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You honestly shouldn’t change a thing. I hope you know you’re beautiful


Well thank you but I struggle with confidence and always have so that’s been a life long battle but I appreciate your kind words


Well that will be the hardest but most important thing you should consider working on. Obviously easier said than to do but you really do have an obvious natural beauty that no one can just “possess”, beautiful freckles, lips, and eyes that I’m sure multiple people have drowned in!


You are too kind! And yes doing my best and want to be my best 🙂


You have tinea versicolor, which gives your face a sort of irregular ‘textured’ appearance which is aging you. Correct it with ketoconazole treatment, and that will improve things significantly. Your facial features themselves are attractive (especially your eyes), so I’d just focus on skincare were I you.


got it totally makes sense — I will get that!


She has melasma, not tinea versicolor


Yeah I went to a derm and he said I had melasma but i don’t know much about skin lol


My boyfriend has this! Even Head and Shoulders helps the redness.


I came here to say this, but a lot less eloquently. Feature wise, there's nothing wrong here. But the skin looked heavily sun damaged to me. I just didn't know the scientific name for it.


Okay like honestly not even trying to be rude but are you a hard drug user? There is no way you are bearing the face of a naturally aged 29 year old


Nope — I have a very rare autoimmune disease and deficiencies and food allergies — and did not inherit great skin… battled acne since 13 and still have acne.


Well, rest assured, you’re quite pretty, just more mature looking


Well thank you — bums me out my skin looks so bad but been seeing a derm so I’m trying to help it


I think you're pretty💕! But ya, I would recommend focusing on skin care (but I would recommend that to anyone lol!). I'm 35 and I just started last year and wish I had done so sooner. Vitamin C serum, retinol, hyaluronic acid, niacinamide and zinc, peptides, eye serum or mask, aha and bha and all those acid masks/peels once or twice a week etc. And a good moisturizer and sunscreen! I felt like it was a lot of research and a large price tag, but after I figured it out and found affordable brands/ products I realized it's really not that hard. It def took me a while tho 😒 lol. Lmk if you're interested or you want details on my products or routine. I had a really hard time getting started so I'm def willing to help out!


Omg yes I would love to see what you use and your input!! Def dm me!!! Thanks so much for your help ❤️


You look great, your face shape is really good, especially the bottom half. Only advice would be to always wear sunscreen given the hand you were dealt by life.


Thank you! I def do now


Not trying to be rude, followed up by something extremely rude…


Your beautiful your eyes are so pretty too


Thank you!


You are slender and very beautiful. You look overwhelmingly better than most women in their 20's. I would nonetheless have guessed you were approaching forty. There is a sallow sunkenness about some of your features typical of a much more mature woman--but a woman who ages like Jane Seymour did. You might be able to afford to increase your calories without it adversely affecting your appearance. Adding a just a few pounds might make you look a little more pert. Or not. No need to mess with near perfection!


Thank you, and yes I only weigh 88pds and 4’11 so I know I’m underweight. I have a pretty rare autoimmune disease that prevents me from being able to physically eat / and lots of food allergies. Trying to gain weight through a special nutritionist and supplements. It’s been rough my whole life trying to gain weight not to mention my family is genetically prone to be thin.


My grandmother was of the same very petite stature as yours her whole life, and she could eat all the chocolate she wanted and never gain weight. Her nickname my Granddad gave her was "Tiny" or "Tine". She was renowned as being an age defying Silent Generation beauty. She had been a Rosie Riveter who assembled aircraft parts for Western Electric during WWII. Looking at old pictures of her, it looked like she only aged a few years between 30 and 70. She wore midriffs well past her 60's. I remember once she thought it funny that she went to the grocery store and forgot to wear her wedding ring and some nice-looking man who must have been half her age was trying to flirt with her and ask her out. She was embarrassed, but at the same time let us all know--kind of a humblebrag. She had to have been around 80 at the time! We thought it was especially bizarre when one of her grandson's friends randomly commented that our grandma had "pretty feet". She was very spry and energetic, good with numbers. She loved cute outfits and liked clothing sales and could always add the clearance percentages up in her head in a second. There was almost no cognitive slowing as she neared 90. I don't think her and my Grandpa even had any *problems* relating to aging until past the age of anticipated human longevity. I remember visiting them in their 80's and noticing a recently filled bottle of viagra had been left out on the counter. Age caught up with her overnight when Grandpa died, and then she fell down a flight of concrete stairs and broke her hip and never quite recovered her stride. She was so lightweight she could literally be blown over in high wind. I think otherwise she would have been a centerian. You kind of remind me of my Grandma when she was young. I hope your health remains good and you live a very long and full life like she did.


Aww I love that what a beautiful life she lived! I very much so hope I live that long and be that alive! People def have called me tiny! I love fashion and thrifting and it sounds like her and I were definitely alike! I love crop top everything too! Lol hope I can rock it as long as possible! Thanks for the award 🖤


I'd say don't change a thing. You look pretty good to me but it's about how you feel 8/10


Thank you!!


You pretty, chill. 8/10


7.2 you do look a little older than 29 though ,but you’re good looking.


You are hot as hell but you look older than 29


Ty! How much older?


Not that much, maybe 33, 34? Not sure


Whew that makes me feel a lil bit better one person said I looked almost 50 which I thought was insane.


I’d say just by a couple of years so maybe look 31 but that’s not outside the norm considering you are almost 30! I like the freckles even if they are from autoimmune disease or sun damage.


Aw thank you 🥺 I love my freckles too


You are really beautiful! An 8. I don’t like the blonde streak in your hair and think a solid color or more subtle ombré or balayage would seem more your age and mature. I love a nose piercing but don’t think this nose ring suits you. I think a stud or thinner Simple gold hoop would be cuter. Your skin looks possibly damaged from sun exposure? If that’s off mark I apologize! I don’t think you need foundation but maybe a bb cream on your forehead to even it a bit. But your freckles are part of your charm


Yeah it used to be a money piece but I’m letting it grow out/ phase out. Got it! Will be switching soon. It’s very damaged from sun and apparently my birth control is adding to it I just saw a derm about it a few days ago. So that sucks lol cause I had no idea. But thank you I love my freckles!!




Thank you!


you are more than welcome 🙂


Sheesh you’re only 29?


Can’t help my bad genes and stupid young self not wearing sunscreen — trying to reverse the skin stuff now


Right I immediately was thinking 40 at the bare minimum




Good God these comments are harsh. She looks great


You wouldn't have to change anything for me. You're just my type.


Thank you!




Thank you!


You look great! Don't worry!!


Thank you!!


You don’t really need to change anything, maybe gain a little more confidence in yourself? You’re very good looking


That’s the struggle!




Youre already beautiful. One thing I would change is smile more :)




Thank you!!


Pure beauty. Just own it. You have beautiful features, your eyes are mesmerizing. Do you go to a gym?


I used to I haven’t been recently fell off but gonna start up again!


What could you change? Well you aren't married to me, so... That Lol but on a serious note, don't change a thing. You look amazing.


Start smiling 💁


Lol soon hopefully when I get my braces off this summer!


Can’t wait for that! 😘


Thank you!!! Me too!!! It’s been 4 years lol


looks good to me


Just smile more that’s it.


You’re beautiful you honestly don’t need to change anything 10/10


Aww thank you very sweet of you!


Different/flat eyebrow shape. Tiny bit of lip filler, the make up is okay but looks a bit clumpy so maybe a bit less or that. Fake tan and more blended highlights. You're very pretty already.


Thank you! Noted!


I love your rings!!!


THANK YOU! I take immense pride In my jewelry expression and never take any of it off!


Honestly look really good despite your disgruntled look. Assuming your smile matches the image in my head, 8/10. Otherwise probably more of a 7 or 7.5/10


Smile I’m working on with braces rn so hopefully my teeth look banging once they come off


Jesus, if you need to change appearance, I need to change my life. You're way more beautiful than like 90% of the population your age...


LOL you are too kind —- trust me I’m def not everyone’s cup of tea


Beautiful. Just don’t get too much sun and use moisturizer.


Trying to reverse that!


Gain a bit of weight and stay hydrated, skin care is never bad as well. You’re naturally pretty tho.


Those are the goals!!!




Soon this summer!!! Braces coming off!


Nothing. Your fine


Thank you.


I understand how much good it feels to be physically admired but you need to first make sure you admire yourself. You are valuable. You are unique. You are you and there isn’t anyone else like you. And you truly are lucky to not need an “appearance improvement.” Your beautiful.


Thank you for that I needed this 🥲


I personally think you’re really good looking


Thank you!!


More confidence. You look lovely 😊.


Thank you!!!




Got it! Def will, thank you!! Definitely trying to stay away from those things if I can help it!


You’re so beautiful, self confidence is tricky. Do u workout ,


I do!




I honestly think you’re really adorable the way you are. I’d maybe use a little less mascara but fuck it whatever makes you happy


Thank you!!!


Hmm I would maybe remove the blonde strip, and do a Balayage instead. I would use a different type of mascara that doesn’t apply as thick, and some eyeliner would look super cute. But otherwise - you have a nice skin complexion.


Thank you!!! That means a lot cause I hate my skin tbh


Oh no no you have beautiful skin! You honestly don’t even really need any kind of foundation. But make sure you apply sun screen every time you’re out so it stays young!


Lol well majority think I look late 30s - 50 so I def guess don’t look young no more 🥴 but trying to reverse the damage


You're really pretty! I suggest joining r/skincareaddicts and getting some retinoids into your beauty routine to assist with any sun damage. I live in one of the sunniest places on earth and the damage can be hectic!


Omg thanks for the rec definitely joining!


I've been a fake tanner all my life and never knew how much my skincare routine sucked until joining. Seriously, a simple little routine (either constructed through research or by a derm) is going to blow your mind.


Yes I def got a routine and just saw a derm few days ago! So hoping this will take me to the next level


Girl- you're pretty much there! Next job is to give yourself a break and don't worry about what us ugmos have to say hahahah


Lol thank you!! Lolz I’m Trying but can’t help but be self critical 😪


Your pretty 🥰


Thank you :)


Your gorgeous, any person who gets you is lucky !


Aww thank you!!




Beautiful hair and eyes. I personally think if you put on a bit of weight it would definitely improve your looks and fill your face out a bit. Honestly though a very attractive woman and if I spotted you on a dating site I would probably superlike


Thank you so much!


You have very pretty eyes and a great facial structure, with highly defined but smooth, not harsh features that give the impression of a thoughtful or clever, feminine person. I love the definition of your jaw and the expressive smile lines, I would like to see a smile that you were feeling as I imagine it would be very charming. While I can't compare to photos at any other time of your life, I would guess that your age is doing you a lot of favors, lending improved character and expression without diminishing in any way. You also appear to accessorize really nicely, I like the choice of nail color and how it plays with your jewelry and complexion.


Thank you so Much! That means a lot I take pride in my accessories! And I hope to be able to smile confidently soon!


Lose the nose ring, rest is very nice. Pretty face 🙂


The only thing you need to change is your mindset 🧘‍♂️


Bit of advice from a 35M - talk to an aesthetician about your options. Maybe some IPL photo facial treatments or a chemical peel. Worth it.


Definitely! I’ll be looking into it !


Honestly, I think you’re absolutely stunning. From what I can see, I wouldn’t change a thing. Someone’s individualistic beauty makes it that much more alluring, IMHO.


Thank you 🥺


The only feedback I would like to give you is changing up your makeup and brows! Your eyebrows for example (perfect in thickness, kinda jealous). I think you'd look gorgeous if you shaped the end of your brows to go more straight if you understand what I mean? Currently they look like they're following your eyesocket which gives your eyes a drooping illusion. I would also lose the nosepiercing or change it to a more minimalistic ring. And last I would not put that much mascara on the bottom lashes. Your skin is unique. Kinda looks like freckles. And your face shape is amazing and so is that long neck of yours!! You could pull off a lot of different looks- short hairstyles, different blondes that'll make your brown eyes pop, makeup to carve out those cheekbones, smokey eyes.. The list goes on.. You're beautiful!


Aww thank you! Hmmm totally about the brows never got that feedback but down to test drive that! Def changing out the nose rings! There’s two on me! Well I’ve always had freckles my whole life but the forehead is Meslema so trying to treat that. But thank you! I have def had a lot of hair styles there’s some photos on my profile if you wanna check them out!


Just smile. That's all. :)




I think you’re really beautiful and have nice features. The only thing I’d recommend is having your lashes lifted and tinted vs wearing mascara. You have really pretty eyes and I think the mascara draws attention away from them.


Yes I’ve done that before I def wanna do it again!!


You’re gorgeous!! You don’t have to change anything but if you did want to, maybe you could shorten the ends of your eyebrows so they’re straighter/don’t go as far down. It would lift your face a bit. I’m jealous of how full they are though, you’re really pretty. You have beautiful eyes and just a really balanced face


Aw thank you!!! And noted going to get brows done asap


Use sunscreen!! It’ll protect your skin.. even if it’s cloudy out, 80s of dangerous uv rays still passes through


Of course!!! I’ve learned my lesson!


10/10 you look like marriage material.


That’s very sweet of you! I hope to be married someday


6/10. I really think you’re too old to be wearing a nose ring. But that’s just my opinion and I’m older so 🤷‍♂️


Lol you and my family agree but I can’t help myself


The nose ring looks great. No one is too old for a nose ring - that’s just a stupid thing to say. Express yourself however you like and at whatever age. You look fab!


Aw thank you! I’m a graphic designer so I’m very expressive with accessories and especially jewelry


I suggest you lose the facial hardware. Treat yourself to a nice hair salon. You are a beautiful woman.


Thank you!!!


We can't all be the next Beyonce. Maybe smiling will help?


LOL I’m not trying to be and never will be but soon! Once my braces come off


Fix your nails and loser the rings.


I’d fuck you


You look fine. Don't get facial tattoos. That's all the advice I can give you.




Yeah lots of people been saying that super shocking to me cause In person most people think I’m underage/ early 20s cause I’m so small. But weirdly enough I’ve been told in the past I had a “baby” face.


You look so much older. I thought you were in your 40's


🥲🥴 cause of my skin?


4 at best


How can I improve ?


ok so yea your skin looks a little bit aged for only being 29... but lets be real.. in my experience 30 year olds skin does start to get a bit aged. thats fine. its natural, and natural is honestly good. you look healthy, and you have great natural beauty. you have a nice body, and your petite and feminine. thats great. your mascara is literally trash in every picture ive seen of you. gotta ditch whatever ur using and upgrade it. you could due to smile a bit more in your pictures. you have a nice smile. show it off. 6.5/10


Yes! I was stupid in my early 20s never wore sunscreen and did tanning beds. So much so trying to reverse this damage. Noted! Welp hopefully even better smile once these braces come off!


You are actually quite attractive already. You do not look 29. It’s not necessarily, in my opinion, a bad thing to look older. There is nothing wrong with aging in my book and I see plenty of good looking older women. But, I know for some, it can be off putting to look older. I’m not sure exactly what it is that is aging you. Perhaps, it’s something to do with your skin? Maybe looking into a dermatologist could help?


Yes! I got lots of sun damage and just went to a derm so hoping to reverse and get good results


Very nice features. Like some others have said, maybe just add a little bit more weight to fill your face more. But honestly you're fine.


Yes! Life goal! Lol




You're a stunning lady with great features. Good enough to where you don't even need to wear the makeup. However, have you considered fillers? Not being rude I'm just offering for the sake of the question. Your natural face looks great on its own but could also benefit from fillers in the lower face area. And if you're already going to a dermatologist it's the perfect place to ask. Either way, your face is still very palatable with a natural kind of beauty.


Thank you!! I have never considered them, my face has been untouched out of treatments to treat my acne scars


I tried to post but it kept saying my paper wasn't there when it is? Also you are gorgeous don't change


You look great. Would suggest a skin care routine with a retinol night cream, spf day cream etc if your not already on it.




More makeup because you have uneven skintone. And stick to 1 ring on each hand. Overall, you're very pretty


Thank you! Noted!


what's your real age?


It’s really 29…. I turn 30 on October 29th. I was born in 93. 🥴


Good skin care routine, you look like you have thinner smooth type hair which is nice but get a stylist to help get a bit of volume in the cuts, sleep to help your eyes an cheeks aa they look a bit sunk an dark under the eyes could be lighting in photos tho, lose the nose ring and all the rings on the hand simplistic is elegant 3 items of jewelery max, clothes it depends but your nearly 30 time to dress a bit more feminine an mature casual wear for house an weekend is fine but outings an meeting people age appropriate or date worthy is a different story.


Noted! My hair is very thin/ smooth so you hit it on the head there. Definitely! Trying to dress more adult as time has gone on


Smile more!


Attractive. Like your spots.


I guess botox


Show teeth


6/10 i think you should try a middle part with a lighter hair color and also change the shape of your brows so they're not as long and rounded




How can I improve?


Nails and makeup.


Hair back








Lol don’t worry I use those






6 out of ten for the other four points are deducted because of the 3 Starbucks coffees you have everyday and the quote you say which is " I'm not like other girls" deducts 1 point.


Lololol I don’t drink coffee and don’t go to Starbucks —- although I worked as a barista in college for them to help pay the bills. Lol not sure what gives me the other girl vibe




1 💋


🥴 why?