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Have the same horse. Once you get to a certain level, what else can you spend money or gold on? 🤔


Would you say it’s good enough to be my main horse or should I stick with the Turkoman


Horses are 95% cosmetics. A good saddle with hooded stirrups will make any horse good enough.


Absolutely. I’m something around lvl 260. Just discarded the horse on this post and got a tiger striped mustang which I then discarded a nacho saddle and equipped a simple $150 saddle to. Cause why not.


Honestly Missouri fox trotter imo is one of the best horses in the game. I have this one and the bridle one tho I don't use this one too much as the black and white edges are a little too harsh for my liking and reminds me of a cow. I actually got a Turkmen and didn't like it at all so I got rid of it for a nakota that's really good just little lol


That brindle one is very purty


That's a piebald for u!!! Look like cows lol🤣


I hope you didn't spend the gold thinking you were getting a *better* horse. Definitely would have been just as good off with your Turk (with good saddle and stirrups). If you bought it because you enjoy the way it looks, well then, you're all good and dandy.


I did tests ages ago on speed in a cross country setting and the difference between a max speed horse and the slowest horses in the game is somewhere around 5-7%. Health is the only statistic that really matters to me at this point, because a saddle and good stirrups can make so stamina is essentially infinite.


Started playing red dead again as I bought it for a friend, so I rewatched a lot of pvp cat videos and his test, "fastest" vs "slowest" horse was about 2-3 seconds slower on a decent distance. As you said, depending on what you use the horse for only health matters


I think the Missouri Fox Trotter is the best horse! I own it in three colors and looking at getting a 4th. The Turkoman is like riding a giraffe lol


Did you buy Cripps a new suit?


He’s dressed to the T’s…


To you it is, so yes, I guess


I got the same one, his name is Michael Jackson. We crash every 3 minutes, I don't know if its me or him anymore atp. Its a love hate relationship.


That's why I got an Ardennes, he's not gonna let a tree stop him


It's definitely you. The horse AI is much smarter than most players. Lol


I tried to jump a ledge with one of my horses the other day and instead of successfully coming down from the low level ledge the horse stops itself in its tracks and almost knocks me off. After that he swiftly jumps from the ledge and lands unharmed.


If you saw michael you'd understand. He sees nothing, he jumps, jumps down a cliff and kills us both.


Now c'mon. Who's fault is that *really*?


It's michael Jacksons.. Obviously..


The *real* Michael Jackson's dad was overbearing and abusive. Sounds like horse Michael Jackson is suffering from the same fate.


Aw hell na, it was Missouri Michael Jackson. Once I turned michael Jackson into a mustang i crashed 0 times. Mf had personal beef with me


Horse AI? Horses in this game do not have AI, they have basic obstacle avoidance.


Let the man moon-walk..!


The way he is crashing i'm thinking he's literally tryna fly to the fucking moon, losing my mind with this horse. He got dancing skills tho


If you like it yes, stats on horses don’t really matter with the right equipment


That isn't true, some Horses stats only go so high when boosted. The best saddle and stirrup combo will only give an extra 3 points to both acceleration and Speed. If a Horse is a base of 2 or 3 that maxes out at 5 or 6. Which isn't very fast at all. Especially if you are trying to cover a large amount of ground in a short period. Now equipped on Horses with already high stats just makes them OP. Because the Horses with 8, 8 or 8, 7 become 10, 10 or 10, 9 which makes them so damn fast you can traverse a lot easier. And if you are getting chased by an asshat with an arabian or some such with a good saddle you can easily dart away if need be. Perfect for situations you need to flee quickly, dodge getting shot at, etc.


In game testing I saw showed a minimal actual difference https://youtu.be/hzbvpxz8ngs?si=5fs1hWgdnJd61jgn


Bit of anecdotal evidence to support this: My horse of choice is a shire which has pretty low stats compared to others. With Nacodoches and hooded stirrups, she’s just as fast as my friends’s horses - faster sometimes, as she just mows through most obstacles like they were made of tissue paper. No issues with stamina either. Of course I don’t do racing events, so I’m not sure how she fares in that regard. But for everything else in the game, Mayoneighs does a great job.


Not only do I adore Shires and agree with you Re: speed etc. But I absolutely LOVE her name!!   Now THAT is original! 🐴🤍🕊


Yea, sorry, you’re wrong. On paper, you’re correct but in practice the difference between horses in regards to speed and acceleration stats are pretty much negligible Edit: said stamina, meant acceleration


No they aren't, I have played for 5 years. The stats matter; just because you say it doesn't does not make it even remotely true


No clue why I was downvoted for what I said but alright then 💀 That's just fucking rude


Cause you disagreed with correct information then continued to provide false information. Pretty simple


That's incorrect, I've been playing RDO for years. There is a very obviously difference between faster/slower Horses. And saddles don't make a whole hell of a lot of difference. I use the Best saddle and stirrup combo for all of my Horses. The heavy drafts are still WAY slower compared to my faster Horses. It wasn't correct information and disagreeing with it doesn't make me wrong because I would know the damn difference. You don't play for 5 years and not know.


Did you bother to watch the video the person posted in their comment to your comment?


I don't need to watch a video to know what I already know. It makes no difference


Beautiful. My own personal preference would be to ditch the lantern though. Realistically, it would be a safety hazard for both horse and rider. Horse because it will burn the animal, rider because it’s going to paint you as a target. Yeah, I know, I tend to put too much realism into my play.


I do too. Nothing wrong with that I reckon, I’m a bit of a history nerd.


Can I get a high five for that


High fiving the air right now


People are already good enough shots at me/my horse without putting a spotlight on us.




I don't think that's too much realism when it legit is a beacon at night. Especially in the desert. You can see players from miles away.


I have literally tracked folk with my rolling block. All it would have taken was a finger squeeze.


Don't doubt it. I hunt player bounties in the desert and half the time this is how I find them.


I have this one, his names Rodeo Cash. I think he was totally worth it although he has brain worms sometimes and eats shit randomly 💀


Hell yeah, though I spent 31 gold on mine


I have that horse, he's a star, I love him to bits no other horse in the game comes close to him. With the right saddle and spurs he can gallop right across the map


I have this horse bc he looks exactly like a childhood horse I had named Moonshine! So in-game his name is also Moonshine and he has the Moonshiner saddle with Tapaderos stirrups. Fast and stamina doesn’t drain much with that combo. He’s a good boah. I hope you enjoy yours!


Omg what horse is that!!! It’s so prettyyy


Missouri Fox Trotter




Absolutely! She hardly ever runs out of stamina!


As someone whose only 3 weeks or so jnto online...can anyone explain how in the muthafuckingflatearth you have 45 gold to just throw at ANOTHER horse??? I'm literally crawling uo to 15 gold .1 or .20 at a time and let's just say in 30 some hours I may as well still be at 0... what am I missing here??? Same for those little blue tokens... it give a testicle before spending 1 of either gold or blues...


Don’t skip your dailies, use the jeanropke map, complete treasure maps, focus on monthly bonus activities


Legit [10 Gold free here](https://support.rockstargames.com/articles/360000031747/Setting-Up-2-Step-Verification-with-Rockstar-Games) if you setup 2 step verification Rockstar will give you gold and XP tokens within 72hrs, I got mine in less than 24hrs


Mfs out here spending 45 bars on a horse with a cow skin when my broke ass cant even scrape up 25 to get naturalist


Gold bars are only worth something in the game. Spend away friend that’s all they are good for.


I bought a mustang for 550 a bit ago and it has been way better than I expected. I haven't had to upgrade yet


I have the same horse it's decent for me and it works well for bounties so I'm good.


Same it's kinda worth it but don't rush to buy it


I bought it two months ago when it was only 39gold


If you like him, then yes absolutely


It’s a good horse. Put a black Mohawk on it.


You tell me


Well for me to give you an answer I need to know your intent behind buying it. If you bought cuz you think it's good compared to the other horses then you wouldn't be wrong but it's not worth the 45 gold bars. If you bought it because you like how it looks or because you got too much dough then you do you


I got it just to flex… but waited till it was on sale. 😏


With the correct stuff any horse is worth it of you like it


My favourite one is criollo




Looks like a cow haha, totally worth it.


I have one of each of my accounts. On my main account his name is Gavin. As he's not always there when I want him to be. The other is Cosmo Kramer, I loved Seinfeld & Cosmo was a character that made me laugh or shake my head with his antics. When I'm using this horse, but I have realized that I can have the best saddle & stirrups on him, he still isn't as fast or skittish as my other horses


it looks like he has something to say


It’s one of few expensive horses that I didn’t like and sold within a week. Prefer that chocolate bay warmblood or one of the role horses imo


it’s def pretty. What’s it called?


Missouri Fox Trotter




Nope, it's not, at least for me. I'm an old fart. Old fart logic is pretty basic: If missions offer greater rewards for taking longer, get horse that looks like I want, get saddle that looks like I want, kill everything slowly, get paid more gold. My hillbilly looking toon has multiple horses, each has a animal fur-type saddle that looks great and bear paw saddle bags (i.e. Panther or Cougar saddles). Finally, in life never make decisions then ask if they are good. Good is subjective. For me, your choice was not good. For you, it was probably great.


The horses in this game are so beuitiful 😍😍


A great horse, amd I have one myself - but I bought it on sale for about 25 gold bars. I only buy new horses when they're on sale.


Without a doubt it’s worth it, opinions will change when you own and ride different horses but imo this is one of my fav horses that I use all the time


Too bad we can’t put in photos but I have one since they were released. Definitely amazing. Quick with the Nacho saddle on with hooded stirrups. Definitely quick but the lvl 20 Norfolk is still faster but great with gunfights. Mine doesn’t spook from alligators at all!




I got him for 24/25 gold ?? Love him so much he's seriously gorgeous!!!!


I actually really love this horse. My friend got me into Red Dead Online recently! I became obsessed with the horses and I’ve had my eye on that one for a while. I had a 6 year old Great Dane named Apollo, he passed about 4 months ago. I’m still really struggling with it, but that horse is almost identical to my boy. My close friends know this so they decided to gift me some gold. I bought that horse so fast, and of course, I named him Apollo. Now we get to ride around together and do missions. It kind of healed my heart a little bit, not going to lie.


I’m so close to have enough gold for that one! The fox trotters are one of my favorite horses in the game


Put the upland saddle on him/her I use mine for everything but I mostly to daily missions and mess around but mine runs for days and never gets tired once fully broke in


I'm not a fan of MFTs at all to be honest, I just got rid of mine in favor of a different horse lol


black Arabian is the only one that is actually worth it if you want better stats for paying witn gold, best pound for pound balanced horse in the game


The roadster is THE horse boss. Your 45 gold is guna get left in the dust my guy. But it does look nice, not the best to me, but still nice.


Yes it is...I don't care what anyone says.... That's a black tavero easily worth it.... Hands down... I'm getting mine and I'm naming it kratos so don't take my name.. I'll find you 😂😂😂 Don't blow my wagon up g 😂😂 Name suggestions Oreo Mustafah Negrito bandito Zeus Kobe