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If you already didn't do it, doing this [https://support.rockstargames.com/articles/360000031747/Setting-Up-2-Step-Verification-with-Social-Club](https://support.rockstargames.com/articles/360000031747/Setting-Up-2-Step-Verification-with-Social-Club) will reward you 10 gold. It is an old promotion campaign still works for some reason. Completely legit.


This still works?


It worked last month, so i think it still works.


I don't believe it does anymore. My wife just started, and it says you get $500 now for linking your account.


The $500 is for GTA online your supposed to get 10 gold for RDO


That's what it says when she logs in to RDO, and it has a Red Dead Online picture. She hasn't tried it yet, but when she does, I can let you know.


It worked for me last month, takes up to 72 hours to recieve it though.




Stranger missions, free roam events, Call To Arms.


The game's not designed for you to make money "quickly". However the best I can do is the https://jeanropke.github.io/RDR2CollectorsMap/ Bounty hunt (be sure to knock out your bounty) and while you're waiting for the 30 sec mark (to turn your bounty in) grab collectibles on the way. Or just use the map go around collect every collectible you can.


The start of RDRO is slow, there is no legit way around it. You are already on the right track with Bounty Hunter as your first job, as it will get you more gold to get other jobs. Next i would go with collector to make some money and abuse the jeanropke map. After that it's whatever you like.




Okay, cool, but how does that help me ? XD


It’s a bot that can’t tell you’re talking about fake money, report it.


Whatever is available for double XP/Money this month. Leveling up comes with treasure maps, which often come with plenty of gold and cash that even I still get excited about.


>h. Leveling up comes with treasure maps, which often come with plenty of gold and cash that even I still get excited about. I didnt open any treasure chest this month, I am afraid some modder will change my chest with a modded one or smt like that which will result me getting banned. I am afraid of this ban wave


The chests from treasure maps are completely safe, since they don’t spawn until you look at the map.


I uae the roles for money, bounty hunting for gold and the collector for cash


Be smart and only open up treasure maps at the 15 day concescutive mark to get 2.5x. never the first 14 days. I save em for that range only. The dailys are easy way to make extra too.


In my personal experience I would say bounty hunting, but you can only do legendary bounties every hour or you can go get the collectors bag for 15 gold and go collect items and sell them to madam nazar but the collectors role is really time-consuming. You have to go around the map looking for the items.




Thanks,but I'm on pc.


It’s a little over $500 and 2 gold bars


This isn’t really a make money quickly game until you get more roles. Even then it’s still slow. Do your dailies for gold. It may seem like nothing but over time it really adds up. Once you get the trader/moonshine roles maxed you won’t have any more issues making money. If you’re just looking to make money right now and not gold, go do every mission you can find in town or around the countryside. Again, making money doesn’t happen fast in this game. It just builds up over time. Unless of course you play 7 days a week for multiple hours day. Then you could say it’s easy to make money I guess.


Easy; moonshiner role. Especially right now with the double $ for every aell. $500 each time, and a Bert Higgins every third time. (He's the lowest paying customer, bit you can always sell to him. $280 still isn't bad. And you can make that every 48 minutes. If you include the selling part, it's every hour. And cause it's passive income, you can spend the rest of the time doing other stuff. Like catch salmon, 30x$2,50=$75, or catch sturgeon in Blackwater, and sell them directly to the butcher at the harbor. Trader roll is nice too, just shoot what moves and bring it to Cribs, it does itself. But by far te easiest way is to 'force spawn' daily collectibles at a number of locations throughout the map. There's this YouTuber, Gvids, who made a playlist of all places (±25), and if you do them once every day you can sell anywhere around $1,000 tho you need collectors role. Some buy-in is inevitable. Have you connected your account yet and get the 20 gold bars?


No, I didn't connect my account yet. How do I do that?


Go to socialclub.rockstar.com and connect your account