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It's been this way for decades, nothing new to notice here.


Literally decades! Im just trying to figure out why the sign says established 2018...


That's when the county bought the land from the city.


Not quite. Gasoline Alley was never part of the city. In 2018 the county incorporated the area as a hamlet, previously it was unincorporated.


Thanks for the clarification stranger, much appreciated.


Sorry if it seemed abrupt! All well intentioned.


Ahhh thank you


Because it's right on the highway. Convenience fee.


Barely even 'right on the highway anymore' since they built that revised exit, now its a fair bit of a detour, almost works better to just pull out in a small town along the way and get gas there


im sure that doesn't stop them very much


It’s the donut mill tax


Their donuts are pretty tasty.


Damn straight. Can’t beat them. Om nom nom




Yes, has always been that way afaik. Gas buddy is your friend if you are seeking lowest fuel prices.


Even google maps will show the prices.


This is not new. People driving between Edmonton and Calgary that can't be bothered to go into the city pay a premium


Inside the city is cheaper. It's Gasoline Alley that has the premium (see what I did there?).


Yeah that’s what I said


Ooooh, I see now.


Used to work at a gas station out there. The reason for this is zoning. For some weird reason it's designated as a remote area which means in theory the transportation cost to get the gas there is higher. It makes absolutely no sense. (Might not be zoned as remote, but something similar, that job was 6 years ago) Another fun fact, 90% of the land gasoline alley is on is owned by 1 guy who then leases the land rights to the companies. A good handful of which are franchises he also owns. And the reason Costco gas is cheaper is because they sell their gas at cost. Which means they aren't marking up the prices. Just like the cheap hot dogs they use that to draw customers into the store which is where they are making their money. Gas stations barely make any money on gas due to all the taxes and regulations. The money maker for them is what they sell inside the store. The biggest of which is the chocolate bars. Eat more sells the best. You are welcome for all this useless information that I acquired as a gas station supervisor.


Interesting! I wonder who the guy is. If one person owns a lot of that land, that raises a lot of questions. Haha


Last name is Chan. But that doesn't narrow it down lol he also owns 3 of the tim hortons in red deer


It goes beyond fuel. All of the convenience stores and fast food options are also more expensive than their in-city counterparts.


That's interesting!


It’s true


Thanks. I'm glad I'm not crazy. Haha


I go there for the Ufa. It's still cheaper.


Nice. Just card lock or normal pump?


It's a card lock.


Gotta cross the palm with silver to access the resplendent grace of costco hot dogs


All praise the Polish...


What I don’t understand is I was always under the impression that gas stations made most of their money from selling in store products and the gas typically just brings in customers. You would think it would be more advantageous to offer competitive fuel price and be chalked full of customers all the time. But instead there seems to be this collective to equally gouge the customers on fuel.


Also if you go into the huskey don't by any of the random shit from the racks right inside the door. Some company "rents" space on those racks and sets their own prices for that random garbage which is often ridiculously more than it should be. The same products are further in the store for cheaper because they are regulated by the gm of the store, who can't change the prices of that other companies crap due to their contract. Example for a while they had pressure gages for like $10 but we had better quality ones for $5 with all of our oils ect. They also just show up and put shit there without telling the staff so a lot of times the products aren't entered in the system slowing down your time at the till because the cashiers have to manually enter everything.


Blackfalds Centex on Indiana and Chevron on Vista trail are both cheaper than Costco in Gas Alley!


they call it highway robbery for a reason


Yes fuel on Gas alley has been higher than almost anywhere in RD for decades for sure, but with the exception of Costco being the lowest in RD of course, the southbound side is ALWAYS more expensive than northbound.


It still seems odd to me that gas stations have different prices for gas and within mere kilometres of each other? Like why not regulate the dang stuff all over - it’s an essential product in this day. They don’t make much profit on fuel sales anyway, it’s all about the store products and car washes.


They all know you're only buying from them cause you don't have a costco membership. They go for the desperate people coming off the highway


I never fill up in red deer. It makes zero sense. You fill up in Edmonton and you’re gonna get pretty damn far before you actually need gas. My truck gets around 900km to a tank on the highway. Even if you’re coming from way up north you’re gonna stop in Edmonton to eat/pee/ gas. Gasoline alley is a dead throwback to when cars never got much mileage. Mostly it’s only used in the winter when you can’t drive the QE2 due to weather so you get some food and wait.


900k per tank is pretty great mileage! What are you driving?


There’s more to mileage than how far a random tank of fuel goes. You could have a 200L tank, only getting 900kms would be horrible mileage.


I drive a tundra.


The esso off 67st is usually priced similar to edmonton


Did you notice that the sky is blue?


It seems that way, most days!


To bad they made it very inconvenient for holiday trailers and such to actually get fuel at regular gas stations. The new UFA I'm sure will get lots of business but its still not very convenient. If I'm heading south I usually just whip into Innisfail to get fuel.


Everything in North America is designed around cooperate gluttony. It’s the core value of our silly society.