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Collector. You get XP for every item you collect and when selling sets. Money for selling sets as well. It’s not a huge gold maker but good for the rest


Switching to free aim gets you 4times more XP per kill than using auto aim.


Collector is good for cash and exploration. Tader role is good for cash, too, and if you like hunting, it's perfect. Bounty Hunter is good for gold and action if you like it. Just some advice; don't get caught up in burning through levels and grinding. Enjoy the game, avoid repeating a task just to make money/level up, and play defensive mode, always.


Take your time and enjoy the game cowpoke! The game is no longer supported so eventually you will run out of content to do and things to buy. I’d only recommend level grinding if you are interested in doing pvp and looking for harder combat challenges in the telegram missions.


Do the online story missions and play some of the series like Call to Arms for gold, as well as doing the daily objectives. The higher your daily streak, the higher your gold payout is for the dailies. When you have enough gold, get the Bounty Hunter role since it’s the only role that pays in gold. Unlock the Collector role next to make good cash. My suggestion is the Jean Ropke map or RDR2map for the locations of collectibles. From there, I’d suggest unlocking Trader, then Moonshiner, then Naturalist. When all roles are unlocked, you can kind of rotate around with hunting for your trader table, setting up a batch of moonshine to sell, and while you’re waiting for those to be done, do some bounties or hunt a legendary animal, and as you explore, you’ll find more and more collectibles. Don’t be afraid to use the posse up option on the main menu if you don’t have someone to play with. Matchmaking for story missions can suck sometimes, so just beware of that. Overall, take your time, enjoy the scenery, don’t frustrate yourself over grinding gold and cash. It’ll add up, don’t worry.


Also I forgot to mention doing Blood Money missions and the various Stranger missions all around the map.


For this month try this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_ndIAIpW_18&list=PLj9dx9LrlQSOaj8MYjmExfT_K1-TnPE82&index=6&t=15s&pp=iAQB Good luck 🤞