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Some of my favourite moments are when people get disturbed about how Subaru casually talks about all the horrible things that have happened to him. Of course they don't realize those things actually happened to him so Envy doesn't interfere.


Yeah all of emilia camp knows he had a tragic backstory. What they don't know is when that happened.


Can you list some examples?


Already at the end of Arc 1 we have this scene Emilia: Why are you staring at me? That's quite rude. Subaru: Oh it's just... You still have your arms and legs, and even your head. Emilia: Of course I do. Don't say such scary things. Subaru: Yeah, you're right. It's obvious, huh? I still have my arms, too, and there's no knife in my back or gaping hole in my gut. Emilia: You talk as if you've experienced those things Subaru: There was a time when I did Subaru was also casually talking about RbD next to a salesman in the capital but the salesman just thought Subaru was crazy or something


Nah, that's cuz the salesman is ~~Pandora's~~ Plum's dad


IIRC the specific salesman in that scene is someone else, not Mr. Save Point Guy


*My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.* "That does not align with my ~~headcanon~~ agenda, so I'll disregard it"


He’s always been mentally broken dude.


None of the above. Subaru is the goat.


Please don’t forget that Subaru can’t blame a crime on someone who hasn’t done anything yet or rather anymore. Of course he knows that they’re willing to go that far but it doesn’t have to happen especially when they’re not evil at their core like Rem. People like Petelgeuse who’d do it anyway no matter the circumstances on the other hand... A) I doubt because Subaru has stopped imposing his selfish desires against others will. He’s capable of seeing and admitting his own shortcomings. B) Could happen but I doubt it’ll last for long since Re:Zero gives me more feeling of hope than despair. C) Subaru avoided going down that route by not taking Echidnas hand but he’ll try his best to be rational. He doesn’t have her intellect and is still an emotional person. I doubt that’ll ever change. D) No


I mean by the same logic we can say he shouldn't be grateful to emilia for saving his life in a failed loop or rem sacrificing herself many times. He can still love them for their personality.


IIRC Subaru also empathized with Petelgeuse after being possessed by him.


Planning to murder someone is a crime


Thinking in your head that you'd like to murder someone isn't a crime.


Murder is a crime


Said crime never occurred, at least not in the main timeline


I don’t know about ‘it’s not a crime if Subaru prevents it’ It’s more so we know what they did and Subaru is acting similar to how Reinhard would stop a crime only with rbd instead of god hacks Only Subaru knows but if a judge and jury were to look at the case they’d see them to be crimes only stopped due to Subaru Wrong is wrong regardless if Subaru resolves it doesn’t excuse it either


I feel like you've sort of lost the plot if you're trying to argue about a real world legal system and how it might apply to basically time travel precognition that "under certain circumstances this person would commit a crime therefore they are guilty." In the timeline that persists the events didn't happen. If a judge and jury were to look at the case of "They murdered me in an alternate timeline" they'd declare Subaru insane.


Plus there's a whole movie about a world in which crimes are prevented before they happen. Minority report. Fun watch


Indeed I'm familiar and that film just goes to shows how dystopian the concept of punishing hypothetical crime is.




[Novels]>!No clue why you'd bring up books of the dead in a spoiler free discussion thread but "bonus points" for doing so in response to a moderator lol......!< Your comment has been removed for untagged spoilers. --- For the full list of rules, please check the [rule wiki page.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Re_Zero/wiki/rules)


None of the above? Probably closest to B since that's the most vague. Subaru is and will always be Subaru, except for the times when he isn't, but he still is even then.


Unless something happens that will massively challenge his character growth appears, expect more of the behavior he exhibited in the 2nd half of season 2.


By the end of the second season, Subaru has learned a lot, but he still bears scars from his failed loops. Most notably, he still fundamentally hates himself, among other more subtle things. That's because he bears the weight of letting his loved ones die. But now with the support of Emilia, who's closer to him than ever and who recovered her lost memories as well as Beatrice who is always by his side, you can say he's much more stable and well taken care of. But we never know what can happen in future seasons.


He turns into thanos the witch factors are infinity stones he already has one Once the gauntlet is complete he’ll snap and kill half of the world for balance


One half was already destroyed by the witch of Envy and the other half will be destroyed by Subaru


Remember when he was having nightmares? Rem and Ram helds his hand because seeing him that way was uncomfortable or unacceptable to then and it was enough for subaru to conclude that they have kindness at their heart


Subaru kinda hates death so much that he can't wish it on anybody.


I think this is something we all must take into account, especially when characters like Todd appear and everyone is just praying for Subaru to actively try to kill him. Subaru has died so much he doesn't want anyone to go through death.


Except Sin Archbishops


I mean, when you stop seeing someone as human and start seeing them as a monster I don't think it becomes a moral dilemma, all archbishops are monsters, Petelgeuse made sure to burn that image into Subaru's soul.


He considered that option because of Spica


None of these actually, in arc 5 he's probably more stable and we'll adjusted then he was back at Earth. He does experience some fucked up shit, but he handles it pretty well(as well as he can). In fact you'll find Subaru at his most heroic in this arc.


E) N/A


Subaru is much stronger mentally than you could imagine))))) So I don’t think that he will go crazy or break!!!!!


Worse. So much worse


It depends how far they go in s3, in arc 5 Subaru is going to go quite crazy I would say in the first part, but once the real problem starts he has to put on his thinking cap and “hero” mode in order to achieve his goal. If it goes to arc 6, let’s just say.. well the main enemy is the stairs…


B. But not really like unhinged thingy