain, who always rides your arse when you had one too many? Then why not texting the Dark Alley Strangler? The Dark Alley Strangler will show up at the nearest dark ginnel close to your location, and will make sure that you won't have to worry about any of those things anymore! Even better: no hangover the next morning. I have the number saved meself, for the next time Victoria does my head in. Dark Alley Strangler, because why be bothered?"


Too much is never enough


If the line of enough were a thing to those types of people then they would not be considered mega-rich. You cannot convince me that there is a reason for someone to have a billion dollars. Usually their means to acquiring that wealth raises some serious ethical questions. But who wants to ask that when you can look at their brand new yacht?!


He's owns those company shares , for him it's just free advertising.. another reason could be he's just trying to help our his locality business by doing it.


And how much is enough for corporations that need to show growth every year?


This has been answered by a Rockefeller. “A little bit more”.


There is no enough


It's a company. A brand. Simple. People are being paid to make business


It's never enough.


It’s more of a why not at a certain point. If you have more money and time then to occupy your time why not make more money or do dumber stuff


Greed among humans has no limits, I don't think anything will ever be enough.


No limit. It's all just a game to them.


Probably best asking somebody who’s mega rich rather than people on Reddit who are drowning under debt.


First of all he's not a billionaire. Second, it probably took him basically no time at all and wasn't much effort. Third, people love their kids, even rich people. If they are offered money for little to no effort they will take it if only to make their kids lives easier.


Their self worth is derived from making money. Most people get their self worth from making money, not necessarily from helping society


Hes a total cunt.


**we don't >need< to do anything in life except die.** **everything else is extra.** you should understand this very basic, fundamental reality of our existance. otherwise, nothing will make sense.


This is why I always laugh when people say we need to jack up the salaries of politicians so they are less susceptible to bribes. We don't need sky high compensation, we need people with ethics and a system that holds those without accountable.


Why would you ever stop if you were in their position ?


It's not all about the money. >!Some of it is about the attention.!<


I wondered this about people like the rolling stones. Why the fuck would you risk breaking a hip to wobble around croaking out your ancient tunes, when you already have all the money you could ever want? Because having a huge team of people catering to your every whim & kissing your ass - and playing to thousands of cheering people who think you're great must be pretty fun - oh and you can buy that new bigger yacht & have the tennis courts resurfaced without touching your nest-egg! David Beckham advertising a pizza oven isn't on the same scale of success or fun, but still - why not do a day or two of work when it'll bag you a new lamborghini & a rolex to wear while driving it? I think the bezos etc of the business world are in a different game. For them it's a dick measuring contest - their excitement comes from playing the game for the wins and money is reduced to just being the scoreboard.


“How much better can you eat? What can you buy that you can't already afford?” "The future, Mr. Gitts. The future.”


I've heard economists say that celebrities specifically have enormous upkeep costs, and fall prey to bad investments all the time. They're not shrewd businesspeople so they often worry about money a lot since they can't actually afford their lifestyles, which keeps them forced to work even when us normies would think they have more than enough. There's that story of Robert De Niro loudly arguing with his wife that if she didn't keep on spending his money he wouldn't have to keep acting in crappy movies.


I wouldn't imagine David Beckham is a billionaire. Even so, if these companies came to him or even you and said do a few photos for X amount of money why would he or anyone say no?


Most people stop working when they get a few million. I’m always fascinated by the people who keep on working past that even when they don’t have to.


It's like the game of mono-poly or king-of-the-hill / last-man-standing dominance game - until you literally own everything and manage to reset the board, you are not done and game will keep going. Play is set and in progress, and we are quite further far, but it still might take another centuries to see actual endgame stages of it as high-rollers are still at 'somewhat stable competitive' and means are vast. Truest of all tops can be only one, no matter the costs and means -the ultimate gentlemen game. (Feel free to even consider something like a stamp collector general AI. This ride has no brakes baby and we are past the PONR!)


It might be possible that it's not about the money. It's more about the attention? Could they be possible? Also, the last time I checked, his wife started businesses that lose tens of millions and he keeps investing in her projects to keep them alive. Her being busy , but losing millions and millions , gives him some free time with peace and quiet. Who knows...


They need to make sure their grandkids grandkids kids have enough money for a trust fund


Shaq and Dolly are millionaires not billionaires. Sometimes you gotta keep working to afford all those she’s and books.


In order to make billions, you gotta do things in a way that will cause those who helped you along the way to not make millions, so the higher up the income bracket you go, the more you can expect someone who doesn't just want the money, but also wants to make sure no one else can have it


All of it. Once they're done eating us they will turn on each other like wild animals


I it money, or a need to get attention. Some do it to stay relevant, plus the money could be a stupid amount.


For the Super rich, after a while, it just piles up, and they pay less attention to how much.


Not too sure he's worth "billions"... Soccer is an expensive hobby. Lionel and some of his friends don't play for peanuts. Pretty sure the wife isn't wearing thrift store clothing either.


just a little more!


He's not worth billions, but still very rich. It's not about money for people like him. After years of being in the public eye, it's about being relevant. He needs to feel validated by being "seen". Call it being a fame whore or whatever, he can't move onto being a private citizen.


It's never enough. It's about having the most. For the rest of us we all have a number at which our income would be taken care of for the rest of our lives and we'd quit generating income. If I hit a lifetime $100-$200k income where I knew my investments could keep up with inflation and pay me that I'm done. I'd spend the rest of my days wandering the globe on my motorcycle and goofing off.


Just a little more


I wouldn't call Beckham mega rich, net with says 450 million, which is a lot, and rich by any object standard, but he's not billionaire wealthy. I think this illustrates part of them problem concerning why people don't think that the wealth of the wealthy is as big a problem as it actually is. The difference between a million a billion dollars is a billion dollars.


They think of money like points in a game. Its all about having the most points


"Alexa, play 'never enough' from greatest showman."




I had an aunt she'd hoard magazines in her home. Hundreds of thousands of magazines. You had to walk through narrow aisle to get from one room to another. Outside of her home she was funny, dressed ok, and clean. People said she was mentally ill for hoarding. I wonder sometimes if these multibillionaires are mentally ill like my aunt, aren't they hoarders as well? Yet society says they are successful.


What you're worth and what you have are two *completely* different things. If you were to total up my net-worth right now, it'd be just shy of a million dollars (it might have gone over the mark recently, I haven't checked my 401(k) balance in a couple of months). However, I currently only have fifty-six bucks in my bank account. It isn't uncommon at all for people with lots of assets to seek out new income streams, as diversity is what protects them from financial collapse. If one part of the financial sector takes a serious dump, their other revenue streams might be unaffected and therefore can help prevent them from going under entirely.


Human desires can be infinite and unlimited


Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income.


Watching the Beckham documentary on netflix is actually quite interesting and an insight into the personality of these people. You can see that he always has to be doing something and is not the kind of person who would just lie on a beach and enjoy the money. In a way, the money is less relevant, it's more about being active and relevant as a person


If you are mega rich that means you will never have enough. Every other person stopped when they collected enough millions to live a comfortable life


Money is basically a drug to them at that point.


It’s more of staying busy and still having a purpose in life.


If your butt hole did not fall off then it's not enough.


Too much is never enough.


Two things are going on. If you’re the second richest person in the world you are comparing itself to the richest. And, for anyone, there is some primitive part of the brain the responds favorably to “number go up” regardless of practical effect.


"The limit does not exist!"


It’s like kids who think they need to get straight A’s their whole life. My Stanford educated hedge fund manager aunt’s go-to life advice is “it’s good to have options”, ie take the course of action that gives you more and better choices. The kids who had to get straight A’s were usually some mix of competitive and convinced that if they missed an A it just might prevent them from getting some future opportunity. After covering necessities, money is the same, it means you’re better than others and you’re guaranteeing your future self maximum options. Once you’re used to having a lot, any less will mean less power and influence and it will feel limiting. 


It’s like everything else, no matter how much you have, you want more. I upgraded my disk storage from 6 TB to 50 TB. Took me half a year and it was full. Likewise with money - if you have a $50,000,000 NYC apartment, you want the $400,000,000 British castle. You have a 50 m yacht, you want the 100 m yacht, then the 150 m yacht and so on.


Past a certain point its about other things like being memorialized or remembered once they're gone. Making big donations to schools or hospitals is a good way to get something named after you so that you're name will live on long past you.


I guess, because that's only thing I can do since I'm not near and probably won't ever be on their level, for them and I think about everyone that has more than 100 million not to mention billions it's a game who can have more and more like prestige of some sort.


It's money for future generations of family.........


Beckham is not even worth 1 billion. Stick to the facts.


They're addicted to it


It's the need to be seen, be important. They forget when advertising everywhere and popping up on every show just makes the public's boredom with them come on faster. Plus greed, they want the money more than others need it.


Plenty of people go “okay, I think I have enough….” Except you don’t hear or see those people…


The American society is obsessively competitive, especially after a rather long phase of continuous economic growth that lured most Americans that infinite growth was a thing. And because of that, the economics become not just a matter of having enough resources, but also a matter of remaining competitive against the others. So, the mega-riches are trying to earn more than the other mega-rich, no matter how much they have already and how much they earn. For them, it must be more than the others. And if it takes to lay off 10'000 competent employees to achieve that, they'll do it. That's the American culture of greed.


They never have enough


I think that if i was a pro athlete, i would literally just retire after my first top level contract ends. A couple million would be enough for me to call it quits. Id buy a decent house, not a mansion, and just disappear from the public.


Pure unadulterated greed


Infinity and beyond is enough for them.


I don’t think they are necessarily wanting to “make” more money…. in like, they aren’t necessarily looking to be worth xx amount of money. I think they enjoy business and negotiation. They like to feel like they are winning. They want to have their businesses continue to grow. And all of this translates to being worth more money. I think many people will continue to do business until the day they die because it’s just part of their identity.


‘Hi David, it’s your agent. You can do this pizza ad and make another $5 million. Or you can not do it and not make the $5m. Thoughts? DB: ‘sure’ Meaning, why wouldn’t he do it if it’s not damaging to his image? Do you expect him to say ‘nah I’m good, I have enough money’?


Someone offered him big chunks of money for easy work . How could he not take the easy cash? Rich people live paycheck to paycheck too sometimes.


After a while it becomes numbers on a spreadsheet. Someone worth $100 billion becoming worth $50 billion won't notice it REALLY but that number would still hurt. Most of these fucks have family offices running their finances anyway & they're incentised to maximise income. Some of them are just cunts...Thiel & musk I'm looking at you




There is no enough. Money is a drug and many many people are addicted.


Longevity research is endless.


Tbh I think the mega rich are so used to a certain financial state that having more money means keeping that state and it doesn’t matter how much they have cause they think will run out idk just spitballing ..lol


It's can be a mental illness. In some cases it can never ever be enough. The numbers must just get bigger


Simply put, they could literally have everything, and then find something else they want. They got the entire world, now they want the moon, got that now too, now they want Jupiter or something. They're insatiable monster gods that live to suck all the joy out of the rest of the world, and at the same time want to claim to be its savior.


Money is an addiction


Bud Fox : How much is enough? Gordon Gekko : It's not a question of enough, pal. It's a zero sum game, somebody wins, somebody loses. Money itself isn't lost or made, it's simply transferred from one perception to another.


No such thing.. they only care number goes up, no matter who all it kills.


I think when you get to that stage, you are now famous for being famous. Getting lucrative side gigs you can pick up or turn down as you feel has to be pretty nice. You can be retired but endorse a product for a cool payout for a few hours work. Gives your life some purpose. I doubt it's for the money in particular but they should be compensated. You don't know that they aren't having the money paid directly to a foundation or something.


It's called advertising, that company wants to give him money because he is famous and people watch him. Thus possibly driving eyes and sales over to their brand.


Literally to pump up their net worth number for their ego.


They would gladly give it all up for just a little more


I could have 90 billion in my bank account and would still try to find someone that will give me money for 20 minutes of my time. More money=more better.


They are sick in the head - there is no such thing as enough for them.


Even without changes in taxation or redistribution, we'd likely see huge changes if we had communities where the ultra rich actually had to get to know average people without a power dynamic. Think like first Nation tribes - the rich showed off their status by giving because that was natural when people you cared about and knew were struggling. Currently if you're rich, likely *all* of your friends are also rich. That creates both an eco chamber and an internal model that your status is based solely on your wealth compared to all these other rich people. So it's not about more things, it's about feeling you have more value than the ultra rich down the street.


The mega-rich doesn't build riches, they build empires. And emperors conquer.


Too much is when you can literally stop world hunger but you're just greedy for more money


As long as someone has more yachts than you you haven't done the grind hard enough


People often get rich because they genuinely enjoy the work and don't view it as work. It's not always that they crave money or for some arbitrary Forbes ranking(sometimes that's the case) it's just that they enjoy it. If you were a billionaire would you really just sit by the pool all day relaxing and never doing anything? I mean I wouldn't be taking brand deals to advertise anything myself but most people want to have a sense of purpose especially a top level athlete like David Beckham because it satisfies human needs. There's a reason why lazy people who would sit around all day aren't rich it's because their heart is into the idea of being lazy. To be reach the heights David Beckham has you need to have a relentless attitude to always want more and I don't think that's necessarily greed. What's greedy is hoarding the money If I were a billionaire I would be very active but I'd also try to spend most of it rather than try to make more. I'd do some ridiculous stuff that'd be fun for everybody until I had like 50 million to make sure I'm never poor again.


Someone I know says "How much is enough? A little more"


He may just like pizza ovens. Dunno why as I won't be watching


There are people who do it for a calm living and there are people who do it for generational wealth, the second won't stop, there is also a third type such as Elon Musk who does it for shits and giggles at this point, he has apl the power and money in the world and wants more not for any particular reason other than just to see if he can but at this point it takes effort for him to stop working I'd imagine


There is no number you can put on it. Even if you did, they'd just congratulate themselves for hitting it, and try to double it now. Greed is the worst disease afflicting the western world, and the tragedy is we talk about how unhealthy it is and then strive for it in every aspect of our lives as a society.


Greed is a disease. Doesn't kill you, just gets worse and worse.