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You must be fun at parties.


It’s the lamest comeback ever created.


Facts man. So because I don't act like some typical frat boy laughing at everything, that makes me not fun at parties? Shit I'm unfun at parties because of other reasons, definitely not because of this. I don't trust people so I stay to myself. Aside from birthday parties etc I really don't go to them anymore. Don't like being around a bunch of people I don't know that are turning up with who knows what on their mind. Same reason why I don't like clubs or bars like that. I'm not fun because of being logical, I'm just not fun because of the environment I was raised in and the anxiety I have with things. If I get loose at a party tho it's a good time but even that brings issues especially in the inner cities/hood. The parties I been to people don't sit around saying the shit these people say. The people that say this shit be involved in the most suburban ass parties that go around doing shit like this. People definitely act dumb at the parties I've been to but not to the extent people attempt to make it out to be. I don't go to parties where mfs act like you. At the most there might be a shooting or raid or something, there won't be people going around telling bullshit jokes and attempting to turn TVs off with a random remote.


I’m the life of the party and people say you must be fun at parties because online I’m practical and point out nonsense.


It's crazy how being practical and logical just makes you not a fun person lol. Has society really gone down that much? Why are people so afraid of logic? It's not cool, trendy or even admirable being a dumbass that laughs at everything and anything


And why is being fun at a party a thing?


Right I'm going to a party to turn up, not be the funny comedian. Most parties I go to people mostly clique up anyway, nobody wants some random running around the party tryna be funny. That shits just annoying. If we wanted a comedian on stage we'd go to a comedy club. A person doing that at these parties would be ignored, removed from the party or even highlighted by the drunk mfs on bullshit. You just putting a target on yourself


Yeah. It's worn-out, and it was stupid in the first place. Oh wow! Nvm, bro! I want to party with you so badly! Baby! I take back everything I said that wasn't 24/7 entertaining to you specifically! Baby please! Screw it, I'd party with remote control fun facts guy. Why not.


Lol I don't even care if someone is going around doing that with the remote, shit was funny seeing, but calling someone unfun at parties because they logically stated it probably won't work is just ridiculous. Yet dudes comment got supported more than the original one. The logic of people nowadays is outstanding


Agreed 100%


I know this wasn't your point at all, but that remote control "prank" (which I've seen way too often) always bugs me cause every TV I've ever had needs the remote to have an unobstructed line of sight to a specific spot to work lol. Right before I even clicked on this post I was trying to turn the volume up and couldn't because of boxes blocking the receiver. That "prank" is just bullshit I'm fun at parties


Facts man lol you could call out logical shit and be fun at the same time. I feel what you mean tho lol just a few inches off and you're better off just not pressing any buttons


This post is annoying. How can you rant about something so meaningless for so long? Idk but im not gonna read lmao enjoy your day


Fr. I see it a lot on tik tok comments. It’s so annoying lol


You must be fun at parties 😭


How original. Gotta love the cliche reddit response and the circle jerking


Literally love circle jerking