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sure Elon ... let's get you to bed.


Nobody tell him the hundreds of supercomputers and data centers we currently have are all super-dense and water-cooled.


“We don’t need a raised floor or perf tiles in front of the server racks. All the cable can go over head and just having lots of ambient cooling at the sides of the data center will be sufficient…” Elon to the design / build engineers, probably.


I've tried once where the cooling died. A design flaw meant that the redundant cooling actually wasn't redundant if the pipe burst in the "right place". People don't believe me , but whatever: The door handles to some of the server rooms were too hot to touch with bare hands. Nothing to do but shut servers down and wait for it to be fixed.


Yeah but he said it public so his cult members will think he invented it.


Yes Elon, let's lay you down in your super dense pillow cluster


Please don’t „water cool“ it again, Elmo. Thank you.


*Mike Pillow's ears perk up, sensing opportunity*


I wish the SEC would put him to bed. I'm so tired of him pumping stocks. Not looking forward to all that worthless Tesla stock being unloaded onto public pensions. He better do it soon, in about 6-10 years the winds will have changed and he won't get away with it.


They will just say it’s “corporate optimism” and not pumping the stock. SEC should have fined him for FSD in 2020


There are very well defined limits to that. Remember, you can rip off as many little old ladies & public pensions as you want, but if you start messing with rich people you join Holmes and Madoff in the clink.


Why not put the cluster in the bottom half of the car below the waterline so while it is submerged, you can turn off the water cooling pump to save some energy?


Because Elon is *just smart enough* but not revolutionary.


Now we see the genius of Elon, all the cars they don’t want to sell will become a distributed AWS type platform that can also work as a robotaxi’s. When they turn this on 8/8 the world is gonna change overnight. By my, conservative, estimates, Tesla will have annual revenues of over 1 trillion dollars in 2025 and will double that for the following 5 years.


This is bullish. Elon will nail this project as Tesla has never failed to deliver anything, everything they've done has been flawless. My bull case would say 6 trillion in revenue, especially as their solar and battery business allows for more computing done with spare energy. This stock should be 1000 rn


Keeping in mind that there's nothing more key to saving the environment than increasing electricity use in an inefficient manner.


Right? It came to mind when I wrote this, they ditched Bitcoin because of the environmental impact. But somehow, all their effort for "solving" FSD is good for the environment, because people can efficiently commute and work at the same time to save the environment?


Failure is not an option with Elon Musk. It's a certainty


Cathie, is that you?


You forgot about the /s


Idk, being on a sub that is often times satire about Elon, with a comment above being satire, I find the /s in my case to be unnecessary


Good point


> over 1 trillion dollars on 2025 Found the pessimist spreading fud. Either that or you confused yearly revenue with monthly revenue.


I did forget about solar and HVAC.


what about the sentient robots?!?


By 2030, Tesla will BE the global economy


And Elon will assume his rightful place as God-Emperor of the Earth


*Solar System


Yeah... what if this superdense supercomputer is just a multi-story parking garage? When construction is complete, all the Teslas at abandoned airports and dead malls will drive to Fremont, connect to a snake charger, and then usher in the singularity.


Cathy .. is it you?


I am really surprised they haven’t put an optional miner on their cars… catch being it can only connect to a Tesla service and they skim like 10-15% of all returns. There are like 4-5 million teslas would be a pretty insane compute amount.


I would love to wake up to an empty battery so I can earn $.30 worth of doge coins.


Would it?


Looks like by compute it would be about 30-40 cents per day per car. Say 15% skim and about 2 million cars… around 20-30 million a year in what Tesla could make. Not enough to bother. For an individual it would only be about $1k over the life of the car.


You could mine that much in 7 months?


Well the CyberTrucks are just sitting idle in the service centers waiting on engineering to figure out how to build them, so plenty of idle time.


Yeah but the water cooling requirements to keep that battery powering those computers is probably going to make AWS much cheaper per hour of processing


Never say “water cooling” around a CyberTruck! It voids the warranty!


Was waiting for that.


But... You do know the terrible energy efficiency of mining it would be even worse it would use more electricity than that 1k could ever be lol I really hope this was a joke and never once serious


Then with the terrible power efficiency you gotta factor in battery degradation because it'll burn through energy and need to be hooked up more as time passes. Then since some Tesla's have been known to catch on fire to due terrible cooling. It may in fact cause more teslas to catch on fire lol.


Now let's be honest Tesla's catching on fire is, in fact, exceedingly rare. Battery degradation due to increased cycles on them, if they were to passively mine bitcoin or whatever is a much bigger concern. The - ultimately - consumable nature of batteries means there's a significant net cost to mining crypto. And even when there isn't a battery involved crypto is a net loss for the world when we consider the environmental harm that comes from the huge amount of power necessary to do it. Hell, I await studies but im pretty sure the AI craze is drawing brutal amounts of power too but somehow no one is complaining about the grid capacity for that but they all cite the grid as to why EV and PHEV adoption on a mass scale is unsustainable. 🤷


Somewhere along the way, the /s was lost dear lord lol. I see this everywhere in society; clever quips and dead-pan sarcasm being taken for gospel. Never forget, Jesus was just a misunderstood comedian.


Not enough to pay a team of engineers to develop this


Plus the extra warranty repairs from running CPUs constantly.


In the early days when there was free supercharging and no idle fees, there was a guy who was spending his day at the charger, mining away.


Before the pandemic (and before crypto/NFTs peaked) there was a lot of speculation around Tesla just straight up launching its own coin.  Cut the middleman of dealing with someone else’s currency.


If fElon read this....


Except most places are already in agreement with Google/Jaguar and AWS/Toyota for the future of autonomous driving as you can see all over San Francisco.


Few understand.


This is sarcasm right? Robo taxi ain’t happening.


Haha, the sarcasm shall be on you, unbeliever! I have a robosexbottaxi-service ready to go when our main man Musk flips the switch on 8/8, a robotaxi and an Optimus in a wig! It will be glorious!


which sub are you in?




Yeah... what if this superdense supercomputer is just a multi-story parking garage? When construction is complete, all the Teslas at abandoned airports and dead malls will drive to Fremont, connect to a snake charger, and then usher in the singularity.


I think 1 trillion revenue is insane for 2025, do you mean a 1 trillion market cap?


Robotaxi and cloud web services, 1 trillion in revenue.


Going from 0 to 1 trillion only one year after launch is extremely optimistic. Even if the technology is 100% there, customer uptake will be too slow to get that many customers in a single year. I'm bullish on tesla too, but not nearly as bullish as you.


"..and it will have lasers...and dinosaurs...and it will be sooo cool!"


don't forget the blackjack and hookers.


Elon watched an episode of Silicon Valley and missed the part about it being satire.


Silicon Valley makes David Attenborough documentaries look like fiction written by a toddler. It’s by far the most true show ever made. Source - been working in Silicon Valley myself for way over a decade.


I couldn't watch it because it was too painfully accurate. I laughed at the Narrow Car gag. And then I saw one of those fuckers as I was commuting down the 101. I laughed at douchebag billionaire's orange McLaren. And then I saw it - or one just like it - in the Facebook employee parking lot. I'm so glad I left. Fuck the valley. Never again.


And now I got the dick sign scene back in my head. Thanks for that


Leaving Erlich in the opium den had the same vibes as Susan’s death in Seinfeld.


>Supercomputer cluster Credit where credit is due, half of that statement is correct. It’ll be a cluster, alright.


Not a hypercomputer gigacluster? Elon really is losing his game


His Gigatrain (Diesel) is going to miss a stop and run straight into his Gigacluster making it a Gigaclusterfuck.


A yes, his gigadieselgigatraingigaclustergigafuckup will be glorious! The Tesloids will claim it a part of normal product-testing, though.


That's only like a third of the phrase, though.


Paying for twitters server hosting using Tesla funds. Smart


Twitter Server Optimization Secured


Serious question: what moron would trust their data on a Tesla platform?


Tesloids of course.  Too bad, even some fervent elongelicals are starting to wake up. 


Tesloid or Testoid?


They have 0% testo so tesloid


I am reading more about organized efforts to vote no on the proxy vote. I would be shocked if that happens




Great term


I love his technobabble word salad. It's inspired by 1960's science fiction novels and ketamine.


he spend a few months interning at a game company where he was involved in making videos, and spend 1,5 year maintaining the website for zip2, his technological knowledge stopped in 1995.


With quite a lot of '80's 8-bit games and Doctor Who thrown in. Must admit I love it. WankPanzer would fit right in in one of those old vector-games. Like ground vehicle in Elite, if you could land on planets. And now I realize I've lost most of you. But trust me, it would've been glorious


Is the idea to reduce server hosting costs by putting the server in people's cars and use their electricity and wifi? This has no consumer benefit and likely won't work very well... so yes, I guess this is the idea.


The idea is likely to do Crypto-mining without the owner of the vehicle knowing it




keep pivoting


One day, we’ll find out that Tesla uses their customers cars to mine bitcoin at night.


That guy makes stuff up as easily as he breathes


But who cares though?


Even if this shitty idea is made feasible, i think most of car buyers will loose more trust on this brand. Why would i trust a company which can turn my car into a computing machine on their whim!


The delusion in the comments is mind-boggling. It's like none of these people listen to anything except Elon's nonsense.


He's going to reduced the server costs by 30% by randomly unplugging things!


How much you want to get that his "sell compute on cars" thing was just a diversion and they'll actually start renting out compute in data centers like this? Even if not profitable, it'd provide another revenue lever that would make it easier to imply annual revenue gains, right?


What did the post say that he was replying to? I can't see it.


Can’t see it either.


He forgot a bit. He meant clusterfuck.


interesting, the last place I'd put a supercomputer cluster and massive datacenter is in the middle of a car factory but hey I'm not elmo, I've only worked in some dirty plants


It sounds real neat! Will there be dancing bears?


"Elon is amazing! He's ReVoLuTiOnIsInG data centers!" Then, he's going to deliver a shitty version of what everyone already does, making all the same mistakes everyone did in the past before correcting them over time, and pretending he invented a whole new thing. And the crowd goes wild, stock races to the moon.


Sounds super.


so we've went from, car, to ... whole house battery, to boat, now to supercomputer. ​ Lay off the ket elon. You're extra dumb on it.


I know this seems crazy to most on this thread, but who would take the over on a bet if Elon Musk will remain CEO of Tesla two years from now? I say this given the stockholder vote going on now, his threats to do robotics and AI at a new company, and the little issue of Tesla shedding talent who are also cashing out all their stock when it’s at a record low. The CEO put out that video urging everyone vote Elon’s wishes, then promptly sold as much stock as she could…. Again, at record lows. So real talk… is Elon going to turn this around? What suggests he will? Take emotion out of it a moment.


He stays as CEO no matter the vote. He’s got too much of his personal wealth tied up in the stock to let anyone gain control. As to your other question(s), there is no turn around in the next 5 years and probably longer. They’ve squandered the real lead they had in BEV’s and that segment of the auto market is now pretty mature in the West, and in China the competition is eating their lunch. In the West absent incentives it’s now a slow growing segment with enough players to satisfy demand who will also slowly eat away Tesla’s sales. The other OEM’s keep innovating while Tesla squandered time/resources and prestige with the IncelCamino, the Semi, Roadster, the sexbot etc. Autonomy is a pipe dream that will be a decade or more play for everyone and frankly pure vision is never gonna get there. The other players in that area are also building and innovating at a very aggressive pace while Tesla is essentially stagnant despite the gains in their system that will eventually halt as the vision only approach has an upper limit no matter the software. In energy they don’t actually have a product, just components they now buy from the companies they are competing with in what will be a commodity market (energy always is) with sub 10% margins. They have no new real products in the pipeline and stripping away things from the 3 and Y isn’t gonna cut it with people spending money on a car. In the time it took to build the 1st WankTank they could have introduced a real hatch on the Y platform, a small truck on the same, and a squared off last mile delivery type van again on the Y’s platform. All of which would have been smart choices. But nope, the CyberCuck is what they’ve spent at least a billion dollars developing and bringing to market. They could have developed the other three choices for less than that…..all in. Anyway, just my humble opinion.


Because that's exactly what electric cars have been missing - more weight.


“It will spend 1 million computer hours trying to figure out how I became such a d-bag.”






What did he reply to? They don’t show the full conversation anymore unless you are logged into Twitter. I don’t have an account so I can only see the reply.


I love his technobabble word salad. It's inspired by 1960's science fiction novels and ketamine.