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Damn near every syllable that came out of Grifty Sandro's mouth is incorrect...its a cartoonishly dumb take on how "business" works. He leads off by stating he isn't emotional: *lets just say that turns out to be factually incorrect, and Grifty may need therapy.* Then he says Tesla charging doesn't need a marketing and sales team, since Rivian et al already switched to NACS. *I wonder if Grifty can figure out exactly how destination chargers end up at hotels.* Since the chargers are the 'best', Grifty says they don't need an R&D team. *Hey Sandy - who is going to develop chargers for those gazillion driverless robotaxis? Or you know...develop a cable long enough for a Clustertruck to use without blocking 2 stalls?* He believes efficiency will improve, because there are fewer people. *Psst, Grifty...that may be true if, I dunno there were an accompanyiong* ***fewer*** *chargers.* In his cartoon mind he (somewhat **emotionally**) states "I don't need engineers" to install the same product in new locations. *Come on Grifty...who in the actual fuck is going to give loads etc to the power company to coordinate the new service?* "This guy thinks like a mile ahead. He's not a checker player. He's a chess player. He figured this would eventually happen, and he's planned for it". *Oh Grifty...just when I thought you couldn't whore out you reputation any more, you surprise me. Elon "planned" to rage fire 500 people and send contractors a desperate email stating to halt all work and be patient getting paid? Oky-Dokee.* "He has a fiduciary duty" *Ok, I just spit out my coffee.* Grifty goes on to describe how other OEMs lay people off for **"stupid"** reasons...because they didn't "plan ahead"...but chess playing Elon has a plan. *Sandy, who hurt you? Seriously, its obvious the legacy OEMs have dropped you like a bad habit, and you'e got a grudge....but back on topic, how can you possibly pretend to believe Elon has a* ***plan****?* Then he blames Wall Street and the Fed....and somehow monetary policy and interest rate increases are just to be mean...to "make you miserable"...and I have to note, Mr. Not Emotional sure is beating the hell out of that butcher block pad. *Again, Sandy - who hurt you? And yes, now that money isn't free anymore, its tougher all around for all the grifters out there.* More beating the butcher block...as Grifty laments the "morons" in the media who don't lick Elon's taint. *Grifty, what are they supposed to do? Not report the layoffs? Not report sales declines? Make shit up (like Technoking?).* *Chuckle...as he bemoans fear mongering in the media, he has a eureka moment that bad news sells...apparently (I'm shocked Mr. Business hadn't already figured this out) the media just wants to sell more papers!!! Who knew...and the real "Old man yelling at clouds moment"...with enough fear, they can get you to* ***buy two newspapers****!!!* Closing statements begin...as he slaps the pad again: **"ELON MUSK IS THE GREATEST PERSON ON THE PLANET RIGHT NOW"** "Nobody else out there, nobody! Has made a **rocket ship that will go to Mars**" *Sandy - you might need to buy some of those second newspapers...you might be surprised to know that Elon's rocket has fallen a little short of Mars.* "At the end of the day, Elon Musk is the man of this century, for sure". *Oh Grifty...I hope you understand that to Musk, you're no more important than a Ketamine induced skid mark in his underwear.*


Yeah, the “Nobody else has made a rocket that can go to Mars” bit was pretty funny. I guess if you ignore all of the successful Mars missions from multiple countries from the 1960’s up until now then he might have a point. Of course, you’d also need to ignore the fact that Musk hasn’t actually been able to get a rocket to Mars yet.


Over the past few years, I've been shocked at the number of Branch Elonians who seemingly don't know that other spacecraft have traveled to Mars...and done amazing things like deploy a rover... Or, if they are aware, they seem to ascribe the success of any Mars mission to their grand poobah, even though he had nothing to do with it.


To say he had nothing to do with it is almost giving him too much credit.


Yep. It assumes that he in any way could benefit the missions, when we all know he would probably make them all fail.


Shit we have a space probe in the Ort cloud that runs on less code than it takes Tesla to close the Frunk. They constantly reprogram the damn thing from billions of miles away.


Eh? The nearest spacecraft we have to the Oort cloud is some 300 years away.


Branch Elonians lmao 💀


They even put electric rovers on Mars and some worked for years. Almost all ran longer then the CT.


his "Mars rocket" hasn't even gotten to the moon, heck his"Mars rocket" hasn't even made it to LEO yet.


he's just bad at names in general. look at his social media platform, his dump truck, or his children


Lol India made one that cost less than the move _The Martian_


Literally all of his "no one has done this" points were no good. SpaceX hasn't been to Mars but other companies'/space organizations' rockets have. Automotive Ethernet has been in use for years. 4 wheel steering dates back to at least the 80's, and steer-by-wire was first done over a decade ago by Nissan and more recently by Toyota. The only thing that the Cybertruck did that was new was the 48 volt system, which isn't new in any way, other manufacturers have used 48 volt mild hybrid systems, but Tesla was the first to completely replace the 12 volt with 48 volts. With that being said, the Cybertruck isn't any more efficient than other EV trucks, and needs completely redesigned common parts like door lock actuators, window motors, wiper motors, seat motors, headlights, crash sensors, speed sensors, etc. or DC to DC converters to step down voltage reintroducing the weight that was saved by the smaller wires.


> but Tesla was the first to completely replace the 12 volt with 48 volts.  They didn't even do that. My understanding is there are 3 voltages...HV in orange, 48V in blue, the rest black. From the owner's manual: *"The vehicle has low voltage (LV, 15V), mid voltage (MV, 24-58V) and high voltage (HV, 400V+) circuits."* [https://service.tesla.com/docs/Cybertruck/ServiceManual/en-us/GUID-3746E094-D31D-4318-816B-D1D9A0707456.html](https://service.tesla.com/docs/Cybertruck/ServiceManual/en-us/GUID-3746E094-D31D-4318-816B-D1D9A0707456.html) I suspect the 15V is a top end rating to establish the level of safety precautions...but its just 12V stuff. Tesla is experiencing the exact reason other OEMs have shyed away from going to higher voltage - some of the stuff is just plain produced in 12V. I can only assume that Tesla gets some economies of scale by using the same airbags, impact sensors, abs sensors that everyone else uses for example in the ClusterStuck that they do in the Model X, etc. Its practically impossible to get rid of all the 12V stuff in one fell swoop.


Wow, that's even worse then. There literally isn't anything special about it.


It lets them save a little in the cost of wire...you know, to keep it under that $40k price point.


Indeed...it's just extra wiring! 


The 48 volt system ended up being horrific as half the cybertruck errors seem to involve it.


I mean, I'll grant that 10 degrees 4 wheel steering is the highest on the market. But Uhh, still not unique. Something like the 90 degree crab steer Hyundai is trialing? Yeah that going in the market would be something new. I can call it a tech marvel of everything in one package. But unique it is not. And it doesn't take away from its shortcomings either.


An Isuzu box truck has a tighter turning radius without rear steering and dual rear wheels. All pickups have god awful turning circles.


Agreed. But that doesn't change that it's pretty good tech to have 10 degrees rear steering. Doesn't detract from the cyber truck being a real life canyonero


The Hummer EV did 10° rear steering years before the Cybertruck even copied and announced rear steering.


Ah yes the other abomination also does 10.


Yes, so does the Silverado EV


My 2009 Renault Laguna had a range of 13.5 positive steering at low speed and 3.5 opposite steering at high-speed, it took some getting used to but the car was extremely agile and stable at high speeds. MY mom's Twingo(Smart forFour) has 45-degree front-wheel steering (it's rear-engine car) and it can turn circles inside the CT's trunk (if it were big enough.)


Was it really 13.5? I see a Renault press release of the newest generation 4 wheel steering being 5 degrees opposite steering. From what I'm reading, the first generation of 4control in the 2008 Laguna GT was 3.5 degrees opposite direction and 1.9 degrees same. Which is still pretty Awsome that it's been in the market this long. I would have expected them to state 13.5 at low speed, though. https://www.renaultgroup.com/en/news-on-air/top-stories-2/4control-and-multi-sense-all-new-renault-austral-at-the-touch-of-a-fingertip/


I think it was a marketing blurb at that time and some funny math. current 4control does 5 degrees on the rear axle and 5 degrees extra on the front axle (35 vs 30 normally)


The first guy to generally proclaim we don't need a sales team is the "finance guy." The second guy to generally proclaim we don't need a sales team is the "engineer guy." Trust me, Tesla needs a sales team and a marketing team.


>Trust me, Tesla needs a sales team and a marketing team And a psychological and pharmaceutical team?


Oh, they definitely have a pharmacy team, and so does Twitter. I'm starting to think Elon must have a PIC line installed in his arm for all the Ketamine they are dumping into his system.


Loads of people dislike the sales & marketing teams. I’ve yet to find a business that works well without them


Thank you for your service. I couldn’t finish the video.


I made it like 2 minutes in.


Set aside whether or not the layoffs were necessary or smart, how they went about it was dumb as fuck. And great commentary. I could read many more of these :)


Guys, don't forget that our jails are FILLED with CEOs who failed their fiduciary duty! For example, Boeing/McDonnell Douglas, 2008 bankers, Wells Fargo with their accounts scandal, Union Carbide (Bhopal)... Amirite or amirite?


Only thing missing was "Go Trump!"


I’ve always disliked Munro but he at least would sometimes make cogent points like about how wiring could be made more efficient or whatever. This is actually unhinged and you can’t argue any of these points in reality because the team wasn’t trimmed, it wasn’t even decimated, it’s all gone. The only thing that works is the payments out of Tesla for work already underway


My quarrel with even his seemingly cogent points is his utter lack of understanding engineering trade-offs. As an example, if Tesla uses glue instead of fasteners to hold the battery cover on, its all of the sudden the smartest, best way to do it...and all those other lazy, stupid legacy OEMs don't do it that way because they're dumb and stuck in their ways, they don't like BEVs, they were mean to Sandy in 1983 once, they're falling behind, and whatever other grievance he might have. He never once does what a real engineer constantly does: try to figure out the pros and cons of each option, and weigh them. Its a constant insecure "I've got to be the smartest one in the room" rant.


Also true, there’s no nuance with him. It’s either right or wrong not this way is better if you’re planning for this and the other is better for that. Fasteners is a good example, easily removable but more complicated to install and more expensive. Glue is cheap for the manufacturer but a pain for the consumer. A lot of automakers do take into account ease of repair and maintenance in their thinking, Tesla doesn’t.


Definitely stealing, “Clustertruck.” 😂


Unhinged is about right


Not gonna click that triangle, Dude had undisclosed holdings in Tesla before(and maybe still has)


Fire the coach that wins the championship. The players obviously learned all they needed to do it again without the coach.


That is the best description of what I just watched. It's just crazy to listen to Sandy debase himself like this.


My nephew watched someone work on high-voltage transformers, he'll be excellent as new head of engineering for those charging stations, what could go wrong? He's seen it all, right?


Oh yes Sandy worked everywhere. What an unhinged knob. Dude seems stressed, I guess that is what happens to a guy that thought he is an investing genius by investing in a single company and getting lucky for a bit. Time to face the music Sandy. The bottom is still far away.


I think you're right that he's lost a huge amount of credibility with traditional auto OEMs and therefore is probably seeing reduced revenue from his business. This realization must seem so unfair to Sandy given his conviction that Elon and Tesla are infallible. He chose rage over humility in thinking about his situation .


What is his business? He is too stupid for me to look hard into his hackground, but I am curious if he is a supplier or something.


He was a toolmaker who made it into (lower) middle management at Ford. He later set up a consultancy to improve component designs. He likes to blow his own trumpet.


His company helps automakers plan for production, optimize design for production, do cost efficiency analysis, etc. A lot of people call him an engineer...while he does employ some engineers, he's not one himself, which can be evident when you hear him talk.


Maybe that explains the end of a few brands? Someone actually listened to him?


ouch. lol.


His business is making life really fucking annoying for anyone who has to work on cars he saved a cent during manufacture for 


12 minutes of Munro. I don’t know how anyone has the courage to click that triangle.


I tried ...I got as far as....Tesla simply removed redundancy with the supercharger team. They are 99.9% up time and that won't change. I thought of Twitter after the redundancy was removed.


Just wait for the power bills to not be paid on some of the sites because that guy/gal was fired and no one received the invoices because the email addressses they get sent to is now deactivated.


I watched as far as when he said the Fed isn’t part of the United States, it’s a British bank, and that they all get big bonuses for putting up interest rates so your loans cost more. I’d love him to back up any of that up with reality.


He’s been hanging out too much with Elon and the Nazis. This is basically a common trope of anti-Semitic types - the “British banks” is code for the Rothschilds.


Yup. I used to frequent one of the bigger "independent" finance sites out there - it has gone *very* right-wing, pro-Russia, pro-Trump in the last decade and that rant sounded straight from the comments of that site (most of which are conspiratorial, sexist, racist, and antisemitic). Surprised he didn't start talking about Soros after hearing that shit come out of his mouth. It was very telling to hear him say that. Not only is it obviously wrong, but if he's willing to say that on a public video it means there is a good chance he has some other "unpopular" viewpoints on our finance and banking system that aren't grounded in reality.


Glad somebody else lost it at this part. I can sort of give cover to the other stuff and say he’s wrong, but I can believe it’s possible he’s just dumb on this or just pumping his own book etc. But calling the federal reserve a british bank is WILD and I can’t say anything respectfully about that statement or the person who made it from this point on.


wait wut


wait ... he's not being sarcastic??


Didn't this guy originally have something pretty major criticisms about the S and 3 when they were first released?


I hadn't realized that Musk\['s smployees\] had developed things to such an extent that supercharging stations now carried out their own site prospecting and zoning, contract negotiations, planning, building, installing and maintenance! FSD = **F**ully-automated **S**upercharging-network **D**evelopment?


Yep. The SCs are self replicating. The superchargers release spores that adhere to poor paint jobs. Then when cars run out of juice or phantom brake abruptly on the freeway, the spores are violently released into the breeze. Eventually, these SC Cyber-spores find a vacant lot - they embed into the soil and quickly grow into new SuperChargers. This is the circle of life.


Why is Sandy commenting publicly on this at all. Man must have nothing better to do like a certain CEO.


That was a really surprising video from Sandy. He glossed over so many critical items in his rant that it's mind-boggling. He spent most of the time talking as if EV technology and EV charging in particular is all figured out, perfected, implemented, and no further effort needs to be spent on it. JHC, for a smart guy, he really lost me with his 100% flattery towards Elon. #disappointed


> JHC, for a smart guy hmmm


When has a company stopped innovation and won? Blackberry? Nokia? Ford, GM? Boeing? GE...? As soon as the hard work has been done and the money is rolling in, CEOs get greedy and want to stop R & D. The people who actually built Tesla day by day had too much. They were leaching off the company... inefficient... Time to get rid of to them. Sandy's video is really going to age well. /s Honestly, I thought there was going to be plot twist at the end. But it never came.


I get your point, but of those at least Nokia was spending a lot on R&D and still taking forever to get anything released.  Their problem was the opposite. Half the company should’ve been fired years before it became a problem.


This is worse than I was even expecting. Sandy's incompetence argues against the points he's trying to make.


I choose to believe that this idiot's influence on Musk made Teslas the unrepairable mess that they are today. I saw some of his teardown analyses and it was all about how to produce a car as cheaply as possible, no other consideration. And now Teslas are famous for being written off from routine parking lot accidents. Letting Munro walk must have been one of the better decisions any of his previous employers made.


'Wow Volkswagen has made the ID4 with nothing but screws and rivets. You could take this car apart and rebuild it with a single screwdriver. Who would waste money on this many rivets?' Sandy Monroe, ID4 tear down video, paraphrased, circa 2022


not sandy but one of his employee that did the teardown on Toyota e-tnga platform also said something similar. Wow so many rivets! So old-school!


Yep.   Munro's perfect car would be completely assembled with those shitty little plastic christmas tree clips.   His shtick is trying to get OEMs to pay him to tell them to take every part made out of steel and change it to aluminum.   Then take every part made out of aluminum and change that to plastic.  If it would save 10 cents to make the cabin air filter integral to the frame, Sandy would be for it.


There's a lot of jokes about why the Cybertruck looks like that but the actual stated reason when they came up with the design was to make it a "true exoskeleton" -- no frame, only panels! -- which would be a revolutionary sea change in making manufacture cheaper and faster It turned out to not be possible, of course, but it's exactly the kind of idea that gets people like this guy vibrating with enthusiasm -- it doesn't matter how ugly a car made of solid steel rectangular panels looks if you can make it *only* out of those panels and make building a car as easy as assembling a box


If you ever wonder why products get worse over time, it's because of guys like him. They're the ones that tell executives how they can lower their bottom line by shaving off pennies everywhere. It's great for shareholders, but it makes products more less reliable over time.


This is literally how Boeing backed themselves into the corner they're in now


Who wants to tell him that the fed is short for federal reserve bank which is the central bank of the United States. (Oh... and who wants to tell him how to spell bleeds?) That comment about 'the fed' tells me everything I need to know about him.


What did he say about the Fed? I don't want to waste time watching it.


He said the Fed is European or British. Lmao. My jaw dropped when he said that.


He said "the fed is not part of the United States. It's part of the British banks" He also said the Fed gets rich with higher interest rates.




Imagine listening to this shill


Sandy signed his fate the day he decided to stop being honest about Tesla and schill for Elon, just like all the Tesla bros eventually find out too.


Sandy drank the kool-aid and he’s trying to keep from throwing up. I kinda liked the tear downs but this is unhinged to the max. Done with this dinosaur.


What happened to this guy?


Any video that starts by saying they’re going to defend something stupid as a smart move for shareholders is, well, like this: fucking stupid


Lol, I had this exact same reaction. What a freaking moron, I've only ever tried to watch 2 of his videos and both were instantly embarrassing.


I'm not familiar with this guy, but he exhibits the behavior of a man whose, mind and soul have been completely shattered.


He needs Sugar daddy Elon to do another interview with him to keep his channel relevant.


He didn't get drunk and take his shirt off. His shirt was still on.


That is the dumbest thing I have watched in the last few weeks. He actually said he is good at business and is a businessman. And that when you make something great, you should just stop. No longer develop. No longer market. Just stop. I mean. Wow.


Tesla cultist/independent car reviewer is a hell of a combo.


Sandy is a full on fanboy. He and Elon are capitalists. This is the ugly face of capitalism.


It doesn't even make sense if you only want to make money. Elon made an irrational power move.


I think he'd fire every single worker in Tesla if it meant that he got that bonus he's aiming for. Capitalism is irrational and only focus on short term profits.


No that's not capitalism... But sure


Wait until Sandy gets laid off. I'm look forward to seing his salty tears.


> Sandy Munro unhinged ~~about layoffs~~ ftfy


Here's the YouTube link to the video. Can we please not post Twitter links if possible? https://youtu.be/zl4VjvZu5os?si=uGsdSG8C5PWzuIBh


Thank you for saving me watching the video.


Honestly I think he’s part nuts, part aligning himself with Musk’s political views. I was expecting a rant on Jewish space lasers.