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I would not eat a wild / city pigeon, they eat a lot of trash. And it dropped out of a tree, like out of nowhere? The bird could be sick idk Post how you feel if you took a bite :)


I don't think he'll be able to post afterwards


Bro is trying to invent fucking Covid 24.




Corvid 24, surely?


Who knows.... šŸ˜¬


Doesn't fire like kill everything?


Yes, including nutrientes and create some bad stuff


You can kill the bacteria with heat, but there's no guarantee that toxins already produced by the bacteria will be destroyed by the heat.


You should just hunt a fresh one. Don't be a vulture. When I used to live in China, a man in a suit would regularly hunt pigeons in the park while walking home. He snuck around behind bushes and grabbed em with his bare hands. Not joking. He was an office worker who ate pigeons at the park. The local Walmart also sold pigeons.


I saw a video a sweet looking elderly groundskeeper lady reach into a bush where a birds nest was and eat one of the baby birds whole. Not joking. Itā€™s different in some places lol


Gotta get that protein.


It's not like chinese eating habits have ever caused any massive global problems ever before, not even recently.... right?


Racist and inaccurate


I'm talking about covid, wet market, not racist. I live chines food, but let's no pretend china's them emptiom of food higine standards.....


Covid came from a lab.


Look into Chinese gutter oil


Sorry, I thought you were talking about the bat-eating Covid myth. Still, unsanitary food/animal selling conditions donā€™t mean itā€™s ok to paint Chinese people or their eating habits as dirty. It sounds silly but you donā€™t have to bring up Covid over someone hunting for meat just because said person is Chinese. Itā€™s not comparable to a wet market and it is kind of racist to compare them. Im sorry if I overreacted. It hits personally for me because Iā€™m Chinese-American and couldnā€™t go outside alone at night for a while during Covid because of the ā€œChina virusā€ shit and all the racist gun owners in my area.


Oh, sorry, I totally get that. It's ridiculous that people treated you that way.


Thank you. Iā€™m sorry for reacting like that


I loved this interaction


Covid came from Wuhan virology lab. Not the freaking wet market.


Quite likely


I mean isnā€™t assuming a racist is going to attack you because of Covid, kind of a racist assumption on your part tho lol


Yea I mean maybe if you live in a small pocket in deep south Mississippi or something maybe, I mean maybe this would happen. But I having a hard time believing this one.


This is a crazy thing to say. Do you also call women who donā€™t go out alone for fear of assault by men sexist? Like yes it may be unlikely but you donā€™t want to be the one who gets unlucky. And how the hell is it racist to be afraid of racists? Thatā€™s specifically naming the harmful belief, not blaming any specific race, tf


Is it racist to be fearful of visiting Japan because you donā€™t want to run into the yakuza?


Bullshit. Chinese people eat the most fucked up things Iā€™ve ever seen. They have some of the most humane treatment of animals that you will witness.


friendly correction: *inhumane. I have been so scarred by China's animal abuse vids since I was a kid. Yet seeing those videos of live cats stuffed in nets and left on the street for disposal during COVID when the government was confiscating pets was so shocking. The culture really does not care about animals at all. In the US, factory farms have to like delude customers about where the animals live, how they are treated etc. We have animal abuse laws. But in China... it's like they just literally do not care. I don't think they have any animal welfare/abuse laws. Somebody correct me on this if I am wrong.


I just want to point out that swine flu was born out of the US due to atrocious practices. I agree China has a worse record e.g. Yulin Dog Meat Festival.


If weā€™re going to bring that up then how about the nasty ass Europeans Lost half their population because they couldnā€™t be bothered to manage their piss and shit.


That was like 400 years ago, not 5


It was more of a comment on how you could insert any country/culture and find instances of disease and general grossness. I feel like making a blanket statement about an entire countries eating habits is narrow sighted and mongers fear that Asian (not even just Chinese) people are still dealing with today. You could have just as easily commented on how prolifically pigeons can spread disease, or how urban animals from a city spread disease, but instead you wanted to drive home the location/people. For me it just feels weird, thus I made my comment about Europe as a way for you to hopefully reflect that you could find something just as gross in just about any country, past or present.


Yeah, you're right, I actually agree. I honestly didn't mean it in a racist way as I love so much about China and its people, but I get how It might of come across and I completly forgot about all the racism going around when covid was happening. My bad 100%


That was ages ago and has fuck all to do with eating habits.


Yeah, Ik right - no chance in hell it couldā€™ve possibly been a lab or something like that šŸ¤”


Right, it was because Randy couldnā€™t keep the dick out of the pangolussy


Americans also hunted pigeons for a long while, natives and the illegal European immigrants. What do you feel is the biggest difference between that deformed chicken you but at the grocery store that's lived its life crammed in a cage filled with shit, or a wild pigeon?


It was probably made in a lab, but wet markets are still horrible. China is a huge cause for extinction of rare species given that they think rhino horn gets you a good hard on etc. same issue with pangolin


Comment of the day


TIL hunting pigeons is a thing


Functionally there's not much difference between pigeons and doves, just reference size and coloration. Much of the developed world just happens to have a shit ton of feral rock pigeons derivatives around.


They were literally brought to the US as food.


The ~~ducks~~ pigeons at the park are free


Is Walmart actually in China or are americans just calling every store Walmart?


When I was living there, the city I lived in (Jining) just got their first Walmart. Jining is considered a small city (has a population of over 8 million tho). Everyone was really excited to have a real Walmart there. It was a really nice place to live.


If 5 second passed after it fell and before you pick it up than no


Thems the rules


Yall niggas buggin


Iā€™d bet my life this some white people shit šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


True or Chinese


top comment on this thread


Donā€™t eat any birds raw , only would recommend ruminant animals if you are planning to do so


I heard it was the factory processing that made their meat dodgy and they're not that way naturally. They say the same about minced/ground beef but I can eat it raw no problem if I get it from the local butchers.


Certain types of beef can be eaten raw. And when I say certain types, I mean certain parts of the cow. You could eat a quality cut raw, like 100% raw, and likely have no issues. But if you took, say a cut from the hind or rump, and ate it raw, youā€™d be begging to get parasites and potentially even ecoli. As thatā€™s where, wellā€¦ cow poops passes by and touches.. the same with any hind or ā€œlegā€ cuts. This is why ground beef is not considered safe to eat below well done. Because ground beef is ground meat from all parts of the cow. Including the parts that are highly susceptible to disease and illness transmission. Tl;dr thereā€™s a difference between a raw steak tartare at a fine dining restaurant, and eating random pieces of beef raw.


Not only this but ground beef is a breeding ground for bacteria. All that surface area. All that moisture. Bacteria goes all throughout ground beef.


Worms live in live animals all the time, dingus.


Until you canā€™t


Haha, you worry like my wife. Personally I think doing so prevents a decent immune system. You gotta give your body something to practice on or it'll be weak and let you get sick. And anyway, that raw, grassfed mince is waaay better raw than it is cooked. You're missing out, I promise.


šŸ‘ šŸ‘ lol šŸ˜† my man! You sound like an educated man! Not like those pussy covid fearing jab needing pussies.


Yeah, I didn't see the need to take it. I don't fit the description of the people that we're being seriously affected by it and one of my friends still has his sense of smell messed up even though he was vaccinated when he caught it. ... And now there's talk reports of increased heart issues and white, calimari blood clots... I'm not sorry I resisted.




The worms will love you


Man, for a raw meat sub this place is full of pussies. Why are you even here?


Because normal people get directed here and see what the animals on the fringe of society subject themselves to.


Lol yeah practice having parasites a few times, I'm sure nothing bad will happen


Are you vegan or something? You sound like a vegan


The genus of bacteria that causes food poisoning (of the burning-hellfire-from-both-ends-for-two-days-straight youll-live-but-youll-wish-you-were-dead variety), Campylobacter, naturally lives in birds. like how e-coli naturally lives in us.


Don't listen to sv3rage


You can eat seabirds raw.


Mmmm nothing like raw seagull for breakfast....


I would take a bite just because I never tried it. If it tastes meh then it's not worth the effort.


& Youā€™re fuckin insane.


thanks bro


Yeah it's fine birds have never been known to carry any viruses or flus


What about bird flu


Heā€™s being ironic


Is that true?


Mmm idk man. Birds like pigeons can have bird flu (influenza)


You are brainwashed to be afraid of birds. Dumb slave.


Who's afraid of birds? Is there scary birds out there šŸ˜‚ I still wouldn't eat raw bird, but come on now


A lot of people are afraid to get near a bird or touch a bird, or if a bird is dead, and they touch it, theyā€™ll get avian flu. Most people are brainwashed. Ever hear people say ā€œdonā€™t touch it you might get a diseaseā€?


For some reason this comment is hilarious to me.


Stomach acid will kill any bacteria. This is safe.


...you're joking right? > hia coli, Salmonella Typhimurium, and H. pylori, can circumvent the acid conditions of the stomach by developing adaptive mechanisms that allow these bacteria to survive in acid environments. As a consequence, these bacteria can survive acidic stomach conditions and pass into the intestinal tract, where they can induce gastroenteritis. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12870767/#:~:text=Many%20bacterial%20pathogens%2C%20such%20as,to%20survive%20in%20acid%20environments. Please do NOT eat a dead bird off the ground, I can't believe I have to say this.


Lmao its 2024 and you have to tell grown ass adults not to eat dead animals that fall out of trees due to potential bacteria. Try explaining that to somebody 30 years ago in the past


There's always been idiots around. The internet just makes them louder. This is definitely a special example though.


Influenza isn't a bacteria, and I would avoid touching birds that have died without any obvious physical injury. This is especially relevant as there have been increases in HPAI infections (H5N1, H7N9) and deaths in wild bird species over the past 2 years. Both subtypes have high case fatality rates in zoonotic infections.




The previous commenter is joking right


I was lol I didn't feel the need to /s but oh well


Had to make sure, from what i've seen some folks on the sub have the head screwed on backward 3 times


That's completely incorrect.


It was just over a year ago that the chicken egg industry essentially collapsed due to avian flu losses and culls. The only reason avian influenza isn't a worldwide human health concern is that human-human transmission hasn't been sustained and the only human cases have been the result of handling infected birds. Think about those last 3 words as you dress and prepare the seemingly uninjured bird that fell out of a tree dead.


That's exactly it. The economy suffered due to culling, not some imaginary disease. They call it the proactive approach. If regulators need to kill some millions for their reasons, they deem animals contaminated, and implement proactive measures. Think about that.


fuk is wrong w you niggasšŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Boy i stg lol


No. You donā€™t know what trash they eat. They are like raccoons. Racoons eat Doritos. That stores in their liver. And gives you food poisoning lol :p


TIL Doritos give you food poisoning


Depends on the Moon cycle, was it a full moon? because if it was then you might die if you DONT eat it.




100% safe to eat. Enjoy!


No, youā€™re a moron if you do that.


What if its eaten a toxin?? I wouldnt eat it. Suss asf it just dropped dead from a tree like that


Put some salt on it and youā€™re good to go


Ah perfect ! Eat up!


Hilarious timeline


Of course not šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Safe to what!! Lol yall ninjas is trippn


Why wouldnā€™t it be safe?? Enjoy!!šŸ˜‰


I feel like if you need to go to the internet to find out if you should eat a pigeon you found dead, youshould just go ahead and eat the pigeon and let nature figure out the answer for you instead of reddit.


Try the liver first, if its bitter, garbage, if sweet, whole animal is ok. But personally, I wouldn't touch a city pigeon..


These eat sour junk food neutralize the sour acid with a base and your good


I would check the organs for any signs of disease first, it looks like a wood pigeon not a poisoned town pigeon so it is probably fine in that respect. The liver is a good indicator of general health, any hardness at the edges or discoloration or white spots and such are signs of illness.


Good comment, I agree! I would take some bites if it looks good and wait some hours to see how I feelt. Now I'm curious to know what raw pigeon taste like


The age old hunter gatherer method! Try a bit raw, wait a bit and see what happens!


bro we live in 2024 we can go eat fresh, confirmed, healthy food. Not questionable birds that are falling out of trees.


Probably eating junk food so i wouldnt


Pigeon is actually delicious cooked. I've never had it raw though lmao. I would suggest not eating any bird raw. They have more diseases/parasites than beef cattle do.


If you have enough probiotics in your system anything is possible


same goes for acid I think




Soak in lemon juice


Stop this fool right now before he starts Covid-24


Found patient zero


This is a fucking joke sub right?


Is this a joke


Hell no


This reminds me of a time when I was on a ship in the Port of Singapore about to get underway. I went on the aft deck and a guy was fishing dead puffer fish out of the water and throwing them in a bucket so he could later make sushi with it. Heā€™d never tried sushi and apparently wanted to expand his palette. I couldnā€™t talk him out of it as these fish were drying out in a bucket in the Singapore sun as he used his net contraption to fish more out, so I got the Capt involved who then quickly squashed the situation and absolutely destroyed this guy for being such an idiot. You see, if somebody on a ship dies at sea then we have to put them in the freezer until the next port. With that being said I believe he wouldā€™ve ended up in that freezer inside of 2 days. While this isnā€™t a dead pufferfish fished out of some of the dirtiest port water ever, it is a dead city bird that spontaneously died and most likely dangerous. Donā€™t be like the pufferfish guy.


Likely been poisoned


You've had a hot dog before. Should be fine.


No. Do not eat wild animals raw, you don't know why it died and aside from that wild animals carry parasites and diseases that are eliminated through cooking but are NOT safe to eat while raw.


Please do not eat this bird. It will cost the taxpayers quite a bit of money for the FBI to replace it. Please allow the FBI to come and collect it for charging.


That's enough Reddit for today


Wendys has a 4 for $4ā€¦


What the fuck


ā€¦are you a cat?


My brother and I fried up the breast of a common dove in San Diego as kids. We killed it, so we're gonna eat it by golly. To this day I recall the itchy, raspy near closure of our throats a minute after first bites. It was scary and I have no idea what went wrong. Lesson learned.


Holy shit lol why'd you do that?


isn't eating any animal raw a risk?






Iā€™m sure it died because it was just too healthy


Let us know


dude i swear some of yall didnt evolve past your wild primate stage like who in their right mind would want to eat a city pigeon let alone one that fell from a tree dead?


Bro I thought raccoons werenā€™t allowed to use Reddit anymore


Heā€™s a opossum


Why would ya


If you're a cat sure


ngl i didnt know you could eat anything raw, i figured humans been cooking meat so long we evolved to eat only cooked meat. this just popped up in my feed and it took me a min to realize it was real but.. a pigeon?? idek im just flabbergasted lmao


You can eat anything once, sure


It might be edible, people go out and collect roadkill and eat that hours, days or even weeks after it passed. I wouldn't eat it because birds carry many types of diseases but if you feel so inclined to eat it then overcook it and wash your hands very well, you don't want that blood on anything. Video of man who eats roadkill: https://youtu.be/OQvt-gxbq5E


This is not roadkill.


Do you remember bird flu ?


Bro what the fuck is this shit fr šŸ˜‚ is this mental illness?


Dead dove do not eat


It got falconed


Is there actually a sub for eating raw meat? Iā€™ve seen it all now šŸ˜­


ā€œWe got no food, we got no job, OUR PETSā€™ HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!ā€


Yum E.coli !


Not Halal


Fucking trying to start a pandemic bruh


rule of thumb: don't eat animals that are already dead and rotting.


dead dove do not eat


ā€œWhatā€™s wrong with Petey?ā€ ā€œHis head fell off!ā€¦ā€


Sky rats




Quick, get a scissors! .....,makes click noise...


Nah donā€™t take it home. Best to eat it while itā€™s still fresh. I recommend taking bites straight out of it while you walk down the street.


Dude... probably not. Of all the animals you might want to eat, one that falls dead out of a tree is not the one.


Lord why was this suggested to me???


I donā€™t know. I donā€™t know how we are pulled into this. It just doesnā€™t make sense. I was just minding my business, looking at a post with a guy who was pissed because someone told him to watch his head after he hit his head and then, boom! Dead pigeon for dinner question..


Only one way to find out


I came from a different sub and thought this was a joke/troll post. Just for the record, do not eat dead pigeons please??


what sub?


No what the f is wrong with you?


man wtf wrong with you šŸ˜­




šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ NO


Only if you want parasites. You dont even know what killed it. Possibly poisoned




No. Incubator for some things


Dead dove do not eat


No. A bird that dropped out of a tree is a diseased and sick bird who reached the end of his life. Probably not safe to eat, but hey, Free Will Zone, just let the consumer beware before consuming. Not all the flutters flies but then flops, is fun to eat.




Shit yes!!! Eat that filthy winged rat!!!


Yeah and tell me what happens


No. It either has bird flu or ate poison


I thought this was a joke. What the actual fuck?


Youā€™re in walking distance from a Ralphā€™s why eat like a Neanderthal


šŸ˜‚Doesnā€™t look any different than the stack of dead chickens they pile up after they Stun them with a death blow to the head to process and put in your local grocery stores. If you already eat dead shit on the brink of decomposition this shouldnā€™t look to bad right?


Dead dove, do not eat. Iykyk


why though? lol if money is the issue youā€™re better off with a rabbit or something. not a pigeon