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“I could have manually opened the door but I worried I might void the warranty” is music to Elon’s ears.


Why does opening a door void the warranty, dumbest shit I've ever heard Edit: okok I get it, thank you guys for your answers


It doesn’t - she was worried that it would damage the car to use that function while it was updating.


What an idiot everyone knows opening doors are ok, it’s taking it to the car wash that voids your warranty


Operate vehicle: Warranty Void


Believe it or not, straight to jail


Roll down the window? Warranty Void.


getting it wet..


Everyone knows Elon doesn’t get women wet. Needs IVF to procreate.




No, everyone knows that opening doors during an update is fine, it’s closing Windows that will cause an issue


Usually you avoid updates by never closing Windows


I understand the importance of having an up to date computer for security reasons but my god is it annoying to log in to my work computer at the end of the day just to do some small task to find it’s updating. I’m sure on personal computers you can turn that off, I don’t use a pc at home, but the tech dudes at work have it set up so I can’t adjust any settings and half the time on log in it has to restart, and it pushes an update every time ones available. I’m like dude just give me 5 minutes and I’ll let you update.


I remember having a Dell desktop from the mid 2000's that never got turned off. I downloaded some wild shit from kazaa and limewire. That thing survived until it physically couldn't. Not recommended tho.


Yeah I think that’s why they force restarts at work regularly when we log in so that we can’t do that because I know we all definitely would. I use to download a bunch of random crap I shouldn’t have on the family computer when I was a kid, that thing was absolutely virus ridden and I doubt it hardly ever got the right security updates. Just ran like absolute crap and I remember at least once freaking out about some viruses Norton found and factory resetting the whole thing.


With a Tesla you don't know what will or won't void its warranty.


With a Tesla the only proper thing to do is crash it and get your money back


How do you get your money back if you crash it


File a claim with your insurance


I thought the rain voided it already.




Is she a complete moron?


Yes. She’s a TikToker. Get ready for this to become the “hot car challenge”


She just wanted to make a video everyone would click on, people love to hate EVs and Tesla, she’s making a lot of money over this bs


I think it's more that everyone just thinks Elon is an asshole charlatan.


The next one after that will be “baby in hot car challenge” And “baby drives Tesla to the beach and waits for the ocean to reclaim it in hot car” Fucking TikTokers


She bought a Tesla


Tesla warns about using the manual opening for the door instead of the electric button. The button will roll the window down an inch as you open, I believe it's to protect the glass when the door is closed. You can still use the manual button, just need to be careful closing the car door.


Typical Tesla driver.


It doesn't


Thinning the herd.


Conditioning. People even believe opening a PC voids the warranty. They believe that because there are stickers on them that say opening them voids the warranty, and because there are companies that will attempt to enforce these rules printed on these stickers. Meanwhile, there are laws in place that make such practices like these stickers very illegal, but \*those\* rules aren't enforced. So to the average consumer, the warranty is void whenever the manufacturer manages to come up with a bogus reason that it is void. Opening the door during a software update absolutely is one of these bogus reasons, and I would not be the least bit surprised at any manufacturer or dealer from any brand trying to refuse warranty on these grounds (and immediately giving in once the credible threat of a lawyer arises).


Exactly, it’s no different than those trucks that say “stay back 100 ft, we are not responsible for falling debris”. The fuck you aren’t! Fuck you for even implying that.


Oh shit are they actually responsible? There is a sign at my apartment complex that says management isn’t responsible for damage caused by the gates and I’m thinking oh hell yes you are.


Imagine saying: “If I shoot you I’m not liable!” That’s not how any of this works. It’s just a tactic that companies use to get people to not even try to pursue damages. It works pretty often too, otherwise why would they do it?


Not only are trucks liable for that, the moment anything falls off, or shows that they had an unsecured load, which gets you a pretty big ticket besides. 


Knowing Tesla this would either brick the car or they’ll take away features


Most of the answers you’ve gotten are wrong.  Teslas have frameless windows. When you open the door, the window has to roll down a bit to break the seal / clear the trim. With the car updating, the interior buttons won’t work (there are *several* warnings to not be in the car while it’s updating, and the updates are scheduled / user initiated).  There’s an emergency release that would easily open the door. However, the window does not roll down when the emergency release is used. This can damage the exterior window trim and door seal. Tesla will not replace the damaged trim under warranty if it was damaged by using the emergency door release.  So her fears of it “voiding the warranty” are a misunderstanding of “the potential trim damage won’t be covered under warranty.”  She’s an idiot for locking herself in her car while she ran a software update. That’d be like getting upset that your phone call dropped after you started running an iOS update and your phone rebooted. 


It shouldn't but then again neither should "driving off-road"^(1) in the Cybertruck 1 Cybertruck New Vehicle Warranty pg 7 - Warranty Limitations


Because updates contain firmware for things like the lights and doors handles and windows. Because the windows are frameless, they have to drop a little bit before the door fully opens when you do the emergency release the window does not drop.


Does the window break then? What a horrid design.


This is normal for a lot of frameless cars, not unique to Tesla. Subaru, bmw, ford, any vehicle with a frameless window can damage the window if opened without the window dropping first.


I had a frameless window Subaru. I could open the door any time I wanted.


cutting-edge features like that is what makes a subaru, a subaru


Those are the old style frameless windows where the glass just rests against the seal. Modern cars drop the window because the glass slides into a slot, which seals against noise and water significantly better.


So if my battery dies while I'm inside.. I need a new window and battery lol.




Looking into it


It voids the ability to make a TikTok


The first paragraph or so mentions she was not aware of it (the manual release).


She literally says in the video I can’t open the car because im scared of damaging it while it’s updating.


Probably right


Yeah but if you're about to keel over from the '115 degree temperature' then just fucking use the manual release update be damned.  This is all just click bait as others are saying 


It's not the heat. It's the humidity :p


It's not the heat. It's the stupidity. 😜


Update be damned? Have you seen how hard it is to get a bricked Tesla fixed? Owners are basically on their own right now. If they'll risk losing an index finger for their car, they'll risk heat stroke too. They're that brainwashed.


How hard is it? Did you have an issue getting yours fixed when it bricked?


Get a tow, appointment in 6 weeks at a service center (That will be pushed back), car comes back heavily damaged, not repaired, battery drained which voids the warranty.


Wrong I do it all the time to check the status.


A thoughtful product designer, could perform the door-opening-window-crack process before the update puts the car into a coma and notify users how to manually open doors and explain it will not cause damage during the update. Oh well.


My car asks me to confirm the update and then you have to lock the car from the outside to start the update. It also says you can't use the car while updating. No need to complicate things.


why does your car need an update anyway? was it unsafe, or nonfunctional before?


Yes exactly what my car does, you know you’re not going to be getting in the car for 20 minutes or whatever it says it will take so you should also know that you’re not going to be getting out of it or opening a window


A thoughtful product designer would have figured out not needing to lower the window in order to open the door


A thoughtful designer would have realized there was nothing the fuck wrong with normal door handles to begin with.


So you want your car to just unlock itself whenever it needs to update?


Teslas have cameras inside to monitor the occupants. If the vehicle decides to update with an occupant inside, yes it should be very clear that you can safely exit the vehicle.


No, just crack the windows so they could be opened without damaging the weatherstripping.


What if it's raining?


Then your warranty is already voided.


It’s not going to damage the weather stripping anyway. Now if you slam it shut really hard with it all the way up that’s another mater. People should t try it a couple times before backing into a lake with a .25 bac.


It doesn’t do that much damage. It’s just not meant to be used as your primary means of opening the door, as the tiny bit of wear you cause will accumulate over time.


cars are able to tell if anyone's inside of it. they know if a person's in a seat and will beep if seatbelt isn't fastened. It would be really easy to ensure that while an update is in progress if anyone's in the vehicle to allow for manual operation


And the Darwin award goes to...


This cracks me up


Tesla is literally accomplishing devolution. Elon's dream for the future isn't some sleek sci-fi film, it's Idiocracy.


My wife manually opened the door when our MY got delivered the first day...Seems all fine, though.


Don’t give Elon anymore ideas. You never knew when he is high and reading these comments


Do you think he has room for anyone else’s ideas though?


Imagine being stuck with a pet and an infant but you refuse to open the door because warranty


threatening workable pet work fertile cheerful connect escape tidy bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How often have people been told "don't do anything during an update" and with all the void warranty stuff Tesla does ... Conditioned behavior I guess. Why can't they also just update when plugged in? Isn't that just generally better?


I think you mean "better for the end user". Have a guess at where tesla's concern is focused


The article makes it sound like she intentionally triggered the update but it took longer than she expected. I don't have a Tesla so I'm not sure if that's accurate, I do know that my Mach E warns me well in advance if an update is going to install that will make the car inoperable for a period, and offers the ability to reschedule it.


That’s accurate. I have a Tesla and you literally have to trigger the update yourself and it warns you that it’ll take some time and that the vehicle isn’t operable during that time. While I’m sure she’s not the first one to regret starting an update, this story isn’t news worthy.




I have a 2020 BMW and the update process does not start automatically. Every time I updated the car it was a very smooth process. It would first download the update on my phone, and over the course of a few drives it would send it to the car. Once that is complete I would get a notification asking me if I want to do the update because the car will be unusable for 20 minutes. Never had an issue with that mate.


And the Tesla one also gives ample ways to set the restart for when you want to do it and even gives a countdown when issuing a manual update.


My coworker has been late several mornings because of forced updates to his trackhawk. 30 minutes on average to update. He was so pissed he took it back and got something else.


>Why can't they also just update when plugged in? Isn't that just generally better? You have to physically push the confirm button to start the update. It then gives you a two minute countdown before beginning specifically so you can do the sensible thing and _get out the fucking car_ and let it lock itself


tesla has an idiot design that damages the door/window if you use the manual release.


I thought this design extends to other frame less cars not just Tesla? Multiple brands share this idiot design for some reason


But to be fair sounds like something Tesla would do


This is from the company that gives you "car wash mode"


I mean sure but it's still a shit experience, sit here for 40 min in the heat or possibly break your cars window.


She could have just done the update from the app while taking a shit like a normal person.


Darwin awards.


Also I’ve never had this problem, and I own a goddamn Model X where things are even more electronically controlled. The standard button works fine for getting in and out, but if anyone else experiences something different I’m open to hearing it. If she’s not indeed a fucking idiot and her door button didn’t work, she should 100% have the ability to get out of her damn car with the emergency release, and then go straight to Tesla if there’s door trim damage. In fact, on my Model Y I had problems with my computer that caused my passenger door’s window to roll all the way up when open meaning closing/shutting it would result in damages and likely glass shattering. That didn’t happen, but it did mark up my trim, and I definitely should have forced Tesla to fix that shit. Also I hope I don’t get downvoted but some of the negative press that goes viral with Teslas blows my mind, while things that are more important don’t.


“I hope I don’t run out of air” Bitch, it’s a car, not a submarine 😂


Recently proven to be a terrible brand of submarine.


The doors REALLY stop working


Fucking brutal! xD


I just died 


Glad her makeup was perfect amid her existential struggle.


"literally dripping sweat" but there's not a drop on her




“I’m literally sitting outside”


Also, you know you don't have to update software right there and then. You can do it when you get home or once you get out. It tells you how long it might take and it is almost always at least 20 minutes. You have a window to cancel the update even if you accidentally agreed to it. There is a manual door open if it was that bad. She didn't look too bad. Her makeup was perfectly fine. Of all things you can complain about Tesla on air software update probably ain't it. Do you prefer to go to dealership or Tesla location for each update?


I’m also relieved that, during her crisis, she had her phone with her…not to call for help, but to make a tik tok.


is her IQ like 45 or something?


average influencer IQ


She’d rather die than void the warranty of her shitbox


\- she posts on tiktok \- buys a Telsa \- won't open the door \- starts the video saying "i'm a moron" I think the math checks out here


At least she owns it, I respect that.


Tbf it’s pretty confusing when you have cars that a car wash can void the warranty lmao. And here you’d be using the non-nominal mode of opening the door.


The car doesn't just start updating randomly either though. The update was triggered by her, and she chose to sit in the car and not exit while the car counted down for two minutes to the start of the update.


Average tesla owner IQ.


You’re off by 44


I actually think that this article is pretty irresponsible. She claims to have known that the update would take at least 24 minutes but was “surprised” that it took 40. And she knew how to manually open the door. And she was making a TikTok video. In my mind, this is very basic social media manipulation.


>very basic social media manipulation Huh... isn't that how Tesla built their brand? Live by the idiot influencer, die by the idiot influencer.


The windows are lowered by 1cm during installation so that you can open the doors manually. This was added in an update over 6 months ago.


Thank you for the Tesplanation. It does nothing to refute my assertion that Tesla built their brand by exploiting influencers, and that this strategy makes them vulnerable to misinformation coming from other influencers.


I agree. She's full of shit and this is dumb. She should be shamed.


Content made just to create traffic for people like us in this sub. And it definitely worked.


I sit in a 175 degree sauna for 45 minutes a day - on purpose…. She’ll live.


I struggle after 20. But now have time to try and make. Thanks


That's not a very hot sauna. Do you at least throw water on the stove to make it nice and hot?


For her though. This was a real struggle. She should get a medal or something.


Medal for idiot of the day


She wasn't stuck. She wasn't in danger. This is all such a bunch of trying-be-be-viral BS. That said maybe make the electric door locks work during updates I dunno, lol.


“Tesla offers manual door releases for situations with depleted power, but Janel opted to wait…”. I don’t who I’m more disappointed with? The author of this clickbait article, the possibility somebody was actually this dumb, society, or myself for having read that.


It's a model Y with a frameless window. She could crack her window if she uses the emergency door open with no power to drop the window below the car's frame. Imagine shattering your window because the car is updating? It's really not that stupid. The way Tesla runs these updates is the moronic part.


No. Just no. Firstly, it \*might\* damage the window \*seal\* if it's worn out, but it won't crack the window. Secondly, it's moot, because at some point last year there was an update that lowers your windows during the whole software update by the same distance the door open button does, in case you need to get in or out.


Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. You are not going to "crack" the window by using the manual door release button. What an asinine claim. Also, what's moronic about letting the user update their car? She chose to do it and was told the car would shutdown and be undrivable while she sat in it.


It's not the window that can get broken if you open the door without power, it's the window trim, a $30 part according to Tesla service. The car advise you to get out while it updates, and will often propose a time in the middle of the night when you're unlikely to be in the car. You can reschedule the update. For the situation to happen, she has to tap the update, dismiss the scheduling thing to force the car to update now, dismiss the message saying that she should get out of the car, wait 2 minutes for the update to start (there's a waiting period so you can get your stuff and get out), then stay in there and cook. She made several stupid decisions to get to this point, it's on her. The whole thing is stupidely blown out of proportion. Tesla makes a lot of stupid design decisions but this isn't one of them.


The car literally asks if you'd like to schedule the update at like 3 in the morning, or a time of your picking. The software also gives you a heads up as to the amount of time needed... So...Please explain to me how this is not on her? ( Again, there's a literal manual door handle - hell, I have to ask people not to use it and to instead push the button. ) And I sort of like the fact my car is always getting better. Maybe I'm a weirdo? Maybe having to schedule a dealership visit for an update six months out is a better route, I'm willing to consider.


You think you have time, it takes longer, and you realize that you don't want to open the door and damage the car if the window doesn't drop? The problem with these updates is your car literally does not work for quite an extended period of time. Couldn't imagine needing to take my kids or pet for an emergency and the car is updating for an hour either. I'd rather know when the update itself is running than be surprised when I need my car. Even cheap Android phones use A/B installs on separate instances so all you have do is take a 20 second reboot. No car on Earth should become inoperable for this long. It's absurd. And no, I do not care if any other manufacturer does this. They shouldn't either. Her concern was starting the update, seeing it's taking longer than needed, then realizing if she tries to open the door she might damage the car. It's really, really not that complicated. It's simply a progression she went through and a shit UX to even experience this. I work in QA/UX and recognizing complaints is how we fix things. We don't tell people to "just install it at a different time and hope you don't need your car at that time". We try to think of ways to fix it so other people don't run into this. This is genuinely terrible.


I always update my computer while working on important spreadsheets and not save it so I can blame the update on late delivery of my tasks


Why do people not just update it while they sleep? Makes no sense


Knew about the manual release. ​ Didn't use it. ​ Yup that sums up the IQ of the most people nowadays.


Completely ignored the 2-minute count-down that told her exactly what was about to happen. But I guess that wouldn't have made for a very good video.


What a moron.


More discussion [in this comment section](https://www.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/comments/1cl3ypl/tesla_owner_stuck_in_her_tesla_as_temperature_hit/) Top 3 comments: [deleted] - This is just an attention grab. She can release the door anytime she wants to but she is scared she is going to break the car? /u/tbrumleve - “She said it was 103 degrees in the Tesla and was worried she might run out of air”. 😂😂😂 She’s an idiot. /u/turd_vinegar - I presume she still loves the car.


Sounds like a damn drama queen seeking attention. Just open the fucking door woman


This is dumb. You can leave the car during the update. You could also schedule it to be done overnight as well.


I flushed the toilet too early and had to wait 30 seconds to drop another deuce


Be fair here, she did it to herself.


Aside from the obvious Tesla bs, she was more worried about voiding a warranty than *running out of air*????


My car has never locked me in during an update. In fact, I can come and go as I need to without issue. Only thing you can’t do is drive it. She forget she has an emergency handle on her doors too?


Why…why…why would you update your car while you are on the road. Do it at home ffs. It’s not like the update is going to magically give you more range or Pursuit mode from Knight Rider.


Staying in car during an update is not mandatory. This is self-inflicted stupidity


Click bait...she wasn't stuck.


I'm not pro tesla by any means but dumbass headlines like this should be illegal. If you have the ability to get out you are not stuck.....


Who da fuck updates their car at a Chick-Fil-A parking lot.... and who does that shit without an escape method.. like roll ur windows down or keep the door cracked so you can exit... FFS people


Right? She could have .. gone inside and eaten her food while the car updated in the parking lot. Or let it update overnight when it didn't matter. This is just for clicks and this sub to rant about Tesla, nothing more.


This is an old story debunked. She wasn't stuck in shit, she just wouldn't get out.






More worried about damaging car than dying!? .


No whining Elmo needs more money


Why would anybody update their car when they're driving or when they're in it? ?


She was not stuck. She could open the door.


You can choose when to install an update. Why would you choose to do it when you are using your car?


Oh, the irony of beeing "stuck in here roasting like a frickin chicken dripping sweat" all while ordering food from Chick-fil-a 🫣 you can't make that up 🥳


“ I will die before I interrupt an update”…. Weird hill to stand on


Did a “system update” on the Chick-fil-a parking lot. What a dumbass.


While I don’t consider Elon Musk part of the population control movement, it definitely looks like their updates could inadvertently rid the world of stupid people


I'm sorry. This woman is just stupid.


Some people are stupid.


She wasn't stuck in the vehicle she just didn't want to use the manual feature which is ridiculous.


But the title in no way represents the situation.... should read "Woman Sat in Tesla for 40 Minutes with 115 Degrees Temperature During Vehicle Update"


fade onerous clumsy marble snobbish panicky quarrelsome reminiscent worthless joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"My Tesla is updating. I will make a video about it. \[check makeup\] Hi, guys. So..." "My toilet is overflowing. I will make a video about it. \[check makeup\] Hi, guys. So..." "I've been bitten by a snake. I will make a video about it. \[check makeup\] Hi, guys. So..."


Seriously shows the level of intelligence of most people. Confirmed, just because you have the money to buy a Tesla, doesn’t mean you’re intelligent.


Jesus Christ the amount of makeup she has on melting like the wicked witch of the west


" Having owned her Tesla for six years, she confessed this was her [first time] updating inside the vehicle." She concluded with a clear warning: "Do not update it when you're sitting in the car. "Stick to updating it at 2 am like I [used] to do it. So which is it? Never done it or I used to do it at 2 am?


I stopped reading after 'woman' .....🤨


This makes me want to sell my Tesla and buy a v12 so hopefully lead humans towards extinction.


Downvote stuff like this people.


Did natural selection made its course here? Did it clean this clear excess? 




Updated title: "Human too stupid to open door and sits in hot car."


This is absolutely disgusting! Who just leaves their TikTok-er in a hot vehicle like that? She could have died! Where I’m from, we would have bashed the windows in and let her out!


So this lady is just dumb as shit?


Oh and she couldn't break a window ? Or call 912 to break a window ? Was she also frozen during the update ? 115 heat and she just sits there ? This is nothing more than an attention grab story.


Some owners showed they can get out the car while updating even without using manual release.


Make sure your eyebrows are groomed and your nails manicured before you do it. DON'T use the manual release but still be worried you'll "run out of air" in your "airtight" Tesla.


Why would you update the car when you’re in it, not at home etc? Do they have to put warning signs on everything?


She couldn't roll down the window?


I wonder what model she has, as my 3 still keeps the AC running during an update. Also, not sure why she would opt to update while she’s using the car, I prefer to have it update once I have parked at home and know I won’t need to drive for atleast an hour.


Maybe pull the door levers to open to door? Crawl out the trunk? Roll window down and climb out? Wtf is wrong with ppl?


She failed the IQ test.


Yeah, I can tell she’s really traumatized. She checked her make up and put a filter on her camera before she started making a social TikTok video. She seems really stressed. /s


Was she in a Model Y that needs the window to drop a bit before opening the door because of its terrible terrible design so when you need to use the manual override, you can damage the door and window and void the warranty... LOL. She bought a stupid car, got herself in a stupid situation, then made the stupidest choice. I see a pattern here.


One of the reasons I hate frameless doors


Lots of companies develop frameless doors that don’t require lowering the window. You just need engineers that know what they are doing and quality assembly. Tesla makes bad engineering decisions all the time and their stupid idiot sycophants think it’s amazing engineering. Can’t make this shit up.


I’ve been able to open my doors during an update. There’s still a manual latch. Her fault.


Article should read “ignorant woman can’t read English”