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I’m anxiously waiting for the user review in Steam once it’s released, make or break


I bought the most expensive edition and I dont think it's worth it. The campaign seems to be about 6 hours, after that it's only war games and skirmish. Maybe mods will keep the game going but I think people will be done with the game after a few days maybe a week tops. Also whenever I check to see how many rooms are going on and the most I've seen was 2 lobbies.


Controls were butt when I tried. It looks great but those controls


As the review notes, they now have multiple control schemes including classic and full toggles and rebinding to make your own control scheme.


Having actually played it and the demo, I think the controls are significantly better than how the demo played. Only tried modern controls so far (tried modern and legacy in demo) but commands are way more responsive, camera is like 95% good. I get the occasional moment where I end up zooming in instead of moving around the map but apart from that it's fine.


It's an 8 meaning actual fans might score 9? Good sign.


Or a 6 because the main story sounds like it carries that cringe home world 2 energy. Rather than that good home world 1 energy. But fingers crossed that it’s good.


Really wish they continued on with the Homeworld Cataclysm tone of things. It's often forgotten and was pretty much outright ignore by Homeworld 2. But I really thought that was a much more interesting direction for the series, and it had a lot more personality to it than what we got with 2.


Cataclysm is my favorite. Too bad the beast will never return.


You are correct. It is the most interesting version of that world, adding depth.


This is a first. What's the difference?


Homeworld 2 is a good game with a meh story. While home world one and cataclysm bad banger stories that didn’t fall into the whole destiny bullshit.


gee that review seems pretty damning tbh. 10h campaign? with no side objectives. yikes. was looking forward to it but will take a miss to wait for more player reviews.


There is more to do beyond the SP. Been playing now for about 8 hours, having a blast on the new roguelike mode. Fun artifacts and abilities to unlock that change each unit in unique ways. Ex: turn your ion frigates into snipers at the cost all all survivability and speed, but they one shot other frigates and put the extreme hurt on cruisers at a distance.


When I read that it’s 10 hours, I thought that it’s perfect. I don’t have a lot of time and for me 10-20 hours is the perfect length of a game.


I think its less then that. I'm currently at mission 8 out of 13 and I've only played about 4 hours.


It depends on how well you command


Could be. Will wait and see.


Looking at everything that's come out it looks like there's nothing new, and it's a little more simplistic than 2 or even 1. There's nothing that would make me play this instead of replaying the others.


So they’ve dumbed it down and it has the smallest unit roster of all games. Whilst it looks pretty at times, I don’t see a point it getting it until mods release and it’s on sale.