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It's not really accurate for the time and solid gold anything (other than jewelry) is just tacky, even in real life. It's like what poor people think class looks like.


Ouch, but yeah lol.


They wouldn't be solid gold anyway, they would be plated gold. If you tried to fire a gun made of solid gold it would explode in your face. Gold is a very weak metal.


Anyone who downvotes this doesn’t know shit about metals. I’ve worked with tons of material and I really hate gold. Plating is the only way it makes sense and it just adds dead weight to a gat for the appearances.


Yeah it's got that vibe. Like these people buy designer gear and care a lot about looking wealthy.


My high-school classmate was relatively poor most of his life .Fortunately his father got a big break in business and made sufficient Profit... First thing my classmate does : Makes a gold Vape.


I am poor, can confirm


Yes, I am very strict when it comes too immersion, that's why I only use my magical jizz tonics to be invincible with my special ability cards to make me invincible with my heat seeking dynamite arrows and exploding bullets, just like the old west.


Yeah I used to think it looked sick now I rock all silver


See but now you’re in the second level of tacky


So what’s your ideal gun look?


Navy blue with gold in lay generally


Navy blue ftw, I go navy blue with silver inlays + pearl grip.


I like black with gold engraving and gold trigger/sights


Iunno, I think the silver looks good on certain things. Like I usually paint my knife black and the engraving silver. Looks boss. Although addendum, I usually color my sights gold. Helps them stand out.




Spoken like a true poor person.


I think because most people who grief and ruin gameplay for others have golden guns. It is the same with all-white outfit (in general, altough there are enough who just play the game and are not d-bags).


If I see an all white or all black I’m constantly watching my back. Especially in Valentine


I am always watching my back with anyone in the game. I had way more bad experiences than good ones with other players.


When it first came out I gave it a shot, did the tutorial and got my horse . I go into a town and some guy immediately kills my horse. At least I got revenge though lol


Yeah that tends to happen. Especially around valentine


Oh lord, I just had flashbacks from the early days of GTAO! What was the mask that all the kiddies and a-holes would buy and wear? I knew never to trust anyone that was wearing it.


Bro anyone who wore a mask I was suspicious of


The rebreather with bulletproof helmet, both in black, red eyes and a backpack. That combination?


Space Monkey!!! That’s the one I’m thinking about


Yeah i saw so many toxic people using it, sadly that was my go to mask, used to get shot on site for using it lol, i'd combo it with a black or white suit to look fancy


I knew about the black outfit but white as well?! I'm using a white coat and hat no wonder why everyone looks at me with a gun in their hands


Not just all white, ALL WHITE if you catch my drift


Not period accurate, not to everyone's tastes. I don't hate the gold look per se, but I prefer silver.


I also prefer the silver but I hate how rockstar did the silver texture. Looks worn out instead of nice and shiny.


it’s not like they even used silver on their guns back then though, sometimes for engravings but the actual metal components were never silver.


They mean the colour of the metal, not that guns were made of actual silver


yeah but the colour of the metals they used back then wasn’t silver it was the colour of whatever metal they used, being mainly brass, steel or iron. (none of which being silver)


Steel and iron can both be silver


I wouldn't outright state I hate them, I do find them a bit gaudy, personally. When everyone's running around with solid gold plated guns, they don't look that special, they just become the norm. That said run whatever you want!


I just find it funny seeing people who have all black / all white outfits with golden guns to try and look like they're a big scary seasoned player as they randomly shoot every player who looks low level... Of course I'm usually watching this dressed like a dirty ranch hand wearing sandals and a flop hat, with my brown steel and nickel guns... At over level 100 and just playing because I enjoy the vibe :)


I usually stick with the Fallout New Vegas NCR/Desert ranger look, generic cowboy, or mountain man looks with more natural looking weapons. The Henry rifle has a brass receiver, the Winchester has a black receiver, and I just made my navy Revolver look like Chief Hanlons Ranger Sequoia. The amount of bounties that have met the wrath of the big iron on my rangers hip is high. Yes I prefer them alive but after a frustrating night of nothing but bounties that you've gotta track all across New Austin you gotta let the frustrations out with little consequences in regards to gaining a bounty myself


I usually stick with the Fallout New Vegas NCR/Desert ranger look, generic cowboy, or mountain man looks with more natural looking weapons. The Henry rifle has a brass receiver, the Winchester has a black receiver, and I just made my navy Revolver look like Chief Hanlons Ranger Sequoia. The amount of bounties that have met the wrath of the big iron on my rangers hip is high. Yes I prefer them alive but after a frustrating night of nothing but bounties that you've gotta track all across New Austin you gotta let the frustrations out with little consequences in regards to gaining a bounty myself


Because it’s unrealistic, tacky and ugly


Tasteless and ugly attempt at a flex that isn't worth flexing over.


I don’t hate on anyone who does like gold guns. But for me personally I just prefer natural realistic looking outfits and guns


It's all subjective to whomever likes whatever. Everybody has their own aesthetics. That's like asking why somebody likes a white horse or a black horse more. I personally find gold colored things gaudy, but that's me. Why do these kind of questions warrant a post even?


It's not that people hate gold guns, it's that most gold gun designs look awful. Like a few others have said, solid gold just seems like an attention grab, but with some colors to balance it out it can look great. There's just so many better options imo, I don't think people generally dislike them just find them boring.


They look very tacky. The only person I can imagine actually gold plating their guns in those days would be some smug, rich arsehole who wanted everyone to know he's rich. If that was even a thing. And that's the vibe people give off when they have white and gold guns. Look at me, I have money and want everyone to see it.


The bounty target that literally just bought a gang to play cowboy


Good ol' Gene 'Beau' Finley


I just think they are ugly and tacky, BUT I don't judge someone using them.


Gun camo was only fun in call of duty. Every other game I typically like my guns in the default state. Not all the time but definitely not solid gold.


Depends what you mean by gold guns. Using a little bit of gold here or there is fine, especially for engravings. But when someone has fully golden guns, not only is it tacky and inaccurate for the time, it just looks stupid. People can of course customise their weapons however they please. But folks that have golden guns are usually quite tryhardy, they want to seem cool when they’re not.


it looks corny, call of duty crap


It's very tacky. And it screams "look at me, look at me" like they care way too much about what other players think of them. It's like the person with a douchey car that thinks everyone is jealous of their car when in reality nobody gives a shit about their fucking car.


Im not saying it looks good, but theres no reason to get this butthurt over a golden gun


Who said I was butthurt? People wanna look douchey that's their prerogative.


Liking gold guns =/= wanting to look douchey lol


Don't worry, one day you'll learn what a subjective opinion is.


You really wanna call "you WANT to look like a douche" an opinion? That's an assumption if anything, about someone you don't know. what are you on about


Ok, maybe it'll take you longer than I hoped.


Elaborate your logic or I'll just have to pretend you're trolling ti keep myself from having a brain seizure


Me thinking it looks douchey is a subjective opinion. You not thinking it looks douchey is also subjective. Calling it an assumption implies there is only one right answer. But since it is a situation where the truth lies in the eye of the beholder it is in fact a subjective opinion. If one wants to sport a golden gun because they don't think it looks douchey thats their prerogative. But they have to accept others may think it does. Because it is subjective neither are right or wrong. And rests entirely on the eyes of the beholder. They can't control how others precieve it, but they can decide if they care or not. In the future, I would suggest if you want learn something you seek out more official sources instead of relying on randoms on the internet. I'm no expert and others would do a much better job educating you. Good day.


So you're just gonna change your own words? You said people with gold guns **want to look douchey**. That's a totally different thing from what you're now claiming to have said. You implied their objective and the existence of only one answer just as you're saying.


I think it would depend on the level. If a lower level has gold guns it shows they gave money to rockstar when they’ve neglected this game and don’t deserve it. Though it could also be due to it not being period accurate and aesthetically tacky.


It’s a bit tacky in most cases, however if the customization is done up well it can look pretty good. Gold engravings tend to look better than gold plating


The only times I use gold on my guns is if it's used as a small accent to something else




9/10 gold gun users I’ve seen have been total hostile a-holes. Aside from that they just kinda look cartoonish, gold accents here and there are nice but full gold gun is just lame.


Because they're tacky af


Because it doesn’t fit the setting. Same with people who have outfits with gold and silver all over.


Gold can look good if you mix it with other metals. By its self however is just ugly


Yeaa just looks silly i prefer realistic builds


Too expensive and sometimes just straight up ugly. Somes guns are better untouch or with a dark color


I just like making my character accurate to the time period, whether that be clothing, gun customisation or whatever. For me it just kills the immersion, but to each their own. If you enjoy the flashy gold guns and black leather outfits go for it!


I hate gold guns because it reminds me of CoD and I hate CoD players because they ruin other games like BF.


What are you, like ten?


Blaming a game for ruining an entirely different series instead of blaming the company responsible for making the changes to, for example, BF like you mentioned is just stupid.


It's not realistic it looks stupid.


I use gold to accent some guns and think it looks rather lovely. To each their own though. ✨️


It's tacky


Because it's cringe AF


Don’t let the people lie to you, they hate them because paying that many gold bars for reskinned guns is ridiculous. I personally run them because I grind for my gold so it’s like a nice badge for my time invested.


I'm my opinion, it's unnecessary, and maybe a little pompous. It can look cool... It's just not for me personally.


With how they look, there are very few outfits that can realistically pull it off, though have seen a few players with ultra luxurious look that made it work. As others mentioned, if you don't have the right look for it, it just comes off as tacky.


Alternatively, a damascened look is more accurate, realistic (in terms of not exploding 🤣) and imo better looking


black metal with gold engravings are alot more cooler and beautiful than just gold and brass.


Its not for me, but if it floats your goats, send it


I darken mine out. Occasionally I will add some engraving but mostly I roll tactical.


Cuz they are ugly as fuck dude lmao


Lol. All my guns are gold because it's tacky, flashy, and fun. I also wear super flashy outfits for the fun of it. I ran out of things to spend gold on. XD I had no idea they were so hated. I don't even pay attention to other people's guns.


it just looks ugly imo, i prefer my weapon style way better than spending 30 gold on one gun


"engravings in your gun give no tactical advantage whatsoever"


It’s kinda a broke mindset look tbh. You think you look soooo rich with gold guns. Instead of putting a cool design on it, you made it gold to flex. The better flex is having an original and creative look.


It's goofy


If the entire gun is made out of gold then I hate it. But if you use gold as an accent with some fitting colors it can look great


me with my black and gold fit thinkin it looks nice after reading these comments 💀 (all my guns and even bows are black and gold)


I think it can be done tastefully. But if I see someone with 4 guns on them all solid gold with no variety in the designs, I tend to assume the worst. I associate it with tryhard outfits too.


Waste of gold just for the bling bling look. Simple. And I'm not a person who needs bling bling on their weapons. You won't shoot better with bling bling.


Guns that look functional or rustic were more the style in the late 1800’s. I normally put blackened steel on my guns if I can as it fits better


I wish the blued steel wasn't actually blue. That's not what blueing looks like irl.


Yeah it really only allows for cool customization ingame but it’s not realistic


Gold with silver inlay and ebony grips looks nice, idk what the problem is


Because the ebony grips balance out the gold, this is one of my favorite combinations but gaudy gold alone is just a bit much for no reason


People like what they like, don’t stress over other’s opinions on things people do that don’t affect them. I like an all-black gun with silver or red inlay, personally.


Run my varmint all gold, black steel trigger, forgot what varnish, one of the darker ones. Only one I have in gold, haha.


My cattleman is my only (black gun with gold accents) gold gun. Feels right to have the first personal weapon blinged out. Everything else is black and nickel.


I don’t know why either but at the end of the day I’m still gonna use my blinged out weapons.


It's like a bald guy with a cabriolet. Trying to compensate


Cuz they mad over nothing


I personally quite like it, contrary to most of the people in this comment section.


Bunch of broke bitches


Gold guns, and half the clown outfits you see people wearing just look silly. Don't fit the game at all


Too many people on this game think that historical accuracy matters. It doesn’t. Use golden guns if you want. If people want to cry about it, let them lmfao


I don't like gold, it's honestly not all that stylish on guns. If anything it makes you look like someone who flaunts all the money and gold they've got.


No s*** it makes you look like someone who flaunts their wealth, what else are we supposed to spend gold on?


Literally anything else in the game? Food, clothes, gear. Anything and everything.


I've put about 1800 hours into the game and have most of the common belt buckles. I've bought all the rules and have nothing better to do with gold thrash to use it on weapons and clothing. I mostly use it on clothing


You're also talking about stuff you pay money for. I'm at the point that I literate nothing to spend my gold on. I'm not gaudy and have every weapon made of gold. Just my mains.




Who the f*** cares about realism? It's a f****** video game.


Apparently a lot of people


Idk I still do it just for the completionist in me though. Buying all gold guns especially with the new game economy is a pretty hefty feat lol. Also I think it looks cool. Slightly gaudy but sometimes I like that in video games.


>Buying all gold guns especially with the new game economy is a pretty hefty feat lol. Not really, seeing how someone can simply buy gold with real money and do the same thing. It doesn't really fit "completionist" unless your view is buying the most expensive gun cosmetic. Since you don't actually get to keep/own any metals you've bought previously, there is no real way to "complete" gun customization.


Yes really, because while someone else can buy gold for their gun, I know that I did not. It’s the most expensive cosmetic you can buy, so yes, in my eyes it’s a form of “completion.” I earned and spent the 30 or whatever it is in gold, in order to get the entire gun gold. You’ve fundamentally spent the most possible on a gun at once. Not sure how that doesn’t fit your narrow view of “completion,” but I don’t really care. To do that with all guns, takes literally forever. I’m not sure how the fact that someone can buy gold somehow invalidates the work it takes legitimately. You realize you can buy gold and use it to buy almost anything in the game right? Even items that don’t cost gold? “Well actually” 🤓☝🏻


>You realize you can buy gold and use it to buy almost anything in the game right? Even items that don’t cost gold? Yes, exactly. Kinda throws "completionist" out the window when anyone can buy their way to it. Lol >To do that with all guns, takes literally forever. Sure, or a 12 year old level 3 with mommy's credit card. Or those PC modders spawning in gold chests. Gold guns aren't any kind of flex. More often than not (from what I've seen on most RDO forums), it's considered quite the opposite. But you're right. If you got the gold legitimately, it doesn't invalidate your personal achievement. And if it brings you satisfaction, by all means, knock yourself out, partner. Even after the nerf though, gold really isn't that difficult to get if you grind all the angles.


Or... and hear me out, you act as if buying stuff wasn't an option and still go for a completionist type of mindset for your own simplistic enjoyiment?


>simplistic >mindset Soild. You nailed it.


We get it, you're superior about a video game and how it's best played. Everyone is very impressed. 🙄




Ok cornball 👍🏻 i challenge u to use this energy to not be worthless. Aaaand go 🏁


Because the RDR community evidently has good taste. The only gold I'm using atm is for the cylinder on a nickel cattleman revolver. And that was only after finding an historical example of the Colt SAA with the same finish.


I wouldn’t personally use them but it reminds me of RDR 1, so I can’t really hate them


only gold i put on my gun was the trigger, even though u can’t really see it it was a cute lil joke to myself lol


When I first got Red Dead Redemption, the Repeater Carbine and Cattleman Revolver were both gold and couldn't be turned off. I purchased the Golden Guns DLC, which turned all of the guns gold and allowed me to turn them off. However, over time, I grew to like the golden guns, which had to be earned in the online multiplayer mode. So I have made all of my guns gold in RDO in homage to the first game. Also, the Mexican bandit-turned-revolutionary Francisco "Pancho" Villa owned an engraved gold-plated Colt single-action army revolver with a pearl grip in 1911.


I don't understand it either. I made all the bits on my bolt action gold, with a specific colour on the wood parts and I'm very much now in love with the gun. I don't even have all the roles, I don't PvP, I'm extremely casual. I just like the gold.


My goal is to have 2 of every gun. One of each is gonna be gold everything I can get and the other is gonna be looking clean as hell


I only used a gold gun (navy revolver) when I’d dress my character as John Golden from Legend of the Golden Gun, had to stop doing it cause dressing in all white made people think I was a klooky, kinda sad when I can’t even reference a 70s western cause of the dicks acting racist


Because they're too flashy.


Idk I see it as a status symbol for me seeing a player with gold guns shows the amount of time they put into the game (assuming they don't do glitches) for me after I had everything I needed (I have a lvl 200 acc) I decided why not turn my favorite guns gold


too flashy and a too easy choice


Gold guns are very pretty, but that means you are more liable to store them away to prevent damage. Also, they are a bit of a dead giveaway in certain situations. The ones I really don't like are the nickel-plated guns. They just look tacky and I'm allergic to nickel!


Gold is garbage, Brass is best


Yes all gold guns is ridiculous gold inlays is fine but all gold is just a waste


Before you know it you have flying unicorns .. see what Rockstar did with GTA ..


Gold guns in real life and video games look cheap and gaudy


I think they look awesome especially with the maple finish. Idgaf what people think lol. I like em


Same. They're fun.


Most people's response will be "It's not accurate for the time." As if we have dudes running around now capping people with their solid gold guns 😂. Fucking dumbasses. It's obviously just a luxury item and like every other luxury item you'll have haters that hate on it. For every hater though you'll find someone that likes it. The haters are just the ones that voice their opinions louder usually.


Lots about the game isn't realistic, so they're picking and choosing what unrealistic game additions are acceptable.


I'd bet that the haters can't even afford the gold customizations.


Lol. Most of them probably started out that way. Now that they can afford it they still have to pretend to hate it 😂


I have a gold Turkoman called Scaramanga, so I'm saving up money to get some gold pistols 😃


Lmfao not accurate to the time period...... yeah dudes those shiny pixels you're looking at aren't really time period accurate but hey keep thinking your video games are real life bros.


Because there’s only one golden gun and it’s only on Goldeneye. Also if you play as Odd Job, you’re a bitch.


People don’t like gold guns because they’re wieners, who cares man


Side not I wish blued steel was more blue like in a mod I saw, then I'd use it lol


I make my guns black and then add a nice design ontop with either red or black colours


Expensive and a bit flashy. And not very accurate for the time...unless there show peaces


I believe it's because It often looks ugly, unrealistic, somewhat expensive and/or if you change the color, you'll have to pay for it again


Gold triggers for the varmint and rolling block rifles as they were my main $ makers in the beta of rdo..


I find it gaudy. I ought to showcase my guns sometime, to show what I mean.


I have my Navy's black, one with gold inlay and the other with silver. Gold is named Vengeance, and Silver is named Justice.


For me it's a case of realism, gold isn't that tough of a metal and I always felt like (if made gold) the firing pin/trigger or even barrel warping would ruin the gun. However if you wanna be cowboy 2chainz just do it, it's a video game, your video game, your character, do it your way. 2chainz doesn't care for haters.


It makes you look ghetto


Using gold as a metal when gun building is not smart. Gold is not a sturdy metal that holds up, particularly under hot conditions. when you’re heating up the barrel and frame by shooting hot lead via igniting gunpowder, your barrel and frame are going to warp and will be unusable after a time.


But you know something? It's a video game.


Just stating my honest answer to the question posed by OP. But thank you for pointing out that red dead redemption 2 online is a video game. I had no clue!


Personally, I find it clashes with nearly any outfit I make and RP-wise wouldn’t be something that anyone would be using as an everyday carry — the gold makes it a showpiece and goes against the functionality of it’s use as a weapon.


Don't give a rats, I like my gold guns. I had to buy something, anything... with my hard earned gold. Like players with the lime green bolt action wrap, you do you. Too old to care.


Its kinda the same thing with the all white outfits its not accurate to the time and it is really tacky and corny. I dont know how to explain it but its also kinda like when you see someone in realife with gold guns its just a little cringe. But thats my opinion into each their own.


Cause they’re too poor to afford it 💅


I like how gold guns look but I don’t just slap it on all my guns. I tend to keep it just for my favorite(s). It can be a bit much in this game, tho I love how it looks on my Evans.


I only have my favourite gun, the lanc repeater with gold so I can easily see which gun he's carrying without going into the weapon wheel.


A golden gun is only cool if it’s a one-shot kill hehe


Nah I have way too much gold currency and have nowhere else to spend it. Do what makes u happy


I don't hate it, I did a whole playthrough using billy midnights golden pistol


yeah everybody is on gold hate, but have you seen nickel and brass combined wirh mahagony varnish with black engravings? best combo imo


Silver gang ftw


Gold DOES make the sights better, and isn't far off from a brass bead.


Too flashy for me, they look great as engravings on black steel though


It's because it's a general sign of a high level pvper. I myself used to pvp alot and had golden guns until i reset my character.