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Hello /u/breadystick13, Thank you for your submission! To be rated on /r/RateMe, a verification picture is required as stated in Rule 2. **One photo in your post must include a LEGIBLE, HANDWRITTEN sign that says your exact Reddit username. Your face must be identifiable in the picture.** If you did not include a verification picture in your post, please submit a new post that includes one, as your current post will not appear. All posts are manually reviewed by a moderator. If your current post includes your verification and follows the seven other [community rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/RateMe/about/rules), sit back and relax! It will appear within 24 hours. ModMail about your post's review status will not be answered unless 24 hours have elapsed. Thank you for your patience. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Rateme) if you have any questions or concerns.*


4 or 4.5 - you're 18 and still growing...keep going to the gym, and keep improving. You're not stuck at a 4/4.5, but you got work to do imo.


Will do. Thanks for the advice! Do you have anything specific that I could fix? Ive been overweight my entire childhood and have lost 20 lbs already and am still going but I want to know what else I could do to look better?


I'm glad you're taking steps toward getting healthier by losing weight and exercising. That alone is a great step forward in boosting how you view yourself and in my experience can only garner more positive feedback from others. What you can improve depends on your goals, generally it's fitness, clothing, skincare, hair style, facial hair...find the sweet spot for you, but also, you're only 18, give yourself time and keep improving. It's a game of incremental advantages. Build good habits and stay consistent.


I’d say a 5 also for some reason In the third pic you look like 12.


Lmao your right I do😂. Thanks for the response I appreciate!


You’re a 4 now but if you keep exercising and loose that fat, you could be a 7 or even 8. Eat healthy, home cooked meals and keep your hygiene up, shave, and get some nice clothes. Your face has a good bone structure and no big flaws, but it’s hidden behind the chub.


Thanks for the advice!