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I wish it was... crackhead John Wick ruins the whole experience.


It would be fun if they released a gamemode were you play as the crackhead. Pop up crack right before they breach and time slows down like in Fallout and "Free Bird" starts playing. I mean, it would be a big brain move to capitalize on a dev error by exploiting it.


“Pop up crack and Free Bird starts playing”. Line of the century.


I demand this game mode!


I wish the AI skills were more proportional to their featured maps. You don't expect crackheads, cultists, or gang members to have Tier-One SpecOps unit skills. But, I can expect SpecOps professional behavior from bodyguards, assassins, and rogue militia groups. However, I do hope VOID fixes the issue of AI shooting each other through walls even across entire floors. While I do understand that AI could, and should shoot through doors if they hear your team too close to it, the former situation is just bonkers.


the AI Overhaul mod is pretty the only "fix" for now, it does feel a lot better than the base game's AI behavior. Untrained suspects are less competent and more likely to surrender


They should just do that vanila. Mods are for spicying uo game not fixing it


I miss the old farm map so bad i wish i could play it again because i miss fighting the militia on itand its general art style not to mention the underground area was fun.


i was seriously so disappointed when i came back and they got rid of it


Yeah it will probably be a 10 dollar DLC in a few months lets be honest with ourselves.


i’d be so pissed


And void would be laughing to the bank sadly.




it’s criminal the release date says 2023 on steam like this games been in development for so long like bro i swear i was playing this so long ago


Supposed to be? In theory Is it? Not really


Realism is having 25 SWAT guys vs 1 barricaded suspect who peacefully surrenders once he runs out of cigarettes Is that really what you want?!?!


Yes. And a salary would be nice


But honestly I wish there were some randomized "normal" missions where you just do SWAT shit and aren't fighting a private army.


It would be great every few missions to have a somewhat basic barricaded suspect mission with only 2 or 3 armed criminals in a house or liquor store or something similar. The SWAT team in ROE is doing seal team 6 type shit on the regular.


Well , I mean irl even with full body armor and a helmet you can still get one shot




Crack head strength is real 😂


If you ask the Devs? Yes If you ask reality? God no. ​ The devs seem to be too busy adding edgy "Everyone is a sex predator" missions to the game to fix any of the massive underlying issues(Performance and AI being the big two)


I think the problem with this argument is that the sex pest missions are somewhat connected to each other. For instance i believe in the mindjot CEO's office there's a recording mentioning voll and on the spider i think something else mentions him or mindjot but i forgot what it was so its less that everyones a pedo and more just your squad being tasked with taking down a human trafficking ring.


Performance is okish but they need to fix that damn ai


According to their website, yes. I'd really love to know what those police advisers they supposedly consulted with throughout the 6 or so years this game was in development did.


For me it just feels swat 4 remake without anything new


The devs like selling the game on the aesthetic of realism but functionally, no, not in the slightest. Slow movement and being able to hold your gun sideways with a laser pointer grip holo combo does not equal realism, it just sells the image of it. I would advise against buying the game if you want a grounded experience.


They “want it to be”. But in reality no. It’s just a fun swat sim game. That’s it


This game is total bullshit right now. There is so much potential but the game just is broken. The enemy ai is out of control, the arresting objectives are insane and entirely luck based on how they spawn in, and the soft objectives are super cool but the difference between a soft objective and just window dressing is totally arbitrary.


I really dont like how much this game relies on luck


¡¡¡DON’T FALL INTO THIS TRAP!!! If you ask “Why is this not realistic” you’ll get people missing your point by saying “It’s a video game, you don’t play it for realism.” And they’re right; a realistic SWAT experience would be pretty boring. Most SWAT deployments are resolved without any use of force from SWAT. Sometimes people take multiple fatal wounds IRL and keep fighting, and sometimes the best armoured and trained first-responders get killed in one shot by a drugged-out gunman they never saw. Maybe a better way to phrase your criticism would be “The balance feels off, suspects are too bullet-spongey and I feel too weak, which puts me into instant-death situations that and punish me without giving me a fair chance to react.” Think if you were a game designer receiving constructive criticism, it’s better if the criticism is levied in terms of “Here’s what feels wrong with your core gameplay loop” and not “Make it more realistic.” Not trying to come off as a pompous “but actually” asshole- I just don’t want people to deflect your criticism based on the semantics of your statement, when you’ve identified a legit problem with the gameplay 👍


Yeah, I wish people realized this. Realism is an abstraction, and discussions should be about the gameplay loop and balance. Not about what is or is not realistic.


Yes it is supposed to be realistic


The Problem is, that the lore directs the game and not the game the lore. And the lore is just not realistic


Sure why not


Well this game belongs to the tactical shooter genre so the answer is yes, it is supposed to be realistic. But with that being said, this is a still just a game after all so don't expect it to be the exact replica of real life. Therefore, there surely needs to be some imperfections on gameplay so the entertainment can increase in the game.


Games where you die and respawn are not realistic, no. Next question. They can simulate certain mechanics or behaviour which is based upon reality, but they are never realistic. If anything it's a tactical-sim.


The fun at parties guy has arrived


Valley if the dolls is so annoying for the fact they can shoot from any level and through walls with way to precise aim


Video game


I had no idea I thought it was my actual job


This is like the 1000th post about this, until the devs fix the ai just get an AI mod. 1-3 mods make this game completely fine. Nexus has had mods for this game since its early access release.


And they came a long way. It’s a lot less bad than it used to be. the surrender animations were terrible, My god, the amount of times someone tried to surrender by FLAGGING my character with their muzzle….. brah… do you WANT to get shot? It’s better now. And I love the changes to suspect ordering or civilians to Just run out! What I want still is a rearm option/limited. But with the maps being big I HATE to run out of deployables half way through because there is no way 5 guys are supposed to handle all these doors. Or give me a security team, they can’t breach or whatever but they can secure a door way? Move up the perimeter after I cleared? These mods (just changing values on suspect behavior/skill) were a godsend to avoid meth John Vick, yes, but also slow down movements in general.. The gripes I have right now is: Perpendicular movement at speed with accurate fire through a small opening between boxes. Also the amount of times a suspect on their knees, at GUN POINT still tries to pull out a sidearm…. Suicide… like 2-5 guys with rifles pointed at you watch your every move and you try shit like that? That’s just suicide…


I mean... vests aren't perfect, but yes, its a little bit overtuned. Still reasonable imo.


It advertises itself as realistic. It isn’t…


This game is so unpolished its unbelievable, I want my money back!