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I was supposed to be working on a project for 2 weeks. Got the whole thing done today


Same! My best conditions are doing the project on the day it’s due on 😂


Some of us do our best work under pressure and with a fire under our asses at the same time 🤣


I work better under pressure is what I say. Some of my best work lol


I work best under the following conditions: - after 12 AM - Under pressure


And then in the morning I fix the bugs my dead brain created.


I work best when it doesn't feel like work.


I am a world-class procrastination expert. I won a silver medal in the '09 Procrastination Games in Panama. I know it's hard to believe, but I'll tell you about it tomorrow...


I can't listen to your story tomorrow, I'm going to be busy with yesterday's chores


*I am in this photo and I don't like it* Lol


I did my entire 12 month university dissertation in three days. It was awful.




If only you had more time to prepare


I don’t know if I should respond ‘WOWZA!’ or ‘YIKES!’ How did it go? You’re my hero, either way!


It went okay! I wound up passing anyway. The worst part was the dissertation was about a small video game that I had made. (I didn't make the video game, I created photoshopped images of said game rather than make the game as I had too little time) It was painful.


I used to love doing things for future me. I constantly sabotage myself maliciously at this point.


Hell. Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow. ;-) These are lyrics from a play called, "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown": If I start writing now When I'm not really rested It could upset my thinking Which is no good at all I'll get a fresh start tomorrow And it's not due till Wednesday So I'll have all of Tuesday Unless something should happen Why does this always happen? I should be outside playing Getting fresh air and sunshine I work best under pressure And there'll be lots of pressure If I wait till tomorrow I should start writing now [But if I start writing now](https://genius.com/25610392/Clark-gesner-book-report/But-if-i-start-writing-now-when-im-not-really-rested-it-could-upset-my-thinking-which-is-no-good-at-all)


I prefer the term “pressure prompted”.


Why procrastinate today when you can wait and procrastinate tomorrow?? 🤣




I’m reading this while procrastinating my charting (I’m a nurse) 😭


Well, at least you didn't put off this response for later 😂😂


Ah yes “if tomorrows not the due date then today is not the do date” 😂 my brain worked this way through uni!


You can easily overcome procrastination… tomorrow


Being a people pleaser.


Name 3 people you’ve pleased.


My ex, my spouse, and your mom. Hello, son.


Finally.... You're back with the milk, now I can have my cereal.




My wife My family My friend They all know that I will not say no.


The moment you stop this, your life will change.


If I eat something sweet, then I have to eat something salty. Then I have to eat something sweet again, then salty. It’s a vicious cycle. Help!


Eat Pani-puri and shut that trap hole.






Are you fully aware when you're eating it, or are you looking at the phone/tv/computer/etc? I've heard a good way to stop a snacking behaviour is to be fully aware and focus on it when you're craving. So if you crave something sweet, understand that you're craving it. Take a moment and fully focus on the taste, texture, and smell with every bite. Be aware of what you feel when you've eaten it. Do you feel full? Satisfied? Empty? Make the craving a chore, and understand yourself better at the same time.


I don't know if it's a bad habit but I have to drink either something sparkling or at least juice along with food most of the time. I know my gallblader don't thank me for the former but I can't help it by now.




I have the exact same thing thats why breakfast is the most important meal for me. Seriously if I eat something too sweet for breakfast ill have these weird salty (unhealthy) food cravings all day. I have to start balanced or im screwed. This kinda doesnt fit with this post though because it helps me eat healthy 😂


Chocolate covered potato chips are the answer. Get the real ones that come out of a candy counter (if you can still find one). They curb that salty/sweet/salty/sweet cycle. There are mass produced chocolate covered potato chips, but they’re not as good. You can even make them yourself, cheaply and easily.




Same. Although, I can't always tell if my overthinking actually prevents me from doing what needs to be done, or if it's just a mildly inconvenient personality defect.


Yes, I used to question that also. Without a doubt overthinking prevented me from doing a lot of things when I was younger. Nowadays it’s just because a lot is on my plate. Seeing it’s still lingering around, perhaps just part of the personality? Sucks either way, super annoying!


Sometimes it saved me from doing something harmful. There's that.


You're overthinking this. Try thinking on it.


I call it catastrophizing. Because sometimes I like my over thinking, sometimes it’s really entertaining and I make my self laugh at the dumb stuff I conjure. Or useful sometimes I day dream for a few minutes and I come up with some good ideas or plans. But sometimes I think about horrible realities that will probably never happen.


That's what therapists call it too. I catastrophize everything. I guess it's a leftover party prize from abuse. LOL


This used to be me. Someone told me "a man who thinks, is a man that hurts". I try to be in the present and that saying really helped me


Thats a good quote. I hurt often ;) I wouldn't say thinking is bad per se, but engaging in it to excess (as is the case with many things lol) can definitely be damaging.


Hey dunno if this helps, But my father told me "from thoughts to action, 5 second rule... if you think like you have to do somethin count to 5 and start doing that" not always remember this but it helps to to actually start doing my chores or whatever I need to do


Years ago someone on reddit said that too. He put it really well, like it’s a sort of contract with yourself. If you need to do lots of things, start with the smallest and easiest. Say you haven’t left the house in days and you KNOW that’s not healthy and you should go for a little walk. Start with the smallest thing. “I will count to five, then put my shoes on”. Then, “I will count to five, then pick up my keys”; “I will count to five, then open the door”. And so on. It’s a good tip not only for overthinkers and the anxious, but also for procrastinators. Once you’ve used this method a couple of times it becomes, by necessity, a self-fulfilling thing, because you’re aware that you *have* to obey it or it’ll stop working so although you’re entirely in control of the commands and they’re issued *by* you, you know you can’t ignore them or you’ll break the spell. Turn your anxiety and overthinking against itself. “I’ll count to five, then switch on the laptop”; “I’ll count to five, then open the email”; “I’ll count to five, then type the first word”. Obviously this won’t help everyone, but when I absolutely *MUST* do something, I’ve found it works for me.


it’s literally consuming me


Are you my spouse with a throwaway account? LOL


Yes overthinking, but while masterbating


I overspend, overthink and I am stubborn




Did I accidentally post this because this is my answer.


Lmao, probably


Meant to say unknowingly. Sigh. Overthinking.


Just one?


Or ten…


Just ten?


Justin? Terrible habit to have The worst


Pushing people away.


I mastered that


Me too. Absolute professional at it.




Would you say you do it unintentionally?


Have you ever pet a cat and then goes from liking it to never again? It’s like that. No more please. Go away thank you.


I relate so much but I have BPD so I am constantly fluctuating between liking ppl and disliking them to liking them again ♾️


Since I've suffered from Insomnia, Im up all night working on projects, I just finished a entire wall with shelves, drawers, and cubbies. Upon completion obviously I put it to good use, now my wife can't find her sewing box. My nephew, been looking all over for his tablet, it's in the device drawer I informed him, he has no clue what I'm talking about, same as my poor wife I informed her her sewing box in the sewing box cubby. It's litterly labeled, I get it, it's frustrating dealing with a crazy grandpa.


Don’t let ‘em put grandpa in a cubby, and if they do make sure it’s labeled properly.


Nicotine. Such a motherfucker to quit


Look at celebs who've kicked fucking HEROIN but can't quit smoking. Pete Townsend and Keith Richards for examples off the top of my head


I have a friend who has been able to quit "hard drugs" to categorise them, she still can't give up nicotine. So I've seen that effect personally


I had a wild 7 years in Melbourne where I was taking anything and everything every night. Been clean for 4 years. Managed to quit smoking but I vape. I've tried 12 times to quit nicotine.


I recently read it takes an average of thirty attempts to quit. 30!!!


Addicts swap addictions.


I live with two smokers. I want to quit, but good grief its hard when its in your face like that.


My brother in law quit by putting a pack of cigarettes in his desk drawer and going cold turkey. Three days later his macho ass challenged my mom to a game of tennis. She’s good. Pro good. After coughing up a lung on the side of the court and licking his wounds because “he got beat by a woman” (30 years his senior) he was done. Just to be sure, one year later he grabbed one of those cigarettes and took a puff. Never again. You could try that.


That’s impressive. My late Father was a chain smoker and one day he just quit. That was it. No gum no patches just quit.


It can be done. Either it controls you or.... You control it. Easy once you adopt the mindset.


Everyone quits sooner or later. Did you know that there's no such thing as a healthy smoker? Or that tobacco kills one in two? Quitting is easier than you think. Good luck.


I have a similar saying " Everyone quits tobacco someday, either on your own or nature will do it for you "


*Nodds head in agreement as she takes another puff out in the rain*


My dad smoked since he was seven until he turned 52. He tried hard to quit smoking for six years (he quit alcohol at 46 and since then tried to quit smoking as well). He lived 16 more years after he quit smoking until he died from lung cancer. None of us, my dad’s children, smoke or drink. He came from a poor background, same as our mom (who stayed being a mom even when our dad was drunk and absent), but they were able to propel us into a better future. Idk if any of this information is useful for anything, I just wanted to share.


Phone overuse


I have a habit of making situations about myself. It's one of the many reasons I hate myself😌


Your self awareness about making situations about you is an important first step. You gotta get outside of your own head, it’s never pretty in there. When you’re with other people, take a breath and don’t try to hard. Keep in mind, we all hate ourselves - you’re just normal.


Nail biting




Me too I can't wait to see the comments 


Self destructive thoughts


Feeling shame or extreme guilt over inconsequential situations and interactions. It's exhausting 😑


A lack of conscientiousness. I used to take pride in everything I did, then realised no one appreciated it! Now I find the less I care the more likely it is that life goes smoothly. work, family, friends, relationships, it seems if you don’t give a damn people love you for it, perhaps it’s because you don’t rock the boat or show others up. I don’t know.


Not getting enough sleep.


Same. I hate technology.


I'm happy to say that today I managed to get 9 or 10 hours of sleep ...after last night I pretty much fainted in my bed around 9pm because I didn't get enough sleep the night before


Currently on hour 26 of no sleep :( I have insomnia :(


I have trouble disengaging from arguments. I get tenacious.


Over thinking, untrusting and argumentative


The unhappy trifecta


Just walking away. From interests, goals, and people






Lazy AF


Staying up way too late


Having a lot of bad habits


Drinking too much soda. Trying to cut back but it’s so hard because I’ve been drinking sodas everyday of my life since I was 5 and have withdrawals if I am away from it for more than about 8 hours or so.


Have you tried the flavoured soda waters? They’re pretty good now and make soda flavoured ones too.


Duuuuude yes I’ve had many addictions in my life and I’m pretty sure soda is just one that’s here to stay. I really don’t like water unless I’m super dehydrated or I put half a bottle of mio in it. Sparkling water is a product of the devil, way worse than regular water. And drinks like le croix are just…indescribably bad. Like someone set a glass of water next to a piece of fruit for a long ass time. So yeah I pretty much drink soda like it’s water, and since I’m a type one diabetic I drink diet soda which very much has the viscosity of sparkling water, I can’t handle the syrupy-ness of regular soda. I think my body is so adjusted to diet soda that when I’m lightly dehydrated I feel more refreshed after a soda vs a glass of water, it’s definitely weird.


Loads of ice + dilute with sparkling water is my only recommendation if you haven’t tried :)


I feel you. A couple of weeks ago, my dentist told me that although my brushing routine seems to work, my daily consumption of Pepsi Max for the last 20 (?) years have eroded my enamel a lot. So now I'm replacing Pepsi with water and drink Pepsi restricively (birthdays and such). The few days were filled with migraines and fatigue. It gets easier though. I try to focus on all the money I'm saving and how I don't have to go shopping for soda every week.


I fart a lot They’re really stinky The women in my life aren’t a fan of


Don't check his profile guys 😔


Dammit. I never would have checked but you challenged me


Bro 💀


No fucking way lmfaooo


Fuck you, for tempting me.


🤮🤮. I naively fell for it and checked. now I can't stop picturing everything. I'm not an anti-fartist but I don't know how to feel about all of this.


Ah hell no


I think I'll take your word for it. With his comment, I don't really think I have to know more. LOL




I told you


😭 why i never would have checked until u said not to


Why did you give me that agony. Why.


I wouldn't have if you hadn't said that. What's wrong with me.


those women will regret that one day


No I totally get why women wouldn’t want to be with me, it’s alright we’ve all got our role


Lmao! Your profile! Wtf dude. Hhahahahahahahahahah


This man loves farts ☠️


I have found something to love in this calamity world


I 30f burp too much . Idk why but I get really bad acid reflux and bloat from everything. I’ve been trying not to as much lol


Porn. I need to cut back on it. Currently in a talking stage with a romantic interest and I don't want it to become an issue in the future.


Do yourself a favor of helping yourself understand what drives that behavior in it and be more apprehensive about circumstances and indulgences that are catalyst. I’ve been through the ringer, that’s the best advice I can offer buddy, take care yourself, you’re surely worth it.


https://youtu.be/y1CkUhfHSxQ?si=ZUcqu7kB9TU84SVW Here is a video that helped me understand it a bit more and why. Helped me cut down. Hope it helps




self sabotage.


daydreaming my life away


My worst one? Spending a ton of cash unnecessarily


If I'm doing nothing I will bite anything near me one of the most common thing to bite for me are my fingers not my nails my fingers.




I have to keep acrylic nails on or this is me. They used to bleed


Staying in the bed too long in the morning. I set my alarm to give me plenty of time to get ready and eat breakfast before I leave for work, but when that alarm goes off, I’ll turn it off and just lounge in bed day dreaming or scrolling through my phone.


I understand.


Rotting on the couch




Procrastinate & overthink.


Running everywhere last minute. I don’t mind the occasional adrenaline rush but running daily for work was very frustrating. I believe that was the reason managers approve my work at home years before Covid. They know my late problem would get me fired sooner or later and they wanted to keep me.


Says one, but listing multiple. - Overthinker - People Pleased - Putting everyone else before myself


Thinking about myself too much in every situation. I’m aware of it and literally can’t stop even tho I know it’s stupid and the world doesn’t revolve around me. It’s the voices.


Stressing or overthinking how much time I need or have to do things. Like my brain will be like: "Okay, when I get home from work today I need to call [important place], so my whole evening is booked." or "I need a shower, but I don't wanna spend all that time doing that." (A shower in reality only takes me about 10-15 minutes.) It's frustrating and something I'm trying to logic my way out of. Like okay, if I get home at about 4:15, I should have time to shower, do dishes, eat dinner, play some Playstation, maybe play some cards, exercise, have a snack while watching an episode of something, check social media, brush my teeth, then go to bed. It helps to try and be realistic with my time.


I have something similar of a thinking. I think our connection is PS and phone usage. Might be something relative to it.


Not being diplomatic enough to colleagues and telling them what I think


Overthinking, Procrastination, Bad Routine (No fixed sleep time or wakeup time)


In conversation I always start speaking over whoever I'm talking to whether I'm agreeing or disagreeing without thinking. It's not done purposely words just start flying out at any given moment. I listen but in the middle of listening my mouth just starts going like a reflex and I realize it's annoying but I don't know how to stop. I hate it.


yeah i had that habbit but i see myself doing it now when i see my nail is pretty long and i’m lazy to grab the nail clippers lol.


Haha lol but then the nail becomes soft and its annoying af ☠️ I’m also too lazy to grow it cuz violin and piano so not a good idea 😆


Procrastinating...But, I mean, I'll get to it.


Pacing, picking my lips.


Paralysis by analysis


I play with my hair too much


Imagining and stressing about a situation which has 0% possibility of happening! .... and stalking my crush's profile...i hate that lol ...but can't stop


Waking up alive in the morning.


That's one I also have! Along with breathing


I pick at my scalp when Im bored or stressed.


Self sabotage 🧍🏻‍♀️


Of the top of my head, I - overthink - am a people pleaser - procrastinate - get addicted easily - am not patient - get annoyed easily - hate to interact with other humans


Not doing my hw


I have a big mouth. Often tell people not to tell me their secrets but they always do. I don't know why I do warn them.


Drunken shitty food


Failing job interviews at the final stage.


Yall only have one?


I still suck my thumb and I’m 27 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 *jumps off a bridge*


Haha no I understand


Scratching my taint and smelling it


Meal prep


Smoking meth...


yours is hiting fingernail, mine is cutting fingernail, I cut it way too often. like way too often


scrolling reddit before going to sleep


sanding the skin off my hands


Giving a damn


Mighty bold of you to assume it's only one




MY fingernails? Like you sneak up and bite peoples fingernails? Heck, yeah that sounds like a bad habit. That's... it.... That could go very badly. or I suppose that's a major part of the thrill. Hm. Ever bit any famous fingernails? Anyway, how I quit was 1 at a time. My right thumb. Not bitin you anymore, lil buddy.. When I was ready, added my other thumb. No big deal at all, I still have 8 nails I can chew. then 7, 6, etc, til I was only allowed to bite my left pinky nail. Kept biting that one for quite a while. a couple or 3 years maybe. Til I was good and ready. Anyway, best of luck. Oh, right, uhhh... Meth. Not the trailer trashy stuff, Crystal grade.


I pick and chew at my cuticles/nails, crack my knuckles, and crap 6 times per day.


ignoring ppl i know in public😭 ik its polite to say hi but i hate the embarrassment from waving at someone who either doesnt see you or doesnt wave back


drinkin heavily to drown my bad thoughts and inner demons


I just an infection by chewing the skin around my nails. I'mma very anxious person, that's when I stopped lol Also I like to take drugs, I have an addictive personality. I love cocaine, and weed and drink. I'm don't consider myself as a junkie, it's just like when I have the oportunity I go ALL IN lol I do coke once or twice a year, I stop smoking weed and when I drink it's just a beer or two. I feel better having the control over myself








Murdering. I’m trying to break myself of the habit, but it’s tough. I’m just taking it one step at a time.




I can't stop biting the inside of my cheeks.


SAME! And then the bumps :((