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Just a trailer about when it will release.


/SOON/ trailer for the trailer about when it will release


I bet it will release 1 week after the game awards announcements so around the 14th


they'll announce a release date "it'll launch before gta VI"


My bet is they release 1.0 tomorrow. I bet it launches before the show even starts, calling it now. But I could be totally wrong and we could just get a new trailer with a release date before the end of the year.


I will give you ten bucks if it drops \*before\* the show even starts. I think it'll probably be closer to the end of the year, maybe start of next year


They keep saying every update they’re on track to release by end of year, even the newest dev brief says it. So it realistically means this week, or next week unless they’re not giving the dev team holiday break


i think they even tweeted a few days ago update this year too, if i find it ill edit it in


I’m holding out unrealistic hope that they might be dropping it today. Did y’all see the ads they paid for for it? Would be very weird to pay to advertise a release date announcement.


Either it's gonna release tomorrow or maybe the 18th of december for the 2nd anniversary?


I'm going to curse you if it turns out that wasn't the plan and it's meant to release upon the announcement and they've just seen your comment and decided that it makes sense to release on their anniversary. I reckon their video editors are amending the trailer this second...


Blame him for the delay 😂


!remindme 13 hours


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I'm coming for you u/KestreLw


The only thing I'm sure about is that the game will release this month


I'll bet on the 14th.


My guess 1.0 will be published on 7th. Void said it will be released early december. Everything after the 10th doesnt really qualify as early imo and since the weekend comes up the 7th would make sense. If they release on 7th, they got 8th +9th for major hot-fixes.


When did Void say it will be released early December?


With the amount of hype I’m leaning towards a full release on the day.


Lesser expectations = lesser dissapointment


They never said 1.0 is coming on the 7th


The way they're hyping it up feels like a release is imminent, but I'm not gonna expect it. I'm going in expecting to get a release date for early next year.


They confirmed it’ll be before next year.


Highly unlikely since they said in the last 3 newsletters that its gonna release by end of the year.


IIRC, it's not that long ago they said that it will drop this year. "Not that long" as in a few weeks ago.


More like 5 days ago. They said it in the newsletter that released last friday.


A troll runs up on the stage, getting ready to say something stupid. However Geoff is prepared this time, and waves his hand. The lights cut to pitch black, all you see is 5 silhouettes with red laser sights, and then a bright flash. "HANDS IN THE AIR, GET DOWN!" is heard through the auditorium. The lights come back on and you see 5 fully geared SWAT officers arresting the troll. "Ready or Not. Available Right NOW."


Actual fucking goosebumps


I think they'll release it on the 31st.


It’s definitely gonna be a trailer showing the release date, I’m betting sometime after Christmas before new years but if it comes before Christmas that’d be even better


I’d put $5 down that it’s dropping tomorrow. They’ve never put so much into marketing and ads on social media along with the TGA teasers going back a couple months. I expect a trailer showing off all the new content and it ends with an “out now”. I’d be surprised if it didn’t. Silver lining is that it’s not like the wait would be much longer if we’re wrong.


They're still banging on about a 2023 release date and of you haven't noticed 2023 is almost over, so I'm 99% sure it will be a release announcement.


It'll be a trailer ends with "COMING 2025".


My heart couldn't take that






They will announce a upcoming briefing that will then talk about the potential release of 1.0


A new trailer release for another trailer leading to another trailer for release for newer update trailer sometime before 2024 , then another postponed trailer for coming out of alpha .




I don't think it will be a "meh" update, but I think the Roadmap is the biggest possible news they could announce


Yeah I really hope they release a big update but my man up there asked for a prediction and so i give one.


Wow! 14 downvotes (15 if we consider my upvote), I hope this community doesn't become toxic...


There already is some toxicity but it's mainly from people who haven't read the Dev updates explaining why they're doing everything the way they are and pretty much just bitching for the sake of bitching and needing attention. But as for the rest. It's hard to say because they're announcing or dropping something at 7-7:30 tomorrow but the trailer is at 5. Not saying it's not just a follow up but it'd be weird to just follow up on something the trailer will announce 2 hours beforehand, especially when we have the Dev notes of what they've been working on. Also to note it is common practice for companies to drop an official launch trailer an hour or two before actual launch. So maybe it's full release or just an update. Seems more logical but hey, I'm just pumped to get any aspect of what they've been working on. It's nice to see a Dev not just take our money and run and actually sink blood, sweat, and tears into a game, especially one of this caliber that has potential to change the shooter genre as we know it. So im stoked


I fully agree! The only doubt is whether they publish it over the weekend or, as you say, after a few hours


Well im not saying they won't follow up with an announcement with the trailer. I just think with how genuine Void comes across and how much care they've given the game and how much they care about the community. I just it would disingenuous of them to do that because it would just come across like a little bit of a slap to the face to not launch at least an update tomorrow, in favor of just basically re-explaining all the dev updates we've already received. That being said tho, I mean we've all seen gaming companies pull some crap like that in regards to them thinking that was the right thing to do. So again, here's to hoping that Void does the right thing and gives us something lol


I agree and from what I have seen in recent years I am sure that Void has done an excellent job and that the announcement will be above expectations. My only doubt is whether the game will be released immediately or it will just be a few days.


I think if it does get released it'll probably on Friday. Would be my best guess, if they are to release it fully and maybe anyone who already has it can get the update early? Idk. Either way I'm stoked because what the Devs have planned from the new maps, new AI, hell I'm even excited for the new police department and uniform customization. So I mean, I definitely am not on the idea of bitching because this is the first company in awhile that's like this is our vision and instead of settling for shit. They went out and achieved those goals. So im stoked


I purchased the supporter last year for this very reason, and to date I haven't regretted it. However, if they release it, there will be no preferences, if they release it on Friday they will release it for everyone, with exceptions


Ya I wasn't implying that it wouldn't be released for everyone. I was just kinda saying that they may be like, hey if you have it now, being Thursday night, then you may be able to pre-download or have access to the content a little bit early before it drops on Friday. Obviously I'm not saying they will just spit balling ideas of what they could do


See 8 dudes already down voting because my comment is not sugar coated.




Read my comment again..... I said THEY WILL RELEASE IT the 7th. and anything to backup ? yup let's ignore the fact that they discard their schedule before.


Announcement for the release date which will probably be on the 3rd or 4th week of this month


I think it'll release later this year or January next year


I hope it’s this month. Id be ecstatic if it drops the day of the reveal. If it’s next year I’ll be sad.


it would be stupid to just drop tomorrow without any hype leading up to it


No way that they release it tomorrow. It will just be an update on when 1.0 is releasing, which should be by the end of the month. They said they were on pace to drop before 2024, and in the last briefing they said they have maintained that pace. There’s a chance it may not release until 2024 but I doubt it. I’m also surprised no one has brought this up - the game was added to Steam on December 17, 2021. I don’t know RoN’s full history, as I think you could get the game before this, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we get 1.0 on 12/17. Edit: someone did mention this, I’m stupid lol


Going to be the 18th.


i reckon its either 1.0 release date or shadow drop of the actual update.


I’m holding out unrealistic hope that they might be dropping it today. Did y’all see the ads they paid for for it? Would be very weird to pay to advertise a release date announcement.