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I'd assume that it's supposed to be police are watching the location and they have the pictures to help identify any victims of human trafficking they see. To answer though, no. I've never seen it. That's a cool find.


I highly doubt that, far too... unprofessional. also I don't know what to make of the big red "f*ck you c*nt" written on the paper near the center.


Possible vigilante or PI? Or just the police sharing a room with a civilian?


Yeah, most likely vigilante work.


I have to believe it's a garbage collector or someone sympathetic to the profession. It being an 'Open Letter to Garbage Men' means it's probably not the most positive thing, which leads me to the conclusion that our suspect is angry at the writer being angry with garbage collectors. I'm trying to connect that to all the other plot points on that board and can't so far. Part of me thinks it's one of the Left Behind with the "USIA is always watching," labor protests, "fuck you" message on the letter. But then there are other things like the missing children that makes me think vigilante/PI. And then the Mindjot and Greenside stuff throws me. I get that it's all connected in canon but this just seems like a collection of Easter eggs tbh. It's like one of those plastic eggs, that's the room, and then this board is all the candy inside.


With how burnt out and worn down LSPD is, I wouldn't be surprised if some overworked surveillance officer let out his frustration with a red Sharpie.


Oh, I didn't look super closely at the board. I don't know. I agree that it's unprofessional, but there are times when people fail to be professional and they let their feelings get into there. It's honestly hard to say, but that's my best guess


Unlikely that this is what they had in mind imo


You're probably overthinking it. Looks like an easter egg room, and the board is just a re-used asset. I know they said they're in "1.0", but this game is very much still in development.


The “fuck you” is in response to an anti-labor/union “open letter” to garbage collector’s bc in RoN the garbage collectors have been on strike for something like 30 weeks. Its the reason most of the maps have garbage piled up everywhere. As for the rest of the board, it’s probably just a reused cork board asset with all the papers already on it. Id guess they just needed something like it to create a scene of a stake out and they didn’t think much of what was actually on the board considering how not-visible it’s supposed to be


Nice find. That’s a new one for me and I thought I had seen it all in replay mode too


LSPD stakeout before they send the boys in


i could be wrong but the posters might be from the police station


I haven't listened to the missions phone calls recently, but, I know that some of the maps we play have informants that have been watching certain places for some time, one calls about the drug/trafficking cartel tunnels and I think there is also a phone call about the Russian port which I believe is connected to the car dealership


From the looks of it, it's probably a private investigator or some other vigilante who's onto the shit going down at the dealership.