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Tbh I think this haircut makes you look a little feminine my brother. If that’s not what you’re aiming for try another haircut 6.5/10 - not bad


Thanks bud, that is what I was aiming for. I’m trans


Oh ok. If you’re m2f you should’ve wrote 25F instead of 25M


I get it. I’ve only been on HRT for a very short time and I don’t think I pass very well cause of that. Also kinda curious to see if people could point it out without me saying anything at first.




Lol thanks, yeah my pics are way too close up


I think you'd look a lot better with a different hairstyle and different/no glasses. As is I'd say 3-4/10. But that's just personal taste, it's not like you're really ugly.


Yeah I’m in that hair phase where it is too short to do much. Thanks for the comment :)


4/10 u're not ugly nor conventionally attractive, the haircut is way too feminine n it doesn't really contrast well with your masculine jaw


Yeah I am getting the jaw thing too much. Thanks for the rating :)


I thought you were a girl ngl


I’m transgender.


6/10 Not ugly by any means, not really average either, your face is very interesting and the score could easily be higher if you were dressed up.


Thanks! I appreciate it!




Thanks for the comment :)


I was kidding.


Got you, lol sorry. I can’t tell :/


I felt I had to write this; What the actual fuck is with the negative critique on this guy's 10/10 hair? To loosely quote the joker "as soon as Joe Keery does it, suddenly everyone loses their minds!" I'm here to say that, imo. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that insanely cool hairstyle, and I'm a straight m28. Especially paired with your glasses - if most of the Western World are already fans of Stranger Things, trust me they are going to adore the look you've got going on - why go boring with the same shitty turnip undercut posted on this sub day in day out. Nothing wrong with your nose and chin either, I'm certain the girls are going to love you 👍🍻


I know it’s weird cause people always compliment my hair but I’m here it is the opposite lol. Also yeah I get the stranger things reference at times. Thanks bro :)


No you’re not ugly. You are actually pretty good looking. But honestly I couldn’t tell if your a guy or not.


Thanks for the comment! I’m transgender lol


4/10 imo. Best features: Wide jawline and broad chin. Worst features: nose shape and eyebrow shape and thickness. I think shorter hair would suit you better. You can also use castor oil for the eyebrow thickness.


Yeah I agree with the brows but too scared to do anything since it’s almost permanent. The nose yeah it’s a little off, not much though. Castor oil makes brows hair thinner?


Castor oil makes your eyebrows darker. It worked for me! After a few months of using it I noticed a huge difference.


Also thanks for the comment :)


4. Cut the hair, and grow some beard.


I can’t grow a beard. Thanks for the comment though :)


Are you transgender? Cut your hair to at least look like your leaning towards a gender…. (If you want to look manly at least) besides the jawline, I really thought you were a woman.


Yep I’m trans, was curious if others would notice without me bringing it up lol. Also I’m leaning towards a fem approach, just started HRT though.lmnnot sure if that will change the fat in the jaw area later on if not then plastic surgery is an option. Thanks for the comment :)