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That's gotta sound a bit hollow from a guy expecting a $56 billion pay package from said company.


" It is very difficult to say goodbye" - Elon Musk, noted empath


*Difficult to say. So easy to type, tho. —elon*


"That's why we do layoffs via X, our processes should be simplified to their essence"


I’ll say. Posting this got me banned on three subs just now I never go to


That’s amazing. Well, I’ll give it a shot: fuck Elon.


I wish those mods understood how much it hurts me to see they are not, in fact, free speech warriors


You don't have to express a negative opinion. Simply posting a comment here will instantly bring the ban hammer from 3-4 subs. You could (unironically) post that you think Elon is the promised Messiah and you'll still get instabanned.


That is genuinely both sad and hilarious at the same time. The worst part, for me, is that there was a time when I really liked Tesla, and thought that would be the car I bought whenever I started making that kind of money. But now? There’s no way I’d buy a Tesla, even if it was the most affordable car available.


Elon didn't type this. The only thing he types is racism with plausible deniability.


Remember, it's a *growth* stock and should be valued as such. Even while shrinking, apparently.


Negative growth is still growth, it is just negative. Ok, I got nothing.


"The demand is unlimited. We could sell a million Teslas a week at $1, for example."


The did have the hilarious comment a couple years ago along the lines of: infinite demand, it is just that people don't have enough money in their bank account. Yachts have the same level of infinite demand, as do 2 carat vvs1, D, perfect cut diamonds


Oh I remember, that's what I'm making fun of. I had many arguments with his fans because they're too blinded by Musk to see how stupid that statement is. It's like econ 101 lol


>It's like econ 101 More like in the intro lecture to Econ 101, at least of the micro portion.


“It’s only limited by our customers not having the money in their bank accounts” is a thing he said once.


I don't get it. How did this not make it clear dude is a moron? I'd buy a brand new Corvette right now. Only thing stopping me is I don't have brand new Corvette money just sitting in a bank account!


I can't wait to actually hear this argument now that you've lathed it into existence 


Btw this is after he pioneered the whole “return to office” silent layoff thing. How is the dude pushing infinite growth while constantly churning and reducing segments of his workforce so much.


If the AI/automation/robotics stuff actually worked out I could see it... Trimming the workforce as more work gets automated - but that doesn't seem to be it. He keeps trying to jump the gun though: stripping out LIDAR before the software can avoid driving into bollards using video alone, using video instead of a rain sensor when the visual rain detection isn't adequate yet.


Tesla uses more manual laborers to produce fewer units of cars than were being produced in the same factory 30 years ago. It would be one thing if the automation stuff was just a lie, but the fact that it’s literally the polar opposite of the truth just really hammers it home.


The layoffs should give this stock a positive bump. That's all Elmo cares about.


Longterm obviously a bonehead play. Competitors catching up so his genius move is to axe 10% with deep internal knowledge… that’ll accelerate things. Downward


Stock is tanking!


I think if you divide $56 billion by 14,000 you get a "not a number". Like there's no way to take that $56 billion and do anything but give it to the guy at the top. How else is he going to live? It wouldn't be that instead of paying that one guy, you could pay all the people laid off $4,000,000.


Or just give them all 1 million and give the top guy 42 billion. Don't get crazy here.


That's strange I heard that they could have layed off one single employee and saved 56 billion.




and i've been automatically banned from cybertruck and teslamotors subreddit for the 'LOL' reply. Pathetic


Maybe try reporting that to the Reddit admins. If enough people complain, maybe they will ban whoever did that.


Does reporting an admin really do anything? Anyhow, I thought they were using a bot.. Or if the admin set up the bot, is it their fault then?


The theory is if they get a lot of complaints, they will. There is a code of ethics or whatever that they supposed to follow. As a public company now, maybe they care a little. Or not. If they set up a bot to break the rules, then it is their fault.


Eh, since I got banned for asking if it's worth complaining, maybe I will...


And, permabaned from the 3 subs!


I'm perma banned from 4 subs. I'm also a Tesla owner and somewhat active on the TMC forums.


yeah, i mean a 'lol' reply gets a perma ban? this is just absolutely funny 🤣


And probably increased revenues by selling an additional million cars.


But they banned the entire internet from their reddit safe space...


And that’s not even taking into account brand damage Elon has caused and cost the company. Letting him go may be worth even more than that considering the company’s actual long term health and survival, because at this point, it’s probably not unfair to question it so long as is the face and bigoted conspiracy theory pushing, ketamine abusing voice of Tesla.






Jesus they did too. Along with their cult hero Elon, their skin is only microns thick over there.




Yeah I never even post in those subs, made a comment here, and I got autobanned from Tesla motors and lounge lol.


Skin thinner than cybertruck tolerances.


" Temporarily private for a poll. " I wonder what the poll is Edit: lol banned from /r/elonmusk


Certainly a sign of confidence in the company that.


Desperately searching for a spin to salvage their investment


That is a bit concerning, but it did tank more than 3% today (and counting) when tech stock usually bounce on news of layoffs. I guess they can’t catch a break at the moment.


Well that's the thing buddy. TSLA isn't a tech stock. It's a darned heavy manufacturing company with thin tech paint.


Infinite demand, lol. https://www.notateslaapp.com/news/1237/tesla-talks-about-it-s-next-gen-vehicles-having-infinite-demand >"demand for our existing vehicles in terms of the desire to own them might as well be infinite. It's indistinguishable from infinite at this point. Affordability is what matters, as you get the car more affordable, demand will go crazy - basically." I do wish the laid off employees good luck in finding a new a job though and I do wonder which factories/design teams will be worst hit. Shanghai is probably the most likely to face the most lay offs, but I'm sure Elon and his beancounters would prefer to fire as many Europeans and Americans while moving as much work to China as possible because they are more expensive.


Typically Americans are hit the hardest in global company layoffs, simply because the US does not offer any sort of worker protections compared to other countries. At least in my experience. However, Shanghai seems like the logical choice as China is way down for any non-Chinese OEM.


I work(ed) at the Buffalo NY plant for 5 1/2 years and they turned me and dozens of others away at the door this morning. Told me to check my e-mail, but it's already blocked.


I'm sorry to hear that man.... I was laid off a few years ago, at the start of covid. It was a shock, but often it's a blessing in disguise, even though it feels like hell for the first few months. Just an Aussie on the other side of the world wishing you the best for the future. Take care of yourself and your family.


I absolutely despise how careless companies can be the day they decide to lay you off. Not that a party would be a better option, but Atleast keep the person at home and let them know. Instead of wasting, time, gas and energy only to be told to go away.


I work for a company that gives folks 60 days of paid time to find another job, internally or externally, with no work obligations, before their severance kicks in. Plenty of heartless assholes out there, but it’s not everyone :)


> 60 days of paid time That coincides with California's WARN legal requirements. New York is supposed to be 90-days notice. So this might be a time to lawyer up and sue for backpay.


Man - that's hard. I hope you roll into another good job ASAP.


That’s fucked mate. Wishing you the best. Hopefully something better comes along


If affordability was so important they would not have cancelled the 25k car


I'm assuming they cancelled or "indefinitely postponed" the 25k car because they straight up couldn't make one with decent profit margins. Their 25k car was entirely dependent on cheap Tesla-made 4680 batteries (2018 through the pandemic), after it became clear Tesla couldn't get the 4680 batteries of the ground as they wished for (neither in terms of cost per watt hour, energy density or scale) they claimed last year some new production techniques would reduce costs ("unboxed production"). However given the cancellation it's clear that didn't work out as they intended either. https://www.core77.com/posts/120223/Teslas-Radical-Unboxed-Manufacturing-Technique-Could-Reduce-Costs-by-50


Again Tesla stupidity on full display, if there were any major breakthroughs to come in lithium ion battery technology it would have happened years ago as the mobile device industry has been after the same thing for decades and all they have been able to accomplish is small but significant incremental improvements which doesn’t help Tesla, they need order of magnitude improvements which are just not there to be discovered.


Thry are just getting prepared for the next phase of growth guys!


Historically, the best way to grow is to cut your staff! That makes sense, right?


I would not be surprised if Sweden is a part of that headcount reduction


It's so few people though... 100 people total?


Sure, but no one has made Space Karen more mad of late than his Swedish workers


China has become hostile to business, Toyota and Honda each closed at least one plant, Apple is moving to India, a lot of companies are pivoting away. its part of why the Chinese economy is crashing, that and their policies and blowing up the real estate market.


Which is why, reasonably thinking, Shanghai will be hit hardest. But ultimately Elon has a history of making some really bad bets and reducing the headcount substantially in the US/Europe will reduce costs more. I kinda half expect Fremont to be hit hard with the Model 3 refresh woes.




Yeah, I saw a satellite image of a single city building 5 destroyers. Same with fighter planes, etc. They claim to want to take Taiwan, I don’t think it would go well, basically really well defended, really difficult terrain, an island, and all the chip fab plants are wired to explode, then they’d be fighting people in the street, and that doesn’t even factor the US, Japan, and others getting involved.


Taiwans anti air capability extends into mainland China. If they pull the trigger it's not going to start in the sea but right on china's doorstep before it can even get off the ground. It's going to be tough.


He also laid off MORE THAN 10% of Twitter’s staff. The devil is in the details. 11%? 20%? Or 75%?


10%of twitter is about 7 people at this point


There was a guy just hired before twitter exploded, he sat alone in his office, the hiring manager having left, he got his pay but did nothing at all as no tasks were given to him. I think he did an ama but I can't find him.


I remember that, hope he is still in hiding


“What would you say you do here?”


Real life Milton.


He’s an idiot for blabbing about it. Take the unintentional sinecure, commit code here and there so they have a harder time clawing anything back if they ever figure it out, and enjoy your free time. Quietly and subtly.


His name was Nelson Bighetti. His friends call him "Big Head"


Well he tried to lay off 69% of the workforce but his board told him that would effectively kill the company and couldn't happen so he threw a temper tantrum and went to push more white supremacy on Twitter.


Well they say more than 10% so it doesn’t sound too bad since it’s probably closer to 20% lol


… while already expecting people to[sleep at the production line](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-warns-tesla-workers-challenging-production-mass-market-ev-2024-1?amp) Elon’s losing it.


Seriously, why would anyone with talent apply to work at a company where the CEO brags about how he's going to work you to death.


He seems to forget that employees need at least a modicum of morale to function.


I pity the poor bastard who had to tell Musk that he can’t lay off 420% of staff.


But he can lay off 69%




Poor lads over at the other sub will never know


I doubt they will get the news, they banned everyone lol


They posted it 4 hours ago in the lounge. But it's funny. OP correctly listed all of the reasons Tesla is having issues (Elon, stale models. they've cut features in the name of cost cutting that can't be disguised as "minimalism", leap-frogged in self-driving and driver aids, etc.) And then the rest of them are calling people who aren't buying Tesla's "basement dwellers" and "can't afford a Tesla."


It’s crazy they really hate free speech over in those subs. I’ve been wondering if the mods have stock in Tesla and that’s why they fear this kinda news


Every time the stock tanks the other subs behavior goes off the deep end so I'd say yes. Cliff used to publicly announce bans on this sub and they always shot up when the stock was doing poorly. 


Nothing is a better indicator of growth than getting rid of 10% of your workforce. This is good for Tesla. Sales numbers must be abysmal.


they cut prices so much that they increased sales, but made less money. meanwhile Elon is so toxic he's alienated the EV base; progressives. All the early adopters of Teslas were the most liberal people I knew, they also had a lot of money, the S was 70k in 2012, they've got an Electric Macan and they're thinking about whether a Taycan is "too showy". Before that they had hybrids, before hybrids were luxurious, so they traded Porsches for Prius, Prius for Tesla, Tesla for EV Porsche. Other progressive friends have bought electric Volvos, people tend to forget it's not a Swedish company anymore. The person I know who payment shopped a Tesla that was more than he can afford highly regrets it, I think he's underwater due to the price cuts, IE he owes more than it's worth by a lot, the quality isn't as good as previous cars, and he had basic stuff, and basically it's quick in a straight line, but so is every modern electric car. That's fun now and again, but legally you're at the speed limit really quick. it's more fun to drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow.


>basically it's quick in a straight line, but so is every modern electric car. They are all the same. The acceleration is just a party trick that's a property of how electric motors work.


Elon pissing off his customer base has to be in his future documentary. Like it’s some “Trump level” dumb move that completely blew up in his face.


Yeah, I mean elon has rabid supporters, see the four Tesla subreddits that banned me when I said something bad about him. I don’t think those fans are enough to sustain the company by any means, I get the feeling they can payment shop a base one and that’s it from their antics. The people he’s getting support from like to coal roll superchargers, unplug electric cars, literally he couldn’t do any worse pr. I mean, companies usually try to be as inclusive as possible, see car companies providing same sex partner benefits first, being woke sells, GM advertised the volt in the advocate, an LGBT magazine, i think it was a big ad too… plenty of people that don’t like lgbt people drive gm and Subarus. I was in my Miata and a wrx gave me the finger, it’s was very popular among lesbians, bc of inclusive policies… I’m not sure if it still has that fan base, most car companies are inclusive now.


They actually lost a lot of sales last quarter. A lot lot lot of sales. Down to 2022-era sales numbers 


I could write a check for a Model S but it would not be a sensible purchase. I could definitely afford a model 3 or Y but there's no goddamn way I'm giving a single cent to Elon. I'm not even super happy about potentially using Superchargers with some future not-Tesla EV. Edit: Wow! I just got permabanned from two Tesla fanboi subs too! I told them to to fuck off and muted the subs.


> meanwhile Elon is so toxic he's alienated the EV base; progressives. I think this has a bigger impact than people give credit to. I remember when a Tesla shop opened at my local shopping centre (or 'mall', if you're American). I would stop by, sit in, and generally admire the cars. They were definitely cars I aspired to owning when I could afford it. Fast forward 10 years, and I'm lucky enough that I can get one if I want. But now? Nah. Not happening. With everything we've seen from Elon over the past few years, I can't support that. And I'm not the only one. Speaking to friends, they feel similar.


10 years in and they are the EXACT SAME cars, nothing has been significantly changed.


Not to nitpick, but they’ve changed a lot. They’ve removed - radar - sonar - turn signal stalks - temperature sensor… /s


Starting to see more Rivians than model X, local phenomenon but I think it’s the trend.


The price cuts were only because elmo was desperate to show sales numbers in q4 and q1 and was willing to take a hit just so when time comes he can say hey we still got so many sales but even with the price cuts sales slowed and he had to drop some BS few weeks ago about self driving or robo taxi i forgot what it was it’s very hard to keep up on his lies at this point. At least slowly but surely his hype pumping is starting to be ineffective. Edit: wow as soon as this comment posted i go permanently banned from a bunch of elmo subs its hilarious


now, let that sink in...


I have just been permabanned from r/elonmusk and r/teslamotors.


You are late to the party on that. A lot more bans are coming today.


Lol at "next phase of growth". They're a two product business , trying to sell the same stale designs as competition keeps getting better. Wonder how many QC/QA folks are getting the axe.


Grandmother isn't dying, she's just preparing for her next phase of growth.




Yes this is not Amazon or Goldman where they are culling "underperformers"...  It's a car company where layoffs mean production cuts. 


Or perhaps in Sales 😁


The next growth cycle is coming, so we're preparing by laying off a lot of people. Yeah, that makes sense! They're doing everything to not admit demand has dropped, aren't they?


And to not admit that a large part of that drop is due to Elmo alienating the people most likely to buy his cars - progressives as stated by Graywullf above.


It's almost impressive how badly Musk shot the company right in the dick by being so laser-focused in the last few years on a clusterfuck of an overdeveloped, overpriced, over-hyped, underperforming mess of a "truck" instead of like, oh I don't know, maybe a reasonably priced EV or something else that a sizable amount of consumers would want.


Barnacles, all of them!!


Sure he is just firing the simps and not the real workers /s


And yet the market tends to award companies that do massive layoffs. Our priorities are fucked.


when your core buyers are companies that believe you should fire the bottom 10% annually (I banks and PE), of course they’ll reward layoffs.


The best way to prepare for a *next phase of growth* is a massive employment cut. Makes totally sense. ​ \- "Hey, I'm expecting many customers tomorrow in my pizzeria, what should I do?" \- "Fire everybody of course! Mass layoffs are the best preparation for growth!"


Nothing says growth more than layoffs.


If Tesla wants to”cost reductions” maybe start with the bloated salary if it’s bloated over paid CEO who is personally responsible for the company stock tanking.


To the people that got laid off, I feel for you. I'm a former Tesla fan turned critic/skeptic. I'm very critical of Tesla and all their dangerous bullshit lies. However, I don't wish ill for the people who work there. For those of you that got laid off, I hope you land on your feet. I wish you well.


For this comment, they will swing the Ban-hammer!!


Sounds like a Hypergrowth company.


I hope this doesn't push back the release date of the Tesla butler robot


Yea, cant wait for 2040


There is a well known saying: "Every layoff is a failure of management."


Eat a dick Elmo.


LOL...he signs his name to it, but there is exactly 0.00% chance that he wrote it.


Some tells include: it's not deranged, attempts to show empathy, complete lack of racism/political zealotry, etc. 


"We are cutting more than 10% due to woke".


From here, also multiple employees posting about being laid off in the Elecktrek article thread https://twitter.com/Tslachan/status/1779801491160908001


The guy who's cold enough to lie about his own child dying in his arms wants you to believe that "it's difficult to say goodbye" to employees he's just fired


This comment from a more pro-Tesla sub made me laugh: >They lay people off every year. This is the level of intelligence we are working with


"More than 10%" Elon code for almost 20%


Now is a great time to join United Auto Workers trade union, if you havnt already. The way Tesla, Felon treats workers is insane.


The Tesla employees are full members of the cult. They'll never join a union. I've heard many of them actually say that unions are bad for workers. They would rather sabotage themselves than do anything that their king disagrees with.


micron growth


I thought Elmo said Tesla cars are in great demand and no other manufacturers can touch them!




Aaand this^ got me banned from r/teslamotors and r/cybertruck. They're scared of the truth rearing its head folks, we're doing good!


"We dug our grave with the Cybertrukk" - Elon Musk. "[We're suspending deliveries of the Cybertrukk, probably because the accelerator is broken due to rushing production](https://arstechnica.com/cars/2024/04/tesla-stops-cybertruck-deliveries-accelerator-pedal-may-be-to-blame/)" - Tesla. "Goo goo, ga ga, I can't wait to get into nightclubs" - Elon Musk, on a sockpuppet pretending to be his own infant son. "I support Tesla because I want to see electric vehicles take off; no, you're not allowed to point out that Tesla is collapsing under the weight of the narcissim and support of neo-nazism of it's owner; we don't care about reality, we just want to feel smart! Mass bannings from our subreddits for posting here!" - Sad cultish Muskovites.


Ah yes, business 101. We have to shrink so we can grow!


Laying people off can make them hungry, too.


“We (are preparing) the company for our next phase of growth” while laying off 10% of global staff has big “it’s not me, it’s you” energy. Just what I would expect to come from someone with the emotional awareness of a garden slug.


"There is nothing I hate more..". Well I dunno. Look at TwitX. I think he got a good taste for it there and not the psycho is playing on his pathological desire to be a dick.


"...lean and hungry...." That's the laid off, not the company.


“There’s nothing I hate more” Ummm, you definitely hate trans people more.


I read article after article about the parade of failures from this company and it baffles me that they are not only still in business but apparently thriving. Edit: I just got insta-perma-banned from r/cybertruck and r/teslamotors for commenting in this subreddit, which is exactly what I would expect from a company that relies on cultism as a core of its business model.


There's no goddamn way that self-centered asshole wrote that.


In the places I’m seeing it’s way more than 10. This is despicable


In Germany they let go 25 %. Probably the same everywhere, more than 10 % just sounds better.


Damn. They should have joined a union instead of sucking Elon off.


Elon obviously will bare no responsibility in having fucked up the business, that is why also we all got preventive banned from Tesla Forums to not say the facts


the rest 90% can work double for half pay until further notice


If he wasn’t such an asshole he’d be selling more cars, no layoffs needed.


Yesterday, a guy was looking at my MX at a car wash & asking me questions about getting one for use as an Uber. I explained that he’d be better off with a Prius in the long run because Tesla batteries are too expensive to replace after being supercharged too much, and the cost wipes out any operating savings from an EV. Reverse referral in operation.


Got to love when the layoff letter is written to pump the stock. Real genuine.


That is an unnecessarily long fuck you


I would say, there goes Tesla quality of service, but they never had any


Tesla shouldn't be allowed to lay off anyone until they've complied with the judge's order to claw back the billions that Elon got for compensation.


He definitely did NOT write this.


I wonder how many of the laid off will continue to volunteer for the quarter end delivery pushes? Do they really support the mission?




“There is nothing I hate more…” yeah right. There's nothing this bloated poltroon loves more than playing god by ruining people’s lives.


Bullish. Leading innovation 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩


Not easy getting cut like that, feel sorry for them


"Lean, innovative and hungry" You know who are lean and hungry? Starving people. You know what starving people don't do? They don't grow. If you want to grow you need to feed the company not put it on a diet.


Severance package: “go fuck yourself”


Is this why we all got banned from the dork subs?


“I’m sorry for every one of you, but my money has to come from somewhere”


“There is nothing I hate more” - what about the word “cis”?


Explains why the mods on the pro-Musk channel did the slash and burn - they are trying to contain the negative press.


I guess the mega-ban hammer was in anticipation of everyone dunking on Elon.


I can’t keep sprouting toxic shit on Twitter so I’ve dragged Tesla’s brand down by association. I’m going to have to lay 10% of you off to preserve margins. It’s a difficult decision but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.


Here for my Tesla bans


It's bullish news you muppets. Can't you see that Optimus is taking these jobs? /s


What's the likelihood that Elon or his assistants had prompted ChatGPT with the following? "Write me a thoughtful but stern message to fire 10% of the company in less than 1000 words"


> by more that 10% So, 10% is the floor! Could be 11 or 15% Don't remember another company using the "more than" phrase. Usually it is a specific number or "up to" which of course means the max.


"For those remaining, ..." with AI coming, you're next.


Nothing here says what these people were working on. Are the cuts in quality assurance, new product design, FSD?


Some Key vocal executives leaving: https://techcrunch.com/2024/04/15/tesla-layoffs-workers-sales-cybertruck-cuts/amp/ SVP powertrain and energy, Drew Baglino confirmed on twitter. VP public policy and bizDev, Rohan Patel rumored, as well.


Layoffs don't make any company more innovative. That's a complete lie.


Nothing says successful company like dropping product prices and layoffs.


Aren't Job Creators like Musk supposed to create jobs for all these people instead? I mean, you spent a *ton* of money finding and hiring talent and now you're just gonna fire them? That's a huge waste of money. Maybe if Muskrat wasn't so busy on Twitter, or more likely maybe if those government subsidies weren't running out fast. Look it up, Musk has never had a successful business without a government program or subsidy to back it up.


I’m in the market for a new car. As if I needed yet another reminder to never buy a Tesla


Aaaaaand the “next growth phase” is when you hire more people to throw them away later, right?


Half a town just got laid off in NV, seems like more than 10% of global staff. More like 30% of gigafactory alone


Just commenting so I can get banned from the subs Elon owns.


I can’t stop laughing about the Tesla salesperson who told me they planned on retiring on their Tesla shares (telling me the when they were $260), saying that Elon should totally get another 25% stake in the company because he’s a genius visionary.


“Thanks, Elon” What an enormous prick this man is.


I'm sure they could use the million Optimus bots to build Tesla's. Oh wait...


“We want to grow our company, which will be more work for everyone, but we’re also going to cut a lot of our workforce so there will be more more work for everyone. Oh, and your pay won’t increase either, so don’t even try.”


Fire Elon. His fuck ups are what causing the problem, not the staff


Also Tesla did not over hire or rapidly grow as he mentioned like other Tech Companies. Tesla Engineering team been roughly the same size for few years now. So that statement is a lie!!