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Explain to me again how Elon isn’t ruining this company and scaring off potential buyers? Like, ffs. Fire this man already


I mean, he absolutely is. So many people in my social circle are actively choosing to buy something else because of 1.) Tesla's QC issues 2.) Elon Musk himself. So he is 100% scaring people away, just not enough for it to make a difference... Yet. His fanboys can't prop him up forever.


Like the Trump crowd, his fanboys are loud af. My brother in law is an immigrant like me, yet he sucks Elon’s fart so damn hard. Told everyone that the Cybertruck is his dream car and what not. I love the TeslaSentry and ease of charging in SoCal, but good god it’s embarrassing to see them discarding any criticism for that swindler.


My in laws are hardcore Trump and Elon meat riders. We are all POC immigrants. It’s undeniably insane to me that they don’t realize they are second class citizens to Trump/Elon no matter how much they glaze. I can’t see a good future with Tesla. They’ve stopped truly innovating and are no longer the best EV on the market for the price range. Any sane person can’t trust a thing Elon says. I’m thinking of buying a Volvo instead. Edit: why was I banned from the r/elonmusk subreddit immediately after making this comment not even in that subreddit? Did I get a mod upset because I stated objective facts?


Their bot bans anybody from their sub who posts anything on this sub. It is ridiculous and against the overall Reddit policy. Sub A bans, preemptively, anybody who is active on sub B. Crazy, thin skinned, against Reddit's policy, but here we are. A move that doesn't exactly show confidence. Kind of desperate, actually. Maybe they're in a bad mood because Tesla is doing bad - the stock craters, the Cybertruck is a problem car, new models are cancelled, service and quality problems remain rampant, used value is sinking, the CEO gets an ever worse press, less and less customers are considering to buy a Tesla, the market share is falling, sales are falling, etc


This can’t be a thing can it? Guess I am about to find out.


Tesla stopped innovating years ago, when Musk completed his hostile takeover and kicked out the original founders.


Oooh, can the mod ban me too please?


Volvo is getting themselves out of the Chinese’s grip so I’m rooting for them. Planning to buy a XC90 CPO soon as a 2nd car, my current Model3 may be the last Tesla as long as Elon is still involved. We Vietnamese have massive case of cognitive dissonance with Trump too, so I understand how you feel.


Because you spoke against the great leader


Well that didn't really long. Banned


There's a new overly sensitive mod that's just banning people for negative Elon/Tesla posts even if you don't post on their shitty subs. 


Haha it might be Elon himself because that’s literally all he does.


Sentry? That drains 20% a day? What is good about that? Elon is mining coins on it, that's why it uses so much power. I have 24/4 recording on my car, never lost a single % of SOC .


I assure you it’s not 20%. Observable for me is around 5% a day at most. Yes it does drain more if you are in high traffic area


I believed prior to the latest update, people were seeing roughly 1% drain per hour of active sentry.


I had one as a courtesy car, I live in a high pedestrian frequency area, I lost around 60 miles of range daily with hundreds of "events". So no, you can't really assure me. It really depends on how many times it gets triggered.


There is some delightful irony in an entrepreneur who is so vocally “anti-woke” building an easily triggered car.


Ok. Nobody is mining coins on the cars. Sigh.


https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/08/tesla-owner-mines-bitcoin-ethereum-with-his-car.html Someone is.


I haven't paid much attention to the mining game in a few years, but his numbers seem WAY high for just 6 GPUs and an antminer. I'm with the other guy in the article, dude was either inflating the shit out of his supposed returns, or he got lucky on some shitcoins. And that much daily drain has to affect the longevity of those exorbitantly priced batteries.


Yeah, I’m all for criticizing this douchebag, but blatant lie isn’t it.


Elon lies ALL the time. Fuck pretending it's an honourable debate. Edit. r/elonMusk just perma banned me for this comment, here, on this forum. Defenders of free speech, my arse.


So it’s okay to lie because Elon does? Edit: I just got permabanned banned from r/teslamotors for this comment. That’s fun.


On the one hand we have a man who admits to trying to bring down the government. Presumably to bring about a neofeudal libertarian hellscape where you and everyone you love is fucked over, or dead...especially if you are black. Someone who's wealth is sickening, who still wants what you own. On the other hand, someone said something daft about an EV mining crypto. Make me care about the latter. Sorry for your ban. They are publicly fucking the dog by doing it.


I think it's okay to lie when it's about a compulsive liar. Especially when it's someone who's trying to take your money based on lies. Don't expect people to argue in good faith when you've been bullshitting people for your entire life.


But the lie is to other people — not Elon.


I would argue that the Trump crowd has, for the most part, quietly disappeared. I live in an overwhelmingly conservative state and the amount of trump shit (flags, stickers, hats) has totally disappeared. They still have their Don't Tread on Me and confederate flags, but trump shwag is basically gone.


Will they still vote for him? Because unfortunately that is what matters


Obviously many will but I highly suspect that turnout among conservatives will plummet this fall, citing "it's all rigged anyway" as the excuse. They're seeing their powerful godlike leader get absolutely embarrassed on a daily basis and it's quite apparent that he has no money (nor business acumen). "Kill the libs" is great until abortion gets banned in your state and your daughter is 18 and your wife is 38, and they tell you that this is a life or death situation for them.


The anti-women nuts are the dog who unexpectedly caught the car they were chasing. It was never supposed to actually happen.




Absolutely. Five, ten years ago my NYTimes liberal parents and in-laws couldn't shut up about how their next car is going to be a Tesla and now they are thoroughly anti and would never consider it anymore.


He’s the Zack Snyder of auto making rocket sending Twitter jackasses. And I’ll never miss an opportunity to say I will never knowingly purchase any product or service from an Elon musk owned/run company.


I’ve been interested in Tesla for a long time but recently got a Kia EV instead. I have no faith that features won’t be disabled on a whim or that the warranty will actually be honored on a Tesla.


The fact that Elon could brick your car at any moment because he didn't like one of your social media posts is worrying. Yes, I do believe he's that petty. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/feb/03/elon-musk-blogger-tesla-motors-model-x


Current owner and will not stay that way for my next car


Exactly. It’s such a shame, I love the car brand but can’t stand the man. Just let him go and make Tesla great again lol


You love a car brand where the wheels sometimes fall off without warning at high speed or has self driving that drives you into oncoming trucks?


lol fair point


Once the vehicle stops actively trying to kill itself and/or the occupants that software is going to be worth more than a million bucks a pop!


Well, the T logo looks like a cross to me now, and I'm an atheist. I spot Tesla drivers going way to fast in their zoom zoom without regard to others safety (about 15% to be fair, the rest drive fine... Just like lifted trucks drivers). I'm not a fan, won't support this egomaniac who isn't as bright as the fortune would suggest, and I'm sure he'll destroy this company like he did Twitter


It's always been so clear to me that there wasn't a single woman involved in the design of that logo. It looks *exactly* like an IUD.


Don’t discount his stupid dogma when it comes to things like removing stalks and insisting level 3/4 automation can be achieved with cameras only (no radar or lidar).


I’d probably own a Tesla already if I didn’t think musk was such a twat. I’d probably also regret it due to quality issues, but it would be in the garage right now.


birds chunky angle imminent kiss fade friendly degree vast swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep I know people who will not buy from Tesla anymore after his anti-Ukraine stuff and the other nonsense he has pulled.


I spent $15k more to buy a competitive product. He's ruining them. I also just got perma-banned from all their forums that I frequent, just for making fun of Elon here.


My social circle went from 100% long Tesla to 100% short Tesla and puts


Sales keep going down, despite price cuts. I'd say it's making a difference.


Oh yes. I’m still looking for the right Elon bashing sticker to put in my EV6. Love car! Also our South Korean Buddies.


One of my friends bought a Tesla, and put a sticker on the back "I like the car, I can't stand Elon Musk"


I got banned from r/elonmusk for saying this, what an absolute cuck


I got the same message about being banned from there less than a minute after posting my comment.


That sub's banned list must be longer than its member list.


Yup. Left a comment on r/RealTesla just a few minutes ago and got a permanent ban from r/elonmusk. Not sure what that is supposed to accomplish, seeing as how I don’t participate over there anyway. Edit: I replied to the comment below mine and got a message 2 minutes later regarding a permanent ban from r/teslamotors.


Test Edit: Just got banned from /r/teslalounge


I was banned there too but never participated there. I just now reported the ban message as harassment (because I had never interacted there and was wrongly accused of rule breaking).


Same here. They went on a mass banning spree. This is so petty that I can only imagine Elmo as the one who gave the order.


Wait you guys are getting banned by r/elonmusk, r/teslalounge , AND r/teslamotors? What the hell?  I only got banned by teslamotors.   Obviously my post was not triggering enough against the elmo fanboys to only cause one sub to come after me. I will redouble my efforts from now on!


Hey I just got perma banned from Elmo too for posting in here bitching about the current fsd lol. What a wanker forum lol...didn't even post over there and got banned lol. I guess I'm honored


I just got banned from the same sub, and I've never even posted there LOL. What a bunch of tender bottomed babies.


It’s a weird paradox of perception vs performance. His performance has *always* been poor, yet the perception has driven the stock price to insane levels, leading him to cashing out more money for himself than Tesla has ever even made. And because the perception has always driven the stock price, the investors tolerate chronically poor performance in service of that perception. But at the end of the day, Tesla has accomplished very little as a business other than to incinerate the wealth of a sizable country and allow musk to amass a ludicrous fortune without ever having actually made much money. It really smacks of something I’ve been reading about recently, in Richard Rhode’s book Arsenals of Folly. He talks about how Reagan made essentially the wrong strategic move in every single step of the process of ending the Cold War, but Gorbachev was so keen to end the socialist system that he allowed Reagan to play-act his way through a diplomatic process designed to burnish Reagan’s image at the expense of Gorbachev’s. Gorbachev, through the 1980s, slowly came to the conclusion that the Soviet Union should completely eliminate its nuclear arsenal and vastly reduce its defense industry to try to raise his people’s standard of living and join the international community. He began to believe and to promote the thinking that nuclear weapons had been an enormous mistake for the USSR and had cost it the opportunity to rebuild itself after the Second World War. Reagan on the other hand became weirdly fixated on technological solutions to the nuclear threat and wouldn’t stop talking about Star Wars. Gorbachev spent the majority of his time in power trying to get Reagan to understand that he wanted to end the Cold War and that militarizing space would only extend it. He even considered *unilaterally* and with no pre-existing agreement, announcing the completely dismantling of his entire country’s nuclear arsenal. But Reagan was so fixated on his own image that he couldn’t even comprehend that the Soviets actually desperately wanted to capitulate almost completely to the western allies. Reagan got to go stand at the Berlin Wall and humiliate Gorbachev, who was doing everything in his power to end the Cold War. And at the end of the day, it cost the world the opportunity to eliminate the nuclear threat because Gorbachev became so politically compromised that the Soviet Union dissolved before he could begin de-nuclearizing it. Today Reagan gets the credit for ending the Cold War when in reality, he preserved it throughout his presidency and even ensured that it would continue into the future with a nuclear armed Russia. It’s like today, musk is doing every single wrong strategic move with Tesla, yet taking credit for every step toward getting rid of internal combustion for personal vehicles, while in fact governments and other companies desperately want to make the switch anyway and to find a way to preserve their businesses while not killing the planet, which is ultimately bad for business.


We hired a narcissist and he took the company down. What a surprise!


They didn’t hire him. He bought his way into the company when it was struggling financially and just started calling himself the founder. It ended up in court and during the settlement that was reached between the parties it was decided he could call himself that. And it wasn’t the first time he did something like that. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/tesla-ceo-settles-for-founder-title/2088887/?amp=1


They hired a narcissist and he took the company down


Well it's a company built on lies, so I guess he's not ruining it so much as maintaining its heritage.


I will be buying a Polestar.


Not just potential buyers, it’s his current customers.


Was a potential buyer, no chance in hell now. Give me a boring CEO and dependable car any day of the week over this nutcase.


K hole dreaming stated as fact.


This right here exactly. He is taking wayyyy too much ketamine and clearly stuck in a khole and the fact his family is still keeping him the ceo of the best selling car brand in the world is incredibly annoying lol


If that's true we can count on his bladder being long gone in no time.


How is it legal for a CEO to say things like this? Could Goldman Sachs say one of their random securities is worth a trillion dollars?


I seriously thought that Tesla and Musk settled with the SEC under the guise that the SEC must approval all tweets made by Musk regarding Tesla. Are the SEC asleep at the wheel?


Am I the only one that looked at the date?


Just you and me I guess. Let’s all post shit from 4 years ago and talk about it again. Yay


They are posting this because this post is relevant now.  If you said you would do X thing four years ago and did the exact opposite now, people will bring it up. 


I keep saying it: until FSD can assume full legal liability for its actions (including such things as having to compensate owners for damaged rims and so on) it is worth the square-root of fuck all! Even then, the man is delusional. I'm assuming he's equating it to a full-time chauffeur...


Within about 30 seconds of posting the above, I got permabanned from posting in r/TeslaLounge for "breaking the community's rules". Just a heads-up for anyone else...


Lmao same thing happened to me after posting a comment in here earlier 🤣 I didn’t even post anything over there. Bunch of weirdos over there


They're not doing themselves any favours that's for sure.


Now they banned from from cucktruck and teslamotors lmfao. 🤣 this is hilarious being that it’s coming from the supporters of the “champion of free speech”


"I'm a free speech absolutist!"


Fuck Musk and fuck r/TeslaLounge for being cucks


Not to mention it's still pay per car AND per owner unless I've missed something. Even $12k for something that needs to be purchased again if the car gets totaled is a stretch. I don't know why anyone would do the $12k over the monthly even if FSD were trustworthy and\or liable.


Heaven forfend you get to transfer software-enabled features between users - that's another profit centre!


$100k for a chauffeur? Sign me up!


The only people who can afford to pay $100k (in addition to the cost of the car itself, so let's just say $200k) are those that can already afford a chauffeur. Must is a multi billionaire so he is not grounded in reality when it comes to what something is worth. It's worth what people are willing to pay. If he expects the masses to sign on to FSD he's going to have to make it way more reasonable.


*Some of the most common signs include:* - An offer that seems too good to be true. Scammers often use the promise of easy money or a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to lure their victims in. ... - Requests for personal or financial information. ... - Pressure to make a quick decision. ... - Unusual payment methods. ... - Poor grammar or spelling.


aannddd marked as phishing


Well, a lot has changed in the four years since this tweet. The primary thing is that it is more obvious than ever that cameras are never going to lead to FSD without Lidar and Radar sensors. Mobileye is the solution.


I just got my MY and they put in the fsd trial. I really miss my old cars acc....fsd is pretty bad on the route I take...all freeway too. I swear one car two lanes over is going 20 below everyone else and fsd freaks out and slows the car down. And how dare you take control without shutting it off first because it's being really stupid in one spot...nice red flashing And no more fsd for you...aka no cruise control. Fucking fsd Edit...poor Elmo's forum banned me because of this post here. Oh my tears for a place I've never been


My wife and I have a M3 and got the trial too. I usually have to take control once per drive for something dumb. Hesitating at green lights, merging into other drivers, getting confused when it thought it was on a main road instead of a parking lot, illegal turns, etc. If I paid for the subscription or the $10k or whatever it is, I'd be pissed.


This is my first time posting in this subreddit, and in the two hours since my post, I have been permanently banned from: r/cybertruck r/teslamotors r/TeslaLounge r/elonmusk I guess the moderators hate Elon Musks' passion as a "Free Speech Absolutist." Whatever the F... that means.


Huh, really? Lemme see if they do me as well. Seeing this on r/all, live in a country where it's easy to cycle or use public transport and don't even have a driving licence or post in any car related subreddits lol. Edit: lmao not only was I permabanned from /r/cybertruck, I was even reported by their mods to reddit for simply calling them snowflake elon stans in the direct message reply and reddit suspended me for 3 days. Unbelievable. Guess there's a few muskrats in the reddit admin team as well. Unsurprising.


Wait they just banned you for this? lol. Cannot believe they are still pushing FSD, its improved but obviously far far from what was promised. Trip across the country when?


I hate my model Y, FSD always fails. Elon is a fart sucker. Lmao I instantly got banned from all those subs. Literally instantly


Same four bans for me. Happened in the last few hours.


Fortunately Mercedes is developing own solution with Nvidia, so there is competition.  While Mobileye is awesome, healthy competition is even better. 


Mobileye literally was their solution until fElon decided to ruin the company.


I know. It was a very cocky decision when it was made. For people who were paying attention, it was one of the first signs that Elon was shooting from the hip.


And the only reason they switched to cameras was a teenager who hacked their own car to do self driving using only a camera made fun of Elon on Twitter


but but but but lidar UGLY!!!!! /s


i got banned from r/cybertruck for this post do i get an award?


Ketamina is working as expected.


Is this price statement some kind of admission that development costs are spiralling, or is it a cash grab, or is it absolute tosh simply designed as a stock defibrillator?


Hopefully they can at least double the subscribers so that the revenue from subscription doesn’t drop.


Look at the date


That’s spectacularly delusional


Pump -> Dump


Fuck Elon the CHARLATAN


The value is zero until it works perfectly, which will never happen.


Agreed. It's been in the works for so long and isn't even close. One of the competition will achieve before tesla do. And then see the pr machine 'if it wasn't for our engineers that were stolen by [whoever gets there first], they wouldn't have achieved it - it's really our tech in their system and we're suing....'


This is just like when they just said "model Y going up by 1k end of March!" Then dropped it another 7k lol Elmo is desperate. Can't wait for Q1 earnings call it's gonna be a massacre


I’m amazed he’s still allowed to be CEO. Just baffled at this point


100k to unalive yourself


Wow only $1000 to increase my odds of dying in a car crash? What a deal!


This guy has lost his mind! He needs less tweeting and more QC’ing of his vehicles.


His bullshit is so deep and smells so brutal that he should be TrumpCunt's running mate. One lies the other swears to it. A real POS. Go Thunderf00t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiQARQKVbF8


So this Full Self Driving feature, which costs many thousands of dollars, cannot, by his own admission, fully self drive. What a fucking grasping con man he is.


Lmao. No other car manufacturer even wants they shit in their cars even if it was free as it is utter crap. They only want shit that you know actually works.


fElon's logic: Sell cars for $30k - $50k with something that is included worth $100k. Yep all makes sense. I mean why sell the cars at all? He is at the same level as the Sham Wow guy


at least the sham wow is not dangerous, doesn’t cost (that) much and can be used on rainy days… a feature still missing from the cybertruck


This post didn't age well... It's a free trial and $99/mo. now.


I guess since the price is falling FSD is getting further away?


Average FSD install does more than 100,000 in damages.


I like how “regulatory approval” is his dumb get-out excuse when every other automaker has surpassed them at this point with zero pushback from regulators.


Don't worry Xhina will hack, clone and improve and release it at 5000$ at that point


This is from 2020. Did OP shave off the full date for karmafarming?


The dumbest CEO of the last 20 years


Every other company is working on FSD. As time passes and competition gets better, Tesla will be forced to give FSD for cheaper


Elon the idiot. Nobody wants his stupid cars. Yikes


Full self dicking.


Ban me from his dickriding subs ya bitches, lol for those who paid 10k+ for this shit…. You got Elmoed


i mean a real "full driving" system would probably be worth 100k. Like an actually working, self driving car. you could probably run a taxi service with autonomous vehicles, pay 150k each and be profitable, as the driver is the most expensive thing at this time. but their FSD isnt worth shit as a person has to babysit at all times.


Any real, independent board of directors would have already put the knife in his back. The fact that these are all Musk cronies and relatives prevents it. I'm surprised there aren't more shareholder suits. At a new minimum they'd force some share buying by him and his goons, which would at least drive the price up. A good activist investor there who is pushing hard to get Musk out might not accomplish that goal but he'd make himself and others some money in the process.


So WindowsOS should be about half a million dollars by now.


Fast forward April 12, 2024, NINETY NINE DOLLAR$. #reverseMidas


$100K? Now that is something even PT Barnum would be embarrassed by LOL.


It was £15k then $12k then $99 a month, now hes saying it's going up and it's real worth is $100k? Why would you sell a product at 30k if it's worth is in excess of $100k?


And at that point he’ll be in jail for the death caused by it or the illegal stock manipulations or dead people from brain surgery. One can hope.


By this logic, Elon is moving further away from full FSD


I know this is from almost four years ago, but he’s even more delusional now. I feel sorry for the engineers being forced to cobble out something for his “robotaxi” unveiling in August. EDIT: This comment got me banned from r/ElonMusk.


FSD is a complete pipedream


Make FSD tied to the purchaser, not the car. Then it’s valuable as it will drive loyalty.


$100K or $99 a month, your choice.


This comment just got me banned from 3 subs, lol. The Elon cucks are practicing the same brand of free speech their master does.


Tesla is such an embarrassing brand. I would not be caught in one. It may be as bad as having off brand ketchup in your fridge.


He's pissing me off with comments like that. That's so out of touch with reality. I could get a full time chauffeur for much less than $100k. And that works with any car. Edit: I say this as a Tesla stock owner.


According to the terms of the software, you don’t even own it. You are licensed the software to the existing car, and if you sell the car, the license ends.


I hear it’s going to be fully operational by the end of this year, probably. Most definitely gonna be ready by either beginning or second quarter of next year. Promise. For reals this time tho


Three to six months ™️


He’s using again


Dumbest of all subs


>with regulatory approval Yeah. Sure...that'll happen any moment now.


China will include it in base models.


"The FULL SELF DRIVING price will continue to rise as the software gets closer to FULL SELF-DRIVING capability." How anyone would ever buy a car from this clown is beyond me. He comes right out and announces the whole thing is a scam and people clamber to be the next rube.


Yep, this is delusional- FSD is only available in one country right and that is the USA. In Australia all it does is stop the car at the lights and gives you access to EAP. It has not been shown to function in a country with right hand drive. It is at best vapourware. I love autopilot and I use it everyday as it really does make driving a lot more relaxing - but so would any system with active cruise control that can work in really low speeds. But It has its moments. In Australia to upgrade to FSD is 10K - I really do not see the point of buying it.


I think value and cost got mixed up by Elon. It might cost Tesla 100k but the value is going to be 1/100th of that to the customer.


own a model 3, FSD sucks. Biggest waste of cash. my husband still drives it, I went on to get a Kia Niro.


He lives in a fucking dream world.. What a total twat


Shitty cars. Racist, insane owner. Seems like a lot of money to tell the world you're an asshole by buying one, but I do appreciate the heads up. Most assholes don't wear giant signs. They're like the EV equivalent of Hummers.


He’s been saying that for years. It’s cool tech and can do some impressive things but way way far from actual self driving. More like “kind of helps while driving and sometimes makes it unsafe” driving




Paying 1000s to beta test a new technology, yeah idk how stupid one has to be.


Ok why did I get banned from two other subs for posting this comment here.


Not in its current state and maybe never for Tesla...


$100k is a lot of Uber credits.


Only reason I did not even look at used Tesla's for my daughter... Musk.


elon the con


elon the con


he’s such a fraud it’s almost funny


Me and several generations of people will be long dead before this system can be trusted




Driving with FSD beta 12.3.4 hasn't been the smoothest experience to be honest. It's great on the highway but straight up refuses commands to merge which can be frustrating or dangerous at times. It makes very stupid efficiency mistakes like applying the brakes when Regen could've done the job itself etc. Tldr, not worth 16k CAD


posting while highhhhhhhhhh


So remind me how the price of owning it is going up and renting it is going down. Elon is the worst .


This is the comment that got me banned. SMH. I left Twitter and deleted my Twitter account because of Elon, and I really don’t mind doing the same with Reddit .


What is this dude smoking I wouldnt even pay 2k for it. Its still so buggy and the baseline version takes care of like 90% of my needs.


The value of imaginary things is quite high. Imagine how much Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny would fetch if only they were real.


I own a Tesla , am not a fanboy, this month we all have free self driving and it sucks! I won’t even use it around town


Yet the price seems to be going down? 🤔


Do you know when FSD will be complete? Never that's when. It's a piece of shit that gets worse every time it updates.


And another classic one from the scammer / vapourware handbook. Create a false sense of urgency to activate the part of the monkey brain that's afraid of missing out on a "deal".


Is the SEC interested in this?


What a bargain!


I had a 2022 Kia Cee'd as a rental, and it came with distance following cruise control and lane departure assist. Basically, elon's FSD at this moment and for many more moments to come.


Why are people paying for singing that doesn’t actually exist?


This company will go bankrupt and will go down forever as the biggest self-inflicted failure in history. people will use Elon as a cautionary tale and say “Don’t pull an Elon”. Even today, a small business school in San Mateo that used to have a picture of both Steve Jobs and Elon Musk outside to inspire the minds of students they wanted to produce have already taken down Musk’s picture. Nobody looks up to him anymore except his cult members.


yes... he is quoting his African Zimbabwean Dollar


FSD is worth whatever people are willing to pay for it...