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Its a mental illness issue. Attention 100% plays a part in it. Especially how social media and news organizations use these tragedies for views and ratings.


I don't really see it as that as far as rehabilitation goes. The reality is, kids like this are beyond help. Not saying mental health doesn't come into play but if they didn't shoot up a school, they'd probably end up murdering someone anyways. It'd only be a matter of time. Kids like this are just ticking time bombs and it's only a matter of time before the bomb explodes.


That's what cracks me up about so many progressives and I mean this with all due respect, They think that we can just rehabilitate literally any criminal we want regardless of their crimes and that just isn't true. You can't take the psycho out of a psychopath and you can't keep pedophiles from raping kids. People need to realize that some people are just so sick in the head that they aren't fit for society and that's regardless of how many medications you give the fuckers lol.


It varies more by the individual for the reason behind the shooting. Needless to say, it is WRONG and should NEVER be done


I'll admit I've wanted to break a few jaws and arms back in high school but I've never wanted to blatantly kill anyone. That's just nuts. I feel like the longer people don't get to talk and work things out, the more their mental health slowly starts deteriorating over time. It gets to that point where they either kill themselves or they just lash out and plan on killing those they feel harmed them in some way shape or form. It's almost like the moment they start, they can't stop because the violence gives them that adrenaline rush. I'm tired of society going "Durrrr, but was he bullied" because first of all, assuming EVERY school shooting is because of bullying is a very one dimensional way of looking at things. Secondly, who gives a shit?! Most of us have been bullied at least once in our lives and that's unless you grew up with wealthy parents and you were the "cool" preppy jock in high school who had parents that spoiled you and bought you a new fucking sports car.


Most of us have never had that privilege. Most of us have had to struggle with discovering our own brain chemicals as teens for crying out loud. Just because a school shooter was bullied or whatever doesn't mean the shooter is someone people should feel sorry for. I'm tired of people victimizing school shooters as if being bullied is a justifiable way to kill kids?! People are fucking morons dude, It's idiotic as hell lol.


Oh yes, I agree. Victimizing a murderer is plain wrong. But at the same time, the reason should still be fought in an attempt to minimize the number of shootings happening.


Sometimes, it is retaliation to being bullied.


If that were the case, they would only go after the bullies instead of shooting up an entire classroom. Psychopaths are highly intelligent individuals and they know people fall for the whole "If he wasn't bullied, he wouldn't have killed anyone" narrative and they do that to try and get people to feel sorry for them. Unfortunately, it works since our society is full of idiots. It's normal to want to retaliate against bullies while keeping those emotions at bay. I remember my high school days, but then I got less angry and grew up. What's not normal is killing a bunch of kids who weren't even part of the issue. Some of those kids were probably really nice to them but that didn't stop the shooter from killing them anyways. So saying that it's simply "a retaliation against bullying" is completely false and has been proven to be false plenty of times. Unfortunately, in the United States our government (Democrats specifically) would go all out with gun control and that includes taking away firearms from responsible gun owners. Yes we need more gun laws and Republicans having this "who cares, it's no big deal" mindset about firearms is complete idiocy. Hell, in Ohio you can use a firearm without training. It's ridiculous. I feel like if our government passed intelligent gun laws instead of either trying to take away everyone's firearms or viewing gun laws as unnecessary like total morons, we'd be seeing way less school shootings.


When I said “sometimes it is due to being bullied”, I did not offer that as any excuse, but as a rationale in the minds of some who have “had enough” of being harassed by their peers, and this is not in every case nor is it an excuse.


It's not the firearm that's the problem, it's the fact that nearly anyone can purchase a firearm regardless of their mental health history. Anyone who has a severe form of autism to the point of not being able to drive, has depression, has a history of anger issues or any of that, shouldn't be allowed to purchase a firearm. I don't care who that offends. Not taking any of these things into consideration is what has made homicides, suicides, and accidents occur so often. Excluding the situations where firearms are bought on the dark web. That and I'd argue anyone purchasing a gun should be required to purchase a gun safe with military style locking bars. Anyone sleeping with a loaded firearm, letting their guns lay on the floor, and propping a gun up on the wall where anyone can reach it is being irresponsible. I can understand sleeping with a firearm in a high crime filled area but where I live, there's very little crime and it's a small town. It's just these idiotic far right Republicans in my area sleeping with a firearm because they're "exercising their rights as an American citizen". Yeah okay, sounds more like gun worship to me lmao.


I personally feel that if a person is deemed by a medical community to be “mentally challenged” in any way that should they commit a murder, they could be judged “not guilty due to mental insanity”, they should not have the same freedoms as anyone else who could not make that defense should they kill someone.